For me its Death Toll
Favorite Left 4 Dead Campaign
Other urls found in this thread:
Never heard of it but that name is stupid as fuck.
youre stupid as duck
No mercy because I'm a pleb. I hope back 4 blood ends up being good
No Mercy
World war Z is pretty decent
No Mercy > Dead Air > Death Toll > Blood Harvest
Dark Carnival > Hard Rain > Dead Center > The Parish > Swamp Fever
blood harvest
hard rain
it looked janky on release
convocation of decay
thats not a l4d map
Probably No Mercy though the others are all great too.
Probably Hard Rain since it's got such an interesting gimmick or the Parish.
Urban Flight and Suicide Blitz are great.
Is it the fun kind of janky like being able to get out of the map? That was part of l4d's charm. I remember in 2, on consoles, you could get over obstacles in the mardi gras level and get to a new survival map they never released for whatever. I know you can just access it from pc, but teenage me had fun dicking around with friends
>cringe zoomer game
Dark Wood Extended is still the best ever custom campaign imo
no mercy is just too iconic to not be #1. i think dead air would have to be second but toll is great too. harvest is okay.. i guess.
Which map was that, the ship one? I remember playing vanilla and modded maps like in my childhood.
COD Zombies was always better than L4D
Prove me wrong
Only problem was Activision got really greedy around Black OPS, but hey adleast they fucking make content
Imagine not playing as Saltzpyre.
Dead air used to be the best till they started fucking with no fun barriers to stop good players.
The gunplay and gore in these games is still so fucking great
>Default Elf
You have 15 character choices so you pick the full retard option...enjoy choking on storm vermin cock
It was the one that ended at a boathouse
>Playing Left 4 dead multiplayer
>Playing multiplayer games altogether
Stop playing cancerous toxic shit
t. no friends
For me, it's Louis.
Dead air
The parish
I like abandoned urban enviroments.
They're two entirely different takes on zombies. They're barely comparable.
I know it's the first, but No Mercy will still always be my favorite because of the fight to the top for extraction. The first time I ever played I got hit off by a tank and didn't survive. It really drove me to keep replaying the levels and try to make it all the way to the end since I felt so bummed I didn't make it my first time.
Dark Carnival. Me and the boys would make endless juggalo jokes and then go ham during the Midnight Rider part. It just holds good memories for me.
Hard Rain is close second.
None other than No Mercy on Realism Expert difficulty, of course.
Swamp Fever or The Sacrifice?
Another question for the thread, what was a campaign that you didn't care for initially but later on it grew on you? I used to not care for Death Toll but going back it's actually become one of my favorites.
>Playing vs with a bunch of friends a few nights ago
>start a campaign of Dead Air
>Tank spawns instantly once survivors exit spawn
>happens again when teams switch sides because vs
Why is this even possible?
>Valve killed off modding community
>But you are allowed to use mods / skins in CSGay and TF2
Fuck volvo, fuck steam, fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck jannies
What went wrong?
was cold stream cannon?
Too many endless hordes, thank fuck they at least removed the slow motion bit.
>default elf
>can deny hordes by herself
>infinite arrows
>can heal when having sub 50%hp
>viable melee
>one of the strongest abilities
Killing Floor 2 is still my fav Zombie shooter desu.
The Resident Evil 1 custom campaign.
Hard Rain with its fluff quote is kino. My young self got legitimately scared of witches. now i want them to suck my cock along with zoey
Been in a game drought and this thread makes me want to redownload L4D2.
What are some good custom maps? I Hate Mountains and Diescraper were great.
Dead Air sans the finale and The Parish
Blood Harvest sucks so much cock if you've got a team that drags their feet, but if you're all on the same page and blaze through it then it's tons of fun, especially going through the train station,
>boot up L4d2, haven't played for years
>players fucking rush the maps in minutes
>don't even give a shit if you go down
>don't even shoot shit unless absolutely necessary
>if you don't know the route or don't follow up at the same pace as a fucking speedrunner they just ignore you or even kick you out
wish I could go back when nobody knew the perfect routes and explored everything, such good times I had in vocal. Same with NMRiH
>No survival map
>No Scavenge map either
>Map feels empty, nothing going on no destructible anywhere
>Too short
>Way to open, not enough places to trap survivors
>Waited 2/half years for this
>And to top it all off it was the last ever DLC for L4D2
the L4D community is full of elitism for some reason
Stick to campaigns on normal, you'll mostly get clueless newbs who got the game on sale and people who play the game for fun.
i always wanted to pin them down and fuck them while they screech
They are all fucking assholes. Like Garry's Mod faggots with a bigger stick up their ass.
