Takes multiple hits

>takes multiple hits
>uses items
>cutscene finishers
>chaining your enemies when they're punching bags to begin with
>same 2-3 moves per Legion as theyre cycled in the same order
>S+ rank on hardest difficulty
Kind of upset they wasted time and resources on this instead of focusing on Bayonetta 3. Oh well, the sales will speak for themselves, and they'll learn from this.

Attached: Switch_AstralChain_screen_moviecut_11.jpg (1920x1080, 1.26M)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's gonna flop so who cares

i was under the impression this was more of an action rpg than a crazy action game

If so, it's trying, and failing, to do both

>DMCucks still seething
Stay mad lads

how so

>le epic tortanic bait thread

Attached: 1455054306483.jpg (402x463, 44K)

Because RPG elements are the antithesis to arcade action games.
>Getting stronger by grinding skill points vs getting stronger by mastering enemy patterns
You cant have both. Platinum retarded for thinking Automata was a success for its gameplay and not because of Taro.

>every game needs to be hard

Hoes mad we're getting ANOTHER excellent switch game.
Stay mad cuckoo

>Because RPG elements are the antithesis to arcade action games.
i guess all those ps2 action rpgs didnt actually exist then

Such as...

rogue galaxy, chaos legion (the game this is taking inspiration from), tales of, ...
im assuming you never played these though

doesn't count nintendie

excuse me what?

Rent free

Wow look at all those games where grinding solves any problems. Thank you for proving my point!

>Wow look at all those games where grinding solves any problems
what's wrong with that? not every game needs to be dmc you know

Don't mind, its just the usual snoy having a meltdown again


>still mad about bayonetta 2

Was posting a video that makes the game look amazing part of your plan?

Nice one kid

You're completly right, however my original post was about arcade action, which is a staple of Platinum games.

what about okami?

>run around enemy
>they break free
>platinum dodge
>run around enemy
It's so tedious, not to mention control is removed from the player for every other attack.

That was made by Clover :^)


So it doesnt count because it's not Platinum! The point I'm trying to make is that AC already admits its arcade action by having a ranking system, and as such the RPG and detective vision elements will drag it down because they're oil and water. If platinum REALLY wanted to try somehing new, they wouldn't have it around just for the sake of it being a staple.


Do not blame DMC fans for people shitting on fucking action games. I'm looking forward to this.

Dark Souls isn't hard tho

platinum and clover are the exact same though

It's not an action RPG. We've seen nothing that suggests it's an action RPG. It's never been referred to as an action RPG. I don't know how you could misunderstanding this.

it looks it and the nier automata guy is in charge of this game

>burgers and clubs are the same because they're sandwiches
This is you

It will outsell every bayonetta games lol.

You do fetch quests within the chapter levels and you have branching skill points. Its an ARPG

what? platinum is literally clover after they reformed and stopped being associated with capcom everyone knows this

>Bungie is literally Bungie after they left Microsoft
This is you

Tails of games have a ranking system too, yet they are more RPG than they are arcade action games. Stop being retarded.

>Tails of
Tales of*, obviously

not 60fps i couldn't give less of a fuck about this shit ass "game"
if bayo 3 runs at 30 too, platinum is officially dead to me
fuck you

based falseflagger

gameplay > FPS

Really gotta wonder how these posters would react if DMC5 was 30fps

Yeah automata was especially fucking awful and badly designed. there are better examples like kingdom hearts 2. but even kingdom hearts 2 would be infinitely better with just flat damage and defence values.

what am i falsefagging about ? its factually 30fps
nice opinion but for action games 60 fps is the minimal requirement, clearly the devs didnt give a shit about the gameplay

Unlockable skills aren't an RPG-specific thing, nor are fetch quests. It's not an ARPG.

>people are pretending Astral Chain was advertised as CLIMAX action game instead the Synergetic Action game it always claimed to be

i dont know what bungie is but did they still have the same guy in charge?

I'd probably shit on in juts like I shit on it for having bad graphics & a lot of bad gameplay sections & level design.

The Japanese can put whatever meme marketing term in front of a game, it's not going to change player perspective of said game because the heavily influences drawn from prior titles is obvious and will be compared to those

>devs can't describe their game because of stupid people

I'm surprised it isn't running at 14 FPS. That was my only low expectation and I have been surprised.

>"Its a STRAND action game...very new concept"
>literally ubisoft towers
>"its a SYNERGETIC action game, not quite like anything we've done before"
>literally V DMC5
Marketers get the bullet, too

day 1 buy

Imagine caring about being ranked by some gook developer.

>fast paced action game

ahahaha casualised trash for nintendies



>snoygroids absolutely livid they have to attack a game like astral chain

Snoy containment board when? bronies got one and they werent nearly as bad as the snoy subhumans

Also is Astral Chain even big enough to tortanic?
It’s at most a speedboat

I’d sign up for that

Yeah I don't know what these idiots are seething at. Watched the gameplay OP linked that "Proved the game was shit" and shit looks super fun, and that's all the matters at the end of the day, that it's fun. Graphics and fps are tertiary.

Doing the same 3 actions looks fun? Platinumdrones have no standards

remember, fun is a buzzword, real games on snoy systems are woke and thought provoking, fun is for racists and sexists, like nintendo.

>fps are tertiary.

