just came back from gamescom
ask me anything
and yes it was trash
Just came back from gamescom
was it good?
it was shit
you didnt miss a thing, except you want to wait 3 hours for a triple a game or a nintendo game
How crowded is it already ? Is it worth going just for wandering around the convention floor (I'm not gonna que for hours for 10 min of gameplay) ?
I'm debating if I should go tomorrow, haven't been in 5 years since it got worse every year since moving to cologne.
Did you play FF7R?
what does geoff keighley smell like?
>Is it worth going just for wandering around the convention floor
yes for a day
and i guess it would be more fun with friends
but it not worth if you aboslutely want to play 5 big games
At least you got dubquads.
nah i didnt want to stand 3 hours
but it looked very short and about the same shit they showed already
i dont know what that is and i dont want to know
All you need to do is see the gameplay to know its shit. It looks fucking terrible.
Looks good to me
>goes to gamescom
>doesn't even know who doritos pope is
get off my board poseur
I've just got back from Gamescom guys. It's not looking good.
People are tired, lots are going home, many people are giving up.
I'm sorry to say this guys but it looks like gaming is over.
Then play XV because its the same shit.
No it's not.
I'd be by myself and it's a 2 1/2 hour drive for me
How much for the ludens statue at the kojipro merch booth?
>ludens statue
didnt see that
but a guy bought 2 bahamut figures for 380 euros each
pic related
crazy motherfucker
where you the fuck at roughly 14 o'clock that keept creeping on the cosplayers?
impressive, very nice
What the fuck were Piranha Bytes even doing at Gamescom? Did they seriously just go there to shoot the shit and reveal absolutely fucking nothing about Elex 2? Please tell me you egged those faggots.