I hope you purchased Coco's game and are playing the current Grand Prix...

I hope you purchased Coco's game and are playing the current Grand Prix, there's only a week or so left before it ends! Spyro Grand Prix to be announced.

Attached: CocoBandicoot.jpg (820x461, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:


100 wumpa coins have been deposited into your account

This GP is shit luv. Really draining interest.

Attached: Elizabeth.png (444x521, 238K)

I had interest till I saw they were making the game a battle pass lite thing. I’ll just stick with the originals and N’sane Trilogy.

Im doing nothing from the GP. Dont even have the mammoth unlocked. Just going online and playing as Liz a bit later in the day is enough for me. Also fuck jannies to the deepest bowels of hell.

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so i'll never have a chance to get whatever the grand prix holds if i dont play? cause i havent been playing this hard game

Was just playing some earlier you damn Coco shitter.


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I feel very luck my favorite Crash characters (Tiny/Coco/Dingodile) ended up being the good classes.

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Post loadouts.
Rate mine.

Attached: Tropy.png (1996x1556, 2.42M)



Gearychads report in.

Attached: Geary.png (2020x1440, 2.6M)

>eat fackin' dust

What does he mean by this?

Thanks doc

What is the Spyro GP all about? Is he unlockable? Haven't played in a minute

Attached: F8D46EE2-729D-4C02-856F-DD3B666CC8A0.gif (320x279, 2.95M)

The Grand Prixes are let you unlock stuff by filling up the Nitro bar to three tears. Spyro will be unlockable from the Pit Stop (and any other Spyro characters) and the final Nitro reward will probably be a Spyro skin.

how do I fill up the meter faster? most of the time it barely moves

You've got to do the Daily/Weekly/Pro Challenges. It helps to use GP characters/karts/wheels as their bonus is applied to challenges.

Spyro will probably be the Nitro unlock like Tawna and Baby T where unlock him early then get his skin at the end of the Nitro meter.

add engine swap


can I do it locally or does it have to be online? I don't plan on renewing my switch online

If the challenge doesn't specifically say "online" you use do it in Local Arcade against bots.


>About to do shortcut on Sewer Speedway
>Someone behind me is choosing not to do it
>I drive right into them and it makes me lose all my speed

Whatever subhuman dumbfuck at Beenox programmed missiles needs to be fired.

holly shit. i got the day out of work and played quite a bit of it and it feels like the game actually got worse.

>the amount of orbs and clocks feels like it fucking doubled. i got orbed 4 times and clocked twice in a single race. Being clocked or orbed happens at least twice each in longer race tracks like coco park.
>The fucking hitboxes are still dogshit and at many times in different tracks my kart came to a full stop during certain jumps and landings.
>balanced and turning are still dogshit

i really hope they at least change item properties, recovery options and buff balanced and turning. but none of that is happening. i bet the new spyro track is going to be just as shit as the last 2 with usf out of the ass, narrow pathways to place items to fuck everyone and some shitty shortcuts with wonky hitboxes that will work 50% of the time.

Sorry I don't support games with such dogshit balance that anyone not first place is essentially fucked beyond belief.

i also forgot to add they needd to remove the delay on the jump. that shit is awful and makes getting rid of tnts a fucking pain.

>get clocked as N. Tropy on Out of Time
Oh the multiple layers of ironing.

tfw no cnk hoverbike

Attached: 2E9DC4D2-D0EF-47F1-9510-53CE39441C6A.jpg (469x578, 51K)

luckily there are very few online challenges in the daily/weekly ones. If you have two controllers is even faster as you can do it between two players no AI mode.

the jumping physics in this game are beyond retarded


>hit invisible wall the moment my back wheel gets off the ramp
>get orb’d
>missile at point blank no indicator
>red vail drop on top of you as 7th place skirts past you
Never happened before they started fucking with things.

>steering acceleration fucking quadruples, so I swerve into the nearest wall
>only with balanced characters
>oh, but trick jumps return this to normal

Attached: 7918234567.png (294x284, 163K)

i bought this game digitally and i regret it so much, i dont want to sink a hundred fucking hours into the game just to learn it and then a hundred more just to unlock every character

Wait a minute. I totally know what you're talking about and it only does happen when I play fake crash. I thought I was fucking insane.

It doesnt take hundreds of hours to learn it, you can become decent by doing Time Trials on a weekend.



The three missile spam is the most demoralizing shit.

I just had a game where the Juiced Warp Orb went out of its way to hit me then completely avoided the person in front of me. I fucking hate this fucking game.

Why do my missiles always go into the nearest wall, while other people's missiles follow me for 30 seconds and always hit?

Couldn't tell you. Exact same shit happens to me. I've had missiles follow me around corners and over jumps for ages.

I had a game where the warp orb just went through me twice while I was in the lead. Never used a shield.

Attached: Liz6.png (274x325, 133K)

Honestly, this game plays great offline. The online is complete dogshit. Time Trials is far and away the most based game mode. There's nothing more Christian than driving faster than fuck

>missle follows me all the way past the Android Alley jump to the finish line
>trains coming
>hits me

Attached: 50FAC416-A9FA-4579-AD78-1B9C22DD6E5B.jpg (488x515, 38K)

Online is shit because this game is front loaded to favor whoever is leader of the pack. This type of balancing is absolutely fucking horrible, it doesn't help the class imbalance affecting USF where Speed/Accel go far faster than the other two, but then the ONE item that's supposed to fuck first place does a better job at fucking everyone else. Beenox should objectively be ashamed at the fucking shitpile this game's online is. They have shown absolutely no forthought in how items would impact online since the shit item balance doesn't matter in a single player game.

I'd be willing to forgive beenox if they had any type of communication going on at all. Its been dead silence since day 1. I don't know if that's because of Activision or what.

And the fucking clocks that cuck you out of wins too and get spammed often.