This I played games that were 16 bit and on PS2 shit was fun as fuck.
I’ll take fun, replayable and no modern cancer like always online and Mircotransactions over 4K 60 FPS and a dog shit grind

Platinumdrone? Please, I actually haven't played a platinum game to this point because none of them looked entertaining enough to me until now.

>thinks a game is fun when it crawls to single digits fps

>Fun is a buzzword
Killing yourself is also a buzzword you should seriously consider

Attached: 8E063936-8C19-4943-973E-BEEB6E56E702.png (489x424, 129K)

>Gamespot says it's Ultimate difficulty
>Believing GameSpot
How much of an uberfag are you OP?

God Hand has to tell you something.

Funny how despite Yea Forums being populated by roaches and pigs, somehow the redditfags blend perfectly with both of them. Kind of amazing.

Yikes. This game is cringe and Plainum is unbased.

I know right, fuck the pigs, BLM yo!

God Hand is also 13 years old.

>rogue galaxy
>action heavy
Come now.

Funny how you start with the one that plays itself for you

Why yes I will believe the company that gave Bayonetta 2 a 10/10

Shut the fuck up shill.


So is the game. Just missions like newer DMC and Bayonetta, or is exploration also included, like older DMC and parts of Automata? Can I just walk about the city and do cop stuff?

And? It was made in an era where only dong-huffing, dick sucking edgelords of Sony managed to make 30FPS games on the fucking PS2 and claim they were great games because they sold to amerifats, while most japanese action games casually touched the 60s with no problems and innovated on the action frontier. If you told anybody that God Hand has half the frames of DMC3 and no Turbo mode back then, they'd curse and condemn the game before trying it.

Not saying it's not a detriment but writting it off because God Hand was a decade ago is equally stupid, considering how untouchable God Hand is to this day, despite its drawback.

Yeah you get like 8 sub missions and a fuck ton of cans to pick up
Astral plain sickness to clean up
Fetch quests
You’ll have a lot to do that isn’t fight mindlessly

It's pretty close to how Automata does its side content from what i can tell (condensed into a smaller but more detailed area instead of spread over the world in Automata)

God Hand is a meme desu, good game with unique depth, but also overrated by its own cult just because of the 3/10 review

You mean Bayonetta?


It's 100% an ARPG. It has a skill tree, equipment upgrades that are strictly better numbers, loot drops, and sidequests and shit.

Just because SA goons pretending to like video games and halfwits who try to fit in the action circle of gaming overhype it and were assblasted to the moon from outlets that every person with half a braincell saw were utter garbage, doesn't make it a bad game. Nor less innovative on what it tried to do.

Just do what any rational people would do and don't pay attention to what the morons say, just focus on the game only.

>first 5 seconds
can japanese voice actors stop doing that weird "surprised" grunt/gasping thing

Attached: 1528831071563.jpg (500x481, 30K)


Doesn't count

>he thought I was referring to Automatic mode which was in DMC as well
LOOK at the gameplay, user.

>Gigantic hit stops, 30 frames per second, esoteric moveset, UI overlays, floating numbers and particle effects

These things do not combine. Can't even tell what the fuck is happening half the time

Attached: 1547227345430.jpg (300x300, 19K)

Attached: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 ui.jpg (1280x720, 366K)

>30fps with drops
>piss easy even on the hardest default difficulty
>hardest difficulty has to be unlocked
>combat is braindead button mashing
Upset of the year.

It's ok when Nintendo does it.

then cinematic movie experiences are for you

Nice false dichotomy you fucking brainlet

>calls other people brainlets
>ugh grug not like reading ui

If a game journalist is breezing through it on the hardest difficulty, imagine how insultingly simple it'll be for an actual player.

Considering how the past few years, a shit ton of "games journalists" have been getting canned for being fucking worthless. I'm sure the only ones left actually know how to navigate a video game. Its been getting a lot better.

its just part of anime forever user, its expensive to make and the very fucking fibre of it doesn't relay well to subtle facial expressions like a real actor can do, so they have small grunts and gasps fill in static poses and suggest the emotion.

You're retarded for thinking Automata was a success because of Taro and not Yoshida.

I think Taura just makes easy games. Automata was also a complete joke in terms of difficulty.


What others? You. You specifically retard.

For me, the idea of an S+ rank (which I presume is the highest possible rank you can get in a mission) should at the very least include a no-damage stipulation, especially if it's a top score on the hardest difficulty, as is the case with getting a Pure Platinum in Bayonetta and an SS rank in Devil May Cry 3 on the hardest difficulty in those games.

So I'm a touch let down by how the player was able to get hit once at 0:55, another two times at 1:48, yet another time at 2:13 and still get that score at the end of a mission. That's not bad play, but it's still sloppy. That, and the player chugged a bunch of healing items. That should be penalized. If this was Devil May Cry 3 or Bayonetta, it would be penalized.
I would have given this player a B for this performance, and not an S+.I really hope there's an SS+ or an SSS+ score to really reward players who can go through the game's challenges without getting touched even once and who never use any items.

I still think DMC3 and Bayonetta have the best ranking systems for a cuhrayzee game. Getting a Pure Platinum or an SS rank in those games on the highest difficulty was never a fluke. You always earned it.

