Play a JRPG right now

Play a JRPG right now

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recommend me a one then, and it better have good gameplay

Should I emulate Mana Khemia on my PC or should I emulate the PSP version on my Switch

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>good gameplay

But I'm play Trails of Cold Steel. It's really enjoyable. Why does Yea Forums hate this game again?

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because some people havent had their brains so fried by seasonal anime and shitty VNs that they can read the dialouge of Cold Steel and not immediately suffer a stroke

PS2 version is better. The PSP version has increased load times and extra NISA bugs.

I don't hate it, but I prefer the better Falcom game.

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Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga

Do load times even factor in for emulation?

I'm playing DDS 2 right now

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he said good gameplay

>recommending good games to faggot zoomers

Astoundingly accurate.

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I'm playing the dq demo on switch and holy shit it's so fucking blurry and pixelated. The MC's face sometimes looks almost as jagged as squall did on the ps1.

I started playing death end request the other day and it's almost amazing how much CH has improved in only one generation.


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i'm playing grandia right now.
death end re;quest is great, can't wait for the sequel. hopefully it keeps the same combat system.

Half AP interludes in FGO

>and it's almost amazing how much CH has improved in only one generation.
yeah. Compare Death End with the first PS3 Neptuina and holy fuck it's a jump in quality

I'm taking a break from 3 houses

What do you guys think of croma squad and pen and paper?

I can't look at this guy and not see Rance.

>croma squad

Pretty good. It is interesting how the game a split in the story at one point, shame the final battles are apparently the same

He's the guy Rance was based off of.

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because you haven't gotten to 2 yet

Slowly working my way through Shadow Hearts.

I kinda want to check out that DQ demo (although I've already pre-ordered it), but don't want to stop my Three Houses playthrough.


No, thanks. I'm not a drooling perma virgin without any self control.

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I'm playing the Dragon Quest XI demo for swtich. Maximum comfy

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I only play DRPGs now, I tried playing FF5 like in the old days but it's not that gripping anymore

Its nocturne with a 3 character limit and no demon management mechanics which constitutes half the game-play of these games. Its like playing an EO game where you dont get to pick your classes any every character customization option that isnt and offensive ability is removed


did you play sky?

there are no good jrpgs out right now.

Collection of Mana or Ni No Cunny remaster?

Yeah it's a shame all the old jrpgs suddenly disappeared

About to start Devil Survivor Overclocked, any tips to keep in mind?

Playing Final Fantasy X. It's obviously pretty dated by this point but I hold a lot of nostalgia for it. It has odd voice acting because they tried to sync with the lip movements.

get a grip dude jesus

Can't. Need source. Google image search is pure, diversity hire-programmed trash.

can't disagree with what you said, but it's still fun and definitely better than lots of other jrpg recommendation

>diversity hire-programmed
lol if you think google is letting the diversity hires handle stuff like that you are obsessed and retarded

NNK is trash. Regret buying that thing at full price when it came out.

Dungeon Travelers 2

There are only enough good abilitys for you to have one active strength based characters so if you decide to go WORLD OF STR then the other physical characters are gonna suck ass

That's why. It's a good entry-level SMT.


me on the left

Almost finished Dragon Quest 1 and Dragon Quest Monsters 2 Cobi.
Which DQ game should i play next?

Oh, I've got plenty!
>and it better have good gameplay!
uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh, ah shit.

Dragon Quarter


What are some good action JRPGs? I greatly enjoyed Dragon's Dogma and Nier/Automata.

Ys origin

Made for BRC

Thank you, kind sir.

Rance X

That's true in the original but there are more skills in overclocked. A magic MC is still preferable though

Don't use Google then, fucktard

Dark Souls

Rogue Galaxy

Huh, I bought that ages ago and I don't think I even got past the tutorial. May go back in that case, thanks

He said good gameplay not "if you use a series staple the game over counter speeds up"

I'm sure it was their best and brightest that caused thousands of users to go offline two day ago then or any of the other major outages in recent months that seemingly never used to happen before.


I am playing a jrpg
I'm playing Persona 3 fes so I can go ahead and get the modern games out of the way then I'm going back to finish the first 2 games

I am playing Mother 1 right now.