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oh shit, are you the user who made this? Thanks alot if so, just what I ordered. I'm the user that /r/equested it.

thank you very much

Attached: 1565910156597.jpg (456x364, 60K)

I have absolutely no faith in them. Especially after their "fix" of the class states and it turns out they changed absolutely nothing.

>Be 1st on Android Alley, final lap
>missile follows me through those 90 degree turns in the tunnel before the shortcut
>hits me on the shortcut so that I fall into the gap before making it back to the track
>I respawn before the shortcut and now have to drive all the way around
>end up in 7th place

Attached: 1562827711570.png (455x467, 624K)

Yeh i made it. I made diff variants to match her words better with the frames yesterday but with every fucking janny deleting threads 24/7 im not sure you saw it in enough time.

Attached: DA83E268-FBF4-46A9-8C95-E01561C96C24.jpg (519x619, 104K)

No, I completely tuned out of it. if you have them lemme know, or better yet if you can dump them somewhere would be great.

Hell I wish i coud repay for your troubles.

Attached: Untitled-6.jpg (204x204, 48K)

I thought Megumi posting was bad but holy shit this Liz autist takes the cake.

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Fuck off, Liz is a beauty, let the Liz user, who is a very nice guy do his thing. I got so much of his stuff saved.

Attached: 1562620073378.jpg (1080x600, 99K)

Theres more than one of us. And none of us care if you like Liz or not. Were here to stay.

Attached: 06BC63A7-8048-40A3-A54E-F1E8B7A5A4A8.jpg (650x1207, 143K)

Its no problem. Ill dump them here on my computer.

why do people pick turning?

Ya'll are all alright I'll tell you that. I do hope the user who made the green text "user dates Liz" story manages to post it again.

Shit was hilarious

Attached: Untitled-5.jpg (244x244, 69K)


The man can draw legs and booty like a god but his body types are just a little too slender for me

Very easy to control and correct mistakes, able to run consistent times will dodging hazards.

It loses to every class in a Time Trial but in an online race that consistency makes them one of the better classes at times.

Attached: Papus_Pyramid.webm (700x392, 2.95M)

*while dodging hazards

Post em as soon as you can my bro

I haven’t had any good experiences with them. If I’m hit once by an item I’m blown back to 4th or 5th place. Faster classes just seem to effortlessly dominate and I’m lucky to get a podium finish.

well heres a 2nd one but it doesnt match as well.

Attached: yes ma'am 2.gif (320x279, 3.04M)

>Longer hair
I approve

>Been playing for over 2 hours
>Still getting daily bonus
I mean I'm not complaining, but

Depends on the track

Yeah I keep blowing up from TNTs even though I keep jumping. It should be five jumps but sometimes it doesn't feel like it works properly, or maybe I'm just imagining it

I'd rather have buffs, I do not like how accel and speed feel.

>ramp before the shortcut in sewer speedway somehow eats all my vertical velocity, but not my horizontal so I just jump really high in place

Why fight for first with the racers when I can do that with the fucking track.

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rate my meme

Attached: h.png (812x1103, 39K)

This new shadman art looks great

Why not both?

I like it! Thanks man

Attached: yes ma'am 3.gif (320x279, 3.04M)

Good meme, very relatable.

Looks like "Can't wait tonight for ...A DICK"

She looks like she only fucks human men

>Chopper would be a handling character

Attached: 1560995987983.jpg (414x758, 42K)

For sure, anything with "ick" or fuck words sounds

It just works

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I want to cum deep inside Coco.

Those were some good edits if you were the original user who did em.

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Ironically that's the only one I didn't make

did they intended for this game to become fap bait? I'm not even a furry...

Beenox is a French Canadian country. They knew what they were doing.

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Grand prix items will be introduced to the pit shop at a later date. When that will be who knows. I just hope it doesn't cost to much.

I mean you know the Trophy Girls were legitimately created to seduce men right? N.Brio made to them gain control of world leaders.

Also military purposes.

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Yeah, I'm thinking he's based

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>playing sewer speedway on adventure normal mode
>spent a good 45 minutes to an hour trying to beat the track
>final stretch, right behind the leader but got a missile
>get hit by a missile
>try to fire my missile to regain ground
>hit by another missile
>just turn off the console and walk away

Was the original this goddamn hard? I got past the stage after a few more attempts and am now up to the last hub, but jesus does this game get me salty like no other game in a while. Fighting the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro has nothing on the rubber band mechanics and RNG dickery this game throws at you.

Still great though, dunno if it's better than MK8, but it's up there. Needs a Big Blue tier stage to really take it. Fuck the retarded unlock system though, Granprix are ok, but this timed microtransaction shop can fuck off.

>jump to start drifting
>some guy happens to drive next to
>land on him and start gliding around the road on top of him
>completely fucks up my timing and position causing me to dive into walls or off cliffs

Yeah, they really need to fix a lot of thing about everything in this game

I'm upset how much success I have with Turning. As a Balanced main I can reliably get 3rd place maybe second if I don't get fucked by items. I get 1st way more often as Turning than I'd like to admit. Shout out to Krunk bros btw

One piece kart racer when?


Attached: Waifu Liz 9.jpg (267x487, 47K)

I have bad memories of this series.

>Switch #1 championship leaderboard
>"Buck Feenox"


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Why have they been so quite? Seemed like before the release they were much more vocal

>rubber band mechanics
There is no rubber banding in this game, you're just bad.
>Needs a Big Blue tier stage to really take it.
Play Electron Avenue.

The only good thing to come out of the Crash remakes is the revival of Coco porn


Also Switch finally got microtransactions. Was nice while it lasted.

shit edit

Kind of tempted to sell my copy, I've got nobody to play with and now this MTX bullshit is pissing me off.

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Since the datamine suggested a Humpty Dumpty costume for egg boi I hope we get other fairy tale costumes like a king costume for Cortex and an ogre costume for Zem.

They should really consider altering the tracks each GP to flesh out the event more. Just some aesthetic tweaks here and there to compliment the theme.

