>Yea Forums tells you a game is great
>it actually is
New Vegas thread.
Yea Forums tells you a game is great
Fist of rawr best weapon.
>posting in a good thread
>meanwhile a shitposting thread is still up
But I'm not talking about your thread OP, I just wanted to express how much I disdain Jannies.
House > NCR > Legion > Independent
Pretty sure everyone on Yea Forums loved New Vegas when it came out, just like Majora's Mask some games are simply amazing if you were a teenager or child when you played it & it's impossible to get the same experience today
but new vegas is great
Independent > House > NCR > Legion
NCR > pretty much anything else
Try and prove me wrong
>MW2 attachments being added in to NV mods for style
That brings me back... Book of Earache was a ton of fun
I hope remaster this and fix the fucking crash
>bro we anarkiddies are enlightened lmao xD who cares if everything is in rumbles LOL!
best is not finishing main quest
I hope Bethesda remaster this and fix the fucking crash
I love NV threads because it’s one of the only times people will actually discuss vidya on Yea Forums.
NCR enslaves small settlements via taxes and forced collaboration, their bad diplomacy and lack of intel in Vegas is pretty much a big red flag for them being in charge of everything in the Mojave.
Also people in California and many rangers don't like the fact that the NCr became imperialistic as soon as Tandi was dead. Why your son should die for the republic elsewhere ? Ask Kimball and Oliver, and all the croocked parlement.
Should I kill house? Dude is a dick
Yesman is YOUR politics, itsn't based on anarchy.
You can rule like House or just don't care and leave the Mojave rule by themselves.
*microstutters your path*
God I fucking hate this piece of shit jew so much. Every fucking time I start up a new game one of the first things I do is kill this piece of shit. Cares more about his shitty business than the town.
>Chet the powder gangers are going to attack the town, we need armor and supplies or we might die.
>whoa now think about muh business
you have to haggle with the fucking jew just for him to do the right thing.
Now to be fair if you try to tell him to help the powder gangers he basically says fuck off but it doesn't take him that much convincing to help them.
>help powder gangers
>we destroy business
>when you put it like that I guess I will betray the people I have lived with for years over some shitty pawn shop.
Fuck (((chet)))
God I fucking hate this piece of shit boomer so much. Every fucking time I start up a new game one of the first things I do is kill this piece of shit. Cares more about his shitty dynamite than the town.
>Pete the powder gangers are going to attack the town, we need dynamite or we might die.
>whoa now think about muh blow yourself up
you have to haggle with the fucking bastard just for him to do the right thing. How hard can it be? Just light them and throw.
Now to be fair if you try to tell him to help the powder gangers he basically says fuck off but it doesn't take him that much convincing to help them.
>help powder gangers
>we destroy dynamite
>when you put it like that I guess I will betray the people I have lived with for years over some explosive safety
Fuck (((Easy))) Pete
He's right though, these dumbasses get Cheyenne killed before the Powder Gangers ever get the chance.
This, I'm the sheriff around here.
I replayed it recently with a VR headset, the experience still holds up. Good games are good.
Based. Of course, good Karma is necessary.