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t. brainlet

>good gameplay
Bucko, you just ruled out a whole genre

I'm a couple hours into suikoden and I haven't been enjoying it at all. It feels like I'm doing some menial task and does not seem to be a good use of my free time. Could someone break down what exactly they like about games like this?

not all JRPGs play like this piece of shit

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Why does nobody every talk about Grandia 2's combat system
>having characters attack enemies on the opposite side of the field so that the monster coming for them spends his turn chasing him around the level and never gets to attack
>having speedy characters combo lock enemies for slower characters to crit them
>placing allies in a way where enemies get body blocked trying to attack certain characters
Its pretty much everything I wanted after I played Chrono Trigger for the first time and was disappointed by how the way enemies move during battle barely mattered

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I'm 11 hours into the first game and i like the war story

Rean's based

I'm playing FF6 for the first time right now. I had gotten about as far as the part past the Locke/Sabin/Terra scenarios, but something about the dialogue & writing seemed a bit off. Looked it up, and sure enough, there's a fuckton of autism regarding this game's translation. So, I decided to restart with the TWUE patch.

I think I would have preferred the GBA translation, but it doesn't seem like anybody has ever ported that to the SNES version of the game. TWUE is the only other translation that seems to actually clean up some of the major instances of mistranslation. It definitely seems better so far. Besides, TWUE comes bundled with a fuckton of bug fixes and minor QoL patches, along with being uncensored.

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The World Ends With You
KH2FM if you don’t mind the Disney and Nomura autism
Most SMT games
Bravely Default
Radiant Historia
Etrian Odyssey
I forget, does Dark Souls count?

I've got Phantasy Star IV here, picking it back up after a long break if I feel like it. When I last played it my dog sat beside me and she's gone now so I feel reluctant.

Recommend me one on Switch

I recommend buffing your str to 8 and keeping it there and vit to 14 or 15 then split your other points evenly to magic and agl also always go for auto skills and keep a eye on the clock since failing certain things will not allow you to get certain endings

How you liking it so far user? It’s personally my favorite

no fuck off
i dont have 30-100 hours to spent for one game
make them shorter first

Zero no Kiseki. Slowly but surely, ill finish this game.

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TWEWY is like 15 hours if your looking for a short one

there are a bunch of JRPGs less than 30 hours

Give me a good one then I'm fresh out of ideas


Yes. Believe it or not, emulation can't fix some of the shitty optimization. Being digital does increase the load time though.

Mana obviously. Ni no kuni is garbage. Both, actually.

The Ys saga, starting with I+II.

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It looks alright, might give it a shot

I'm not a huge soulslike fan, is it really worth?

is monstergirl quest a jrpg?

Localization soon hopefully

Should I get 3 Houses if I've only played Awakening before?


What do you think, worth it? I've always been vaguely aware of the .Hack series but I don't see it talked about much.

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>Be me
>Playing a JRPG for the first time
>Pick Ni no Kuni 2
>This game is a piece of shit
>mfw I won't try a JRPG ever again

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For future reference if you decide to continue on with the games. Remember that YsI+II are very different from the rest, but still good.

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Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

What do i play
>Lost Odyssey

that's very complete, thank you

Just finished watching Konosuba for the first time. What are some comfy games like that? I'd reckon Trails in the Sky but I've already played that.


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Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song.

I'll have
one JRPG
fantastical setting
likeable characters with great interactions with each other
hold the Final Fantasy games
hold the Tales of games

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trails in the sky
maybe utawarerumono mask of deception if you like visual novels
Rune factory is nice too

I can somewhat comfortably play my PS3 again, so I'll be continuing Time and Eternity soon.

>Vita exclusive

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But the Vita has no games.

Gonna go play either Wild Arms 3 or Vagrant Story next methinks.

NISA is working with Aquaplus now so they might just port DT2-2 and DT2 over to PS4 and Switch for them to release there.

>utawarerumono mask of deception
This looks promising, thanks!

It's when the series characters, story, and setting really went to shit after five games of decent to good buildup. It's also when the fan service and pandering got cranked up to 11.

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play Ar tonelico

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it's not on switch. everything that is not on switch is thrash here.

Don't mind me, just posting some comfy art from the comfiest of all JRPGs.

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That's the problem. A vita exclusive doesn't exist.
Finally a reason to get the switch beyond vaporware

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Playing Ao no Kiseki right now
Chapter 4 was god tier
Fuck Arios

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bro everything is god tier in ao

>and Switch
Pfftt hahahahahaha

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Chapter 4 was a whole other level then

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The second half of Ao is peak Kiseki. Enjoy it while it lasts.

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my friend actually asked me this yesterday and i said no but have you ever played the first series

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People who waifu'd the girls from previous games fucking hate it because every girl in Zemuria is now made to be built for the Mean Bean Rean Machine


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I haven't touched the series in any capacity. I remember seeing a .Hack anime when I was a kid, but don't recall anything specific.


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>Rean being front and center at a wedding party photograph
>while the wedded couple is pushed to the corner, not in focus

Quit posting that crappy Evo art and post some stuff from the original artist.

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Well if you like mmos, go for it
the game is basically an mmo with a mystery story

I'm waiting for Dragon Quest XI for my Switch.