October GP for example would suck ass if we didn't see more tracks converted to dusk/night time.

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>knight Crash based of the dark souls armor

where are my dose of megumis niggas

Sounds like a lot of work. Why not just buy more wumpa coins

Sell it and quit bitching already

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Trying to force me into playing a game is the easiest way to get me to stop playing.

How much of that time is waiting in the lobby?

We've got 5 days left crashbois, just grin and bear it. This is the only assy GP of them all, it sucks it had to be the second GP, but just think

>Tag Team

The light is at the end of the tunnel, we're so close. Don't lose hope.

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I'm pretty sure they've drastically increased the length of the bonus. It used to run out so fast but now it stretches longer than my actual sessions.

>get lobby
>prehistoric playground
>loading screen
>match failed to start as everyone fucked off

don't forget topping it all off with motherfucking emperor velo
good times soon lads

I have some races take 12 minutes before that actual countdown starts.

Making Isabella a mother. I'm happy to finally have had 2 full weeks of just regular playing and getting karts and decals and skins I wanted. Making a good loadout for gangster Pinstripe and dominating online is shitloads of fun. Of course, it's also nice to just play with best bandicutie. That first GP seems so long ago now.

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Hopefully the hype is still alive when Nina comes out, so we get an influx of new Nina smut.

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that's pretty based

Is this drawanon still lurking these days?

That's, so fucking hot

He did some taxes in this weeks /ctt/ thread.

Attached: taxes.png (1071x955, 31K)

I can't even find the right thread to post in
This game sucks at night online

>everyone votes Electron Avenue
>host fucks off with one second to go

For what possible reason.

What's up with the little news feed in the main menu saying there's only three days remaining when the Grand Prix menu itself says there's actually 5 left?

>I just hope it doesn't cost to much.
They make a point of showing a discounted price during the GP, I imagine it means something.

>the only assy GP of them all
>Tag Team

>jump fence on out of time
>dingodile gets close to fence and gets clocked
>rage quits like a bitch

>jumping fence in out of time
>fuck it up
>launch beaker
>hits someone else, making them fuck up the jump and quit
Bucket o' crabs

Attached: tropys clocked.webm (1000x562, 2.99M)

>Kind of want to get it
>Sort of holding hope for a PC version
>Really don't want to double dip and don't want to get PS+

Attached: 1543280113423.png (128x128, 31K)

N. Sane came out for PC, did Spyro? If so it will probably come out on PC too.

Very nice

Attached: Mommy went very fast.jpg (1920x1080, 395K)

>Nitro-fueled comes to PC
>All hype for GPs had died out.
>GP specific characters locked in the Pit stop until they either rehash GPs or you pay a hefty sum of W-coins.
>W-coin payouts for races have been nerfed into nothing in favor of microtransaction baiting
>Online will still be laggy as fuck with invisible beakers/boxes or there are not enough players in general

Attached: cursed.jpg (1932x1351, 112K)

Or you can also
>pirate and get all the characters unlocked with no fuss

The one where someone uses a clock right at thd big jump at the beginning of Hyper Spaceway and gets everyone hurts more.

That is one long, slow fall

>be second
>blue orb is cast and targets me
>gets to me and vanishes, completely ignoring first place

I think I'm too old for this game, my arthritis is getting the way.

Doing it on the jump itself is smalltime, everyone lands back before the ramp and can try again. But doing it just as they pass the portal ssd's o they can't take the shortcut, now THAT'S evil.

My heart goes out to you gramps

Attached: cocospin.gif (500x500, 1.04M)

>playing on Electron Avenue as Cortex
>maintain USF the entire race, using shortcuts and u-turns as needed
>still lose to speedfags
Have we reached the limit of how good a class can get?

>only a week left
good lord, already? I couldn't make myself this garbage for longer than 2 days, fuck these challenges honestly they're so fucking boring

The Crikey is top comfy, one of the few car-styled karts that doesn't look silly.

I thought the whole Nitro system was tied to Twilight Tour due to the Nitro Squad and how it was the first so they weren't sure of what to do, but alas, that crappy system is here to stay.

Get used to it
They aren't changing how you earn nitro

it's shit and it's sad I can't farm nitro anymore in the crystal challenge afk strat
I still want that stupid car

just play better bro
just experiment bro
no such thing as tiers bro

On the bright side, it looks like the Championship decals are unlocked by default, so it should lessen the grind.

I really hope we keep getting the champ decals without having to be in the top 5%
Sure I can easily do it for both boards but then I'm denying people a spot on both boards

So if you got in the 5% once you get all the rewards for 5% in the following GPs?

Can't say for sure since Beenox hasn't said anything and this could simple be a slip up they had, so take it with a grain of salt.

We got the back in time decal automatically once they gave us the car for the first gp
I'm hoping it happens with the next one

wait, I never bothered to check, is the GP reward the same car as the previous GP?

Only thing left you can do is use items to your best. If you can't beat em, beat em up.

Yes, it's always going to be the same car, only thing that changes is the GP-specific Decal. Not even a different paintjob in the end, like some anons said.

based, guess I just gotta farm the gold rewards then

>racing game thread flooded with waifufag autismos
Incels unironically need to die.

Go back

Megumi is love.
Megumi is life.

Attached: descarga.jpg (394x128, 13K)

Nah tho

Attached: 1565083245014.png (684x1012, 164K)

Go back to crying about how Ion Fury devs are transphobic.

>that resolution

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We just wanna talk about the game
>who cares post bandibabes
>making Isabella a mother
>can’t wait for some dick tonight
>Liz is so hot

You would actually be talking about the game then.

Then talk about the game instead of complaining about others.
Just report and let mods handle it.
They don't handle it? Too bad, maybe it's you who is in the wrong.

Fuck you, have a Moomin.

Attached: 1556589092659.png (728x826, 191K)

>can’t wait for some dick tonight
Haven't seen this one before.

