Remember when PC games were 49€ and we pitied consolebros for having to pay up for the sony/microsoft tax?
Remember when PC games were 49€ and we pitied consolebros for having to pay up for the sony/microsoft tax?
And now they're free. What a time.
All PC games are 100% off on TPB
Gears 5 is on PC?
imagine being a europoor
Imagine being such a massive tastelet you're actually interested in Gears.
>Blocks your path
The sole reason why theres more console only games is coming to PC are thanks to the Pic related
you are a fucking retard if you think drm is the reason traditionally console games are being brought over to pc
How much does it cost on Xbox One?
btw please tell me this is some kind of deluxe edition and not a standard edition
Exactly. Now after Denuvo was proven they Delay crack for most games for months. Console dev and pubs are more convinced to release their game to PC.
I wouldnt be surprised if RDR2 and Death Stranding to come to PC now. And Sony just said they considering to release their First Party games to PC.
Its just business as usual.
that's besides the point, I was just checking through Steam news popup and saw this ridiculous pricing and wanted to ask my fellow Yea Forumsirgin's opinion about it. If this catches on it's just the beginning and soon (You)r favourite game will cost 20 bucks more for no reason
denuvo doesn't have anything to do with it
poor sales and improved porting technology do
porting has been made easier, and making multi-platform games has been made easier
and because of poor sales/under-expected growth corporate is pushing for all games to be multi-platform because it increases sales and costs very little to do now
it's why more console only games are 360/ps4 both instead of just one platform too, where denuvo has no presence
No, but I remember when PC games were $10 cheaper but lost far more in resell value. I'm sitting on $4000+ without having worked a single day in the last four years because I was able to sell my games that I wasn't even playing anyway.
>B-b-b-but $2 trade in at GameStop!
Stop selling to retailers and stop buying sports 'n' "AAA" games, dumb ass.
>no reason
I'm perfectly fine with paying 70 or 80€ provided there's no microtransactions and DLC milking.
Yes and Denuvo convinced them further. It wouldn't be funny for them if their game was cracked immediately after released on PC. Got to remind you theres no GoW 2 & 3 due to Piracy problems on PC back then.
Please don't bully us, I love this franchise with all of my heart and it hurts my heart for us to be bullied for our autistic love for this franchise. Take this nazrin as a token of gratitude to leave us alone
Denuvo doesn't fucking work majority of the time. Most titles with the dam thing get cracked a few months at worse.
Spend all that money, all that time, and all that effort because a few people are not going to pay for your digital product and at the end of the day the customers the one that has to put up with there butchered experience.
It's been proven time and time again that piracy is not nearly as much of a problem as the industry making it out to be.
Remember when PC gamers didn't care about shitty fucking overpriced console ports?
Months uncracked is more than enough for them to reach their sales goal. Again, a reminder : Denuvo never said their DRM is uncrackable. They always said its to delay pirates, and its working. Even if its get cracked, They will update their DRM like usual. They have a lots of team (Ex crackers) for that.
>buying Gears of War after 3
I remember the same with Nintendo games being cheaper too, now we went from 40€ 3DS game to 70.
At least Amazon sells them at 45€ new for the first few weeks.
There was no Gears 2 and 3 on PC because Cliffy is a lazy cuck.
As a Gears of War fan, this series is irredeemable shit now.
Just pirate it or get gamepass idk
>playing gears of war
>after the first one
keep buying shit and you'll stay eating shit
Sorry, but unless the woman in the cover art is attractive I'm not buying your game. I shelled out 80 bucks for a 10 hour porn game with 4 cute girls without batting an eye because they were on the cover.
Sometimes that doesn't even happen user.They get cracked in less then a fucking day. Then the customers get the literal inferior version of the product.
That's a waste of fucking time and effort when in reality most people who are willing to pirate won't buy your game in the first fucking place.
piracy doesn't decrease sales and corporatefags know it
DRM is pushed by the people working for publishers at a lower level
it's why blurays, dvds, music streaming services and all that other shit carries only basic drm that prevents the standard person from ripping shit
those are pirated a lot more than games and there are prepared heavy-hand DRM solutions for them that work, could be implemented but there's no reason to because it costs money, makes delivering content harder, doesn't increase sales and impacts customer experience
this is also the model steam uses
the moment advanced DRMs becomes harmful for content delivery, customer enjoyment or start hitting the profits too much corporatefags will shut it down
it's why after denuvo was found out to be fucking with performance it stopped gaining traction until they fixed it
I did tell you that They constantly updating their DRM. They literally paid for that, and they will never gonna stop. This increased the trust for Publishers/Developers further to Denuvo.
Its simply a business logic and Denuvo is simply works. Denuvo/Irdeto is a organized company funded by Sony/EA/EU Goverment/etc. Its almost impossible for crackers like CODEX to play cat and mouse with them. CODEX will always stay behind Denuvo even if they managed to crack Denuvo.
