We were right all along.
Walking Sim
I gotta respect the balls of the dude for going with something this out of his wheelhouse.
With that said, it's open world, so I'm still not playing it.
>It's a walking si-
oh gee, another one of them walking around the map doing things game? god dang it, and here I though we're gunna have one of them cringe rpg maker game or some hipster rouge-like "gem." FUCKING GEE.
Can you get anymore butthurt?
how's your little mobile game, zoomie?
Implying my blackberry plays games.
Looks like Monsters Inc kek. Kind of amazed I didn't think so, the first few times I watched the trailer.
They told me to WALK THIS WAY
blackberrys don't come with brick breaker anymore?
Illegal inmigration simulator?
running simulator?
I told you so.
>Yakety Sax
but skyrim sucks dick
It's a game about connecting the disparate strands of humanity that have survived a world altering calamity.
yep by walking to and from them
I actually like it
Then why are there vehicles.
gotta spice things up now and then
2018 GOTY: God of War (PS4 exclusive)
2019 GOTY: Death Stranding (PS4 exclusive)
2020 GOTY: Final Fantasy 7 (PS4 exclusive)
and urinating.
I honestly think it's interesting.
The typical "walking sim" just has you hold W/up while looking at the scenery or listening to people talk. Whereas in Death Stranding the actual act of traversal matters. There's mechanics there. It's not even remotely the same thing as Dear Esther.
2019 GOTY is Outer Wilds.
I expect there will be stuff like the bandits and BTs to break up the walking sim part, but I am surprised how fucking big that walking part seems to be. The in-game map shows a large city to the East, and some random locations nearby that could be safehouses or something
>the director of the GOTY is inside the game
Dude ir rigged AF
Geoff is only 1 of the votes, he's not the only vote within the game awards committee. Cope more.
>a cameo by The Games Awards creator, Geoff Keighley
The guy that present this is in like smash lol
Could you not type like a mongoloid faggot normie?
>an advertisement show is rigged
what are you talking about, you colossul faggot? "game of the year" means nothing beyond personal taste.
He's a hack of whacks off to white women and rubs shoulders with outcasts of filmmakers
walking sims ≠ bad games
the game looks comfy
There is zero chance final fantasy 7 wins game of the year. Its a japanese game, it has an anime art style, its an RPG and a remake. No fucking way in hell is that game winning game of the year. They'll find some movie game to give it to, don't worry.
>running sim
to tease you
what is the point of this other than to prove that exclusives horrible for consumers? grow up
This is the first time in my life where I see a game from someone I like and that looks actually quite unique and I have anti hype because the game looks so fucking boring and disappointing.
>H-he's fast!
Fake pretty sure Kojimbo can't speak Engrish properly
Im praying this is another shit show trailer montage so he can subvert expectations when the game actually releases
I dont care what the story is, the game looks fucking awful
If you are going to do that then start small. Don't make it your first AAA project for a new employer, and have a crap ton of merchandise made before anyone even has seen the game. This was hubris.
You don't get it it's not a game where you walk, it's a game -about- walking.
Walking Sims aren't open world, and you can't do anything other than walking.
>*huff huff* ...thirteen percent...
Is it any surprise a collective of neckbeards that live an 80% sedentary life style in front of their computer constantly replaying games made 2 decades ago (which can be also reduced to walking simulators if you wanna be a pedantic fuck but who's paying attention) would be turned off by a game where walking is a mechanic? I mean theres literally footage of vehicles being utilized by the protagonist in this game but let's just call it a walking simulator cuz I wanna fit in to my sekrit club of fellow non-conformists on my israeli basket weaving enthusiasts image board. God this place makes me fucking sick. I can't wait for all you idiot's to be BTFO'd when this hot shit drops in a few months.
that giant ass backpack looks goofy lmao
Skyrim is literally the worst example of a "walk around the map doing shit" game, it's fucking godawful.