It has nothing going for it from a mechanical standpoint. No depth, no interesting combos, nothing. Taro created the world and characters, Okabe made the music. Those are the highlights of the game, not the gameplay , and those always were the highlights of Taro's work

I thought you weren't allowed to say anything bad about switch exclusives

>grugs literally just repeating himself now

Doing that is far cheaper and just as effective as spending another 200 hours on new character models

If people gave a fuck about Taro’s stories and characters, then Drakengard 3 wouldn’t have flopped.

Considering its 30fps with drops they can't really make it hard without making it unfair

fuck off retard

It's the snoys projecting, every single Switch exclusive gets shat on, while they play the victim and call this place nintendogaf.

>Kind of upset they wasted time and resources on this instead of focusing on Bayonetta 3. Oh well, the sales will speak for themselves, and they'll learn from this.
No. If anything Bayonetta 3 is the waste of time. With this at least they took their time to actually develop it in secret and show it off to the public when they felt it was ready, thus making a shorter pre-release cycle possible. With Trannynetta with its cancerous fanbase, you'll wait until let's say cancer or aging get cured before that comes out. I think the even fucking Rapture will happen before its release.

One thing you should understand by now if you don't already is that Takahisa Taura doesn't understand how to balance a combat system properly.

>You cant have both.
You can, it's just hard to make it work. You have to set up the difficulty scaling so that by the hardest difficulty, using max-ranked max-leveled everything is essentially a requisite condition of survival.

It ultimately feels pretty pointless if you intend to master the game but it gives people who only play through on lower/initial difficulties a way of essentially giving enemies a handicap, by increasing their own power without the enemy's power increasing to match.

Christ this game looks fucking horrid in handheld mode. I'm surprised the fags at Monolith didn't bother optimizing something for what is the Switch's base mode. Too bad they're focusing on that new strong wyman IP medieval fantasy shit instead.

Attached: monolithshit.jpg (640x1054, 139K)

>It has nothing going for it from a mechanical standpoint. No depth, no interesting combos, nothing.
both wrong youtube.com/watch?v=_q227wYG92k

I'll take "things that are only possible with the weakest weapons in the game used against enemies that are modded to have higher levels than intended and additional durability with reduced super armor for 500, Alex"

Did you ever actually play Automata, or just watch combo videos? By the end of the game, everything dies in 4 hits, and it takes 3 of those hits to strip the super armor so a basic juggle is actually possible. You have to intentionally gimp your chipset to remove all buffs, go with low-tier and unupgraded gear (which also shortens your combo chains), and find a way to put yourself next to enemies that are not properly scaled for the content in question to actually spend any length of time dealing damage to them once their super armor is gone.

People bitch about Bayonetta 2 not letting you juggle enemies without Witch Time, Automata doesn't let you juggle enemies period.

Why haven’t we taken a page from 2chan and made a /Sony/ board?

I think he knows, it's just that he's scared of alienating casual players, which is bizarre to me because most casual players don't give a fuck about ranking systems.

Well 2B wasnt in Drak3 to grab people's attention, something he learned and corrected

It looks like it's something more oriented around methodical gameplay and resource management than pure combo spectacle.
I'm interested to see how it turns out, it's definitely a different from the usual Platinum fare
But not all RPG mechanics are oriented around grinding stats out

You say this as if grinding out red orbs or halos for more moves hasn't been a thing since DMC1

No, he straight up doesn't know. He repeatedly commits a cardinal sin in game design, which is failing to recognize that water finds a crack.

All of his combat systems suffer from the same fundamental flaw: there is something readily exploitable that destroys the balance entirely, and he doesn't identify or remove it because he fails to see how exploitable it is. He gives the player the benefit of the doubt that they will play "the right way" and not abuse whatever mechanic he made heavily abusable.

Lots of action games have a mode that tones down or automates the combat difficulty, but the distinction is those modes or settings are included independent of a much more challenging higher difficulty setting. Automata, for instance, had these in the plug-in chips that were disabled on easy mode, and that's fine. But things like auto-heal were always available.

MGR (which he designed the combat for) and Automata (where he was gameplay director) both also suffer from easily abusable defensive maneuvers that allow you to attack while engaging in the defensive action, which makes spamming them easy. There's no penalty for doing this in either game. This is the core flaw of Taura's design sensibilities: he knows how to develop an interesting kit of player abilities, but he doesn't know how to balance them such that there's a compelling reason (other than player boredom) to not just lean all of your weight on the most broken or abusable ability of all.

Given that he seems perpetually blind to cheesable strats that arise in his games, it's not a particularly surprising revelation that his ranking system should not be balanced correctly, because he doesn't understand "lazy play" well enough to counteract it with the scoring system.

Unlocking new abilities is not really the same as "+4 attack strength" though.

Moves, nigger, not stat bonuses. DMC even solved this at the start with having harder difficulties balanced around having all or most moves. You cant grind red orbs or halos to endlessly pad out your meters, either. The shop has a limit, and you have to discover the rest

Yeah, but it seems like Astral Chain doesn't have a 4+ type mechanic. From what I've seen, it seems it has a skill tree for each legion with unlockable moves that you get by using the red crystals from the environment and enemies

Where does Astral Chain have sta6rt bonuses?

Except for two notable exceptions, the more Yea Forums shitpost a game, the more successful will be.

what are the exceptions?

Fair points. Do you think that being a good action game designer means that you have to expect the worst from your player? That you always have to assume players will go the cheesiest and easiest way possible to reaching a goal if given the chance?

