Is he the bad guy?

Is he the bad guy?

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Post His benis OwO

he's going to be the final boss

what's up with the seven-year wait, bros?
>chapter one is a "survey" in that toby is rewriting the story so that absolutely none of the fan theories match the final product
>it's actually done already and he's just waiting 7 years to go through with the joke
>he meant seven dog years, and it's really coming out next year

He’s the bad guy


Yes, he will troon out and force Suzie to touch his stink ditch while wearing the skin of her deer girlfriend while a MIDI version of "Goodbye Horses" plays

I dunno, his Faces of Evil speedruns are pretty cool

>ralsei's own fountain was the second one to appear, and not the card/board game people
>sealing the darkness fountain is turning on the light
>the abandoned classroom kingdom had more time to develop because, duh, abandoned, when the storage closet kingdom has jack shit except for ralsei
>the weird lump things in the first dark world area were just dust bunnies, because that's still part of the shitty storage closet
so, what was lancer doing in the first area, anyway? it seems out of character to attack from the shadows like that compared to every other time we see him

Why do people think he's the bad guy? There's no evidence that he is.


Because he's basically Asriel. Plus people think Toby will do a Toby and make the super pure character into a villain.

Because they're dumb headcanontards, and also think Chara is the Fallen Child's real name, and a girl.

Ralsei is literally the manifestation of Kris' older bro. Kris is not Frisk. This entire world is a truncated manifestation of the Underground. Could Ralsei be a villain? Yes, but not the one you play as in Kris' dream world.

I hope not. I just want to see him helping everyone and getting a good dicking.

>he meant seven dog years, and it's really coming out next year
Seeing as his in game avatar is annoying dog this would make a little bit of sense. Hope you're right you nutty genius.

I could definitely see him doing that. It would be pretty annoying though.

Even if he is, I still want to worship him.

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I think he will be. I'm thinking his prophecy goes against the religion of those on the ground that worship the angel.

If you honestly think he meant that DR would come out in 7 years then you are Brainlet Supreme

He's the counterpart to Asriel, who is based on Azrael the "angel of Death"

there's an unused manual in the game files where ralsei praises the "unending darkness that gives me form"

>dumb headcanontards
>dream world
Do you not see the irony?
The Dark World being a reflection of the abandoned classroom doesn't mean it wasn't real or that it was a dream.

He's presented as being a good guy so excessively that there's no way he won't be a bad guy in the end. Toby's trying to set up an expectation that he can subvert later, but I feel like he's trying too hard

This or he is going to release a new chapter every year thus it will all technically be out by "7 years"

>everything in the supply closet is in the dark world

no, they're being released all at once

So Kris and Susie just inexplicably share a dream? Yeah sounds real fucking smart of a plot.

You bet your ass.
Toby Fox loves subverting the player's expectations.
Kris and Susie are both so "designated school shooter" that the school shooter has to be someone else.
Ralsei's first instruction is that there are two fountains in the land, and there should only be one. Characters also say the fountain powers/fuels their way life. So he wants you to go close off ... other people's fountain. Hmm.
Finally, the similarity to Asriel is obvious.
Once a traitor, always a traitor.

Personally I'm more interested in potential stuff involving Gaster, Chara, and that vessel we made when we started the game.

>There's no evidence that he is.
the whole point of his grand quest is to seal the fountain that gives life to an entire kingdom, keeping his own fountain with its underdeveloped cardboard stage intact. pretty suspicious that some of his story actually lines up better if it were told by the other kingdom.

The world is fucked up. There's foul play and glitches everywhere. Of course they had the same experience.

The prophecy is probably not even a prophecy, Ralsei lied about the whole thing to get his way. It's going to be a Toby commentary on the "chosen one" trope in storytelling and how the hero (and the player) just go along with everything being told to them by some strange character. Screencap this.

he can give me a manual if you catch my drift

>so, what was lancer doing in the first area, anyway? it seems out of character to attack from the shadows like that compared to every other time we see him
Doesn't he say something about his part in the prophecy (as the bad guy) if you skip Ralsei's explanation, or is my memory just shit?

I'm not sure what you were trying to say with this. Are you saying that it was just a dream or not? And what do you mean by glitches?

not sure, my memory is shit as well. Maybe "his part in the prophecy" could also mean that Lancer was supposed to be the prince of the prophecy (as he as he actually is a prince), and Ralsei hijacked that shit?

The prophecy shows Lancer's silhouette as the "Darkner" when presenting Lightners and Darkners. He says "the teardrop-shaped guy from the prophecy" if you skip it, but Kris and Susie have no idea what he means, because Ralsei didn't get to explain the prophecy if you skipped it and thus you had no chance to see the teardrop-shaped monster in the graphical part of the legend.

