>he tries to make the character look like him
He tries to make the character look like him
Better than being a a tranny in denial egg who plays as women and fucks guys in game. Kys frogposter.
Why shouldn't you?
Are you laughing at yourself for being this pathetic?
>calling people "eggs"
Go back to /lgbt/
The more options a game gives me on customizing my character, I WILL go with the craziest shit. Why play as a clone of yourself or some generic waifu when you can be some black dragon waifu bludgeoning people to death with an oar?
>He makes his character look like the woman he wants but will never get
>he doesn't make the character look like the one in the promotional material
t. fag who spent 15 minutes trying to find the eye color that matched his the best
We all know you play a girl and fantasize about being her you faggot. Dilate.
You should always go for the ugliest characters you can. Everything is better when the hero looks like fucking shit
This is dumb.
But I'm a pretty good looking guy. Why wouldn't I try to make my character look like me?
I don't fantasize about being a girl because I'm secure with my masculinity and can play as whatever I want, unlike you who feels threatened by the idea of playing as anything that's not a clone of yourself. You're the one that needs to dilate.
>he doesn't just make a schlomo "yiddresh" shekelberg in any game that lets him
>Character enters a cutscene
>made to look like a malformed depth-groveller with a mishapen skull, snow white skin, skeletal malnourished body, and drooping stroke face
>other characters are supposed to be infatuated with them and thirst after them
This shit always gets me
You're the one making a post, insecure about making a character look like one self. LMAO cope tranny.
Play as whatever you want.
That's what a roleplaying game is.
Your a 6 at best.
The whole point of a computer RPG is to immerse myself and believe that it's me living in the experience.
So yes, I do customize the character to look like me.
Unless I'm specifically doing a playthrough with some role in mind, like I want to be a reckless, evil character.
>Can only play RPGs by self inserting and choosing dialogue that you yourself would choose
Oof, that's sad man. Doesn't RPG stand for "role playing game"? You're telling me the only role you want to play is yourself?
nah i just go with whatever is specified as canon. for example i always play as the boy with the official name and never alter him in the pokemon games where customization is an option. excuse my autism.
>doesn't even have the attention span to read the whole post
zoom zoom
>he uses his own name for the protag
My mom thinks I'm handsome.
Why do I read this shit?
>he researches the linguistics of the game world to construct a name that would fit into the setting
>make a cute girl character
>mom sees me playing one day and calls her cute
you dont have a life
Well if the char looks as retarded as the one in the pic you posted i pity you.
Your mom said the same thing about my dick.
Why yes I do, how could you tell?
>not making cute traps
Your dick thinks I'm handsome too?
I always call my character teta.
Means titty in my language heheheh
I only make dark haired characters. I dont really consider people with light hair human and I cant relate to them.
i always make old men with grey hair whenever possible
He said the whole point of an RPG is to believe that you're some isekai protagonist who got zapped into that game world. That just seems very sad and boring to me. I know what I'd do if ingot zapped into that world, and it wouldn't be anything that the MC does. Why would I want to pretend to be myself in some video game? You get unlimited lives, unlimited chances at every action, unlimited attempts at the main story. If your argument is that you want to immerse yourself on the game, then pretending like you're the MC seems to be the worst way to do that. Unless you play every RPG until the point where you die first and then quit it forever.
of course, nobody is as handsome as myself
Making old characters is the true patrician kino way to play.
>Try to make character look like me
>There's no option for acne scars
Does anyone know if those scar removal creams work at all?
Could someone post chin man please?
>he doesn't spend hours crafting a perfect 1:1 recreation of colin mochrie
Same, i try to make them as fat, balding, and smelly as possible too
Part of the reason why I started working out years ago is to do that.
Worth it.
What about his daughter?
>imagine hating yourself
Fucking yikes.
1 in 20 try to kill themselves? that's rough, much higher than i thought.
>yfw you have a large penis, a full head of hair, are over 6 feet tall, every woman is attracted to you, and every attack against your ego is pointless and fruitless
EDIT: oops wrong image
You're embarrassing yourself, cumskin.
>his smile and optimism
oh come on user i know that's not what you wanted to say
go on then
say it
the "c-word"
I just started making all of my characters look like cool actors. Mads Mikkelsen is hard to do but pretty cool once you get it right.
you tried, hon
Hit too close to home.
>females have life so easy they don't even suicide
And people still want to pretend females don't cruise through life on easy mode.
>open world RPG game
>create an ugly dude and larp as a serial killer
What game?
Females were a fucking mistake.
>he doesn't use the stock character
What are you, gay?
Everyone in this thread is a fucking NIGGER
>make a femal-
Oh wait
In what games is this even a viable mentality?
S: Specially crafting the ugliest creature imaginable
A: Randomized
B: Believable but generic MC
C: Default character
D: You
F: Hot chick
G: Any variety of elf if other options are available
>the best minorities have is a poor variation of shitskin
At least you tried.