Any good ones with sex scenes?

Well, to be fair, the first thing you saw in that sequence was the pic on the bottom right. It was probably the best thing to come out of the dump that is CS4.

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Even including the ones in canonical or strongly implied relationships? Who am I kidding, of course haha

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>Imagine playing trails
>Imagine finishing trails
>Imagine liking trails
Makes me sick to my stomach

The first five games were really fun and engaging. What was your problem with them?

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You can only say this if you've played Cold Steel. God, what a shitshow of a series. So bad that it manages to retroactively ruin the previous games' writing and worldbuilding going forward.

Depends on whether the sex scenes being good is also a requirement

Not him, but the main gameplay was kinda shit and badly balanced. Also slow as fuck if you didn't have the Turbo option with you. The world was quite comfy tho.

Basically this I don't care if the worldbuilding is good if the game wastes my time with dull gameplay.

i didn't find the gameplay dull or slow

Yeah, I guess the combat in FC and SC is pretty slow and boring at times, but I think it's serviceable enough to finish the game. Things get better by 3rd and really take off by the Crossbell arc.

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Probably because you played past FC where the gameplay gets better

Consider yourself lucky then I guess. It's not that I enjoy not liking the games, I'm just frustrated when I don't get the appeal at all.
The combination with glacial pacing and the actual gameplay part of the game only slowing things down even further drives me insane.

i get ya. for me the game was a pleasant escape from my semi-neet life. it was really easy to get absorbed into it.

>there's 1 small school segment per game in FC and SC
>they are vastly superior than anything school-related in Sen
Such a shame the franchise is going to shit.

>Trails and Utawarerumono going to shit
Just how the fuck am I supposed to find more series with worldbuilding as good as these?

>my semi-neet life.
That probably helps. Wish I had autismbux or something.

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>the game was a pleasant escape from my semi-neet life
You'd think that Cold Steel would be a more attractive series for NEETs. Easier to self-insert into to escape from the miseries of daily life, you know?

Dont forget Fairy Febcer F: Advent Dark Force, great little jrpg that really shows how theyre getting better and better

On a side boss that uses charm, and always does it on my strongest character that the moment he is charmed insta-kills the rest of the party. This really killed my motivation bros

Because its far and away the best combat system in an rpg, theres not much else to discuss

>Finished WA3 recently
>Game was rad af although at times cryptic as all fucking hell
>2nd half or more of the game is basically just spamming valiant and finest arts on repeat until you win.

It was still fun. Reminds me of Shadow Hearts 2 where all I did was get the 3rd level fire spirit and spam the physical buff spell until I got the best fusion that literally just has a tri buff so I did the same.

Fucking yes

Don't bother. It's ass

For me it's Renne

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Roselia or Algres?

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I liked that one quite a bit too, it was like a Nep game but better. Pretty much their only recent game I haven't liked is Black Rose Valkyrie.
I bet they sure are glad they stole all those staff members from NIS years ago since it seems things are paying off now.

Ys viii is pretty comfy

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recommend me some rpgs for brainlets, no serious story if its is possible and 3d preferable


I heard that Super Nep had problems but that was developed by Canadians for some reason

I'm currently playing Atelier Rorona DX and it's pissing me off immensely.

what's wrong, not autistic enough for an autism crafting simulator?

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I'm in Overtime trying to beat the Blood Elemental. I made the best equipment I can but the thing heals too fast for me. I hate this game.

Legend of Dragoon.

oh I've only played the original version, I assume that's like a new postgame they added? Either way I do recall having similar issues with the mysterious trilogy endgames, pretty sure my problem was that I never made good buff/debuff items an just tried to bomb everything to death.

Back to the drawing board.

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i tried, i am really bad at quick time attacks

Sure you aren't, sport.

>that grammar
How the fuck do people consider this acceptable?

It's the sequel
It's jp only

>tfw all the new jrpgs became old jrpgs
How could this have happened?

I'm playing DQB2 and Three Houses if those count.

Such is the nature of a translation that was slapped together and released with no editing or QA.

Grandia 1 + 2.

Overtime is an extra year tacked onto the end, where Totori and Meruru accidentally their way backwards in time and team up with you to find a way back. Two extra dungeons got added and I hate both of them.

Fan translation
There is an edit that fixes most of gramatic errors but it break the japanese voice so is a hard pass for me

this is probably odd question but Yea Forums would be the one to ask, but what JRPG should i play if i wanna fuck my harem in all 3 holes?

any help would be appreciated

I can't, Classic WoW comes out next week. I plan on playing FF XII and the collection of mana asap though, DQ XIS as well.

