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Other urls found in this thread:


>localization files added

Crate depression 2 incoming


Attached: 1549765823985.png (440x394, 144K)

You have been saying this for months Tyler

All I ask is for the sniper to be nerfed, the heavy to get buffed and gets an item that counters the sniper as well.
Please god.

when the servers go down and it's not a Tuesday afternoon that means it's an update

ready for crate crash v2

Miss Pauling class when? I want to take pantyshots.

It doesnt matter, the game will never be how it was pre-gunmettel and meet your match killed off all the community servers.

yes please buff the heavy I already top frag every server with it


hello I'm valve employee #4, we are happy to announce a new TF2 (team fortress two) update. Welcome to the amazing world of the pyro update parte 2!

He was right about July.

t. elder skiddie heavy

>It's nothing.
HAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHit hurts too fucking much, brother. It hurts so badly. It hurts immeasurably. I want to stop hurting but it doesn't stop hurting it only hurts more. Why God did you make me so fond of this game why why why?

maybe they'll finally fix the badge tiers not showing up on the scoreboard
lol just kidding of course, they would need to pay one (1) dev for a whole hour of work for something like that

I fucking wish

TI9 is happening right now you retards. Valve won't fucking update TF2 during that.

Hello! Valve employee #3 here. Miss pauling cock and ball torture taunt will be exlusive to the epic game store.

What's going on and who cares

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Revert the Loch n Load and Tide Turner to their old selves please....

>2 barrles
>3 pipes

I'd honestly be fine if they just said it was over and occasionaly added community maps and cosmetics until the game shuts down. Not anytime soon i hope

>its another "guys totally believe me, one aspect of this game has stopped working that means an update is gonna happen"
TF2 is dead, Valve only care about it for money. It amazes me how you don't realise this

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same but I have nearly 7000 hours so I probably shouldn't be playing anymore

IF there is an update coming, they'll probably pack it up with the halloween one

I want Olivia to strap me down and suck out the Australium in my body.
I don't have any Australium in my body

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Ewww, I don't wanna play Overwatch.

>it's another "valve don't care about vidyagem anymoar guyz trust me" reply

Attached: 1551715428007.jpg (256x256, 53K)

The old Tide Turner and Baby Face's blaster were so much fun, was guillable enough to get a pro ks strange one of the latter at the weapons peak and now look at it

>added melee reskin for pyro
>updated localization files

Well they care about video games obviously. Just not TF2.
They update CS and DOTA. They don't give a fuck about TF2.

Attached: 1563578460269.gif (400x450, 196K)

Why do I carry this false hope with me when I know that it's just more lies to crush my dreams with?

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Holy fuck, 3 new Heavy weapons

He didn't say anything about now but was completely right about July.

why are you still here

Which is sad since you could do way more creative stuff with TF2 as a dev than either CSGO or Dota, just the spaghetti code and age is holding it back

Just to suffer

bros... I've been waiting for the Heavy update for literal years. Each passing month my faith weighs down. I still have hope that one day it will happen and that will be the last big hurrah for the game... It's gonna happen.. r-right bros

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Battle Medic subclass fucking when

At least the stupid syringe guns will become finally viable instead of being worthless compared to crossbow

>Arena mode
we back bois

Don't play tf2 anymore but I'm happy for you guys anyway

Attached: download (6).jpg (267x189, 7K)

>but beware because to use the sandwich you'll have to drop the shotgun

You think you have it bad, NIGGER? Imagine waiting for the Engineer Update.

>rumors about a source 2 port have been going on for years
I guess valve just prefers to develop anything but TF2 nowadays

It's 2019 and I still can't orientate in cp_steel.

>waiting for a TF2 update
>waiting for a dead game to be updated
If Valve does not give a shit, why should you? Just play Overwatch.

>play another dead game instead

Does overwatch have rocket jumping? Bhopping? Air strafing? I'd be interested if yes.


capture first point -> door opens -> capture last point -> win

Attached: 1549855278906.gif (269x350, 93K)

id rather play 32 player instant respawn dustbowl for the rest of my life than play overwatch

Reminder, VNN confirmed an update is coming between July and October, so this might be it.

>Play shitty soulless e-sport trite with some tranny hero every 3 month and shitty """"lore""""

>VNN confirmed

There is literally nothing wrong with 32 player instant respawn dustbowl.



Tyler's brother leaked info on Gabe.

Attached: 1541780581013.jpg (1280x1440, 207K)

lmao imagine actually believing this retard's lies

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follow the signs
just look at the walls and follow the signs bro

Attached: a12.png (4328x3219, 287K)

He didn't confirm shit retard
He guessed their would be an update around halloween because that's the easiest guess to make because of scream fortress

Attached: autism.png (1196x2040, 2.9M)

Dustbowl is a bad map, any map that incentivises turtling engineers and spawn camping is shit

The only counter to a sniper with good aim and good game sense is another sniper with better aim and better game sense. I think you need to start training, bro. Get that large mouse pad out and start practicing your tracking.

Uh-oh, looks like I struck a nerve there
It's okay guys, maybe next year you'll get another (paid) cosmetic crate

Why do people keep voting for Dustbowl

Attached: 228_211_1_0.png (594x447, 362K)

It's like Dust 2 from Csgo, it's the most famous map, so it HAS to be the best one right?

>Massive update when a insomnia65 is this weekend
yeah, no

It's a horrible map gameplay wise but aesthetically so pleasing.
Make me realise just how important aesthetics is in video games.

Literally what

Dustbowl is THE worst map in the entire fucking game.

t. Poor pathetic faggot that spent his 1700 hours on that map and that map alone. It's an addictive beast. Now I'm in recovery, trying to play Scout on nice, open-fielded maps. This game is so much better without that cancer map.

Some """"""e-sport"""""" fest where Froyo gets to pick up their next trophy every once in a while

>granary that low
>sawmill that high
you've got to be fucking kidding me

You're right, the best way to play the game is on 32 man instant respawn Turbine servers

Because it is by far the best map.

What did /ourguy/ mean by this?

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Tyler doesn’t lie, he gets lied to. He legit has communication lines with Valve employees, who being Valve employees feed him “September 30” tier false promises.

Froyo isn't attending i65. It's gonna be Ascent vs. Ascent for finals hopefully.

>play TF2 as Demoman
>feel satisfying as fuck to hit people with nades and mash that motherfucking m2 while sticky spamming

>play Overzzzzzz as Junkrat
>want to blow my fucking brains out when I hit nades and the enemy has billion buffs and shields and ebin ults

cause its easy to shit on noobs.