Because in DMC5 (which I am going to assume you've played, seeing as how knowledgeable you are), I feel like Itsuno didn't do that, and as a result we have much more cheese strats in that game than ever before in the series, with the Dr. Faust Hat and the Sin Devil Trigger that can allow players to get easy S-ranks by playing passive and abusing the no-damage score bonus, as well as things like most of the Balrog gauntlet's moveset being unexplored because players rely on the shoryuken for 99 percent of situations.

>Kind of upset they wasted time and resources on this instead of focusing on Bayonetta 3.
I'm not. FUCK Bayonetta 3.

Attached: 1565301972792.png (337x451, 265K)

>thinks every game is made by Nintendo
Sounds like you need help

I think that's part of being a good game designer, period. An interesting paper on this:
>Many players cannot help approaching a game as an optimization puzzle. What gives the most reward for the least risk? What strategy provides the highest chance – or even a guaranteed chance – of success? Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game.
>A phrase we used on the Civilization development team to describe this phenomenon is that “water finds a crack” – meaning that any hole a player can possibly find in the game’s design will be inevitably abused over and over. The greatest danger is that once a player discovers such an exploit, she will never be able to play the game again without using it – the knowledge cannot be ignored or forgotten, even if the player wishes otherwise.

>as a result we have much more cheese strats in that game than ever before in the series, with the Dr. Faust Hat
Faust Hat isn't a cheese strat, though. I don't know why people think this. It's a meta-strat. Building up orbs with Faust is it's own very delicately-balanced risk-reward game around hatting enemies, where racking up crazy amounts of orbs also essentially means playing for long stretches of time without taking any damage whatsoever. Even farming M13 over and over again, there's a huge sunk time cost relative to the "cheese" of being able to drop the fucking moon on Vergil. Giving the player a "nuke this fucker" button doesn't break the game if the button can't be pressed over and over again. SDT same story; yes, it's gonna let you waste that Fury encounter that you fucking hate, but you cannot play the game reduced to nothing but spamming SDT Stingers in the context of an entire mission.

The balance issues on Real Impact are a little more legit, because it's pretty easy to build up overheat, but there's a timing component to actually landing the fully charged one as well.

You seem to be living under the mistaken impression that it's the dev's failing when you find a way to break the game. It's your failing, you have the sole responsibility to play how you like. If there's some broken cheese strategy, don't employ it. Simple as that. It's not a "cardinal sin" to not autistically build a game to make absolutely sure that nothing cheesy is possible, and I'm struggling to think of an action game that doesn't have a "best" way to play it.

>you have a switch and game looks interesting
its 30 fps

Attached: 1552237237553.gif (352x224, 866K)

>she will never be able

Attached: screenshot_91.png (496x481, 367K)

>monster hunter? that game is too complicated for me

>all AAA games on steam are garbage

The issue comes down to reward structures. Lots of people went see the point of learning to play well when they get the same or similar reward to someone playing less well, while for other people learning to play well is the reward and the ranking itself is of lesser importance.

Bloodborne is 30 fps too faggot. Still one of the best games of all time. get over it.

it's okay when ____ ____ __

Donte and YIIK

>You seem to be living under the mistaken impression that it's the dev's failing when you find a way to break the game
It is. A well-designed game should not be breakable. A good developer should be recognizant of these issues and do what they can to minimize them.

Imagine an action game where pressing the L1 button instantly killed all enemies on screen and awarded the player with the maximum rank for that combat encounter. No effort, no skill, just press L1 and everything is dead and you get an SSS+ NUMBER 1! rank. Would you consider that a good action game? I mean, yeah, you can just not use the L1 ability that ruins the game, that's your prerogative. You can also play Super Mario 64 without pressing the A button, and it's way more complicated than SM64 is by default, but so what? The button is there, the developer put the button there, it's clearly a part of the game's core design ethos, it's meant to be used. You can't just put that button there and then when players say the game is braindead easy, blame them for using that button.

Finding your own fun through self-imposed challenge is a nice way to stretch the life of a game that you've mastered and to expand your mastery further, I don't doubt that, but in terms of balance to the core loop, yes, a designer has an obligation to make sure that the game doesn't come with an Instant Easy Win button you can press whenever you want.

its potentially a good game but i honestly don't know because even watching someone play it at sub 30 and that frame pacing gave me aids.

Attached: 1545079038430.gif (200x200, 3.46M)

From another paragraph:
>Again, designers often don’t understand their own games as well as the players do. The problem with a gamer undervaluing his own time is that, while the easy rewards may feel good at first, eventually the amount of time required will slowly seep away the fun per minute, until the game begins to feel like a grind.

it's very common form in academic writing to alternate between he and she per example when discussing some nonspecific hypothetical subject. Come on.

It sucks, but it's expected on consoles at this point. Platinum usually goes for 60 over visual fidelity so it's a weird choice but it's not the end of the world is the game is designed around it.
The advantage of 60fps is you get twice as many frames to look at to make a decision. If for example enemy tells take twice as long as they do in a 60fps game, the reaction test is basically the same. Astral Chains enemy attacks and tells seem a bit slower and more obvious than something like Bayonetta where the enemy tells are hard to see and would be nearly unplayable at 30fps.

Interesting. So that's where you got the "water finds a crack" from. That's a really good way of putting it.