>poor sales are a reason for more pc ports
what logic is that supposed to be?
it's usually the biggest titles that get ported
>why after denuvo was found out to be fucking with performance it stopped gaining traction until they fixed it
Except it was immediately fixed though. And that didnt stop them for using Denuvo in the future.
yes and sales for big boy titles have been "poor" in the sense that the market is significantly larger than ever before but the sales aren't matching this in growth or total size
>immediately fixed
took over half a year
>didnt stop them for using Denuvo in the future.
>>stopped gaining traction until they fixed it
Theres literally almost no AAA games out in those 6 months. Your damage control isnt working, user.
It's funny how the times changed and most people don't realize that now playing on consoles is way cheaper because everything is released physical and after a while get's massive discounts so big markets can push it out.
I bought DE Mankind Divided for 4 quid
Ni no Kuni 2 for 12 quid
Horizon + all DLC for 14
Evil Within 2 for 7 quid
All this brand new games physical. Steam sales are a thing of the past.
Hhhmm I can see the direction they're going, all I want to do is just blast some mother fuckers with the Gnasher and wallbounce and clutch. Also horde too. Kinda hoped they took good ass notes for the tech test, it felt like Gears 1 and 3 movement, clunky as hell but smooth as fuck. Gnasher was good but needed lots of tuning
>imagine paying for things you can get free
I think Steam and Xbox were much bigger factors in console ports to PC, Denuvo is more recent by comparison.
No bully!
>PS3 era
>70€ is normal because of the Disc size and added value
>cases are shit
>manuals are shit
>the price won't change no matter if the BD is simple or double layer
>now PC titles are the price of physical shit
Call that inflation I call that bulshit
>says the 3rd worlder
fuck off animeniggers
>Dat projection
i cant believe theyre still making these games.
Ive still got my limited editions of GoW 1, 2 and 3 purchased in 2006,2008 and 2011 and i love them, but the series concluded there and i dont appreciate it being ridden into the dirt like this.
So what are Denuvo or AAA games that released in those 6 months ? go on.
youre not actually planning to play, let alone buy, this absolute joke of a game, are you op?
Yes goy.
fuck off to you underage cunt.
>I did tell you that They constantly updating their DRM
Doesn't matter user. It's cracked once they can just keep the uncracked version of the game and literally fan patch it themselves.
Happens all the time and sims 4 is literally proof of pirates doing that.
The only products to remain uncracked weirdly enough are the absurdly obscure/dreadful garbage no one wants to play anyways.
It's pointless and honestly harmful for the fucking consumer. What happens later on when you can't fucking play your game because some update windows does 10 years down the line fucks with the drm for it?
Fuck it what if the servers denevo uses to check if you pirated that shit goes down?
Why do you think i'm able to play weird old obscure titles with drm? Oh yeah because fucking pirates allow me to bypass them all together. Meaning i'd be unable to play fucking anything if they didn't.
Yeah thanks all so some big wig can save a few.
Except that almost never happened in Denuvo games. Example : AC Odysey, first version got cracked and its gonna stays that way for the rest of time.
>The only products to remain uncracked weirdly enough are the absurdly obscure/dreadful garbage no one wants to play anyways
Your lack of intelligence is showing. Stay in school, dont do drugs, kid.
And 10 years later probably the GoG version is out. Just relax.
Video Game Piracy is dead when they introduced Denuvo, you cant deny this since they are working. I bet Denuvo also the reason why the latest PS4 firmware remains uncracked for years.
no everyone enjoys playing with shit
i bet you have a dog
coping seethelet
You never paid for a single thing of course you will never understand.
Hard to living in brazil eh ?
Free with gamepass :)
Not that hard.
Why not? Give specific details.
Why would anyone buy this on Steam when you can just get that Windows game pass thing for $2 a month and play it there?
>Video Game Piracy is dead
its better than ever. keep up with crackwatch
>I bet Denuvo also the reason why the latest PS4 firmware remains uncracked for years.
you bet wrong. no one wants to crack it because the main reason behind cracking it was not piracy in the first place but technical accomplishment.
Yea Forums would downplay it, but nothing is more assuring to the suits than uncrackable drm. Well, at least for a week.
Whether it is actually increase sales or not, it is different matter altogether. B2B is more about convincing the decision makers than actually delivering concrete results.
Nice Fireden image, user
>1 game / 3-6 months
Its anything but better, user. Nah Firmware updates is also updating the security measures, and im pretty sure they add Denuvo like protection in the newest Firmware due to Sony paying Denuvo.
It took months again now.
>Its anything but better, user.
it's better than when Denovo was first introduced and thought to be uncrackable.
>and im pretty sure they add Denuvo like protection
that would be hardware intensive. the PS4 newer firmwares are not cracked because people who can don't want to crack them.
Months for each game and almost 0 cracked update is a major blowback to pirates.
>because people who can don't want to crack them
Nah its because they cant. Just like Denuvo games. Its simply hard to the point its isnt worth it. Thats the logical truth.