>tfw they never even get the 1st point

Attached: 1548657684199.jpg (700x641, 28K)

Demoman is so addictive to play, hitting those direct pipes is like crack to me, i can't get enough of it
also i hate niggers normally, but Demo is ok

>baaaw why can't I faceroll people with my braindead class?

god i wish i could go back to when my internet wasnt so ass that I constantly lagged so i could play again

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Frontier is the most underated map, change my mind

This, easily the most balanced map.

>What is cp_steel?

>Tf2 runs like shit nowadays on my mid end PC, but ran fine on my laptop all those years ago
What went wrong?

>mfw seeing the lumber yard artstyle for the first time

Attached: 1438526323684.jpg (134x152, 4K)

I think Snowycoast is underrated as fuck. Everyone hates on it, but each point has plenty of solid flanks and mobility options.

Oh look the game coordinator is back.
Told you, fucking nothing.

Valve needed mo computing power for dem cosmetics
And valvecucks itt will defend this

They turned it into a bloated mess by shoveling all those hats in

To be fair, Demoman is a man of culture and intelligence with a fondness for explosions and booze and takes care of his mother.

He isn't some low down greedy rat that depends on money from the government. That would be Soldier if he trusted the government.

My favourite map is Thunder Mountain and I have no idea what Passtime or Mannpower is. I haven't played since the first month of the Pyro update. I played a lot of pyro and would always use my backburner until someone bitched, then i'd target them alone with my shotgun/powerjack until they quit out or the match ended.

I love Miss Pauling!

Attached: paulingfan.jpg (2191x789, 375K)


I think everyone rags on it because no one in the """tf2 community""" don't know how to set up a good defense and get their asses handed to them

Anyone have the youtube video showing all the optimization sacrifices in the 2007 vs 2019 builds of TF2? God that was depressing to watch.

Mountain Lab is my favourite map in TF2 don't even know why, maybe its the aestetics but i keep coming back to this map and its peek comfy

i really really like this image.

i also really really want Ms. Pauling to be introduced as the 10th playable character and have this swimsuit as a low-grade cosmetic so I can watch a common as shit cosmetic be worth $1,000.


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I like this but you should have Scout cosplaying as Ms. Pauling


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>valve introduced a bug to make people pay attention to hat fortress
>the bug got fixed and the game is back to being dead again

>people think Harvest is good
Fuck, I hate that map so much. Shit plays like CoD and 99% of matches on it are horribly slanted one way or another. I could maybe see it being good if it's two well-organized teams on comms but fuck that shit otherwise.
>Dustbowl that high
>Gravelpit that high
Fucking lol.

God fucking damn


>Pauling as the 10th class
What would her role be?

pipes move slower and have less range in tf2, you also don't have infinite ammo and perfectly predictable bounces, it's more satisfying to use because it's harder, also when you hit people you actually get a reward, whereas in overwatch you're a gimped faggot who can't do shit until you get your I win button, which you probably love

I don't care about TF2 updates anymore. I want them to finish the comic. Just pay the niggas, Valve.

cum vacuum

succ on decc


Attached: 000.png (720x720, 576K)

you're on Yea Forums...

>granary #2 for cp but #18 overall
>all that trash in overall but no snakewater, process, sunshine
why do plebs hate cp (capture point) so much bros?

After re-reading the comics its pretty obvious that they're gonna get the last bit of australium that the administrator needs to do....SOMETHING from the australium sucking robots and Saxton.


because it's where the tryhards play, and Yea ForumsF2 players hate tryhards.

>cuckie dane
are you retarded?

Attached: freeze.png (834x766, 2.44M)

Teammates can sex her to regain health and a temporary speed boost after finishing.

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this hardly seems in character for scout

HOLY SHIT 600MB!!!!!

What i noticed not just in the comics but also in official TF2 SFM's like Expiration Date is that Scout is sorta supposed to be the main character of the game clearly and is the character who gets the most screen time out of the mercs

well he is the cheapest voice actor so

Would porting the game to source 2 fix the giant bumbling mess of a particle effect show the game is now?

I bet that started happening naturally because the scout's voice actor is easy to get a hold of.

>I actually believed it

Attached: 1559694286671.png (248x250, 43K)

>post that shit without source
And the youngest


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>Goldrush is higher than frontier
How in the fuck is the dustbowl equivalent for payload better than one of the best community maps in the game. Explain this.

Attached: IMG_20190802_150842.jpg (1208x1117, 86K)

>Porting this mess of more than a decade of spaghetti code to another engine when it barely functions on the one it's on
Nearly impossible. Even when DOTA2 was ported it was filled to the brim with various bugs and annoyances.

I will not get hope.

I will not get hurt.

repeat it after me Yea Forums

this is the tf2 update mantra

>Would porting the game to source 2 fix the giant bumbling mess of a particle effect show the game is now?
Yes, it would also make the game run like butter, problem is Valve unironically wanting to port the spaghetti mess that is TF2 and the non existent team behind it

Mountain lab is fucking godlike with aesthetics. I don't know why but tf2 maps have some of the best aesthetics out of any multiplayer shooter. The only thing o can think of with more peak comfort is the Halloween maps that dont rely on chaos (as much)

Basically like the dog class, but in woman

more porn when?

you installed tf2 on your PC without turning off steam cloud beforehand

absolute retards

The change in v_model and c_models is the worse one by far. Weapons models looks so fucking loew res now

Just post a server and let's go


Why? the only reason they had to optimize everything was to add more cancerous hats into the game

unironically based

>hes still wearing his socks and shoes
Dohoho this slaps me on the knee

Should be canon

fucking kek

In OW you can actually hit people with your bombs because people play the game LOL

didn't one of the cuck devs confirm she's a homo?

Isn't it just the Crate Depression fix they said was coming next weekend two weeks ago?

It was one of the artists/writers headcanon, but never made official

>Trying to trade my free unusual for an unusual I like
>Site tells me its worth 18 keys
>Hat I want is 10 keys
>"Neat, should be easy then"
>Everyone declines despite "30% Unusual overpay"
>Everyone only wants pure keys
>Everyone only wants to buy mine for 6 keys
This is fucking dumb

Attached: 1509840592604.jpg (288x288, 14K)

The fix came earlier last week on friday. Glad I sold my unusual for profit and actual games.

Welcome to TF2 trading.

didn't they reduce junkrat's nade size just because people complain about spam in a "press q to win" game?

