Won't you play my game Yea Forums?
Rattled Frogs
Not interested.
Why is everyone upset at the new artstyle, anyway?
Wasn't battletoads always cartoony as fuck?
It was visceral kind of cartoony.
Heavy punches with anvil fists and foot turning into a spiked boot as you kick.
Not fucking robot laser eyes or floppy fishes.
Also it had a sexy villain that they turned into emo Kim Possible/Shezow.
The game just doesn't read very well. It's hard to tell what's going on 75% of the time.
Now that's a fucking travesty...
someone needs to explain the skinny waist and huge fucking thighs/legs. makes no sense.
Looks gay
It is, but it was something more akin to a Saturday morning cartoon made in the 90's than something more modern, even KI gets this
there's also the issue of the game being too slow with attacks taking a long time to come out, and cooldown periods that seem to not cancel, is something that fighting games and by extension beat-em ups should avoid
>That artstyle
>Those eyes
How can you fuck up something so easy to remake
>Wasn't battletoads always cartoony as fuck?
Homage to "totally rad" comic books and cartoons from the early nineties, not this abomination that looks like it was made to air on current Cartoon Network between Teen Titans Go marathons, Battletoads took pride in looking like old comic books, it is one series that should never become "modern".
I actually got to the Queen in the original NES Battletoads
would not even bother in this new one
One more Rare IP down the drain, I'm starting to think Killer Instinct being decent was a fluke.
it's like some gawdawful cross between Cuphead and Teen Titans Go
>Battletoads is based on TMNT
>New Battletoad uses the art style of the new TMNT show
I dont see the problem
New TMNT still looks a million times better than this garbage.
The problem is two brands getting raped simultaneously, new TMNT is trash as well.
>new TMNT is shit
Old Battletoads was like Popeye levels of cartoony.
Fuck off back to Yea Forumsmblr if you like the new TMNT.
This is such a shitty redesign, I don't know who thought this would be ok
No, Tex Avery cartoons level of cartoony, with extreme violence made out to be funny.
reaction pic not related? the new tmnt stars nigger april
TMNT uses that kind of style because it's easier to animate.
The new battletoads doesn't have a excuse for using this style aside of laziness and not knowing what the people want. No one asked for that kind of change especially when the IP wasn't touched in years.
Even if it's well animated the style is hideous
these are the consequences of letting SJWs work on the gaming industry
Popeye, you say?
Those fucking helicopter rotor ears
>I don't know who thought this would be ok
The twitter brigade and resetera always love it, the dev is re-twitting any message approving of their work.
I'm surprised not many "russian bots" deflection against anyone hating this nu-Battletoads is being made, considering actual Russians are fucking pissed at this, all videos on YT has russian comments with primal hate against the game.
holy shit why
Why would the Russians care?
because the style is fucking gross. it's like if you made sonic calarts shit or doom cartoony like fortnite
Because Sony decided to go with Emoji movie instead of this.
Apparently Battletoads was a game that came bundled with one of their NES knockoff systems, the game is a classic to russian boomers.