Remnant From the Ashes

What's the verdict?

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It's alright
Yea Forums will find every little goal post to say it's shit since it isn't smash or classic

>game is a video game
It's shit.

way too hard it thinks that having challenge all the time is more important then fun. 4/10

also random drops are the worst! it means you can't get what you want without replaying the whole game a second time! nobody has time for shit like that.

Pretty fun honestly. It gets pretty hard too

A legit 7/10..and not on America's retarded ass fucking bell curve. 5 is average and inoffensive.

Fun gameplay, bit jank, short on content, good voice acting. I feel like it's worth the 40 bucks they're asking but be warned it's buggy right now. Absolutely go in if it drops to $20

With friends is super fun. Alone I don't like it because I pay attention to different things and the game doesn't really deliver in that regard.

You're shit

>be warned it's buggy right now
This. I mean, like I know every game has some bugs at launch nowadays but it's BUGGY and I don't think any day 1 patches have dropped or whatever. At $20 I'd say go for it anyway but otherwise at least wait for a patch.

Also be warned difficulty seems to scale in coop based somewhat on equipment so if one person has god equipment and another person has shit then rather then being able to carry the person with bad stuff gets fucked. I guess they intended to prevent easy carry but the result is a lot of people will just play solo instead, I don't think punished MP for working together usually works out well. Maybe that'll be tweaked too though?

Reminds me of rental games on the Gamecube.

It's okay, glad they knew their quality and made it $39 on release, would have been awful for $59

It's similar to Immortal Unchained but the bosses are often too heavy on being bullet sponges.

It's not the best but I do like playing with all of my bois. Got rekt by Shroud like 30 times cause I suck. I like the gear and can't wait for more. Gonna be a cult following for the game maybe?

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>Gonna be a cult following for the game maybe?
maybe if it lasts long enough that they patch it a fair amount. tho issue with games depending on mp/coop like that of course is that as things die the games can die too.

It's good. I'm going against the first boss Shroud and I'm getting my ass kicked. I keep getting stuck on my dodge rolls with the sky shots it does and I end up fucked. My shotgun does nice damage when I can get close but fuck it's difficult

It's meow

Reminds of me Outward in the buggy mess regard, however it's still more stable than that game and hopefully devs actually fix it unlike Outwards dev team.

I knew absolutely nothing about this game, but I'm enjoying it so far.


Also got rekt by shroud 30 times in co op. I killed him first try solo though, I think the multiplayer scaling will probably get rebalanced

Gunplay is good, surprisingly varied builds and weapons. Level design, story and especially boss fights are mega garbage. I probably wouldn't have played it if I didn't have a friend to play with.

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Boss fights really need to be re-worked. All the best fights in the game don't have adds. The game would benefit from less design that centered around enemy spam. Hell a boss that was designed to be fought melee would be great.

It's weird. Boss design is cool but way too reliant on adds spawning. Actual boss AI a lot of the time is incredibly basic and would be trivial as fuck if it wasn't for the 8+ adds all over that constantly respawn. King is a prime example of this shit design.

I think my most hated fights so far are the fatass on the Swamp world that just spams water waves while summoning in bullet sponge adds and defending the Root Mother. The boss fights only take so long because you end up in situations where you can't kill the adds fast enough to focus on the boss. Root mother just because everything that spawns in hard focuses on her.

>Harrow gets stunlocked 100 to 0 with charged up hammer spam
>Ravager just stands there after an attack and just lets me kill him
>Kill Nightmare but he doesn't actually die and we get stuck and have to do the fight over
>Multiple times in nightmare fight I get sent to the shadow realm and no portal spawns so I slowly die

Because of the last bug I learned that it actually starts spawning bosses in the shadowrealm if you stay long enough, maybe a secret kill condition?

That game is meant to be played through several times user. You won't see every boss and enemy in just 1 playthrough

>get slayer's set for 35% damage bonus for 1 second after reload
>run with single shot pistol and shotgun, crit ring and some damage amulet
>obliterate bosses


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Get that devouring ring for its retarded crits that crit for another bonus 200% dmg or whatever the exact number was and 1 shot bosses.

Every build turns into crit for guns in the end and every melee build turns into crit/bleed.

Was it just a flavor of the day or something?

It is going to be as popular as the Surge eventually.

more like Rembrandt: from the asses am I right fellas

I haven't played it, looks like a more generic souls game, don't get the hype

Boring shit.

yeah pretty much
the game isnt really that bad but its also not amazingly good
just very bland for me at least

the silver lining of it is probably that at least its not a complete shit show like anthem or fallout 76

I had more fun watching Bahroo soloing the game on impossible mode than playing the game itself.

this looks like if destiny was 3rd person and slow, same spongy combat, same spongy bosses

Closer to a Gears Of War roguelike with a much better story and RPG elements. It has some things that give it Souls flavor but really its mostly just a straight up TPS with Stamina and RPG elements.

i hope you let him have your amazon prime sub! cuck

Never. Besides, he made the stupid bet of gifting 5 subs per death and he had already reach 200+ deaths.