What's the first game you play at the arcade?

What's the first game you play at the arcade?

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I don't remember what was the first one. But did play the house of the dead on arcade machine.

Probably Virtua Fighter 3.

tumblepop or snow bros


The Ocean Hunter

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samurai shodown

Pac-Man VS

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Time crisis or Time crisis 2.

Adventure Island in 1990.

The first time my dad brought me to the arcade I'm pretty sure we went to the back with the older games (since he was playing vidya before he even met my mom) and played Galaga, or maybe the Atari Tetris with the Russian architecture aesthetic.

Later that day I played games like Ghost Squad, Revolution X, Silent Scope, Time Crisis 3, Police 911, HYDROOOO THUNDER, a couple sprite-based games with steering wheels that I forget much about, Guitar Hero Arcade, and that DDR-like with 5 buttons that has the yellow one in the middle.

Fuck all of that though, the highlight of my fucking day and maybe my childhood was getting to use this bad boy in my pic. This son of a bitch was fully-functional gyroscopic cockpit that moved you and the screen while you played Afterburner (the original) on a flight stick. It is the absolute coolest fucking cabinet of all time.

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Street Fighter 2 on a camping Vacation when I was 5.
The whole athmosphere of the bigger kids playing it and having champions impressed me

The first one I remember distinctively was Double Dragon. Not sure if I played another before.
I remember inserting a coin and trying to play two players, only to find that you needed two coins for that.

not sure it was the very first one, but I'm 100% sure I played it the first time I went to the arcades

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That's one seriously popped collar.

House of the Dead.

probably tekken 2

This was. I can't beleve I got nightmares from this game as a kid.

Cruisn USA


Arkanoid. Specifically the cocktail table version like this one. It was fucking hard, that knob felt way too sensitive. It was in the lobby of a doctors office I used to go to as a little kid. Man, remember when arcades were just everywhere? There were specialized arcade centers sure but aside from that you could just play them at places you went to. At the checkouts in a grocery story, next to the slurpee machine in a tiny 7-11 where the owner would yell at you if you got too hype mashing the buttons during your super in X-men vs Street Fighter.

God I hate the arcade-less future so much.

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There's nothing quite like seeing a guy defend his streak on a fighting game cab. That shit was like gladiator fights after school back in the day.

The first game I ever played at the arcade, and the first game I ever played in my life was Pac Land. Its fucking garbage. But luckily(?) it set me on the path to self-ruination through video games.

Today the first game I play when I go into the arcade is Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5.

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It's gotta be pinball, and it usually winds up being the main thing I play at arcades that have it.

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then i run out of money and leave

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These are such a scam. Never seen anyone win anything from them.

Just shake the shit out of it

>he doesn't know the trick for 2p pushers

Time Crises 3&4 every time.

>arcades are dying
>slot machines and pachinko will live forever
It's not fair

I see these in every redemption arcade I've been to and I still don't know how to play it. You put a coin in and hope yours randomly makes the moving wall push all the coins down?

ambulance driving simulator,can't remember the name.
everything about it was so hyper realistic it actually taught me how to drive.

your coin falls on to that top deck which hopefully knocks coins on to the bottom deck which knocks more coins down and you get tickets but not enough tickets to get anything good especially not that nintendo switch that costs like 200,000 tickets so you just go to the ticket thing that counts them and gives you a receipt and hope you remember to bring it next time and maybe it'll add up to something.

Simpsons, Ninja Turtles, X-Men, NBA Jam, any Jurassic Park shooter