Go on scrap tf and/or sell for keys then the hat.
Keep the rest of the keys or sell them.

Trying to get the hat you want is pretty hard nowadays, people are profit obsessed niggers, just put it on the market and buy some keys of your unusual

Scrap tf wants to give me like 4 keys
Then I gotta wait a week+ if it doesn't sell

Yeah, it is actually called balance, all alive games have it.

in overwatch?

If you really don't mind getting the exact same price, put it lower than what it actually is, i.e 18= about 38 bucks and sell it for 30 bucks. People usually buy it faster than you believe, there are autists out there just browsing for profit unusuals

Valve here. Fix it.

Attached: 1561760684923.png (348x284, 20K)

>sniper to be nerfed
Fucking faggo-
>heavy to get buffed
...okay you’re alright. For now

Also a lot of players

Only thing that sucks is that I have to wait a week for the keys to be tradeable.

>the fucking pilot light on the flamer


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It's in case he's gotta make a quick escape, you know? Not because he's doin' anything wrong, I mean, but maybe someone else wants to fuck Miss P more than he does. Is that a dog collar?

user, you and I are brothers.

Attached: thumb pilot.jpg (261x259, 11K)

The last thing Heavy needs is a buff.

>yfw they announce they are lifting the player cap
>yfw 64v64 or 128v128 clusterfuck servers

Attached: 1549418694684.jpg (519x447, 40K)

Source literally couldn't handle it.

16v16 is a big enough clusterfuck, but I kinda wanna see how that'd go on a superlarge map.

Some modded servers are 64v64 but they are usually zombies.
128V128 2fort 24/7 would be nice.

>64v64 Arena Mode

Attached: 1542427576490.gif (500x500, 403K)

32x32 is probably big enough before it just gets dumb
that being said, you'd probably have to make custom maps for that playercount since it'd get super fuckin crowded depending on the map, but that might make it more fun, who knows

Attached: 1565455147175.jpg (960x958, 133K)

>undo health decrease
>add 25% damage debuff to M1 melee with Sandman (everyone only uses it for the ball anyway)
>ball now has 3 effects based on distance:
>close/medium range = slowdown (can still use weapons, can't jump, duration is determined by distance)
>long range = stun + slowdown (equivalent of being spooked by the ghost, duration is determined by distance)
>super long range shot = total stun (left immobilized and vulnerable, duration again determined by distance)

There. Trades close range damage for big rewards if you can land your projectiles from a distance. Utility correlates with skill and it offers an alternative to other melees without just being an upgrade

Attached: 1555915618652.gif (250x141, 1.4M)

never ever

Attached: heavy update.webm (720x404, 649K)

>64v64 dustbowl

Attached: 1566424242422.jpg (669x605, 227K)

>256v256 Facing Worlds map

Attached: 1559367520435.jpg (1050x656, 122K)

I have not played this since early 2012, how is the game now?

complete shit unless you play on community servers then it's the same as its always been

user your supposed to suggest a better game to move onto, not one that is so fundamentally broken they have to enforce what type of role you play

I just played on the 3 Yea Forums servers and I assume none of them exist anymore.

Name even a single map that is actually big enough to comfortably fit a 64 v 64 game

partyvan exists on the weekends. Look for the threads during the evenings.

there's at least one fun server I know of and we have party vans pretty often

Go away Dane

Not him, but Hydro for 32 v 32



They should make a proper 16v16 map.
The tendency was always towards more players, not less (gtfo with the 6v6 garbage and the 9v9 compromise).
The dynamics in a 16v16 were always interesting to me. It had genuine multiple frontlines (Dota players would call them lanes) and people trying to be sneaky and work around them.

First time dealing with tradefags?
The fucking niggers are obsessed with scamming people to get an extra 3 or so key profit no matter what and will literally scrounge trade servers looking to find anyone gullible enough to deal with them

make fempyro canon

This, but for that they should open all the gates.

>Heavy: Everyone anytime the Coordinator and/or Item server is down
>Everyone else: Everyone else

Attached: 1494099860165.gif (320x180, 1.78M)

Better as of late. Crate Depression brought a lot of older players back into the fold.

>on a tuesday
>at the same time it goes down every week
OP confirmed for retard


What kind of updates would the heavy update even have?

Goldrock Gulch, 7CP map

Attached: 119087a.jpg (1920x1140, 307K)

Why is Team Fortress 2 so fun bros? Despite all the shit updates, nothing lets me have fun like TF2. I can be frustrated with other games then load up TF2 and be put in a great mood after a single game.

I will eat my shoe if there's a big update tonight.

Attached: 1554695003745.jpg (539x676, 47K)

Go on


Indeed, met a guy whom I haven't seen for 7 years on a Valve server.


new weapons for Heavy
new maps, maybe a finished version of Asteroid
buffs for shit like the Sandman

>on a tuesday

Attached: hoo boy.jpg (566x562, 40K)

probably in the worst state in the game's history
>runs like ass on most systems
>hit registration is god awful
>more retarded looking cosmetics
>cheaters every other game
>autobalance is still awful
>have to rely on matchmaking to get a vanilla game, and you still have to wait several minutes to get a game even during prime time
>all the community servers have turned into x3000000 cp_orange instant respawn or trade/idle minecraft_map_fuck_you_nigger
>cant choose which team you want to play on when you join a valve server
>cant spectate in valve servers
>cant use sprays in valve servers
>cant use mods in valve servers
>weapon balance is completely fucked thanks to compniggers
>the official competitive mode is dead due to the compniggers that wanted it in the first place hating it and valve giving up on it entirely making the entire update to add it in the first place completely fucking pointless
>MvM has gotten nothing new for a long time
its depressing

Attached: 1473427553371.png (653x766, 477K)

The updates back then were always on a Thursday. That's also when the item drop caps resetted

>all these people bitching about sniper
>play spy and usually have no issues dealing with them, or even distracting them long enough to have my team cap points or hit objectives

Why does everyone say spy is useless?
He hard counters sniper, engineer, heavy and (with good aim) Scout. If you know what you're doing you can literally just outplay half the fucking cast, even with stock weapons.

Attached: 1513186896599.png (315x364, 20K)

That's probably due to Scouts VA being the only one readily available anymore. The other VAs are either busy, dead, or no longer able to voice act.