Perhaps cheese may not have been the right word to use, but the tools I mentioned above definitely allows players to trivialize a lot of otherwise difficult encounters while--and this part is key--not being penalized with a lower rank. In DMC3, you could obviously farm for holy waters and healing items and use them to melt down and tank bosses on DMD, but if you did that your final rank would plummet. In contrast, in DMC5, using trivializing tools like Dr. Faust or Sin Devil Trigger or Real Impact never puts a damper on your mission ranking.

That's why I felt DMC5 was a relevant example to use for a crack being ignored that suffered from a lot of water leaking. You disagree, which is fine, but I hope you understood where I was coming from.

Anyway, I find it an interesting challenge to be able to come up with a game that has no cheese methods. Cuphead is one such example. It's straight up action and has no leveling or upgrading or extra destructive tools you can use to help you overcome fights. That game I feel has no "leaks". Players are even discouraged from playing on easy mode, since easy mode actually removes content by not having certain boss phases available on lower difficulty.

DMC 5 set the bar so high, Kamiya is fucked now

>food analogy

besides the fact that user is right, you are embarrassing yourself. Platinum is reformed Clover.

>"blah blah blah" the thread.

Furi also is a game that doesn't really have any leaks.

You're right about some of DMC5's abusable moves, but again all of those (to a much lesser extent with Real Impact and a MUCH greater extent with Faust) cannot be taken in isolation. Having the ability to fire the BFG9000 doesn't break the game if you have a very limited ammo supply. You can isolate a specific mission where you are having a hard time getting an S rank, and you can say "okay, given that I have this massive stash of Red Orbs, I can fuck-you cheese my way through this encounter" and that's technically true, but you also have to consider how much time you needed to spend being good at the game to AMASS that stash of Red Orbs to begin with.

SDT is a microcosm of that same thing; yes, you have the ability to use this attack that will absolutely, unequivocally erase any non-boss enemy in the game, so if you keep getting brickwalled by that Bloody Palace floor with 3 Furies, it can be a way to "cheese" through, but it comes with the caveat that you must play well, save your DT and bank it (giving up that healing ability in other contexts), etc., and after doing all this skillful play and resource management, you will have earned your one erasure (which you cannot bank multiple of).

Does that really count as "cheese" or is it just an alternate viable strat? Is it a broken way to play the game? I mean, using SDT Stingers or Faust Hat meteors is hardly an optimal strategy for the entire game, it would be impossible to do it consistently. The game is giving you a get out of jail free card for playing well, but if you job at the fucking game you're not gonna get that card, much less have access to all the cards you need to counter every time your dumb ass winds up in jail. I'm stretching this metaphor but you see my point: Any ability which consumes some resource cannot be considered in isolation, it has to be considered in terms of the difficulty of gaining that resource

Nearly every game is breakable, user. You're splitting hairs to justify your beliefs. The more complicated a game is, the more work has to be done to tune it, and past a certain point, it's going to take too long.

Your hypothetical is an unreasonable thought experiment that goes too far in order to attempt to discredit a far less extreme viewpoint. At no point did I say you couldn't or shouldn't use things, but you are saying that if a game has ANY exploit in it, then the developer has failed and must be terrible. I am saying that if an exploit is in it, then don't use it. Maybe because I'm viewing it more from the developer side than the player side, but you can't test things forever, and this is one of the things that matters the least because it doesn't prevent anyone from just playing the game normally. Would you rather they sit around and test things to make them supremely balanced, or less buggy, because I can tell you that most players would prefer the latter.

Platinum doesn't have Shinji Mikami, who was Kamiya's mentor and an important role.

If you can't see the difference between "Kamiya directing with Mikami's guidance" and "some new kid directing with Kamiya's guidance" you don't understand organization structure. I like Plat, but these days to suggest that they are "essentially Clover" is fucking nonsense.

Blaming the player does not hold up under scrutiny. Take fighting games for example, exploits cannot be regulated out of a sense of fair play because now you have a competitive anonymous environment. This is why it’s the developer’s fault and why in the arcade days, they’d ship out updated boards and disks at great expense to patch out infinites like was the case with Killer Instinct.

Even in singleplayer action games, the competitive nature of leaderboards directly applies here. But beyond that, even if all your motivation is the intrinsic desire to get better, merely knowing that the exploit exists fundamentally alters your baseline metric for getting “better.” The point of a game is to provide the constraints and action game determine what is good and what is bad through various rewards or grading systems. Rejecting exploits means rejecting the game’s notion of what good play is and it means having to replace it with your own arbitrary system, which loses a lot of its appeal.

Holy shit, Kamiya is not even directing this game you twats.

We know? Dunno what your post is trying to accomplish

>any ability which consumes some resource cannot be considered in isolation, it has to be considered in terms of the difficulty of gaining that resource
Definitely. I see your point now. And I agree with Furi as well. Anyway, it's refreshing to still be able to have this kind of a exchange on Yea Forums. Good day to you.

Hope to see you around in these threads when Astral Chain comes out. I still hope there's an SSS+ rank (or some kind of exclusive score like that) in the game that the journalists have not gotten in these preview videos that actually rewards being able to no damage encounters on the highest difficulty while also playing efficiently and with variety in your playstyle.

>and past a certain point, it's going to take too long.
Okay, that's fine. I accept that.