Post your favorite walking sims
Stefanie is having lots of fun at the FFVII and Cyberpunk booths and not even thinking about the Death Stranding booth. Do you guys think Kojima regrets his thoughts and deeds yet? I'm sure he's very jealous.
Do white people really play shitty walking sims instead of just going outside?
At least with 2k I can LARP as Lebron or someone who's actually good at basketball.
The walking in this was so kino
You mean walking with a ball simulator?
she's a huge ffvii fangirl, of course she's gonna go cream herself over in that booth over a man who professionally (and maybe more?) ghosted you.
that's so nice of you to boycott this snoy exclusive open world game.
but please don't pretend it isn't your first. you didn't boycott every other open world game this gen so why bother wearing this one on your sleeve?
Many great walks had in this, every step a masterpiece. You even get to walk in french.
so you can experience walking while sitting
Oops forgot game
No stupid that's not what it's about that's just it's genre
Walking sims aren't games. This says that it's a game about walking therefore it is a game therefore it is not a walking sim. OP is a faggot. Case closed.
Sony fanboys, have some dignity. Don't buy this garbage.
It's a Walk'N'Piss genre
Dont forget this walking simulator classic
I'm here to simulate walking and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of bubblegum
Not a walking sim.
How is it not? You walk the entire game.
Here's the game that invented the walking simulator genre btw for you newfags
Step aside, greatest walking simulator of all time coming thru
How can you have a walking simulator without "legs"
>Is it any surprise a collective of neckbeards that live an 80% sedentary life style in front of their computer[...] would be turned off by a game where walking is a mechanic?
I've seen Koji dickriders make this very witty crack a few times, but the naysayers aren't the ones acting like taking a hike is novel. That's you. You could go outside right now, pick a direction, and go. You don't have to wait for a simulation.
I legit don't see how anyone can think this game will be fun. Even trash like No Man's Sky atleast I understood why people were excited, even though it was obvious it would not deliver. This is just nothing.
Only appealing thing there is story.
You are small time let me show you big walks
oh, so it’s a running simulator
There's no need to be upset, this is my favorite walking sim, post yours friend.
Here comes Kojima defense force
You are just very stupid.
2019 GOTY is Sekiro
based running sim
>running simulator
No it's a fast walking simulator like pic related
Kojimadrones, you are embarrassing.
Pssshh this guy doesn't like walking sims? Fucking nerd
They have to though, they won't be getting another game after it for months like usual.
You seem to think that you're making a point. I wonder what it is.
I bet you've never even played the game that redefined the walking simulator
No point to be made just showing love for all the best walking simulators I've played
It's true that you do not have a point.
alkl those awards and yet sony still can't make a game for their own platform better than Microsoft, yikes.
Walk the walk if you cant talk the talk my friend.
>walking simulator where you have to dodgeroll out of attacks but you yourself cannot fight back
it's an Amnesia-like game. You have to run and hide from the unfightable monsters when they appear and the other part of the gameplay is managing your SAN meter by sitting down and smoking a cigarette to catch your breath.
What the game jacket guy is saying is that every game requires you to go from point A to point B you absolute fucking mongoloid, how long are you mentally going to block that fact you're getting fucking incinerated because you can't admit you're being contrarian?
Classic Walker, you zoomies wouldn't understand
Now this is a story all about how I walked in 2-d unlike now, now I'd like to take a minute just sit right there I'll tell you all about the time I walked to Dracula's lair
>game has walking in it
>heh it truly is walking simulator we were right all along
>walks in japanese
>Play Deus Ex
>They want me to go walk to a statue
>Then to my HQ
>Then they want me to walk into a subway
I mean, there were bad guys but I just ran passed them another hack game exposed I guess
Honestly can't wait to see this game crash and burn, already revving up the champaign for the top tier threads shitting on this schlock
I personally cant STAND these walking simulators they are showing down our throats
Technically finding the colossus takes more time than the fight most of the time, not that is a bad game mind you
It'll be just like RE2make and DMCV where you'll shitpost for a week and after getting BTFO you'll pretend you never said this, and slink back to being a cocksucking weasel
A very stupid point I might have appreciated if I had been arguing about the nature of "walking simulators" in the first place. Whoops! Went right under my head.