>Alot of players
>Don't disclose numbers

Attached: 1513122847473.gif (130x129, 17K)

What can I say? The days seem to blend together when you're neet

I wouldn't be surprised if they do this at the very end of the comics, maybe to signify the end of TF2 as a whole, after the tie in final game update released next to the comics, where they release new maps and gamemodes and cosmetics with comic references like Zhanna, God, earnecklace, and maskless fempyro with all new voicelines

Attached: d771drp-71fdf220-1290-4870-b54c-4909d700a692.png (706x1080, 682K)


Would be retarded , I like my pyro as an adorable mass murderer not fap b8


Freight and Well are both huge

Landfall actually is

You're a fag for not realizing it can be both

Attached: pyro unmasked.jpg (596x900, 248K)

It is Wednesday in valve time. (Sweeden)
When it is taken down it usually means metals but since metals are never going to get added again it must be something new.


spy is useless because even a decent scout with back scatter can do his job

this is what pyro looks like under his mask and anyone who claims otherwise is a fucking retard

Attached: pyro face.png (245x498, 105K)

As someone who doesn't play scout, this sounds good
>slow makes it easier to deal damage
>can still 1 shot people jumping over gaps
>keep health decrease

you niggas are fucking dumb holy shit
one of the worst final points in the game, and every other point is boring

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Attached: this nigga.jpg (300x168, 6K)

Attached: hnnnngg.jpg (357x468, 27K)

As a journalist its his responsibility to vet rumors and sources

>badwater that high
I guess Yea Forums is full of engies and sticky spammers

I'd rather watch a goat take a shit for 2 hours than play that trash again

learn to rocket jump scrub

Ze untermensch

To be fair, he actually vets his sources more thoroughly than “professional” game journalists. Hell, a lot of them actually use HIM as a source, which is all sorts of messed up when you think about it.

badwater is still a shit map
not as bad as turbine or 2fort but still

I hope they remove competitive and ban everyone who played it actively.

it wasn't even Tyler someone actually visited valve and got to interview the tf2 team all 2 of them and the potted plant who pushed out the crate update

I came to this thread to shitpost hero shooters not to promote your reddit shit

16v16 was based


>hl2.exe has crashed.webm

I swear this is a meme at this point.

I can see 20v20 being possible, maybe not on dust bowl though


Attached: 544px-Standin_overview.png (544x600, 425K)

>yfw crit rocket/pill a hallway of 24 people on rollout
I dont think my dick could handle it

Attached: 1529088102070.jpg (479x395, 35K)

It's just a very balanced product
>light and comedic tone plus goofy and inventive weapons and playstyles keeps things from getting too serious
>tense chokepoints and high skill ceilings keep it from just being a meme game for babies
>can be played in a casual atmosphere as well as in a more organized setting
>all 9 classes have some utility on every map and game mode; ask the community who the best/worst class is and every class will get at least one vote for either
>despite some wonky balance issues here and there, is actually fairly well balanced for something of this scale with so many variables
>gameplay actually encourages communication and teamwork, with the reward being not only a win, but a win that's fun and exciting to get
>custom loadouts give a sense of individuality, while at the same time the world and characters are anything but bland or generic, all bursting with well defined personality
>is the last of a dying era of online shooters, is old enough to have nostalgia for it while still playing it today

source is dreamhayzesfm for all the SFM stuff


I agree 100% that it can be both.

I do think that the skintight latex SFM pyro models look completely retarded. If they reveal Pyro to be a woman I think they ought to change nothing aside from maybe releasing a portrait of her without a mask. That way nothing additional needs to really change with the other characters about how they interact with Pyro.

I understand that only announcing Pyro as female is just as ridiculous and pandering as Blizzard announcing their characters as gay but the most progressive thing about it is that absolutely nothing changes about Pyro at all because they're a woman. Absolutely nothing. They're still a complete psycho.








Attached: ubercharge-heavy.png (330x330, 255K)

>The last comic update was JANUARY 2017

Attached: 1497951814024.jpg (500x437, 47K)

Bro the chokepoints are a meme, though
>all 9 classes have utility on every map
Scout on Dustbowl


Attached: 1429203670386.png (800x752, 46K)

It's dead we're never getting another
Let go

Attached: 1561222520540.png (500x398, 28K)

pyro is a tomboy who straps down her big boobs

>Scout on any Attack/Defense map

what is bonk

You wouldn't know it with the amount of absolute fucking tards who try their hand at him

People legit expect Valve to announce something at Gamescom. We all know it's a fucking CS GO update or a VR portal minigame


>Spaghetti Code

Have you seen the source code? Define Spaghetti Code, or is it just a term you hear that you thought sounded like it would make it sound like you knew what you were talking about?

Fat russian fingers made this image

>expect Valve to announce something at Gamescom.
Or you know, absolutely fucking nothing?

most people who go spy are the deadweight that can't shoot, there are some legends out there though

If they were on schedule the comic should have been out in 2018. Given that there's only like 5 fucking people working on it and only two of them are artists it's pretty impressive that they're able to crank out 250 fucking pages in a year.

That line artist and the person doing the coloring are probably stuck with some retarded Auto Chess comic horseshit. All that they worked on in 2018 was Artifact. There's just too much on their plate.

>you still have to wait several minutes to get a game even during prime time
That's objectively false unless you're queued exclusively for like Hydro, and most of the rest of these only really matter if you're a compshitter. The era around MYM/the release of Overwatch was far worse and the objective closest the game ever came to actually dying.

Since then we've got:
>few fun weapons got ruined, but in exchange a number of crutches got nerfed into uselessness and a few underrated ones got cool updates
>more maps, most of which are fucking excellent
>game is consistently in top 15 at any given time now that Overwatch is dying
>Crate Depression and VAC banwave purged a number of tradefags and cheaters (and in some cases both)
>recent news has revitalized nostalgic oldfags who stopped playing, leading to a general increase in quality in casual
>weekly party Yea Forumsan server
>compfags are losing more and more groundswell as people start to realize they're bad at the game, hence why they want to change so much of it
It's not in the best place it's ever been, but the worst is far behind us.

Not the engine's fault, it's the code itself that has been tampered with to corruption, devs themselves said that the things such a mess that they can't even fix some bugs because it would mess up big chunks of the game. Obviously ignoring that its unoptimized as hell with its particle effects

TF2 is beatifully designed. Peak Valve.
There are lots of strong points, like the aesthetics of the maps, but the strongest point have to be the characters.
Most games suffer trying to differentiate 5 classes, Valve manages to have 9 unique classes. And their personalities are what really seals the deal. They asked themselves what sort of player would play *insert class here*. Of course the Scout would be an annoying fuckwit. Of course the Spy would be a smug bastard. The characters appeal to the players, because that's how the players feel when they play the Scout, or Spy or Sniper. They can relate.

all you have to do is heal the pubstar and not die.