>Nobody posts porn, or even cheesecake
>Sensitive faggot shows up every time, without fail

Attached: [Anger Transcended].png (721x768, 189K)

Make the Norms court jesters

Attached: Chnorm.gif (194x199, 11K)

only need too beat hard mode too 100% the game. will save that for later.

Why don't those clowns have more amusing costumes?

Got a problem, fuckboi?

Attached: 1565995628916.png (530x375, 287K)

Mods have been mad about this game since the month of release and will look for any reason to ban people/delete threads. Waifu posting seems to make up a good chunk of the threads but they’re also way slower now too. Maybe I’m just gay.

They're slow because there's nothing to actually talk about until the next gp
Sure we can bitch about babies and how much this gp sucks but why bother sustaining threads like that?

Theyre mostly slow because jannies keep deleting or saging threads, banning or warning users for petty shit among other reasons.

>about babies
I've actually started to feel guilty about not wanting the babies, as in, a team has put effort into modelling and animating this thing to be cute and endearing and put care into it, and I'm here saying it's not good enough for me.

I just posted Liz.

It is not a 'waifupost' just because I did this.

Attached: Liz5.jpg (570x656, 107K)

There’s still room to talk about changes and upcoming stuff. I think it’s interesting that datamines are misleading since baby cortex and tropy didn’t make it in so it might mean there are other characters planned for the Spyro gp.

I swear these threads are exactly like the Sonic generals on /vg/.

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I’ve never understood the hate for the babies? They aren’t atrociously ugly?

>since baby cortex and tropy didn’t make it in
We could wait until the next update and see if the data is taken out then.
It is pretty weird since the whole GP would point to them being in, Baby Tropy Tropy and Cortex actually exist in the series and were transported to prehistoric times after the end of Warped.

>They aren’t atrociously ugly?
Have you seen them?

Sorry I don't buy paid games with microtransactions.

Baby crash looks okay and sometimes cute, baby coco is an utter gremlin though.

It's mostly from Mario Kart with its ridiculous fillered roster that started out with just Baby Mario and Baby Luigi, but later included babied versions of Peach, Daisy and Rosalina.

What would really be the killer is the additions of Baby Waluigi and Baby Wario. God help us all if that ever happens.

>Troll Toll Zem
>Big Bad Tiny Wolf
>Little red riding Coco
>Goldilocks Isabella
>Merman Ami

Yeah their exclusion was really strange especially since they already have models to work with. This definitely feels like a filler gp with the corners they cut. Most of the voices are just pitched up. Even baby t has some crunch lines which is really weird.

>golfer, Japanese face paint and burglar skins

They're pretty amusing already

>Aqua Lava Rock in the Pit Stop today

Pretty sure this is the last GP item I'm missing and I can finally take a break.

Attached: 2JBwrS80_400x400.jpg (400x400, 40K)

The babies are some of the ugliest things to grace the game.

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Don’t bully her

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>Merman Ami

Attached: 1562799898178.png (251x225, 99K)

That title still belongs to the Zam and Zem.

Attached: creepy ass baby.jpg (1280x720, 182K)


Still waiting for that PC release
meanwhile 100% N. Sane trilogy while exlusively playing as my cute daughterwife Coco

Do you think a pc release is going to have gps? Or will everything just be in from the start?

I still want Disco Komodo Joe

Attached: kj12345678.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Probably, maybe, possibly

I;ve been running into the top 20 on the champ leaderboard all week

beating oxides ghost legit made my hands hurt. getting old sucks.

you either play speed or accel if you playing too win.

>that res

Attached: A2E9C5CE-71F1-45A2-A2F4-25912C4FD5FD.png (128x128, 44K)

Its not just you mate, I don't even have any wrist or hand problems and it was killing my right hand by the time I finished all the single player challenges that awarded something. The game is pretty demanding and you should just take longer breaks, especially if you got all the GP stuff.

Attached: 1564155271116.png (176x209, 41K)

Top ten reasons I love Ripper Roo

1. I love him
2. He is a very good boy
3.If you scratch under his left ear, he likes it, and purrs, it's weird but I like him
4.I like him for who he is no matter what, he is very cute
5. He is a very good boy
6. I need to tighten his jacket (that's my job, he can't do it on his own) and he doesn't like to be let out of it
7. He needs walkies
8. He blows himself up with Nitro boxes all the time, he is very funny
9. N.gin sometimes bully him, so I beat him up and protect him
10. He is a very good boy and I love him

Attached: ripper.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

>have to play accel or speed if you want to do well
>people want buffs for balance and turn
>turn will probably still be garbage
>half the people that play this game are vehemently against engine swapping
Just fun my life up

The podium Beenox doesnt want u to see.

Attached: 35EDCF84-F548-440D-A5C1-60CAC8904BBD.jpg (1920x1080, 402K)

Based. I missed you Rooposter.

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190821171414.jpg (380x500, 31K)

Engine swapping ain't fixing shit, mate.

Too bad his racer type sucks.

Nice shot of Roo

>half the people
More like the vast majority of people who own this game is against it

He wants to feel like his idea has a chance, let him dream.

>I want my characters to be better than half the cast

>hey, classes are really unbalanced
>how about we just make everyone Accel and Speed instead of actually fixing that?
This is you.

Why not just make all the characters speed characters? That's what'll happen with "Engine Swapping" anyway.

He must face reality

The chances of engine swap happening are lower than Christ descending from the heavens but if it did happen id still play turn. Just seems too easy to go to accel.

Attached: 0A10FCD2-4258-41D1-A169-8D5CBA684022.jpg (348x322, 39K)

>the classes are pretty unbalanced
>let’s just have the same characters from the same classes in every lobby
This is you

I want the characters to be different and I want to be able to tell just what kind of classes I will be racing against just by looking at them. The only way engine swapping would work is if it was tied to vehicles, but then we'd just be stuck with a different game and less customization

>post yfw the Engine Swap autist spends his days sending Beenox petitions to add his trash idea and they actually do it

Is speed or acceleration better?

