PCbros we just won!

PCbros we just won!

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Hard pass. The series only has soul if its on PS4.

If by rest of the series they mean Kenzan and Ishin, okay. Otherwise don't really care. K2 was decent but not great by any means, and apparently it's only downhill from here so I'm not gonna bother with their rehashes. Wish I hadn't played K1 either, waste of fucking time.

Kenzan and Ishin are never coming to the west because of they're incredibly racist and have unapologetic child prostitution.

>PC port
>PC is SJW friendly

Time to get all eps on PS3/PS4

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The writing's been on the wall ever since Y0 came out on PC. The only thing that surprises me is how long it takes the ports to release. Is Kiwami 2 even out on PC yet? I looked around and noticed that Fist of the North Star isn't up yet.

Honestly, i'm waiting for this.
THESE are the games i genuinely want.

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yeah you just beat the shit out of tranies instead of running away from them

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Threads went to shit after kiwami and zero were announced last year

Wasn't this obvious though?

Thank god. I'm NEVER paying for asset flips, no matter how bad I want to play them.

I'd still rather be a physicalchad.


not to s(n)oy negros

You beat the shit out of them in the original too, you know.
Also your webm is from Kiwami, dumbass.

I think everyone knew that. Do you really feel superior right now?

Thanks for beta testing, snoibois!

yeah and i was launched THIS YEAR on pc.
using modern day sensibilities

Attached: Yakuza kiwami.webm (1712x1080, 2.64M)

as someone that has never played these, does it actually have a coherent story to tell? Am I going to waste my time investing in it?

Enjoy your safe space version

Is Kiryu /ourguy/?

Fuck no, the games are 90% janky clunky meme garbage.
Pirate, pirate, pirate. When you're an hour into any of these games you've experienced everything it has to offer.

Attached: YAKIZA KIWAMI 2.webm (818x1080, 2.29M)

Kiryu would see most of Yea Forums as villians and beat the shit out of most of the board, so, not really.

Yeah, they're essentially Japanese crime drama movies super-imposed on a JRPG. Some of the writing can be a bit wonky, but they're much better than most video game stories.

are you retarded?

>wastes his time in arcades and other childish hobbies
>incel rage moves
half way there

What's the Karaoke in 3, 4, 5 like? Is it DAME DAME DAME YO DAME NANO YO?

The Yakuza games are 100% JRPGs. I know people told you it was like Grand Theft Auto, but pay attention next time you fight random encounters while doing NPC sidequests. Maybe when you're leveling up and purchasing equipment and healing items you'll notice something's amiss.

Wow. Fuck this fanbase.
Between someone literally copy-pasting replies yesterday and reading this dumb shit, I don't even want to associate with you people anymore.

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Search your feelings. You know it to be true.


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you mother diddles my hairy, sweaty testicles in her mouth

you're a retard.

Yeah, k2 is up

not an argument

no, but it's a statement, and a true one at that

He's right though. Yakuza is an action rpg, like Zelda.

it's a visual novel

It'll come after the PS4 versions so people will double-dip. It works too, so it's not surprising companies keep doing it.

Zelda is more of a straight adventure game, but the only thing separating Yakuza from the typical JRPG conventions is that it has real-time combat. And that's not even THAT unusual for the genre. Is Parasite Eve not an RPG?

>Literally every telephone club date ends coming out of a hotel
How oblivious can you be

Some people cite "Word of god" that the girls just watch him do push ups but any grown ass man knows that didn't happen

Even though it's obvious from the what happens in game, the developers themselves came out and said he was probably a virgin.
Better off just letting the fans form their own opinion.

3 have one song, 4 two, 5 have dame dame

>People get mad when tranny side quest is in
>People get mad when tranny side quest is out
caring about any side at all is just pathetic. i'm sure you must have better things to get mad over.

I enjoyed the combat from 0 and the overall atmosphere but mid way through I had to push myself to finish the game, the insane amount of cutscenes kept dragging the game down. Do the other games suffer from this? I want more action and less storytelling.