/tf2g/ is cancer, lurk moar

Does anyone have the hilarious early female pyro model

Valve already said that they will never ever port TF2 to Source 2.

Crate depression 2.0 inbound?

Attached: weed.jpg (636x361, 42K)

Is the medic still the team leader in HL like he is in 6s?

>can backcap the point
>can harass the spawn and interrupt rollouts
>can flank snipers, who have a huge advantage on that map
>can Bonk and distract sentries
>can just provide solid frontline damage in general
>can give medics a ride to the point
Some classes have more utility than others, but you can play highlander on any map and everyone will have something useful to do.

I'm not going to say heavy is hard, but it does take skill to dominate an area, and basically be the spearhead of the push, if you have a good medic you don't have to be the most mechanically sound but your Rome as heavy is pretty important, I don't have the playstyle to play sniper but I know it takes skill

I'm always the one who has to get on the obj, so I can't really afford to go sniper

Bring back tc_hydro

Attached: GgccrUz[1].jpg (1024x768, 168K)

yeah no

team leader? 6s?
Medic is a bitch in all modes.

>main defense against a class who can turn invisible and one-shot any other class
I don't even play Pyro but come on now. There's nothing more frustrating than a Pyro who doesn't know how to do his job and hunt down Spies.

the medic can't be the team leader, the medics job is to follow the person who gets kills, the person who's actually going to kill the other team is the leader

>Play overwatch
>get banned for being bad at the game
>get banned for insulting people when they insult you
>get banned for cheering the team
yeah no thanks

maybe you should try and treat the cancer instead of letting it grow worse desu
then you could post there more often desu

you dont get heals anymore. who is the bitch now

lol he literally leads you in battle, the medic is literally the follower

>be me
>big fatass who people underestimate
>have a degree in writing arts
>laugh really fucking loudly when I get into it
>trying to get into lifting
>main Heavy

still you because you don't want to win and play your role

I respect medics because I don't have the patience to heal retards who can't shoot, but if you decide not to heal the person who's getting all the kills on your team you're an asshole

God I miss behind-the-scenes blogposts.
These days you gotta hunt through Valve artist's portfolios to find stuff like this.

Attached: alpine_concept_2.jpg (1600x814, 239K)

Medic in pubs? Tranny/Faggot furfag who can only hold M1 on his Soldier/Demo boyfriend. Also only ever equips the Kritzkrieg.

Medic in 6s? Tranny/Faggot who has some skill in hitting arrows and callouts, yet still can't play any other class competently on that level

This. Sniper's job is to stay out of sight and click on the heads. Heavy's job appears simple, but there are loads of minute factors (many that have to do with positioning and prioritization of targets) that separates an adequate Heavy from a top of the board MVP king of the vanguard Heavy.

The medic literally uses the people he heals as weapons.
If you want to be passive about it, he just switches to other people or does the kills himself.
Your job is to be a useful tool.

um tf2 tards? where is your update?

someone post the hotdogs line

>tfw party van whit 128 players in

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Every class has to do positioning and target prioritization. Why do heavy players always brag about this? Wow you had to learn how to do what everyone else has to do as a prerequisite for not being literally useless, and that's where the heavy skill curve apparently peaks?

i readed on the most broken gmod way , goddamit

>former Valve employer has the concept art to female counterparts to the TF2 classes.
>They look like ordinary women, not hot at all
Good thing he got fired before he could do more damage. At the cost of not getting that planned Fairy RPG, which was then recycled into Dota, but whatever.

you are not the team leader, you are the follower, I'd you refuse to heal the best players you won't accomplish anything

not all tools are created equally as evidenced by the fact I'm mvping the server and have double the score of the next person

heavy has to actually be on the objective and stay alive as the biggest target with glaring weaknesses and no ability to run away

the weapon once spun up is easy to use but getting to the position to use it while not dying as a big slow target is hard

The Medic decides when to pop ubers to break chokepoints though.
Your role is being in the right place at the right time. If you are not, someone else will. And he will do it, because he is literally invincible.

>he thinks positioning as any one of the other hyper mobile classes is remotely similar to positioning as the biggest, slowest target in the entire game
Okay kiddo

>And he will do it, because he is literally invincible.
"Surely ubering this Scout will crack that sentry nest!"

Bannerlord full game will release before TF2 will get a decent update

literally only watching this thread to see if more anons will post more ms.pauling porn. she's so precious i want to mount her.

>mfw it does

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not everyone can frag as good as I do, if you uber the wrong person you get a failed push, your job as the medic is to support the strongest player in the game

your failure to do so is the reason you lose games

>implying you get kills

This. Any retard can pick Heavy, jump on the point, rev up, and maybe score a kill before getting focused and dying.

It takes a good Heavy to approach that point with enough coordination that not only do they not stop him before he gets there and spins up, but so he's able to mow them all down and cap without eating shit.

>Yeah man like Heavy is super hard, you just dont get it like you have to know where to stand and shit
>Said to the Spy players
Get over yourselves

implying you aren't asshurt I'm better

>your job as the medic is to support the strongest player in the game
Not him but how retarded are you? Your job as medic is to keep your entire team alive not pocket one unusual wearing Soldier, jesus people are retarded these days

2Fort HD (ecologic)

Attached: 1681945264_preview_2ECO (5).jpg (1920x1080, 442K)

But Bannerlord didn't come out on June 23rd, 2011

shush you

right I guess my top score and single handed domination of the game is so easy right, you could do it every game

>character who can turn invisible, feign death, instakill, be ignored by sentries, and earn crits and speed boosts
>as big of a target as the biggest, slowest target in the game
Okay kiddo

some players are worth more than others healing shitters over the heavy who can kill 6 people is a mistake

You can do both. Picking who to uber is the most important thing a medic does. You keep your team alive but make sure the best player gets his heals first or an overcharge, even if its a scout or spy.

why do you assume you are? you think all medics are bad at the game or something?

Yes, it is that easy. Your gun takes less skill to use as the flamethrower, your "positioning" skill consists of knowing when the soldier and demo and sniper have killed all the bullies for you so you can safely advance, you've got a medic gf 24/7 up your asshole so you don't have to worry about dying, and your movement consists of waddling around like a fatass or doing that even more slowly. Heavy is playing tf2 on easy mode.