Here's the dialogue for the version of the legend Lancer gives.
>The bad guy.
>Bad guy?
>You know . Teardrop-headed kid . From the legend?
>... No?
>Aw boy . This is gonna be hard to explain.
>Umm.. . I could help explain it...!
>Stay out of this kindboy!
>No ! I'll protect the heroes with my life!
>Actually can you hold off? I wanna hear this kid.
>OK so long story short . You guys are heroes.
>You wanna go EAST and seal our DARK FOUNTAIN.
>That'll stop darkness from covering the world.
>We on the other hand don't want that because
>It would rule and be great.
>Wait why DO we want to stop that?
>Uhh I dunno.. . I guess I could go ask my dad?

This is likely I think. If the prophecy is false, then it makes sense why the king of spades was an asshole and it confirms my suspicions that religion is going to play a big role in this game. Now assuming all this is the case, we just have to figure out why Ralsei would want to hijack it and who spoke to him about the prophecy (Gaster is a possibility but I think a too obvious one)

Never ever!

The vessel is probably going to end up being the knight who started shit and Kris rival

This pretty much confirms that Ralsei lied to them and he made his own false prophecy. I think he is going to represent the antichrist, a "fallen Angel" of sorts.

By the way, does anyone actually remember if Asriel's name is ever said by anyone above ground? Or is there just that one moment he's called Doug?

>Also nobody talks about this but I don't think the Asriel from above ground is at college.
maybe, but I don't think he's Ralsei. if we go off the whole personified object thing, maybe Ralsei being the only one in the storage closet world could be involved with pic related

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Really hoping the white Ralsei sprite is changed, its inconsistent when compared to his black sprite, and just it looks weird. Doubt it though.

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>just it
fuck, meant it just

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I secretly want it to take the full 7 years. My life will (hopefully) be significantly different by then and it would be an interesting way to look back on things as I hug my Ralsei plush.

Reminder that all monsters need to be purged. Ralsei is a hero among monsters for realizing this fact and acting to destroy his own race

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No he's the cute guy

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Yes, or else being duped.

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>obviously shown as the innocent good boy
>hints that clearly lead to bad guy
he's either going to end up having misled himself through his own misinterpretation of the prophecy, or he's an unwitting pawn to the yet-unrevealed big bad.

>Teardrop-headed kid . From the legend?
that is another image
the prince has a clear goat cloak

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God he's so cute.
I can't wait to destroy the world with him.

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The seven-year thing didn't really mean the actual wait time, just the upper boundary of how much time he's willing to spend on something. After saying that he promised to create a team (I think he did since then) to ensure that it won't take forever


Theres some small things that are suspicious, he has the same SOUL explanation as flowey, he locks the door to his kingdom when you leave it, he has a conversation with Kris in secret when your soul leaves your body to check on Susie, and his prophecy seems to be a lie considering the kingdom you go to is much more developed then his. Nothing so far means he really is bad, but there is a possibility.



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Even if he is a villain I'd still want to bury my face in his crotch.

End of the world has never been this cute!

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watch the plot twist is that conversion we did not see was him was telling kirs to mercy kill him when the time comes.

i made up a final boss theme for deltarune the other day. should I post it? just asking because i'm pretty proud of it

Lancer never mentioned being the prince of the dark. There was a teardrop-shaped kid in the legend, at least in picture form.

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legend mentions
>heroes appearing on the edge of the world
>new fountain in horizon
so which one is the new one?

Yeah but he is a prince of darkners, I think we can assume it's him

>there can't be two towers, we have to destroy one of them
>what, destroy the one right behind me, the one that appeared only recently? no no, we have to go to the other, older, already established tower.

What if undyne is the knight?


Post shota goat

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He's got very cute foot paws in this pic

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>he meant seven dog years, and it's really coming out next year

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What if the prophecy is just a giant distraction from the fact an arbiter of justice is going to slay all the demons in every dimension?

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Yes, shota goat.

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Its probably not how he actually looks. I would be really wary about trusting this nigga's appearance.


Just because he's black doesn't mean he's evil

He partnered with Nintendo to release the demo, so its obviously farther along than 7 fucking years. Toby is smart and he enjoys being trolly.


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I think he's a bad guy, but not THE bad guy.

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hope you rike it

Toby wants Deltarune to be his Homestuck
Thats literally it

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it could definitely use some work but it ain't bad by any means. good job, user.

thanks user!

he's the sans of deltarune

but user sans is in deltarune

sans is the ralsei of undertale

False, Ralsei doesn't have 100 different AU forms.

whats ralseis thoughts on the jews?

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thats like asking what does a medieval monk think of fortnite

why would ralsei hate the jews?

Undyne is the knight

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user, I... I

I don't get why everyone thinks ralsei is a male when it was very clearly and dramatically shown at the end that it's a girl?

What am I missing out on here?

For the same reason that over 100 countries throughout history did

I like kris

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what do you mean "I..."? finish your sentence

I hope we see him again bros, he'll appear at least once...r-right?

Sounds pretty good, the final boss of Deltarune better be Gaster and I hope its going to be fucking amazing, how is Toby going to continuously top Jevil every chapter with a boss? Especially the final boss, seeing as choices don't matter too much in this game.

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Wouldn’t that be more of a Lou Reed sort of mood?

adds a little bit of credence seeing as how he later said it would take 21 years to make since he hasn't started.