0 is the longest game

nobody should be safe

Yakuza is meant to be played with a controller and you're human garbage if you play it with M+KB.

I will never fucking understand how people can play games like this and GTA on M+KB.

GTA's shooting works far better with mouse as always. 3 on PS2 is downright unplayable compared to the PC version.

Yeah, it sure sucks that I can't use controllers on PC.

So it's not a JRPG then? Choke on your own spit.

Maybe they want to aim? Imagine playing GTA or literally any shooter on a controller.
Are you retarded?

I laugh about this webm every time

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Who the hell are you talking to. It's very easy to connect a controller to a PC.

by using a mouse and keyboard

i love this shit

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>Criticizing about safe space shit
Really now?

As someone who has been playing the series on PS4, and will continue to do so: Shut the fuck up.

>play on one platform
what are you? poor?

Imagine not playing FOX engine games on controller lmao you ESL?

it's a soap opera with Tekken-esque 3D combat, some RPG elements, lots of different side content and substories to do. For the story and plot, it's just like the WWE, you turn off your brain and enjoy the roller coaster. The pacing is whatever you want it to be, i tend to take long breaks from the main story and just fuck around, and once I get bored of that I go back to the movie game. It's a nice experience.

Judgement on PC when?

so he really is /ourguy/?

This. If you don't hate the majority of the other people here you're a tourist.

it is an RPG made in Japan, so it is a JRPG.
What, you think JRPG means you have 3 dudes taking turns sucking someones dick? that's just you and your siblings, not a JRPG

>Calling pcfags poor
>While emptying his bank account for ANOTHER console just to play another fifa and walking simulator
Bu-but its all worth it for the experience, r-right?

>PC is SJW friendly
nigger what

based, hopefully more ATLUS games come to PC too

playing on consoles and PC, is a thing. Poorthing

>Playing on consoles
Just say wasting money for 30fps, everything comes to pc anyway.

An autistic doublecucked virgin? You bet he is

Why do PCfags and Sonyfags like to fight all the time?

Thank you for informing me of this. I'm going to make a thread on resetera right now and get SoA to patch it out.

So somebody describe to me what these games are. I've never touched the series, but the closest thing I can relate it to so far is Sleeping Dogs without cars and more emphasis on fistfights. Are there RPG mechanics? Is it 3D Streets of Rage set in tokyo?

It's more like Shenmue than anything

The main story (so called "movie") and basic beat'em-up combat are just enablers for all the side activities, like Mahjong.

So a kind of 'slice-of-life' immersive sim with brawler elements?

Finally I can hopefully cheatengine the shit out of those annoying minigames!

The side content is generally the slice of life stuff with main story usually focusing more on Kiryu vs the yakuza

Yakuza 0, Kiwami 1, and Kiwami 2 are on PC. Nothing else in the series is there at the moment.

pretty much, yeah
like you wander around a few city blocks doing side quests and playing mingames and eating food, and then you go fight dudes so you can eat more food and play more minigames

PC users are only trying to abolish exclusivity because it's a scummy and retarded practice
Sonygroes defend exclusives because they're the only thing making their shit platform relevant.

Why did they drip-feed this shit. Just let me play 5 now because I know it's fucking ready.

Drip feed wot? 3/4/5 are dropping all at once.

they're dropping physically all at once, Feb. 2020. but the digitals are being dropped over the next few months culminating in Y5 release in Feb 2020.

Are there any good videos that do quick recaps of the stories of the different games? Like 5 minutes or so

Kiryu starts a virgin and ends as a virgin in all of them. Also he plays mahjong. done.

goromi chan noooo

Cool, i've wanted to play yakuza ishin for years!

Sony children can't accept the fact their platform is literally and utterly irrelevant when it loses games like these to windows.

Sounds like both of you need to dilate

>No argument
>Resorts to name calling
You snoyfags really are fucking children