I see many bad people of every class

hey bro next time I'm on don't get mad when I shit on you, my steam name is The Mole

This desu
>playing Heavy
>Medic tops me off
>I pull back from the corner to refill my ammo
>he pops because a flare spooked him
>I refill my ammo halfway and run back to the choke
>do mediocre damage to the sentry nest and try to run back before the uber expires
>get nicked by a crocket and die
>Medic gets pasted to the wall by the sentry I didn't kill
>"heavy wtf so bad holy shit"
If you're a Medic and you're not at the very least using chat commands to communicate with your team you can fuck off forever.

>Not ubering the spy so he can sap the nest
big brain plays

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guys dont fuck with the mole he will slap your shit and steal you sandvich

>Heavy is a bad class
>but he's also the best
>only shitters play them
>that's why it's so easy to get top of the board
>but he's useless
>it's like playing TF2 on easy mode
>btw I'm an epic Spy main
Oh I'm laffin

I would destroy every one of you shit talking retards

Show me the posts where I said that heavy was useless, schizo-kun

I'm not talking shit. I think you really are good

can't wait for the heavy update and heavy trailer for smash dlc

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>he doesn't even get kills, he just waits for Sniper and Demo and Soldier to get all the kills while his Medic GF pockets him
>wtf no he's not useless
>he is bad tho
>except he isn't
>I'm a Spy main

you are mean

>muh strawman
grow up

I want an update where I can kiss Olivia's little breasts and cum in her cunny


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Attached: I wanna rock your body (till the break of dawn).gif (260x188, 186K)

Unlikely but nice optimism

i love my games all being one sided stomps every fucking time i play this piece of shit
what the fuck went so wrong

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MYM Update.

Why are community servers these days so shit these days, Yea Forums?
>Unskippable ads that sometimes play while you're playing
>sv_pure 1 is default
>Always trade_plaza, neonheights, minecraft, etc.
>If not trade maps, then it's always 2Fort, Upward, Hightower, etc. 24/7 with no map rotation
>Shitty annoying plugins
What servers SHOULD be like
>Minimal ads or at least banner ads only
>sv_pure -1
>Good selection of community maps and official maps (maybe with pro or comp versions where applicable) with map rotation and map voting
>Only plugins would be HLStats, Quake Announcer, or other plugins that don't interfere with gameplay
>Replays active because why not
>Halloween cosmetics 24/7 because why not
>Steam group with events so the server doesn't remain empty
It's not that hard, guys

>play in a community server for the first time in ages
>everyone knows what they're doing and the teams are balanced
>get less kills overall but that's because everyone's putting in effort
>go back to matchmaking after everyone's finished
>every game is a stomp with the losing team being filled to the brim with retards who never touched a keyboard before
the matchmaking system is actually fucking disgusting

sounds like you need to practice more

valve can't do matchmaking for a living

Here's the cycle.
>game starts
>1 player leaves because they got put in right as the last match ended and got loaded into a map they didn't want to play
>one decent player on one team
>complete faceroll
>round 2
>80% of the losing team on round 1 disconnects
>players on the winning team get autobalanced 30 seconds into the game while the matchmaking fails to add players into the game in progress
>autobalanced players immediately ragequit because why the literal fuck wouldn't you?
>entire server crumbles
>new players are added right as the map starts changing

Attached: 1560961471685.jpg (487x423, 56K)

Probably the only thing the map could be good for.

Engie should be moved to the middle. Any imbecile can plop down a sentry in the same spots everyone places them and automatically be useful

What servers SHOULD be like
>No ads, fully relying on donations of items or paypal money to fund the server with only reminders to donate along with random flavor texts that pop up in chat sometimes.
>sv_pure -1
>Quality community maps that rotate on a good balance with a map vote system.
>A stats plugin, Quake Announcer, a mapvote system. Maybe RTD if you aren't a push over.
>Steam group, no Discord, that runs events.
>Halloween items on 24/7

Attached: 1539973449254.png (659x609, 153K)

Disable MOTDs, dumbass

How much does running a server cost? I might do it if valve does some community stuff next update.
I would probably just have a simple server with 24/7 upward and reduced respawn times maybe votes for other nice maps.

way to embarass yourself here, buddy

>11 years ago already


Attached: nonon.jpg (277x284, 17K)

Dunning-Kruger, the post

You're putting words in his mouth. He never said Heavy doesn't get kills.

And yeah heavy+medic is broken as fuck. The only reason every game doesn't devolve into heavy+medic spam is because (thankfully) heavy and medic also happen to be the two least popular classes in the game to play so the combo doesn't happen that often.

>dat tiles

Would you Yea Forums? Would the Scout?

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Reminder that the whole idea behind the sandvich was that valve wanted to give heavy a buff that specifically didn't stack with having a medic because, in their own words, doing so would overpower the combo.

>something something diaper changing station

I can't jerk off when it's scout. All I hear in my head is WOOOO I'M NOT EVEN WINDED LOOK AT ME MA WOOHOOO YOU SEEIN THIS

Attached: The_Disco_Diaper.png (310x326, 113K)

>open spoiler
>see tits and bare legs
>scroll down a bit
>see diaper

Attached: 1539657042639.png (158x160, 2K)

Nobody gives a fuck dude your game is more dead than Overwatch.

say goodbye to your kneecaps, chucklenutsBONK

for me it's about 50% stomps 30% relatively even, 20% close games. maybe you just need to play different maps.


fun fact guys. dane ALWAYS queues with hyper pubstompers who carry him and allow him to get away with retarded engie strats and get easy frags. insider info

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L4Dfag here. What's an 'update'?

Attached: Jockeyclose.png (371x444, 170K)

>L4D team was just one guy for 4 years

>50k players daily
I'm sorry dude but Overwatch isn't even relevant between normies anymore. I'd be suprised if it had more than 15k active players

every pubstomper does that

exploit patches once a year

Dude overwatch has at least a million concurrent players every day

I barely pay attention to the guy and I have no doubt that's the case, you can't do anything remotely interesting with engie without taking some highly impractical risks that won't work against anyone competent.

>copying what you said
If you only had a brain~

my steam name is the mole, next time you're in a game don't get ass blasted when I top score

says who?

Sometimes it happens. Use your mic and play proactively. If your team doesn't follow suit then fuck em, disconnect and find another game.