>Your hypothetical is an unreasonable thought experiment that goes too far in order to attempt to discredit a far less extreme viewpoint. At no point did I say you couldn't or shouldn't use things, but you are saying that if a game has ANY exploit in it, then the developer has failed and must be terrible

This is the point, it's a matter of degree. You'll accept that "press L1 to win" is too extreme a case of broken design, but you're willing to forgive "if you find the exact right spot that you'd basically have to have a guide to find, you can clip through the level geometry and get the best weapon in the game and skip the hardest boss"

Okay. We have two extremes, and we both recognize that one is bad game design and the other is the fault of the player for exploiting an unfortunate bug that isn't patched. Notwithstanding the arguable responsibility of a dev to patch their games (which I won't start here), the question becomes
>where do we draw the line between those two extremes?

I think two good criteria are
>the likelihood of a player discovering the exploit on their own, without needing to be told via some guide
>the ease with which the exploit can be reproduced once discovered

So let's take a less-hypothetical example: let's say that I can remain invincible while dealing endless damage to enemies if I hold R1 and repeatedly press R2. That's not a made-up scenario, there's a real Platinum title that allows this (bonus points for knowing it) and I, like many others, discovered this bit of brokenness very early on in my blind playthrough of the game.

Is that bad balance? Am I exploiting an unintentional bug, or should the developer have maybe recognized that two absolutely central player abilities could synergize in a broken way with no limit to their abuse?

Name a single game that is not "breakable".

Attached: Ninja glare.jpg (480x360, 17K)

>easy game mode labeled “hard” for journos to feel good about and give good scores.
>showing of mechanics at least.
>ever having full moveset for journos when you know they aren’t going to use them.
>implying both A team AND B team should be working on Bayonetta.
They’ve got like 3 other projects besides this one. Give it some slack. It’s an exclusive to the switch so no one has an excuse to not buy it other than “I don’t like platnum”, it’s that simple.

>Bloodborne is 30
>Astral Chain is 30


Though that isn't really my point. The more complex a game is, the more likely there is to be SOME brokenness, but the more obvious or easy that brokenness is to find and achieve, the worse of a job the game designer is doing. Past a certain (somewhat arbitrary threshold) I think it's fair to say "that developer is shit at game balance", and a game neither has to be unimpeachably airtight to be "well balanced" nor hilariously Superman-64 broken to be "poorly balanced".

what irks me about a lot of Plat games are that its just about the combat system and style, while everything else takes a back seat (I havent played Nier Auto so might be wrong on that) There are square rooms after square rooms of combat and its bland after a while. Theres barely any interstin traversal or use of the environment and use of combat moves in intersting ways outside of combat. maybe I just havent played the ones that are good in those ways though.


it was cofounded by Shinji. You're right by saying they're not 100% the same, but it also isnt incorrect to say that a lot was passed down.

Personally I believe there are "levels" of breakable. There are breaks that require setup and obtuse thinking to do, like in Mario 64 where you can build speed for 24 hours to launch yourself to another P.U, and then there's brain dead easy like op describes with a press to win button. Almost every game is breakable, but if your game is gonna have a break, make me put the effort in you know? Also, i'm not the user you where originally talking to.

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>but but they’re busy!
That’s the grand excuse as to why this is an awful game?

Why is it awfuL

t.only gets stone awards

Looks good to me. This game is actually making me consider buying a Switch.

Because the director is a hack

There is a massive difference between a game having exploits and a game being broken that your argument completely glosses over. You can have exploits without being broken like slash canceling in the original DMC, but if you get to a point where balance gets demolished by the exploit, then it redefines what it means to be good at the game, probably far outside the developer’s intentions, and if it’s not fun, it’s a developer problem that they might have to patch out. An example from another action game might be the Kilgore glitch in Bayonetta, or 360 scythe into 360 scythe in Ninja Gaiden 3RE.

Where the FUCK did you assume it was a action rpg? Besides "upgrading skills", which is in every fucking action game, there is nothing, absolutely fucking nothing that hints a "RPG"

Baby tier console get baby tier difficulty for the baby tier audience. This would never happen if the game was multi platform

Not every action game have to be dmc jugglefest.


Is this a joke?

Every single action game ever made has that level of "breakage"

>releasing actual games for kiddie nintend consoles

lmao, all devs deserve bankruptcy making nintendo games.

How does one "break" Furi, user? What exploit can you use, what unintended strategy can you employ, to bypass having to be good at
>aiming your gun
>dodging enemy attacks
>parrying enemy strikes
>meleeing at the correct time
>learning enemy behaviors

It is, it's closer to Nier Automata

The game look great but it's locked in a really shitty console.

A well-balanced game is nothing but a happy accident.

See The fuck kinda action game has forensic analysis sections?

>The fuck kinda action game has forensic analysis sections?
I wouldn't call the Condemned games "ARPG"s

I’m pretty sure at one point that shooting while parrying is unintended because it does way too much damage, to the point where perfect parries become undesirable since the counter attacks do less damage.

Watch a speedrun and find out.


You're deluded if you think your special snowflake game can escape a universal aspect of game design.

Well you’re in luck because that’s what this one is shaping up to be

Like I said, either you like platinum or you don’t. It seems you don’t.

Interesting. I actually didn't know about that one.

That's a funny little exploit to consider. Because it's pretty clear the reason the devs didn't consider it was simple biomechanics: you can't (under normal circumstances) parry with a face button while also holding the right stick. That's a grey area for me: given that Furi can be rebound (I believe), they should have probably relied on something more than the limits placed on your thumb to control a synergy between two abilities.

