New Bioshock confirmed to star Elizabeth & Big Daddies

Thoughts Yea Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-21 New BioShock To Star Big Daddies And Elizabeth .png (1532x897, 1.28M)

there was a steady flow of porn already so I don't get why this was needed

that's some weird phrasing
elizabeth and some "big daddies" hehe

>7 months ago from a literal who
>not even an announcement and the year is almost over
yeah sure buddy

too late, they already fucked the series with infinite

What ever happened to Ken Levine?

Burial at sea was so awful please no

Not enough of best version of Liz though.

BaS Liz is a godly design but her game sucked, she deserves a second chance.

not really. it was the guy who decided to give her huge tits in sfm that deserves the chance to make a new game

They should ditch the whole multiverse shenanigans, It's just a source of uneccessary convoluted stuff and plot holes.
Or at least make bioshock a series where each game is in a different world while maintaining the gameplay and writing style.
But that's just me.

Just no to liz please...I'd rather have another spin off esque like minervas den

Bioshock is dead, system shock is being revived

I think he started his own company. I remember a trailer for a walking simulator years ago, but I think it hasn't been released.

They should make a new xxxShock game. Why Prey isn't named Neuroshock is beyond me though.

Attached: 20190730103447_1.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)


>Thoughts Yea Forums?
she looks like she fucks black guys

Gotta keep that prey license

I read that as New Bioshock to Star Big Diddies and Elizabeth

>that sounds like a porn version

Also no. Nobody asked for it, nobody needs it, nobody wants it

What will the setting and period be? Surely not Rapture or Columbia again?

>system shock is being revived
This is going to be a Monkey's Paw. Mark my words Yea Forums. You will regret wanting it to return. It will be nothing like the original and it will be streamlined and as safe as can be. Screencap this because it's not gonna be what you want.

System Shock is literal who trash, nobody cares

Because it's not the same publisher or dev. Bethesda has no claim to the ____Shock franchise.

Bioshock Infinite was already a Monkey's Paw, nigga. We're already in hell.

Irrational Games was rebranded as "Ghost Story Games" and he is currently working on "Untitled Ghost Story Games Project".

Attached: Ghost_story_logo.png (300x304, 130K)

Got tired of the AAA bloat cause he wanted to make more experimental stuff. If you read the behind the scenes of Infinite, dude was not having a good time. Infinite actually did not sell that well and all around the development the executives were hounding him to make it more like COD, which is why the game is more linear than initially reveled.

I fucking hated that DLC, it is an achievement than Levine manged to ruin both Bioshock and Infinite with just a (well a two parter) DLC pack.

Its gonna have to be another voice, the Elizabeth voice actress doesn't act anymore. She is a lawyer now and works for some big firm.

I agree, no way it turns out well.

I still don't know how these same people made SWAT 4, one of my favorite games ever.


I dont think Levine directed Swat 4 user.

Yeah, but the same studio. You know what I mean.

Bioshock has always been shit.

I'd be her big daddy if you know what I mean.


Why use her? She's dead didn't she serve her purpose? and don't give me that there's always a lighthouse nonsense.

because we need brand recognition for maximum shekels goy
how will you dumb goys buy our game if it has a name you've never heard before?

She died at the end of Burial at Sea so I don't really know how that could work

Unless it takes place in an AU but then what's the point.

All in all though I don't mind as long as they make it work and Elisabeth gets better voice direction. I hate how know-it-all and cunty she always sounds

System shock is dead anyway, worst case we can just ignore it like Thiaf. There's not a real downside which would allow this to be called a Monkey's Paw.

>Or at least make bioshock a series where each game is in a different world while maintaining the gameplay and writing style.
I agree with this, and it would fit withing the multiverse narrative since there are infinite universes, so there are infinite possibilities for Columbia.