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Speed is better but if you’re not confident go with accel

It's just a dumb idea, what would need to be done, if anything, is buff Balanced and Turning.

I will legit drop this game if that happens. I play daily, have digital tropy and all items from this GP and the last one; but I will not hesitate at all to literally throw this game in the trash if they fuck the game up that bad.

Absolutely. I am also opposed to nerfing Speed and Accel, I think it's better to boost those behind than to gimp those in front.

There is no point in knowing what class other people race as. I’d prefer not getting effortlessly passed by everyone who just picked a better character than me.

No it doesn't.

>Papu's Pyramid
>Hot Air Skyway
>Deep Sea Driving
>Oxide Station
>Cortex Castle (easy SF for all of lap one)

Turning characters can run a narrow line through all these tracks with ease and keep reserves. Speed characters have to u-turn to stay ahead and if you bait them into taking your lines they will lose reserves, and if they don't they have to rely on their Time Trial routes with low success rates.

Attached: CCliz.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

Then go play fucking Mario Kart nigger, this game was clearly not designed for people like you

>they actually voted Tiger Temple over Tiny Arena

Attached: 9qerl1rey0e31.jpg (373x419, 27K)

JUST unlocked Fake Baby T, I feel a wave a freedom flow over me. Still missing the green lava wheels though

Attached: 1564171656239.webm (304x538, 2.79M)

>That NC dodge
I will never not get tired of this webm.

Attached: 891E547A-4D70-4E65-B4CE-41640087ACD3.jpg (349x308, 47K)

It’s only a matter of time until it is ;)

Couldn't agree more, last thing I want is them making characters slower or nerfing techs for the sake of an even playing field. Buff-based balance tends to be much more fun.

anyone watch this old webm from when the game was just released and was impressed with the skill until you rewatched it after you played a bit and velieve you could easily beat this?

Attached: 1561092944723.webm (884x506, 2.94M)

>tfw the Brazil and South Africa packs didn't pop up for me during the last GP and now I'll never have a full sticker collection
It's not fair.

I still fuck up the islands shortcut, no matter what I just can't get it down consistently.

I still can't navigate that figure 8 with usf and I rarely get the shortcut
No way am I beating that

thats blows, stickers are the worst imo, theyre a wumpa coin sink and 95% of them look awful

Attached: 1566337649110m.jpg (1024x1020, 189K)

PC release when?
I need bandicutie nude mods.

I can do the shortcut 100% consistwntly but still can't get through the figure 8 without losing my reserves

>6. I need to tighten his jacket (that's my job, he can't do it on his own) and he doesn't like to be let out of it


he tries to remove the binding with his tongue when you idle, he clearly wants out and you're holding him hostage like a weird stalker fanboy. Reported, called the police, etc.

Attached: 1562541500011.jpg (500x494, 59K)

That's just him adjusting to make his arms comfortable. He is a very good boy.

Attached: 1555986543172.jpg (1024x1024, 122K)

>Never got the Nitro Squad stickers because they were 3000 wumpa and drawn in that awful style all the character stickers have

If Tawna pink and the dino heads weren't randomly missing from the cycle this might have actually bothered the completionist in me.


Attached: 1566326889050.png (1019x811, 1.02M)

I'm glad stickers look so awful. I can save my coins for other things

I can get through the 8 here with USF, but never Hyper Spaceway.

This is the hardest for me too, the island shortcut feels impossible when using turning without the usf

Indeed, I wouldn't even use them, it's just the knowledge that I lost potential access to them and not getting to have everything. It's a bit like the Sour Kids kart, but that one is not as bad because I have no way of getting it in the first place, as I'm not American.

And it's not like with other items I lack from the GP that have 'Coming Soon!', those flags are straight up missing from the list. I also checked with an alt account to make sure and all the flags were missing from the sticker tab.

I would rather make him a her and breed

Attached: Cropped R63 Ripper Roo.jpg (261x231, 22K)

how do u respond.

Attached: Coco date.jpg (677x577, 203K)

>Fuck off you abomination, go play with my dog and let the humans talk

Don't rape Coco
>Rape Coco

Attached: C5E66C64-29CC-4B6B-948A-04C29B3FFD86.jpg (1225x1871, 245K)

How big is her cock?

Attached: 1562466873416.png (365x460, 259K)

Bigger than Crunch but smaller than Tiny.


Ami has a tight vagina.

Attached: 91237808-713B-4908-97AA-AEC3B3B748A2.jpg (297x466, 111K)

Yeah, she's a futa.

based americans could buy multiple packs of these candies and post them in threads

Attached: 1565464829372.jpg (685x1024, 81K)

Except weren't they restricted to American copies?
Like if Finnish user tried to use the code, it would't work?

I thought about getting someone to hook me up with some but from what I skimmed on their page only American accounts can redeem it, and it's not like DLC you install and the whole console can use it, it seems to be account bound.



Attached: 1565449741122.webm (344x544, 2.71M)

Dead thread. Nothing but waifufaggotry dump.

Girthy with lots of heft.

I wouldn't do that user

Attached: FakeCowboyCrashwithactualguns.png (744x765, 264K)

You're next pretty boy

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Attached: FakeCowboyCrashwithactualgunsfiring.png (744x765, 311K)

How do i farm nitro after the quests are done, now that i can't farm battle mode anymore?

Attached: 66158931_403175136969309_359405172645682319_n.jpg (640x640, 45K)

Crystal challenge I think


Im not into furry things, but i fucking liked this character since ever and dont know why

Tiger Arena is a lot harder so not surprised. My favorite map in the game.

Sometimes IRL bondage enthusiasts tug on their restraints just to make sure they aren’t loosening and to remind themselves that they can’t get out; it isn’t very much fun being ties up if you have to pretend that you’re tied up because a knot is coming undone or some fabric is tearing.
That, and to adjust for comfort/circulation like implies.