I am playing Super Neptunia RPG right now. Came out a couple of months ago. So far it's alright; it's still got the same charm as the other games. However, it is nowhere near as good as Megadimension Neptunia VII.

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Ricotta-chan is the most sexy chocolate loli ever. I wish she was real so I could fuck her cunny all day long.

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I'm trying to play Class of Heroes, but it fucking sucks

Tales of Graces F, Kingdom Hearts, Bloodborne

Building your HQ and finding out how to recruit people is the pull of Suikoden. Like you go into a town, find people that lose the game of "spot the main character", and figure you want them and have fun figuring out how to get them.

The loads of minigames and lore is great too

The first Suikoden is short though. Like 24 hours max to 100% kinds of short and maybe 20 hours on a first playthrough. Power through it so you can bring your save over to Suikoden II where the real fun begins.

It's crazy how games were made longer back in the day until 40 hours became the minimum "acceptable" timeframe because of how much shovelware you could pay full price on and beat in a weekend

pic related

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I'm in the middle of playing Dragon Quest V, though.

I gave up on Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei because it was a bit grindy. I should have kept playing because I deleted my five hour save and I regret it already.

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DQV is great. I hope you're having a good time, user.

I only played a few hours of Death End re;Quest and I couldn't fucking stand it. The incredibly unintuitive combat system and enemies that can interrupt your turn with no ability to prevent it (at least early on) don't make the hours and hours of redundant exposition worth sitting through.

I'm not enjoying it nearly as much as DQIII.

I like it a lot more now that I've finally got some good monsters, but suffering through several hours of dragging around a party consisting of a Priest and a revolving cast of dead fucking weight wasn't very fun. It is improving, though.

>Class of Heroes

I played Class of Heroes 2G on PS3 and the only reason I got through with it is because it was my first dungeon crawler, so it was interesting. After playing and dropping other dungeon crawlers afterwards I realized that it is not my genre.

That's fair, but DQIII is traditionally one of the best in the series, so it's a hard bar to beat. DQV certainly does have a super slow start but once it picks up, it picks up well.

So is Crystar going to be any good or nah?

I was gonna try the Dragon Quest XI demo as I heard it's like 5 hours long. Don't really care about graphics as it's a JRPG and it seems fine

It doesn't really seem like it took that much of a hit graphically, honestly. The frame rate and the visual fidelity are both way better than I expected for Switch.

Yeah, all the really positive stuff I've heard about the game seems to come from Act 3, so I trust it'll grow on me. The people who told me DQ5 was the best in the series were also the ones who insisted I'd love DQ3, and I did, so I don't have a reason to doubt them.

>5 hour long demo
shit nigger how long is the game itself then?

I clocked about 120 hours by the time I was done.

It's a bit blurry in handheld, and character pop-in is more pronounced, but I was overall surprised at how well it looks and performs on the Switch after playing the demo for a bit. I was really leery about it after seeing how bad Dragon Quest Builders 2 runs on Switch, but they did a good job on the DQXI port.

>deleting saves
Why the fuck?

>after seeing how bad Dragon Quest Builders 2 runs on Switch
It sure did run pretty poorly for a while. The update yesterday seems to have greatly improved frame rate though. No clue what they did, but it's noticeably better.

seething yscuck.

I hate all falcom games.

sounds like just what im looking for. a ridiculously long game to play before and after work. thanks mate.

kiseki series is for the pretend jrpg intellectual

prove me wrong

but i just finished Ys VIII, great game but my only gripe was the "final boss" was the worst one, if the game is going to force me into changing to other party members mid fight because of the color then make them not step into the fucking roots that take all the hp away before i can even release them what the fuck, i killed every other boss without using items mid fight but that boss can fuck off to the moon

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You're right, but it's still miles better than the more popular garbage like the Tales of games and Persona.

No thanks, OP

I already played the best of what the genre has to offer

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Maybe it's because I played on hard and had a Turbo button, but I found the combat pretty good most of the time. The positioning and turn order elements helped make it more interesting than usual turn based RPGs at least. It's not balanced but some of my favorite RPGs are unbalanced as fuck, and sending the opposite bracer team into disarray with Chaos Brand was fun.
I tried to play Persona 3 after it and got bored out of my skull in comparison, plain vanilla turn-based combat is awful.

Dumb casual

>posts a dragonquest romhack

Nobody so far has recommended you a jrpg. Play shadow hearts 1, suikoden v, or xenosaga episode 1.

You just posted a horror game, garbage, and a movie though

The vn or the rpg?

Just got done playing Golden Sun for this bicentennial period.

Kek. I do this shit too bc if I don't delete the save I don't feel like i really dropped the game. It bothers me if the save sits there.

>xenosaga episode 1
>good gameplay


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