Don't reply beg.
You mean over your head, smooth brain
Kojidrones are so predictable in their responses, cope more
So the game takes place around US Mexico border?
Afraid not.
Godjima will rain thunder and his Magnum Opus will completely dwarf MGS3, and you'll just cling to his older titles to cope with the mental damage you'll receive from getting absolutely shitter slammed by his final masterpiece
I said it was going to be spintires but with people like eight months ago. Sadly the archives are now gone so no one will be able to see my genius.
Why the fuck do people defend Kojima again?
Of course it's not a bad game, it's been jizzed over by Yea Forumsirgins for eons on this board which makes it the perfect example to show them their own shallow hypocrisy when looking at Death Stranding gameplay
I figured that a long time ago.
>You move in videogames
Wow big news
Seething Xcucks BTFO
I haven't even played a single Mgs "game", big yikes my man
Godjima has shit out better games than you've ever crafted, drone
>why do people have preferences why doesn't everyone just like what I like and hate what I hate?
Gee user I dont know I guess I never thought of it that way
Nice side step with your normalfaggot quips.
Yikes dude, cringe, I don't actually play video games but here I am getting mad at the God himself Mr, and I mean MISTER, Hideo Kojima, don't ever address the man without his title because you're nothing more than a cock beneath his boot
>Seething Xcucks BTFO
Oh i get it now, Yea Forums is hypocritical as fuck
I know we're both shitposting because we're bored but I'll admit this post made me break character and made me kek, good job user
I'm just trying to see how outrageous I can get before someone says something
What is this, 2010?
>be engaging in various forms of movement other than walking
>game prompts me to WALK to objective
>make strawman replies up
>lol Yea Forums is biased!
That was way too obvious you gotta hone your shitposting skill man
It's not my fault I've been drinking
>I hate a game because it's popular
It's literally the biggest and dumbest fucking reason to hate something. Like who fucking says the say a game is bad only because it's popular?
This game is going to either be a masterpiece or a massive shitshow
The first multiplayer walking simulator experience, many a night spent walking into the wee hours with the lads....
It's a story about being a mailman after the apocalypse. It's not only gonna be a massive shitshow it's going to be infinitely worse than the last post-apocalyptic mailman game we had.
This game looks like it will be unintentionally fucking hilarious
cause most people are retards and like trash
almost all popular things are shit
or turn to shit upon becoming popular
it retroactivelly ruins franchises
This would've been a good movie.
Nope, pretty much a still shitty opinion, something popular doesn't retroactively make a good game bad. You just don't like it when other people talk about it. Now does that mean a later game won't be bad? Hell no, but fuck you and your lazy bitch ass thinking that once something becomes popular, it ruins everything.
>everyone wears clothes
>clothes are popular
>I'm a lvl 99 nonconformist nudist
But user there are nudist colonies with lots of people walking around naked
>fuck this gay earth YOURE ALL HIPSTERS BUT ME!
not an argument
>one has numerous bosses
>the other is just walking and hiding
Wasn't this the plot to The Road or was the dad not actually trying to get anywhere in particular?
>talk about
literally all of my favorite game franchises either died unpopular and good, or became popular and got ruined by normies and retard devs caving in
This shit looks embarrasing. Will wait for a sale or just pass
They've already shown goldmaskman who is clearly a boss fight in death stranding but by all means be as contrarian as homodemenly possible
2019 GOTY is going to be Valves 'FLAGSHIP VR GAME'.
2020 GOTY is going to be probably something not officially announced (or with very limited info, eg. Starfield).
jent is not a genre
The entire lead up to release people will think it's a walking sim. Kojima is HIDING the actualy gameplay to mislead people. That way when it launches the gameplay will blow people away and surprise them all at once
This isn't an actual product they are trying to sell isn't it? It's like a parody video right? Jesus christ whoever is hyped for this shit is delusional
I’d be curious if anyone excited about this game could name one genuinely good looking thing about the gameplay so far that makes them excited.
