Say something bad about your favourite video game Yea Forums!
Say something bad about your favourite video game Yea Forums!
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Midgar gets old after awhile when every area looks the same.
That's probably the entire point of it but that doesn't make it any better.
The fanbase is full of SJW.
The control schemes are not like any other and the early entries have aged a little.
Gameplay is shit. PST/Silent Hill 2
She needs more porn
The community focuses way too much on Savage and Extreme fights without looking at the plethora of other enjoyable content in the game.
who is this qt and why do i keep seeing her?
Kotor 2 is unfinished, the combat blows, korriban is way too short, and Hanhaar is a shit character.
my fanbase is so shit and the games keep getting more casual without changing the formula in a meaningful way. awakening was the last time the series innovated in a positive way and i have low expectations for innovation if they keep making games like three houses.
Both visits to Rhapala.
The final missions of all the games devolve into frustrating 5-hour firefights with never-ending Monolith troops
Menhera-chan is cute! CUTE!
It's really dated and not very challenging after you've played though it as many times as I have. I still like to revisit it from time to time though.
>my fanbase is so shit
That's literally any fanbase
The weapon sandbox is dominated by one gun outside of highly specific situations and methods meant to counteract its dominance were poorly implemented and eventually rolled back, thus making the problem worse.
> 1. Ocarina of Time - Motherfucking Unskippable cutscenes
> 2. Trails in the Sky FC - Once you know what to do it's really short in terms of length, only like 10 hours
> 3. Trails in the Sky SC - Having to backtrack to every location is tedious as fuck
> 4. Persona 2: Innocent Sin - The Controls are extremely terrible
> 5. Digital Devil Saga 2 - Ending is a piece of shit & ruins the otherwise flawless story to give us a generic happy ending
> 6. Persona 3: Portable - Godawful Pacing, literally unplayable by the end
> 7. Akai Ito (VN) - Endings are way to short, they should be at least 1 hour long for the epilogues
> 8. Final Fantasy X - 100 % on rails gets extremely boring if you binge it, characters have no personality outside Tidus/Yuna, Story loses all momentum after "THAT" reveal
> 9. Mother 3 - It's too fucking sad, like it goes out of it's way to be as needlessly depressing as possible. You will feel like shit afterwards
> 10. Final Fantasy VI - Without the Brave New World romhack, the Story loses most of it's momentum & the characters become bland in the World of Ruin
> 11. Chrono Cross - Bland as fuck characters, Ending is blantantly unfinished due to lack of budget.
> 12. Panzer Dragoon Saga - Saturn Emulation is shit & it's almost impossible to play it due to Sega being fucking retarded
> 13. The Wind Waker - Blantantly unfinished once you reach the halfway point, not much else needs to be said other than "Triforce Hunt"
> 14. Mass Effect - Mako Levels are bullshit, traversing the planets is tedious as fuck, ME2 literally retcons everything & once you realize that ME1 becomes a complete waste of time
> 15. Bioshock Infinite - Obvious downgrade from the original trailers, the ending is a completely unsatisfying clusterfuck that ruined the otherwise enjoyable narrative.
> 16. Shadow of the Colossus - Traversing the empty overworld to find the Colossi is tedious as fuck, controls & frame rate are incredibly frustrating
I can't beat it first time again.
when the community reaches the stage where they constantly call everything toxic and complains about the veterans its pretty much over for that community
Variable wakeup timings is stupid.
i got stuck in a wall and it didn't throw me out at mach 6 even tho the screen was shaking
>Mother 3 - It's too fucking sad, like it goes out of it's way to be as needlessly depressing as possible. You will feel like shit afterwards
What are some more games like this? I want to feel sad.
Anyway, recently went through Undertale. Fantastic experience, but the fanbase is horrific. Why I never touched it until now.
This was supposed to be a subtle loli thread. Seems like It was abit too subtle.
Never got an actual sequel
by which i mean just more units, slightly polished visuals (stylistically it is already good) and another conquest campaign
Requiring the player to stand in sunlight when the GBA at the time had horrible glare problems made gameplay for key fights more difficult than necessary
Play Pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of the sky.
>MGSV: Empty open world. Mutilated story. Unfinished product.
>Sekiro: They reused mini-bosses too much. More quests were missing, the possibility of entering into the mind and personal development of the wolf and his relationship with Kuro, Owl and Lady Butterfly (who apparently were his adoptive father and mother). Sculptor is a key character in the whole story of the game and Ashina but we only get fragments of data that only allows us to imagine about him.
>Dark Souls: For some reason I cannot fucking install the fix software in my machine and its port for PC lacks quality.
>Nier Automata: The camera control is weird. It has the sensibility and delay strange. The lighting performance is not optimized so you have to install a third party software to fix it.
>Thief Gold and Dark Project: You have to install stuff in order to work right and the camera use is anti-intuitive
>Spliter Cell Blacklist: It has something that is not convincing. The wide variety of tools and weaponry to use is comfortable, but takes something magical away from the infiltration genre. Scarcity is key to an optimal experience. And of course a big drawback is the absence of Michael Ironside.
Chalice dungeons fucking SUCK
>TF2: valve literally doesn't give a shit about this game unless a total shitstorm happens that needs their attention
I can't get anyone else I know to play it because its only on the Vita