Any games for this feel?
Any games for this feel?
Mount and Blade with Dickplomacy
Always wanted to go in one of these larp parties as knight or a wizard maybe, too bad i'm black i don't want to break the inmersion for everyone else
Damn what an ugly neanderthal that lady is
Kingdom Cum
Maybe not as a Knight or a wizard but maybe as a slave.
no she's adorable
I would have to be almost naked and that would be awkward for everyone
Whats the difference between diplomacy and dickplomacy? I'm pretty hyped after the bonerlords EA date kinda wanna run through warband again but i've played the shit outta diplomacy
That depends entirely on how much you work out
There are people there with video game tattoos and glasses.
There is more dick
Damn, them milkers signify multiple children.
low res coonaner as well?
american women are disgusting
Not as inmersive breaking as Sir Jamal or archmage Daquan
I'm kinda fat lol, i could be satyr maybe
t. Shlomo upset seeing fertile Women who had WHITE children only.
Get ripped and do a Zulu warrior, or do something like pic related. It's not like you don't have options.
Go as a black mage
Or if you want to go as a druid/shaman or something. It's fantasy bro, there are fuxking elves and orcs.
Fuck, forgot pic
t. lardass american roastie
Crusader Kings 2 with seduction focus constantly on.
be a minotaur
Go full palm leaves and spear, bonus points if you make the dress shittily so you can still glimpse your dick and you go around winking at the larpers
Ugly white bitches
you guys don't like renaisance fairs? they are literaly vidya IRL
Why because of your bbc?
Seethe more kike knowing that white women are still having white children and will fight back against Globalism soon.
So is this bitch just chunky or whats going on here? Her tits look like those of a fat chick but the rest not so much
With the right helmet no one should give a fuck if it's not some autistically precise historical reconstruction. If it's fantasy then it's a non-issue whatsoever.
as i get older I start getting more and more attracted to really big breasts. i'm probably a boob guy now instead of an ass guy
The guy(s) posting these things (including the "white women have manjaws" are chinkcels. Once you realise this you'll be able to pin-point them a mile off.
Apply yourself, nigga
you could always larp as a moor of some sort.
>as i get older I start getting more and more attracted to really big breasts
it's because your biological clock is telling you its time to have kids aka squirt your baby batter into a girls baby maker
Esquire Unbungu the Moor
Why did women stopped wearing this type of clothing jesus christ