>world looks deader than MGSV
>slow monotonous movement in a giant fucking map
>annoying baby mechanic that didn’t work in Yakuza 6
We haven’t seen the combat, so who knows, maybe that will manage to be some weird surprise, but as of now you can get all this shit in a tech demo you could throw together in a couple months. What took him this much time to make this?
Alright I'll bite, what's your favourite franchise lad?
>MGSV broke his mind so hard he sees smoke and mirrors everywhere
Pretty sad honestly
It's set up with so much pretense it's pretty much impossible for it not to be hilarious. I hope that's a good thing.
Placing a ladder anywhere, in depth climbing mechanics, the motorcycle, creating a bond with the baby that you inevitably have to give away and let die when your journey ends, all of the details like urinating, massaging your shoulders and controlling your torso... even the combat doesnt look bad, its just that Sam isnt a soldier so it looks clunky.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing so far that makes you look at it and go "oh look that's interesting", or "this video makes me want to play the game". Like it's been stated manu times before, delusional fans and normalfags will be all over the game because the director is marketing himself. It will succeed no matter how stale, repetitive or mind numbingly boring or pants on head retarded it is, and that makes me pretty mad I'll be honest.
What? No way it's not possible I've seen a whole 30 minutes of footage man I think I'm the expert on death stranding my man how about you shut the fuck up
max payne
counter strike
street fighter
really there are too many
its just making me sad, im just going to go get drunk again, fuck you
Holy fuck kys
Kojima has never made a single good game.
Max Payne
>walking simulator and one of the most popular games of the 90s
>literally a countries national past time (korea)
>one of the most popular franchises in video game history
Street Fighter
>basically invented the fighter genre forever cementing it as one of the most popular games ever conceived
The only 2coolforschool game on your list as far as I can see was titanfall so congrats on being the nonconformist your parents always wanted you to be.
Well you know how to make good games maybe you could teach him a thing or 2.
Do Americans really randomly bring up race to showcase their insecurity due to being mutts?
>6 FPS games
>2 RTS games
And the most popular fighter in the genre, truly this taste is superior to my own.
>that awful combat
Would prefer it to be just a walking sim
mp3 is trash
sc2 is trash
cod went to shit literally after the first one
if you thing that SF after 3 is good get out of fighting games
It's not an MGS, so that automatically makes it better than that entire franchise.
MGS is an insult to videogames and storytelling.
Kojibo fans are autistic freaks
How about he learns how to make games in the first place? You know, because there is no "game" to be found in the other ones. Then we can talk about good.
>dude dodges attacks and avoids fighting
it's okay when nintendo, cdpr, rockstar and bethesda do it.
32-19! WE GOT A 32-19!
Me on the right
>this guy is a chad
>even though all he does is pitiful
>revolutionized cinematic videogames
Is that why literally no one tried to copy him?
The only movie turd similar to Cage's crap is Until Dawn, and that sucked as much as Cage's """""games""""".
Absolute garbage taste.
>Konami was right
They already bought Horizon on Detroit
name yours
Apologize about what?
They killed literally all franchises they had.
Although i'm glad about MGS dying, it should have ended back in 2008.
Alright what game do you think is the most "game like"? I'm always curious for fellow anons opinion
>Implying I ever doubted Godnami
I bought MGSurvive at full price at launch and never even touched MGS lmao
>Yea Forums telling others to have dignity
>when this place was creaming themselves over MGSV and the fact that it wasn't a movie triggered Yea Forumseddit so hard that, up to this day, they are still mad
There is a autism rage ITT
>>this guy is a chad
>>even though all he does is pitiful
Congratulations user, that's the fucking joke.
