Don't worry about it man, its all gonna be okay

Don't worry about it man, its all gonna be okay.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shut up bitch

>don't fret, we all have our bad days
every day is a bad day

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Lol "hang"in there lmao i get it bruh oh no no no no no pfffft hahahahahahaha

Le hang le ahead of yourself did nazi that coming

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>Mom is a drunk who got addicted to opioids after a car accident
>Dad had a heart attack and died a few months ago
>Sister keeps dating trashy guys, wants to use the money she got from a settlement to buy a house with this unemployed hispanic guy she's seeing
>Got my degree, ended up getting a high paying job, but slowly realize I actually hate what I do
I'm going my best friends.

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I'm gonna be "ok" until the day I die alone in my bedroom. Dull mundanity isn't that good either.

Nobody gives a shit about you, user. We actually want you to kill yourself, seriously.

I'm so sorry about all of that my friend. I know you'll keep going and come out the other side happy. I love you.

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Stop that right now.

What's the job ? Might not be as terrible as you feel it is because every aspect of your life gets you down.

Make me, faggot. I'll keep doing this the whole thread.

Why would you say that to somebody? Are you so bored and jaded that you just tell random people on the internet to die because you think it makes you cool? Is it because through anonymity you're allowed to do what you wouldn't dare to do in public? Is it because you think people will call you based so you can pretend you got a few anonymous upvotes? You're being pathetic. Stop being pathetic.

Wrong, retard. It's true that nobody gives a true shit about anyone else, but no-one wants him to uselessly die either. People aren't heartless, but you have to give them something.

Good luck user, unless you're a tranny, in that case neck yourself soon please.

I'm sorry something has happened to you to make you bitter. I love you friend. Please be happy, thats all I want for you.

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Judging by your reply I'd say I'm doing a pretty good job at making this thread more miserable. Also, nice job placing yourself higher than me on the pathetic scale. You should honestly commit suicide too.

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Bad days are everyday

You can't think that user! No more definitives for you! make tomorrow a good day, do what you have to do to make that happen. I know you can. I love you friend.

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No! I want you to have a good day tomorrow man, do whatever it is you like, dont let anything bother you. I love you user.

>those nips

Moving in with my girl to a nice house with a big backyard for our dogs, just got promoted to a permanent contract in my job which I really like.
So everything's already ok, but I still feel sorry for you incel losers, if anybody needs any advice just ask me.

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Congratulations user! But instead of putting others down, can you be more encouraging? I hope you truly appreciate the love you feel from your wife and family, not everyone has these joys.

Here is my dog, what kind of dog do you have?

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That's a life I could be envious of.

you are fine retard

I'm doing great, thanks user for your concern.
Here, have a pic of my will to live!

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>So everything's already ok, but I still feel sorry for you incel losers, if anybody needs any advice just ask me.
Why the fuck would anyone ask for advice from someone who clearly holds them in contempt?

You can't make the world a better place, you can't delude yourselves into thinking things will get better because they won't, if you don't have the ability to just ignore all the shit in your lives you should just give up already. Remember, most people wouldn't give a shit about your dead hanging body after a mere week.

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Not him, but your dog is cute and I want to pet him/her.

>Got my degree, ended up getting a high paying job, but slowly realize I actually hate what I do
save up, buy a property to live in and another one to rent, quit job, find yourself or whetever retarded bullshit or just start a business

One day our suffering will end.

Why are you talking about yourself?

Please stop. I know youre probably doing this for fun, but I am genuinely trying to make a nice thread. What you're saying isn't true anyway, plenty of people have changed their lives.

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shut the fuck up retard
>Moving in with my girl to a nice house with a big backyard for our dogs
i like you, hopefully you are a good person
i wish you good luck and enjoy your life.

Things may look bad now, but things will get better. You just have to believe they will and change it! You are loved user.

>plenty of people have changed their lives.
Yeah, by jumping off bridges.

good luck.

i wish i had someone to hug
but i dont,
so ifeels sad

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So you went and lost it all,
Threw yourself against the wall and shattered,
Now you're lying on the ground,
Thinkin' how you thought you found what mattered!

'Till the day you threw it all away,
What the fuck do you want me to say?

Shit's gonna be okay!
It's gonna be alright!
No matter how far down you are,
Tomorrow's on your side!
Shit's gonna be okay!
It's gonna be just fine!
Though you may not believe me now,
Baby, give it time!
Shit's gonna be just fine!

Ha ha. Very fun user. But I'm asking honestly, please stop. I'm not asking you to leave, I dont want anyone to leave, just stop being negative.

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Video Games

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It’s never okay. Just shitty and less shitty.

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This might sound strange, but if youre seriously without someone to hug, go see a therapist. They want to help! They will hug you. I would hug you 1000 times if I could user, I love you.

aaaaaalright. I'll stooooop.