Why is Coco working at Mcdonalds.


I have a wumpa-flavored penis that ejaculates nitro.

I don't even understand what point you're trying to make here

How does it affect your playing experience in any way

It wouldn't. Imagine how awful it would be if players were able to play their favorite Crash Bandicoot character with their preferred racing class. What a truly horrible thought.

It drastically changes the online balance and makes it one hell of a lot less diverse since the majority of players will only use one class ever and not even try the other ones.

Samefag harder


Then maybe Beenox should actually balance their game so using half the game's cast isn't a disadvantage. What would be the harm of some kind of swap mechanic if the classes were actually balanced? The only thing I ever hear from people not wanting something like that is "well everyone would just play Speed".

To add, it would probably also help if Beenox actually made more turn intensive maps rather that DUDE JUST USF LMAO maps with very negligible turns.

I'm the first two, and I was replying to two different people so I don't understand how that's samefagging

The majority of players already only uses speed or accel, so you mostly see those characters. I don't see how it would become less diverse if everyone could use whatever character they want. There is no tactical advantage to knowing what kind of handling other people have, you're still just trying to do your own laps and hit others with weapons

I agree, I want more tracks like Slide Coliseum and Tiny Arena. Though you can just u-turn and slide through those as well with a speed character. The u-turning kinda breaks the gameplay. If it didn't exist, speed would actually have a disadvantage

Actually, whenever I've seen it brought up there's usually a fair divide.

But of course.

Attached: Lets_go.jpg (929x861, 187K)

Bros I can confirm with 100% certainty that they nerfed lab basement exploit. Been farming since yesterday and I woke up to a measly 2000 coins. Seems to you like you stop earning coins after a while. Fuck this shitty ass game I’m done with it.

It doesn't sound like you're doing it right

>Report to mods
>Thread gets deleted
Way to go retard

Since this thread hasn't been deleted since roughly 6 hours from the complainer, I'd say it's the "too bad" situation.

What am i doing wrong? I've been using turbo controller set to A to keep pressing continue and i do lab basement crystal challenge on hard. After the battle it shows that I got 15 coins but in the pit stop it shows jack shit. I'm on switch btw

Just because a few threads stay alive or hit bump limit doesn't mean mods aren't being shitty about CTR threads. And reporting for the dumbest of reasons is a good way to ensure these threads don't stay up long.

U Turning is fine, the fact that you keep boost and reserves during it now is what's making Speed so good.

I mean turning is speeds one weakness and u turning and airbraking totally cancel it out.

When are they bringing back the Bandisluts to the game?

Attached: ns_megumi_and_ami_by_kempferzero_dd9dg6r.png (758x926, 488K)

When are they getting more Legendary skins the Motorsport series fucking suck dick.

Never or a year from now.

>still have a sticker set and a couple of kart decals to buy from the current grand prix
>they haven't shown up in the pitstop for like a week

Attached: angry dinosaur.jpg (518x514, 63K)

I still have a ton of shit to buy, no way I'm getting everything. I mainly just want the gladiator one for Tiny

Why are you guys buying everything? Last GP I didn't even buy the nitro girls since I didn't want them. I just get the skins I like.

because I have autism and want to unlock everything so if friends ever want to play they have all the items available to them

Attached: cooper autism.png (537x717, 455K)

Fair enough. I just feel like the game might turn unfun with that amount of grinding.

The grindings honestly not that bad at all, I just need to play my daily bonus online games each day and I have more than enough coins

What is this thing where you spawn and then you get no speed. It keeps happening to me in front of ramps, I'm going super slow and then I just fall again

The bandisluts haven't been removed from the game. I still play as my favorite cuties every day.

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A pure girl meant for breeding.

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Princess Coco is CUTE

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>Coco is CUTE

Attached: 1545359224747.gif (480x270, 894K)

I think he means when can he buy them from the pitshop.

Attached: 350A019F-48FC-41B5-AD2F-DB45A33DA0CA.jpg (1920x1080, 297K)

This game makes me so happy. It's probably my goty.

And to think we aren't even halfway done with the content that was leaked, let alone anything that might come after

Been doing that too, but I only play a few races during the week, and fully drain the bonus wumpa during weekends. The normal coin gain is too pitiful to play otherwise.

Awful item balance, invisible items, and mtx make you happy?

>Living in a timeline where you haven't unlocked the bandisluts

High skill ceiling, free dlc, and a beefy roster all recreated using the base of one of my favorite childhood games makes me happy.

The awful item balance sucks, but it's fixable and we can see Beenox is at least TRYING to dabble with it (for better or for worse more recently). And I don't really care about the mtx because I haven't bought any


Completely ignoring the state of the game for a month straight doesn't count as trying to dabble with anything you stupid cunt. Don't defend these incompetent lazy hacks that refuse to engage with their playerbase on any level. You sound like you're part of the dev team.

What? There was a whole two weeks where the item balance was drastically changed over and over again

Do you not remember clock and orb hell at the beginning of this prix?

>Say I enjoy the game
>Get asked why
>Called a shill when I answer

I don't know how to please you, user

Attached: man-shrugging-light-skin-tone.png (256x256, 49K)

What a nightmare. I shudder to think of it.

Attached: 306A6D39-72BB-4B28-9B28-80C9FE7D4FE3.jpg (783x619, 132K)

Where is the bandicunny?

Are there thicc edits for any of these?

Clock and orb hell is still ongoing what the FUCK are you talking about? The item balance is still fucked. Do you people even play this fucking game or are your brains rotten from all the bandithot posting.

I could prob make some when i get home. Unless another user does.

user you might be stupid if you think the orbs are even close to as bad as they were 3 weeks ago. There were like 5 orbs on the map at a time sometimes. Now it's back down to one or two per game

Rate my Zems!

Attached: Flavors of Zem.png (1498x766, 1.66M)

thanks, user

Gay as fuck/10
Much like you

My brain feels like its flourishing from all the Bandibeautys.

