When will arenafags admit that cs was a good and fun game/mod?

When will arenafags admit that cs was a good and fun game/mod?

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Not only CS was utter shit, it also spawned the worst community in video game history that poisoned and continues to poison to this day any FPS that even remotely is military focused.

It opened the initial floodgates that subsequently were blasted right open by a huge influx of dudebro jocks once COD got the ball rolling.
Technically speaking, if we dick back, CS was the original pandora's box that caused every negative connotation to infect FPS games for decades to come.

Ok retard

why can't you just accept I find the game kind of boring.

yeah because quakefags are much better, fuck off.

who cares. original cs is great and so is quake. there's new arena games all the time but nobody plays them because it's not the same.
i don't play the new cs games because they're not the same as original.
we're all on the same boat.

It's true.
Back in the day we considered you screaming rageaholic barely coherent shit flinging baboons.
And what did you grow up to be?
Exactly what we predicted you would be.
Your kind was never remotely on the same boat as sane FPS players.
You were always the screaming retarded special needs children of the FPS genre.

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arenafags are schizos. not exactly sane and different than any fps fanbase.

>quakefags were respec-

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lmao arenafags btfo.