Anything but the absolute litany of dead franchises and tripe you posted, shitter.
too obvious
MGSV already dwarved MGS3, and literally all other Kojima shit because it's the only one that fits the definition of a videogame.
The rest were all movies.
Literally any other game that requires pushing buttons and not staring blankly at the screen while some badly written character spews nonsense at you for 15 hours
right, nothing then
Because it's the apocalypse and vehicles are a scarce resource you dumb dipshit
>Death Stranding (PS4 exclusive)
he don't know.
That's MGSV.
Really fun videogame, i'm surprised Kojima managed to put this out after making only shitty movies.
It's lacking some features, but thankfully there's plenty of mods.
You Kojimaniggers are fucking pathetic, we are 3 months from release we don`t even know what the gameplay is about. They don`t have any faith on that aspect of the game that`s why every thing they put out has to do with character or Kojimbo 2deep4you EVANGELION rip off.
Its actually a Ludens simulator youtu.be
what mods do you use user?
I see this meme has now completely lost its roots.
>we are 3 months from release we don`t even know what the gameplay is about
Then Yea Forums will love it, after all, people here like MGS1, 2 and 3 even though these "games" have some of the most awful gameplay ever and have nothing beyond cutscenes.
In fact, the garbage plot is all Yea Forums talks about.
Hell, it's all people talked about when MGSV was about to come out.
Fortunately, that game put the plot to the side, where it belongs.
Videogames are not for storytelling.
>what mods do you use user?
Except the entire point of the meme was that the "Chad" was a bunch of moronic overexaggerated shit while the "Virgin" was just regular shit that people (or in the case of that image, babies) normally do.
You can do this right now in NMS by mining trees in front of those robot drones.
>EVANGELION rip off.
the only similarity is the theme of "connecting".
Nah, it was originally a joke about the virgin islands and the chad republic.
>says he uses mods
>I too enjoyed that game, wonder what mods he's using
>this is wrong for some reason
am I missing something?
I also bought Survive but waited for a sale. Worth the money and better than MGSV.
It's an open world stealth-action game where one of the main gameplay loops is recognizing signs of enemy presence at great distances, in order to plan your course to evade them. There are a lot of different gameplay types, though.
No it wasn't, some user originally made the Chad Stride image as a response to some autist who kept spamming the Virgin Walk shit on /r9k/.
No, that's way earlier on. It's based on the virgin walk which was made by Quentin of Diamond Dogs fame.
it's like saying "terraria is a game about digging"
digging gets you to the gameplay.
Infinite Heaven.
This is the main one, you can add a ton of stuff.
You can add vehicle convoys in the map itself, you can add helicopter patrols, you can add foot patrols that will run around the wilderness, you can go in subsistence mode into any mission, you can set it so Skulls can ambush you at any time, you can make it so Motherbase can be attacked, you can have people driving vehicles through Motherbase and helis flying around, it helps make the game feel more lively and make it more challenging.
I also use the "E3 ENB", it makes the game have a much better and improves the bland vanilla lighting.
>earlier on
later on.
Why does this always happen with Sony exclusives? this also happened last year with god of war
How sad can people be?
>dead space
ok now you got me
enjoy your (You)
Because for whatever reason SIE decided to write kojimbo another blanko check even after what happened to MSG V and he's taking them for another ride.
More like a Rolling simulator.
>even after what happened to MSG V
MGSV is the best selling entry in the franchise, why would they doubt him?
You actually think anything but sales matter to publishers?
You cant roll things without using your legs to walk so I guess I win.
>Walking simulators are ba-
It's one of the best walking simulators ever made I'll give you that.
Try to keep up we are all well aware of this groundbreaking walking simulator already in this thread.
>2019 GOTY: Death Stranding (PS4 exclusive)
The final shortlist will be
>Possibly DMCV
>Death Stranding
>Doom Eternal
And it'll be RE2 if DS shits the bed
You know it's been a shit year, when even cherrypicked bait images need to use KH3.