Attached: A5FE7D82-C61F-4F95-8871-125494C1D52F.jpg (1078x738, 171K)

I still get multiple clocks and orbs every single game. 4th and lower continue to constantly get useless items back to back to back while 3rd and higher regularly get shit like masks and missiles. The item balance is still fucked and if you deny that you're either a shill or you don't actually play the game.

Why are you so mad though

The bandithots will be the only thing to remember about the game unless they fix this shit.

Beenox refusal to address any of the multiple ongoing issues this game has had for weeks.

Will Spyro GP be kino or another stinker before the October GP gives us what we really want?

>what we really want

nina, brio, and komodo moe (and maybe rilla roo)

I mean these are valid issues but it doesnt take away from someones enjoyment of other aspects. I still enjoy the game overall but i get frustrated with the other bits of it.

Attached: 7ED2888E-0E2E-418E-8718-0101D2B12A32.jpg (367x430, 55K)

No having items fuck me over at every turn while I get nothing but garbage and missiles that slam into the fucking wall and don't register hits on people hinders my enjoyment of the game greatly.

Have you tried getting good? Personally, I don't think any of these problems are as game breaking as you make it seem


Attached: 859DC29C-C83B-4D58-B459-270A9CDF7C0D.jpg (381x444, 61K)

I'm sorry I'll personally change the fucked item balance RNG through sheer will and personally guide the missiles to my opponents. You dumb twat.

If you don't know how to shake a missile that's your own problem

And then you people cry about all the Crash threads being deleted.

When a missile can follow me across the map through corners and jumps and obstacles yet mine directly slams into a wall or doesn't register a hit even when I spam 3 I have a right to be pissed.

Oh well I guess, stop being a report abusing faggot

Whats there to cry about? Some jannys being mad at a videogame amuses me. The lengths to kill any discussion. Its not like this hasnt been a thing since release either.

Attached: 78392C37-8615-4CB6-BD68-05FEC88C54C9.jpg (416x348, 48K)

I don't give Activision my money

It mightve been juiced or a latency issue. It happens to me all the time.

Okay no you actually just need to get good

Learn missile timing, learn what makes them hit walls, learn when to use them instead of spamming all 3 at once and watching them try to track someone on the other side of a wall, idiot

You are talking like it's an objective problem with the game that everyone has, but it's not. It's you and other idiots who would rather bitch than learn how to fucking play. Literally no better than people whining that they can't beat Tropy but refuse to learn how to air break

You don't actually play this game and it shows. You probably just sit in these thread and endlessly post and spam bandithots like the cumskull you are.

I do play the game, and it's my missiles that track you for a whole lap
Stay mad, skill-let

Haven't made a single one, sorry.
>spams nothing but furry pictures
>wonders why threads get deleted

You didn't hear it from me, but every time you complain about Bandicoots without providing images yourself you are actively asking for more to be posted.

Attached: CUTE.png (736x668, 819K)

I discuss the game like anyone else here and posts memes, bandibabe pictures or other crash related stuff. I just happen to fancy Liz or at other times whatever other Bandibeauty catches my interest at the moment. Usually Tawna or Ami.

Attached: 7569D6D4-BE07-4694-9316-1C4B0A4D196E.jpg (726x565, 108K)

Not him but Missiles are absolutely stupid and do not work half the time. I distinctly remember on a race of Roo's Tubes it was the final lap and me and first place were about to get to the big boost pad at the end. I got a single Missile from the box and shot it at first place just he as coming up to the ramp to jump through the shortcut. My Missile decides to veer off to the right and miss completely instead of tracking the person not eight kart lengths ahead of me.

Honestly, I think part of the problem in CTR's items is not only the balance but the way they function. In CTR it's really not possible to "catch up" without fucking everyone else near or around you. The Warp Orb is also a huge factor because it doesn't actually track first place all that well. It just goes forward until it registers it hits first place and then disappears. There is newer footage coming out of people juking Warp Orbs but just going around in a circle on the map and the Orb just keeps going forward to lap around again. Juiced Up Warp Orb also needs to just go away, it is by far a bigger detriment to the seven other racers (depending on which racer gets it) than it is to the first place driver and in cases of USF fest maps like Twilight Tour and Prehistoric Playground the Warp Orb is especially useless against any first place player than can maintain USF on those maps. I'm all for letting the most skilled player win the race, but as it stands right now with the current item balance and function first place is effectively the safest spot to be in. Insurmountable leads are way too common in this game, the purpose of items is giving an edge to lesser skilled racers while making the race chaotic. Simply just fixing Warp Orbs and giving USF universal speed across all classes would do wonders for the game's enjoyment and balance online.

Attached: CTRLiz.jpg (480x480, 40K)

>there's only a week or so left before it ends
Hate shit like that.
I'm not being forced to buy a game and play timed events just to unlock shit.
Makes me not even want to bother getting it later which I probably won't, just because I missed out on stuff.

All GP stuff will be available later, by participating in the GPs you're just unlocking a few items for free.

Hopefully I can completely clear out the pitstop before Spyro drops. The grind is painful and I think it's actually starting to physically give me hand cramps but I'm so close bros

Attached: 1500048254962.jpg (259x350, 9K)

Hav u tried taking a break?

>All GP stuff will be available later
not for free?

Fucking casual

Why not just save your Coins for the Spyro GP? Most of the stuff in this one fucking sucks?

Define a break. At this point I only do the the daily bonus and that's it, I shut the game off. I finished the GP in a week.

Shes a good girl

Attached: 1566258068290.jpg (850x902, 227K)

Completionist autism. And I mean clear it out of /everything/.

You'll just unlock them in the Pit Stop with Wumpa Coins like you do everything else.

Take like 3-4 days to rest your hands?

Not as gay as your dad LMAO

Don't forget to save some coins for the Spyro GP so you can buy a complete set of gear that'll give you 50% nitro bonus on the first day.