There has never been a surprise major update.
Especially on a wednsday.

in your dreams tranny

Being a cuntsman is so fucking easy, holy shit
being a half decent one takes no skill

bruh overwatch barely gets a million kills a day

Please buff Spy.
Just follow that copypasta, it would be perfect.
Also fix the flamethrower.


everything outdoors makes sense to me. but theres something about the interior that just absolutely boggles my mind. Doesn't help at all that a majority of the map is a fucking spawn room.


hardest class in the game

Attached: 1561352253635.webm (720x406, 1.64M)

>And yeah heavy+medic is broken as fuck

overwatch barely gets 10 kills a game

Dane is a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about half of the time. His advice is practical, but commonly known. His format helps convey the message to newbies, but many of us already know that.

Before his random crits video, he was a solid comfy choice for a TF2ber.

But with his crit video he took a high budget approach to make it so that anyone who called out his moronic arguments got shut up because their video didn't have an actual TF2 voice actor in it or was structured like it.

Dane is a solid 7/10 TF2ber.

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he gets real good dental

Attached: that asian feel.jpg (1614x837, 239K)

removing workshop models from versus for some reason

How can anyone be like this?
Sometimes I don't immediately know which room I've spawned in as Red. Other than that, I have that map down.
It's not even a big map.

the time between tf2's release and the engineer update is 3 times smaller since the time between now and the engineer update.

Attached: why is this in my cute folder.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

Honestly the only downside is changing her but then again at that point you also have free reign, truly a double edged sword.

And Heavy gonna be added to smash alongside this update hm?

well for one I don't play the map often.
theres also next to no landmarks in the map outside of the center point.
Those two hallways are just a blur in my head. I only know where to go based on the signage.

We're closer to the birth of Julius Caesar than Julius Caesar was to the building of the pyramids.

cope harder, dead gamefags
Overwatch is breaking new milestones every week, how is you competitive scene, tf2tards?

about damn time

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Consider this.

Attached: 1564709022643.webm (960x540, 2.82M)

I guess I could understand someone who never plays A/D.
Some of the maps I rarely play can turn me around, too.

>Disable MOTDs because I've become so lazy to the point where I can't click a button to get off of a screen to play my game

Attached: Fatso.gif (321x180, 1.64M)

run that by me one more time.

>pyro update is released
>doesn't fix shit

what is happening in this gif, it's giving me a headache

This map is a nightmare.

Julius Caesar was born roughly 2100 years ago. The pyramids were built around 4500 years ago.
Do the math.

I don't even disagree with a lot of the points he makes in the crit video
>stats like the OG vitasaw and danger shield need/needed to be fixed because "makes you objectively win a matchup with that same class who doesn't have that weapon" is bullshit balance
>there's no real defense for random crits other than "they're funny"
>if you balance weapons so they're most effective when you play cooperatively with your team, everyone benefits

The problem is how hard it proliferated the le funny "RANDOM CRITS ARE FAIR AND BALANCED" salt bind while emboldening scrubs who started playing in 2013 into thinking they know more about the game than veterans and that anyone who doesn't care about crits one way or another is a braindead mongoloid shitter.

Then why the fuck are you complaining about "unskippable" ads, you triple nigger?

>should we fix pyro's core issues?
>no, let's fuck with particles and give it the worst weapon in the game

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Theres just a lot of weird elevation and glass that visually connects the rooms. I always forget how to reach those 3 medium health kits near the back.
I also think some of the doors close before you can even reach those areas and some of the doors are just generally blocked off from blue when they're not even spawn rooms.

Like that entrire white area in the back is arguably reds spawn half the match.

the map is actually a funhouse style rotation of itself

The slip that brought me
To my knees

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I fucking wish

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I was wondering if you were talking about the younger or older one.

no one cares, faggot.

Put Pyro ontop of Easy. A good Pyro is a fucking godsend but they're as rare as a good Spy.

Deader than dirt, thankfully. TF2 actually allowed to be fun rather than catering to a select group of twinky autists who view games as a career rather than a hobby.

>look at what you can do when your enemies are completely retarded

What? The younger or older what?

>foot cam


Julius Caesar.

There's only one Julius.


this is what happens when your enemies don't fire at you. I really want to know how people find these mouthbreathers in pubs, let alone a whole team of them.

>literally no one shoots him
>get ubered
People who get mad about Pyro are the weakest race.

Literally just walk away from him and shoot him. Like nigga just don't be in melee range and he's crippled, it's actually that easy.

Julius was born 2100 years ago and went back in time to build the pyramids?

Did he do this before or after pumping his son into Cleopatra?

play in the morning

couldn't the comp leagues just make the players remove mods
make their servers sv_pure 1 or some shit

Did julius fuck his own grandma?

>start up the game
>literally no update
Wow how surprising.

Was Julius Caesar my grandpa?

People still cheat, which is hilarious. Hell people hack using the fucking code their mouse has as an injection point in cs:go tournaments.
Shit's pretty wild

Which pasta?

>join match
>get streamrolled
>queue for another match
>get streamrolled
>queue for another match
>get streamrolled
>queue for another match
>match ends as soon as you join
>queue for another match
>get streamrolled
>queue for another match
>streamroll the other team
>queue for another match
>get streamrolled
>queue for another match
>it's only you and one or two other people the whole match
>remember why I stopped playing the game and uninstall

Most classes have at least one tool they can use to prevent snipers from having a clear advantage over you: pyro can harass with flare guns, soldier with direct hit, demo with loch n load or sticky jump, medic with crossbow, scout with jumping chaotically, spy with cloaking. Engineers and heavies are the only ones with major disadvantages from a distance.


Not very useful at long distance. You can get an average shot of 3-6 damage with shotgun far away. Pistol can get 9-18s, it still isn't fast enough to deal with a good sniper.

What version of 2fort is this ?

>bottle doesn't break anymore
I knew I wasn't going insane! VALVE HOW COULD YOU?!

Attached: 1564443626429.jpg (540x436, 21K)

The flare gun should be Pyro's default secondary, Heavy's shotgun should have different stats from Engie's shotgun, and Soldier should have something more like the SMG.
Then Engie's pistol should get different stats.
And any shared weapons should be changed to be single-class. Which means the BASE Jumper, the Half-Zatoichi, and the Pain Train.
Change my mind.

Equipping side gear doesn't prevent harassment desu. Specially when you're engaged.

and sniper can equip stuff to stop flairs and such. Arguably one of the only ones that can actually stop a sniper that's targetting you while engaged.

after that video came out valve just kinda randomly readded it in

When the fuck did they change hybrid demo knight to only be able to hold 3 reserve ammo? what the actual fuck

you can actually reset this.
Problem is that this is for optimization for fucking unusuals.
Seriously manconomy unironically ruined this game.