MGSV broke even on day one. It was a success in every front imaginable. It only failed the core fanbase that wanted more cutscenes and a less watered down empty open world
this year was fantastic
just change it to bloodstained if you hate it so much but a game being shit doesnt take the merit of the hype behind it
Fallout76 was shit, does it change the fact that it was one of the biggest games from last year?
>that wanted more cutscenes and a less watered down empty open world
I like that so little of the gameplay was shown. I'm getting it because I trust Kojima to deliver on something that's at least interesting
yes noone likes it, it's a conspiracy against you
you might be insane, stop taking this so seriously. it's a fucking game people are looking forward to
Shut the fuck up you simple minded idiot. Maybe take a look around you and analyze shit before mindlessly consuming products that bring down the overall quality if the industry. Fuck you.
I think it looks neat. Open world games are usually something I really enjoy and the setting looks gorgeous. I know Yea Forums likes to act like its one person with a set opinion on any one type of game genre but I'm looking forward to being a nomad in DS.
Wes, is that you?
post pro walking strats, I'll start: pull with your hamstring while swinging your other leg forward
Why do you even care? If it's shit don't play it. If it turns out decent wait. If it's good then play it.
Nobody wanted more cutscenes.
Max Payne wasn't a walking sim, and wasn't a 90's game.
>he's excited for a unisoft tier "clear the big empty map" game, except this time you literally just walk, not even parkour around
Holy shit neck yourself, you're all that's wrong in the industry
>I like it when literal diarrhea movie games poison the industry
Ask Kevin Costner how good your idea is.
I don't remember max Payne floating around I'm pretty sure he walked everywhere.
Nah Ubisoft makes the best open world games. At least there's things to do every few steps and all over the map, Death stranding looks like shit because it's completely empty.
Funny, because I don't see this reaction when David Cage shits something out.
Hell, this place discussed Until Dawn and Detroit a lot, and those "games" have literally no gameplay.
He flies in slow mo, moron.
They're called walking simulators
He flies the entire game? I saw sam fall off a cliff in the demo so its fair to call death stranding and max payne falling simulators right?
>literal diarrhea movie games poison the industry
Wouldn't be Kojima's first time.
Imagine being this coped
Depends, how many cliffs does DS have?
Most games can be defined as a walking simulator. It isn't a worthy explanation of good or bad.
I can't wait for that hack fraud to be exposed for the cancer he started over 20 years ago and people have uet to realize just how fucking cancerous these "games" are
Ever consider maybe people enjoying things you dont isn't the end of the world?
I'm not gay but if you like getting fucked in the ass user I'm not gonna call you a no talent hack and jump around screaming about it. What if people are different and thus have different preferences when it comes to gameplay?
Yes user this time surely, this time after 20 years will be exception and people will finally realize your warped view of the world, surely it has to be that way now.
and shut your fucking mouth
Incredibly redpilled.
on the sour note that was MGS4? That game was fucking shit.
Peace Walker eclipsed it in damn near every conceivable way. And MGSV was better in literally every way.
>nudist colonies with lots of people
yeah no. theres 7 billion people on earth user, how many nudists are there. tell me about how some infinitely small number is "lots"
Knew it, I'm so goddamn sick of Kojima and his horseshit, I wish I had been smart enough to avoid his games after MGS4
I don't understand Yea Forums.
Even if this game about walking how is it a bad thing? It's not like there's a lot of games about walking/exploration. Journey is the one coming to my mind and it's literally past gen title. Walking can be fun especially with all that micro managment/survival mechanics to it. It's obvious the world will be full of secrets and hidden dangers. I never played a single Kojima game but I legit optimistic about that project. It's different from all the same AAA shit releasing every fucking year and this is great. Video games shouldn't be only about fighting with stuff all the time.
>It's different from all the same AAA shit releasing every fucking year
AAA movie games are a dime a dozen.