Having said that, from what I'm reading the ability to shoot while parrying doesn't really BREAK the game, it provides a bit more damage than a counterattack does. That's unintended, but I don't think it has a radical impact on the difficulty of the game's combat overall. It doesn't negate the need to master any of the core player skills in Furi, it doesn't take something that would be challenging and render it trivial.

Wouldn't really call the Arkham series a ARPG

It's almost always about combat mastery. Automata doest really let you master the combat system and plays more like a fairly bare bones action jrpg with mos tof the emphasis being on story. Astral Chain also seems to do things a bit different with investigation sections, and puzzle platforming sections where you have to use each legions unique abilities to deal with environmental obstacles.
There's kinda a big issue with perception of games and genres in general where everyone wants everything to be a clone of something else. Astral Chain shouldn't try to be a good Bayonetta game, and shouldn't be judged on whether it's a good Bayonetta game, that's Bayonetta 3's job. Astral Chain needs to be a good Astral Chain game.

Then looks like every single action game sucks then.

>Every single action game ever made has that level of "breakage"
Okay, this is just bullshit. Say what you want about DMC5 but you can't just mash dodge endlessly while shitting out perpetual damage.

Yeah looks like it :^)

>tfw after years of getting terrorized by her i finally learned how to loop that bitch Elizabeth in Sigma 2 and now only get terrorized by her voluntarily.

Attached: Liz.webm (656x324, 2.66M)



You don't have to make it THIS easy on me.

Attached: Pay to Win.webm (900x506, 2.91M)

user, we've already been through this conversation, read the thread.

>Any ability which consumes some resource cannot be considered in isolation, it has to be considered in terms of the difficulty of gaining that resource

You can't just spam Faust drops, it takes forever to acquire the red orbs that you're using to power that attack and you will run out.

I have not been following your conversation but i really don't care about your self imposed restrictions for the sake of self validation.

>getting red orbs is hard
get he fuck out of here

Getting red orbs is time consuming. The easiest way to acquire red orbs is M13 Hat Trick spam farming and even then, the amount of that you would need to do to be able to actually rely on Faust dropping to kill Vergil on DMD is absurd. And that’s not taking into account the windup time on the attack which essentially makes it impossible to “cheese” with Faust except against Vergil because of how deliberate his attack patterns can be.

I know you’re just shitposting but if you honestly can’t see the difference, in both kind and degree, from something like abusing core character abilities to trivialize every encounter in the game, from the prologue on to the final boss, I can’t help you.

>"Pay to win"
>In a singleplayer game
You fucking retard.

No where did he state acquiring red orbs is "hard": he explicitly went into detail on the time sunk to acquire those orbs in addition the Faust's high risk-high reward meta in terms of it. It is not a mechanic than can be spammed gratuitously to the point it "breaks" the game. Hell, you shitposted Webm only occurs during optimal circumstances. A fully charged Red Hot Night leaves the player wide open to sustaining damage and clearly is not an optimal strategy.

I mean, you can buy Red Orbs with cash, so in a way he’s right. I have no idea why Capcom decided to include that, and I have no idea why anyone would actually buy it, but there it is. You can pay cash for an endless supply of Faust Hat smart bombs. It’s like the worst mobile game you can think of.

Basically everyone who plays DMC5, myself included, has just forced themselves to remain blind to that “buy red orbs” button.

You're the only one who brought up "arcade action".

What part of this game made you think it would be arcade-y action?

I got a question then. Would you consider some who in an rpg just grinds the first level for an ungodly amount of time until they’re max level and then proceeds to stroll through the game easily to be breaking the game. To me even though the only thing they’ve done is used their own time to get stronger I’d still feel that doing something like this is breaking the game. I have the same feeling about the hat.

Yes, single player games have "Win" and "Lose" conditions you dumb fuck.

and MMORPGs have win conditions? are you retarded?

You know I had literally forgotten you could buy red orbs until you said that. You’re not kidding that we all blinded ourselves to that.
Would the fact that red orbs can be bought change your view?

Eh, not really. I mean, ultimately, that's what RPGs are about, isn't it? repeating tasks to make numbers go up, since the numbers are a virtual representation of skill? I think most all RPGs just sort of suck because they replace player skill with simulated character skill.

The thing that distinguishes Faust from RPG grinding is that Red Orbs are a resource. You don't grind them up to power up Red Hot Night, you SPEND them to power up Red Hot Night. The reason Faust isn't a cheesable strat isn't quite so much about the overall player time sunk in acquiring red orbs, it's the fact that as you spend them, you need to acquire more. Technically I don't think there's a limit on red orbs, so it's POSSIBLE to grind up so many red orbs that you can piss them away on Red Hot Night after Red Hot Night, over and over again, without penalty, but I think that's so far-removed from the realm of the reasonable that it doesn't merit discussion. The actual use of Red Hot Night is mediated by the fact that once you do it, you have to refill the orbs it used, and that requires a kind of skillful play if you intend to remain in your mission. It's balanced around acquiring orbs through careful play and then spending them on the nuke.

I think the "level 1 grind" approach to an RPG is also an extreme example, but the more general gameplay style of "I am stuck at this boss, I better to grind some lower level sidequests and optional dungeons so that I come back stronger and am no longer stuck" is the same thing in kind (if not in degree) and is basically the essence of the genre. Most RPGs don't really ever demand that the player get better at the game, just that he spend more time with it. Spending all that time on the first beach killing fish monsters is not fun IMO, but I don't know that it really "breaks" anything.