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>work soul-stealing retail job with shit pay and shit hours
>my only hope for the future is moving in with my bud once he finishes his degrees and drawing fetish art to make money

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Poor fucking birdy
now time to watch videos of anything smashing crabs :)

>if anybody needs any advice just ask me.
thanks but you couldnt possbly help me, just because you have a happy life doesnt mean you know shit about the pit that is mental illness, trauma, depression, poverty, unemployment, poor health, social issolation and the list goes on

Platelets are cute.

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your life is shit or will be shit anyway
bitch faggot

Boco! My friend, I'm sorry you feel that way. I really hope you find what you want in life, you deserve it. You deserve love and happiness Boco.

STOP!! Why would you say that to him? Youre just antagonizing!

>I don't like seeing this animal getting hurt
>But I'll like seeing this other animal getting hurt
See, people? Life's all about perspective, you come here to share a comfy time with the rest of your pathetic little sad community, but most people comforting you don't even understand what you're going through and wouldn't give a shit if something bad happened to you deep down. You are all a waste of flesh the desserve nothing but disrespect from society and I hope that's what you're getting

Is that the best you can do? Geez. Give me more inspiration to kill myself, that was almost as petty as your life

Not that guy, but user, I can relate to you on depression, illness, and poverty. I'm experiencing 2 of those right now, I'm no longer poor, but I'm very sick, and depressed. Please, I want you to be happy. I'm sorry there isn't anything I can do but I wish you the best and I love you.

If you're actualy feeling sad, you clearly don't have enough to do in your life. Stagnation breeds misery

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They'll eventually kill themselves, let nature do its work

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Not true, not true at all. Yes, having nothing to do can cause depression, but I myself am incredibly busy everyday and have been diagnosed with depression and subsequently placed on suicide watch. But I got help, I changed my habbits and the people around me, and my attitude towrds my job. Please Stop being negative, user.

Why are you like this user. I'm sorry and I love you but please, just leave these people alone.

No I don't.

Some people need to be the losers so the winners can feel better. That's just life.

Just shows that there are more than one way to get depressed. I have a hunch though that most of the sad fucks here do nothing with themselves or their lives

Everybody, Please ignore the negativity in this thread. Theyre just having fun. You deserve to be happy, and thats all I want for you. Remember this, no matter what you do, you deserve happiness. You are worth while, whatever youre going through, you'll get through it!!! You are loved user.

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i have been going to a day hospital for a year and just realized they couldnt help me since as soon as i get a couple of days outside i go back to acting the exact same way. All they did waas keep me busy
Maybe i should try to get a job and drink myself to death

Thanks OP, this helped

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But that is no reason to push these men farther down that road with words of discouragement, some people can't help the station they end up in, but they can change, right now, they can change, with the right amount of positive words, and even if they can't, they deserve some form of kindness. Theyre human after all.

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okay then...

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You sound lonely user. Do you like D&D? I began my treatment by looking for friends and my therapist thought looking for groups near me online was a great start! If you need to distract yourself then do it! Be happy!

But I just did, I told them what might work for them. Sweet words are nice and all but a lot of people just need to be told it like it is instead of coddling them

Youre welcome!!!

Youre right, but you can tell someone like it is while being friendly, like ive been doing!


Can't you sadfags just do a favor to everyone else on the planet and just end it?

Why would you enter a "sadfag" thread to complain about "sadfags"? Its I'm just trying to kindness to people who dont get it very often. Why can't you appreciate that?

thank yu, opa!

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Thank you! Her name is shiela

I just want a big titted futa to fuck. Reality is so cruel.

Youre welcome! I hope you feel better!

Life is harsh and it won't go easy on people, if you're depressed, that means you probably deserve it, also people who browse this place are to pathetic to change anything in their lives, so none of you are going to make it. Thanks, OP for starting this thread with a Picture of Sayori because you faggots will end up going her way too.

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>if you're depressed, that means you probably deserve it
Why would anyone deserve depression, youve never been depressed, have you? I can't even begin to explain the pain and turmoil that comes from true depression. You want to talk aboit life, but it sounds like you know nothing about it. You need to change. This nihilistic veiw you have is unhealthy and I want you to be happy and healthy, because you deserve it, just like everyone else.

this one is probably the most depressed on this thread

Most people here are either one or two years without anything special before they get their life back on track. Rest are hikkys like me for who its too late.

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>You want to talk aboit life, but it sounds like you know nothing about it.
Do you?
>You need to change.
Says the asshole who made this thread, you hypocritical idiot. Nobody here actually cres about each other, you're just stroking your virtual dicks so you can feel better about being fucking losers.

Did you get her happy ending, Yea Forums? She deserved it.

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cya op, looking foward for your next thread !