>top crop: makes character that looks cool and matches play style
>mid fiddle: uses generic character, randomizes, or stock options
>low blow: makes character look like him/herself
>trash mash: makes character look like how they WANT to look like. Ugly guys make the character look good, defective human males make the character a girl.
Nah, Females given rights was a mistake.
This but actually unironically.
Every game. Like Elder Scrolls for example, I would name my Argonian thief Runs-with-Knives
>not trying to make your character look as fucking retarded as possible in every game
>Play co-op game with gf
>She creates my character
>I create hers
>We both try to come up with the most disgusting fucking shit we can find
>being better than literally everyone and everything on the planet, even when shitposting
yep its hard not to self insert when you cover every aspect there is
>turn every slider all the way up
>pick the most ridiculous, unrealistic hair, clothing, accessories, and other features possible
>laugh as your character tries to act serious in cutscenes next to regular characters
>He doesn't design an OC character from within the setting, create them based on their backstory, and roleplay as that character regardless of form.
Casual shit
Technically, it's not that females don't suicide. Females actually make more attempts, but that they're less successful at it because of their methods - predominantly by ODs.
Based DSP
It never fucking works
>character creation has adjustable eyebrow thickness and width
>character creation lets you fuck with their teeth
>character creation can lenghten legs and arms to the point that they clip through the floor
Im attractive though. I wish I could clone myself and fuck me for the rest of my life.
you're a man of taste but
S: ugly or deformed monstrosity
A: something absurd like a completely blue / green character
B: default character
C: randomized / yourself / character from other game
D: being a tranny and making a chick because you're not cute IRL
Correction: Idealized version of myself that's slim with muscles. I'm a fatass.
even at suicide females are worse than man KEK
> Self-inserting myself into a video game? Why would I do that?
No, they're still successful at it. They do it more for attention, they usually aren't actually looking to die from the attempt.
Shut up Richard.
If your game does not have a character creator, it is automatically a tier lower than any game that does, sorry. Even the absolute worst piece of dogshit is better than a triple-A blockbuster if it has better customization, especially if it's an RPG.
It is my god-given right to make either cute waifus or the ugliest motherfuckers to ever walk the digital earth in your video game, and you not giving me that right is pure laziness and oppression. I deserve to have a nose that boomerangs into my chin and skin the color of piss, you motherfucker.
>game forces your character to look like you
What if it is an FPS or RTS?
I just make the characters as old as possible.
>he doesn't make characters based off the last doujin he read
whenever i can it try to create duke nukem so i can pretend that there are new duke nukem games
>Not being able to look down and see your disgusting malformed feet/enormous chest
>Not having functional mirrors in-game
>Not having satisfaction in knowing that every NPC that created unit comes across has to sit there and stare at the abomination you've created dead in the eye as though nothing's wrong even though his snot drips out of his upper jaw and he has an inverted chin
for me
my lady, you my butterfly sugar baby
I wish PS4 Spider man can can change protag's looks because I literally look like MCU's Spider man
I name all my characters after doujin artists.
Other players notice every now and again, and we have a comfy conversation about anime porn.
on, feel the noize
>he tries to make the character look like his waifu
just remembered something. my sisters boyfriend looks exactly like me.
easier for me because i look like every shonen protag ever made.
Triggered as fuck. Go back to your tumblr blog.
>he pretends his new character is a descendant from his character in the previous game
>he doesn't try to make a tomboy whenever given the chance
>tried this when I first got wow
>closest I got was with an orc
>looked literally like me with green skin
>lighting in the character creator is never used in the actual game
>he doesn't make at least twelve characters including one that looks like him
shaking my dang hammers
>he tries to make his character look like his fursona
>try to make a character that looks like me
>have a poor idea of what I really look like because I avoid mirrors
>have to run back and forth to the bathroom to check my face
>end up just getting depressed abut being ugly and lose interest in playing the game
>he doesn't make the kickass robot
because it's rarely an option
You sound like one of those fags that play as females
Purposely making a female character is crossdressing. It doesn't matter if it's a video game. Males naturally want to play as males and vice versa.
for me its the same thing haha
onset autogynephilia
I fucking hate character creator games. instant trash core
>porn game allows character creation
>make myself
>start fucking tons of cute chicks
>lose a fight to some amazon girl
>"oh woe is me, you'll probably just ride my dick like everyone else, let's just do it"
>she suddenly pulls out a ten inch futa cock
>starts ravaging me
no, i try to make them look better than myself because i'm fugly
Cute but you/he should either look happier or more angry. Nobody finds looking uncertain attractive.
The closest game I ever got to making my character look like myself(besides sports face scan games) was Dragon Age inquisition. I couldn’t stop laughing at his romantic scene with the short hair cunt. and the gay sex scene I made him have haha
Name of game?
I always make a real life goofy character
Like Hitler, or the We Are Number One guy, cause they are so easy to make with most face builders
what if im already a cute trap tho wouldn't that be the same as OP?
It would be funny if you post pics here, hahaha you know, for trolling :^)