I don't believe it, I may actually finish a drawing for once

Attached: 1560488529180.png (1280x1143, 325K)

Nice, I really should get around to drawing them too

Item balance is sooooooooooo fucking bad

The hardest part was thinking of something interesting enough to finish without being lewd in nature.

Attached: NitroExpress.png (693x745, 109K)

Winning online with balanced characters feels so enpowering.

>without being lewd in nature.
What's wrong with lewd?

It seems part of the team has been put in a Call of Duty project.

It's just something everyone else is doing so it's less inspiring to do the same.

I did this one however, which I guess is kinda lewd.

Attached: LegendaryLiz.png (1080x1568, 236K)

So they really are done all the GP content and halloween GP will probably be our last one. Oh well. Good riddance. Fuck this game and fuck beenox.

>get CTR on Switch day one
>play it only first and second day
>remember I don't really like CTR
>another dust collector

Meteor George is cancer, why does everyone vote for it?

>it's less inspiring to do the same.
That's understandable, I think lewds like this are fun though Also cute witch

All the small maps are

>beat a tropy with roo
>was the host and leaves right after
Feels good.

Because it's fucking fun you nigger

>Meteor George

Attached: 1527192702226.jpg (429x319, 44K)

is it now? It is when you're playing shitters

>play better than someone for 99.9% of the track
>lol clock at the last 3 seconds
>2nd is just able to recover quicker because lolspeed
I give up.

I wish these fun surveys would stop showing up

I don't get them as often now after answering no nearly every time.

Just say you didn't have fun every time until they understand the game is flawed.

Ripper Roo is my favorite character and sometimes I need to be punished for that.

Most of beenox got shuttered to Call of Duty, so only a skeleton crew remains on CTR.

I honestly don't think we'll see balance updates or anything anyone actually wants because of it. Skeleton crew is too busy making new characters/skins/GP stuff for it and pretty undermanned right now.

Quick and easy (for me)

Also very easy to catch up and fuck up 1st if you know what you're doing, 1st will never be far ahead

>5 days

My news ticker says in 2 days

GP screen says 5 days remaining

Kinda puzzling as to why they even bothered with mtx if post release support is going to be dropped in less than a year.

The countdown timer is bugged, it ends on the 25th according to all the promo material.

>Unlock fake baby t
>hate his win pose and animations

Fake crash will never have a friend.

W-coins haven't been nerfed yet so I'm not sure why this keeps getting parroted around.

I like it

Attached: BBF07078-63C9-4ACC-9E77-A685DEB1A659.jpg (371x517, 60K)

>Spyro comes out
>All his voices are just pitched down Crash babble
>Gnorc is Dingodile

Attached: baked yams.png (241x238, 140K)

I highly doubt Tom Kenny would turn down recording a few lines for Spyro.

no coco sticker is gonna be a yikes from me bro

Do the new characters appear in shop rotations once the grand prix is done?
I've been working on my backlog and I'll probably miss out on the babies and dino

Attached: 1562423646765m.jpg (796x1024, 263K)

Some motherfucker knows what he's doing with those clocks when I jump over the shortcut..fucking cunts

Directly after? No
Eventually, yes

I hope the Spyro GP isn't as soon as the BiT one was.

>manlytears plays with his ipod shuffle

Prepare your anus.

It will be
This one started shortly after the first one and the next will be no different

Today was a good day. Only 4 Oxide times left to beat now. Still 10 platinum relics left though.

>It loses to every class in a Time Trial
There are a couple tracks (Oxide Station and Cortex Castle specifically) that I was only able to beat Oxide's time trial on as a turning character.

I'd have a laughing fit if that was true, but there's pretty much no way they'd do that again with nonbaby characters.

Attached: 1554616196602.gif (177x150, 1.74M)

>good music
>cute sharks in sweaters cheering you on
>not over-saturated with items like crash cove and jungle boogie

Attached: 1560736811341.jpg (900x900, 91K)

Will Subway promote the Spyro cup and use Hunter as its face

I hope we get that cute sharka as a costume for Nash.

>Meteor Gorge
>Good music
Listen to the GBA version instead. It doesn't have discordant notes thrown together for the entire main melody.

Attached: sddefault.jpg (640x480, 54K)

So what do you think the Spyro track will be?

Same, I doubt we'd get it in the next two GPs but November? Anything goes.

Attached: 1537438318004.jpg (640x640, 143K)

>Coco's game

Isn't this Crash's game?

Those discordant notes are why its so appealing, its a nice change of pace and whimsical.

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Ami's thighs.

Attached: 54BBCD98-31DD-4FFC-B4F2-7A59F9D996FB.jpg (650x1069, 106K)

Those morpher lines were seriously bugging me

Attached: 1566501629407.jpg (650x1069, 429K)

>Bandicoot power!

Attached: 1524841393528.jpg (560x560, 233K)

Do you think they will change how the GPs work for PC? I refuse to believe they'll do the same thing as no one would play online when seeing that consoles already got everything a year before

sad bunch of retards

Why is there so much art of Coco working in fast food restaurants

Says the faggot posting on an online vietnamese basket weaving forum about video games. Take you unwarranted sense of self worth elsewhere.

Attached: 11756748384.jpg (1280x720, 43K)

She has no schooling and is a neet. Only job option. But in seriousness its either a Jimmy Neutron reference or because she was a cashier in a McDonalds commercial for Crash.

You don't need the entire team for post-game content, especially if that content is either already complete or close to it.



You take that back, blue baby T is adorable

I just want Icy Peak speedway. Best one.

Tree Tops is good too but we already have Thunder Struck.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Jimmy and Coco have the same voice actor.

Attached: FFD502A6-FB4E-4A9C-9586-ADAF69599210.jpg (480x360, 10K)

>same voice actor

Attached: cr1550030447066.png (692x765, 365K)

jimmu nu-trons voice actor is still alive?

Fake Crash with the booty warrior face