L4D1: No Mercy
L4D2: Hard Rain
Custom maps: I Hate Mountains
Nazi Zombies: Kino-Numa
Vermintide 2 (didn't play 1): Screaming Bell
I prefer L4D for actually having progression in it's levels rather than going in circles around a survival map
Oh yeah forgot Killing Floor
KF1: Biotics Lab
KF2: the community map that remade KF1 Biotics Lab but with KF2 graphics and all the lights were breakable except for the red emergency lights
Fucking how? Zombies is so boring
Will back 4 blood be any good?
my brother used to love these, i played with him many times, he told me about these. they were really great. i believe they first was in WAW then in BOps, in BOps 2 they added those missions and secrets to the zombie thing and with the season pass thing youd get ton of extra stuff for the zombie mode
the Silent Hill one
All I know is Warner Brothers is their publisher. That's a decent sign I guess.
>no fun barriers
Still mad
CoD zombies is literally designed for faggots
Really? Blood harvest is best
Apples and oranges, user.
I've always had a soft spot for Dead Air.
L4D2 has to be Dark Carnival.
Sounds as though it would be up your alley then
helm's deep
Enjoy your malware map
Dark Carnival > Dead Center > No Mercy > The Parish > Dead Air
Im only fond of the rest, but i fucking loved these 5 maps.
I really enjoyed the custom maps that recreated Disney and Universal Studios rides. The Haunted Mansion map was great. I think there was an Indiana Jones one too.
dark carnival is shit tho, what are you on about.
There are 4 of those now, 1, 2a, 2b and 3
Death Toll
Swamp Fever. Dark Carnival map 1 is pure kino though.
I hated how the intro cutscene to this campaign went through the entire level. Stupid assholes couldn't even make the campaign fit in with the rest for a second.
Any of them because it was one of the very few games were me and my buddies were fighting together to try to beat the cpu in a story driven game.
Men of taste.
I really like that Japanese one
No Mercy or Death Toll
Dark Carnival and Hard Rain
Really, it's hard to decide. I liked pretty much all of them since I never did pay much attention to level design in these campaigns, though Swamp Fever's slowdown on movement was pretty irritating.
I'm only recently getting into KF. It's not bad, but it feels kinda repetitive.
What I'm curious for is: why is KF2 often looked down upon? I know they recently did that monetizing weapons shit, but I knew from before that KF1 veterans generally disliked the game.
Left 4 Dead: Dead Air
Left 4 Dead 2: Hard Rain
I actually had a Hard Rain poster IRL for a few years but it got fucked up in a move and I had to get rid of it.
new game bad
it's because it's not kf1
unironically hard rain
no other level does backtracking so well
>See this post
>Decide to look it up
>Author is removing UI elements like single player, mutations, vote to start, and so on...
>Autokicks you from servers that run plugins he doesn't like
>Hides this info and censors people trying to spread it
Fuck, I actually enjoyed the map but guess it's time to unsubscribe. Thanks for the heads up user.
Cras Bandicoot
Monetizing weapons was a thing in KF1 too, the big reason that gets thrown around is the atmosphere and art style change, not many people like the clean look of the new game. You can see this argument on Yea Forums, they just word it as SOUL vs SOULLESS.
He also has his goons running around the forums trying to silence everybody who speaks out against his mod.
>Dark Carnival
>Between I Hate Mountains and Warcelona
I honestly find all the glaring bright shit incredibly messy.
For me its join, get kicked by 3 russian players and never touch this game again.
Where the fuck did the playerbase go?
So, it's really just the same as the Quake franchise, where boomers shit on 2 and 4 for not being just a copypaste of 1 but with prettier graphics?
That's Unreal Engine for you. Uses bloom like mexicans use spice or americans deep-fry shit.
No, retard. There's a lot of hate with Tripwire in general. As a company, they've been repeatedly choosing worse and worse business practices. This is all topped off by the recent monetization of KF2 weapons, something Tripwire claimed would never happen because it received such an awful backlash in KF1.
Could be worse.
>go to the one and only LAN party I've attended in my life
>playing L4D2
>one guy wants to do hardest difficulty with no player outlines, maybe some other settings to make it harder as well
>everyone else says they're not that great at the game and will probably struggle
>he insists and says it'll be fine
>[five minutes later]
>he's already raging at how shit the rest of the team is
>lan party
Just drop kick that faggot
It was a typical example of one step forward and two backward.
Killing Floor 2 is better in every technical way, like the graphics, sounds and customization. But it lost much of what made the game special. The gritty horror atmosphere was essentially completely removed, I don't think anybody could argue that KF2 is a scary game, but KF1 certainly was on launch even though it got worse as time went on.
I think the worst crime of KF2 was how it completely managed to evolve the series in any way, it still had the same game mode and core design. I'd expected them to actually have some kind of campaign with different objectives and such, like KF1 started having at the end of it's life. It just felt like an abandoned project by a development team without passion.
I started installing both just now.
Why? L4D2 has all the maps from L4D1 and a larger player base
Plus more mods although I really dislike how fuckhuge the weapons got in first person.
you don't need to install L4D1