Map name?

Shit is there a mod that adds this shit back?

when they allowed you to pick up ammo with the sword.

>be pyro
>peak around to flare

pretty sure it's ctf_twisted_2fort

Yup, it's that one, thank you

Persuader does that now for some reason

Valve should just buff the shields already. Demoknight is a joke these days and the swords aern't the problem

Heavy should move at demo speed when he's not equipped with minigun. Suddenly the shotgun is super useful. and you don't need to auto take a direct upgrade that lets you play faster.

Add some downsides like switch to mini-gun speed penalties or something.

This is litterally all valve needs to do to fix heavy.

So it is only the persuader? Ok guess i'll use the eyelander now. Fuck.

Attached: PhilJared.png (624x650, 145K)

hybrid is just dead in general.
all swords have this massive switch speed making it impossible to combo with pipes.

Who doesn't queue up with competent people at this point?

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this for next update pls


Not sure what your point is. When you say engaged you mean a sniper scoping?
I see your point about the pyro not exactly have a 100% solid method of dealing with snipers if they are using that fire protective shield. Although, snipers who use that shield are usually shit.

>"There may or may no be an update of any sort (medals/localization update included) but I'm not sure. This is 100% speculation."
>Valve release a tiny update which could have been released ANY time. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
>"Yes! I was right all this time. Praise me!"

Attached: eul_ti2.jpg (640x359, 68K)

>When you say engaged you mean a sniper scoping?
No when you're fighting someone else and a sniper cuts in and kills you. With pyro you can zone someone, quickly pop a flair on a sniper from far away, and continue fighting.

A full-charged scoped sniper at a distance is suppose to have an advantage over the other classes. My point is there are some tools to help mitigate this advantage.

>A full-charged scoped sniper at a distance is suppose to have an advantage over the other classes

why though.
>right click and fully charge from a mile away
>get an immediate advantage over everyone

Oh ok I see your other point now. Yes I would agree if you are not aware of the sniper or distracted they have an absolute advantage.
Because that is how the class is designed. Demos have an advantage in tight corners (Dustbowl), Scouts in open fields (5CP), Heavies with medics (Tank+healer). I personally don't have a problem with the sniper advantage.
I will concede that the most skilled/hackers players in the game (Top 1% skilled or hackers) can steam roll games as a sniper and can ruin games.

All of those things you mention though can be circumvented by positioning. And all of them still put them in danger.

A sniper being fully charged on the other side of the map doesn't put him in danger, and in many locations you can't "change your location". Especially if you need to cross somewhere just to get start flanking him. (like the second point on badwater)

The problem with snipers in really any games is that as a weapon their skill ceiling is almost non-existant.
You can train hard enough as a sniper to the point where every one of his "counters" is completely ineffective at most levels of play.
Not that most people have trained that much, but when you fight someone that has its infuriating.

If it's not the maps then clearly you're doing something wrong if you get steamrolled that much, ever think you're just bad and are part of the reason why you lose so much, and maybe you need to git gud?
I'm the guy you're responding to and I get those stats by carrying most of the games I play in, with often double the points of the 2nd place on my team win or lose.

>Not that most people have trained that much, but when you fight someone that has its infuriating.

its not actually that hard to get good enough to be able to click on people that are moving/strafing.
And getting flick shot the moment the sniper sees you is horrible.

Attached: Create a ALL TF2 WEAPONS Tier List TierMaker.png (983x1274, 973K)

I don't see how a full-charged sniper cannot be circumvented with various different classes/tools. Spy can cloak, Demo can sticky jump, Soldier rocket jump, Scout can double jump. They have tools that can mitigate (Not eliminate) the advantage the Sniper has. The problem is when the player is so good it doesn't matter what you do, they click on your head instantly.
I agree that is the biggest problem with the class. I have played against high level snipers, they play as if they have lmaobox on and it ruins the game.

>not nerfing the scorch shot

It's way too fucking good.

the exception that proves the rule

I actually had it in nerf but I reconsidered it because I wasn't sure. I don't really know if I actually consider it overpowered, just overused, or another example of people just getting angry that a class that isn't a generalist has a really good tool

Attached: 1460950274427.gif (384x288, 388K)

>after burn too strong!


revert the sword switch nerf for all swords. like holy fuck swords are unusable, the katana is garbage on soldier now.

all of those circumventions are if you're fighting the sniper 1:1. and even then the sniper could still potentially kill you while doing them. If hes fully charged he can just bodyshot you mid air and crater you for an immediate kill.

I met the guy in a dustbowl server once
we got pushed back and we just stayed together on the bunker and spammed voicelines then he used a kill bind
I also ran into Funke once, guy got mad because someone made pun of his name
I think I also saw star_ once

>non-argument, insult

>buff the kgb
why would you ever use any other melee as heavy except the occasional gru
in fact I often get mvp as exclusively steak + kgb heavy

I can't believe they still haven't given Engi a revolver after animations for using one were datamined like 5 years ago.

that was an accident, I have no idea why those are there

it wasn't well thought out since you can negate the holster switch penalty by switching to your secondary then primary immediatly after.

Anyone have the audio of her needing a shit after eating too many hotdogs?

Stop shilling your videos here crow nigger

a revolver and that laser gun should be his main secondary choices

Attached: BRAAAAAAAAAA--.webm (720x404, 1.81M)

Not necessarily, you can sticky jump towards a sniper and close in with melee with others nearby him. Even if this was the case the advantages other classes have amplify too if they have teammates. For example, fighting a Demo or Heavy in Dustbowl with a pocket Medic.

I think we both agree that sniper is fundamentally a problem in the game because the maximum potential it has to wipe out teams. Why it doesn't bother me too much is most players have not and cannot reach this maximum potential. So I just use different weapons/classes to help mitigate the advantage snipers have a long range. If they are serious problem I usually do sticky jumper into grenade, and it usually works well.

>unboxed a burning flames Killer's Exclusive from the glitch
>my inventory wasnt set to private, but is now
>tons of people are adding me daily now
God I fucking hate third worlders and children. I'm not retarded, I don't click on links some fucking faggot who just added me sent and I don't fucking trade my items in this dumbass game, go fuck yourself

Attached: 1543441111149.gif (196x196, 345K)

>Medic and Scout will never get their laser guns because Valve waited too long to add them

Attached: anger.png (403x395, 153K)

Weta said that Valve ghosted them. Fucking figures.