There's an entire guide on youtube on how to get S rank on DMC5 with the use of the hat. It's where that video is from you fanboy. Out of all of the action games to champion your "can't be broken" cause you choose Devil May Fucking Cry? You're beyond ignorant.

You're even more ignorant. Everything in that webm is 100% replicable and guaranteed and obviously the time it takes was covered under "hard".

Attached: It's that episode again.png (500x518, 388K)

>Would the fact that red orbs can be bought change your view?
I have to behave as though that's the equivalent of cheating. I have to behave as though buying progress in the game is the same level of defeat-admission as firing up a Cheat Engine trainer for unlimited health, except being monetized by the suits at Capcom.

If I don't behave that way, then DMC5 becomes a game entirely about how much money you can spend. It is a sad reality that if you want to enjoy games in the year 2019, you have to be able to ignore all the whale-bait MTX shit. I have become the sort of person who naturally ignores the existence of all MTX in games, because there's no way to actually remove them. If you actually engage in MTX at all, I'm sure your perspective on DMC5's balance is very different.

>Massive MULTIPLAYER Online Role Playing Game
>Single Player

Am i talking to an actual fucking baboon here? What are you even chimping on about?

Attached: Jesus....jpg (1280x720, 373K)

Buts it’s something you can exploit to trivialize the game. Wouldn’t that mean that any action game with mtx are inherently broken?

>Out of all of the action games to champion your "can't be broken" cause
I know you want to shitpost about DMC5 because reasons, but user, you have got to be sensible.

Grinding M13 for an hour to get one Red Hot Night for an easy S rank against Vergil isn't even on the same PLANET as "press R2 repeatedly while holding R1 to win every encounter" in webm related.

There are degrees to this shit, and Red Hot Night does not belie the same fundamental failures of game design competence in Itsuno that Automata (or Rising) does in Takahisa Taura.

And ultimately, Taura's failure to recognize the existence of readily-cheesable and fundamentally imbalanced core mechanics was THE ENTIRE POINT of this whole discussion. Which you have shimmied onto the end of to shitpost.

Attached: AutomataCombat.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Yeah this game and dmc2 taught me why ranged options should do pitiful damage in action games.

>Wouldn’t that mean that any action game with mtx are inherently broken?
Any game with MTX tied to progression are inherently broken, that's the nature of MTX. You can either will yourself into treating MTX as a tumor growing on the side of the game which is unrelated to its core design, or you can just abandon all vidya with MTX period.

The latter is a choice which is increasingly becoming difficult, unfortunately.

>muh shitpost
>when he was the one who brought up DMC5 in the first place

Fuck off back to your mental illness general. Not even gonna read the rest of your shit.

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Why does this game attract so much bitterness? I don't get it.

Nintendo exclusive

Ranged options that do meaningful damage are fine, if they're inherently balanced by the need to aim them.

The problem with Automata is that
>there is no ammo supply to limit gun use, or cooldown/magazine size to prevent an endless stream of bullets
>you can continue to shoot while dodging, meaning that your offense is not interrupted by your defense
>you can also use your defensive maneuver endlessly without penalty and the i-frames aren't even over before you trigger new i-frames

It's a confluence of factors that all come together to fuck the game design up. Take out any one of those and you have a fine game: if you can shoot while dodging but you can't dodge endlessly, you have Bayonetta, and it works. If you can dodge endlessly but you can't attack while doing it, you have DMC, and it works. If you can shoot while dodging and you can dodge endlessly but your gun's use is limited... well, I can't think of a game with this exact combination but it seems like it would also work.

But it tells you something about Taura: he doesn't ask why a player would do something. He ASSUMES, when designing and balancing, that a player will only attempt to dodge if there is an attack that needs dodging. He assumes that a player will only shoot the gun if the enemy he is engaging is far away enough to not warrant melee usage. These assumptions aren't based on a design that reinforces them. He doesn't give you a REASON to only shoot when needed, or only dodge when needed, and he doesn't punish needless actions. He works from the super-faulty assumption that the player is going to be economical with his button presses and do what is intended, without designing any systems to encourage it.

That is why I think he is a bad game designer.

for People that actually wanna get this game, is there a video showing core mechanics only? Like what you can do? It’ll be the deciding factor on writhed I stay up to get this or not.

Hey guys! Spats!

it's a game everyone would love to play, but not everyone can

Good post. I think you’ve illustrated clearly why it’s a problem with the design of the combat and not just a balance problem.

This looks better than Bayonetta ever has.

Very good points, I agree 100%. DMC2 is probably the only example where the only issue is the ranged option doing too much damage. Since it's still balanced by the fact that you cannot roll and shoot at the same time.

Attached: file.png (2048x1044, 2.41M)

What the hell is this thread?

isn't she fighting tutorial mobs? those protolegions are like the first enemy you encounter, they move really slow and have 2-3 attacks.

user points out obvious flaws in game design except for DMC which gets a free pass.

shhhh don't fuck up the narrative

actual boss fight with actually challenging enemy on normal difficulty.

are you willing to eat a bag of crows and dicks if the game sells 1M?

Is there any nudity?

People wait 11 years for a game and it's exactly what they wanted and demanded. Can't exactly have them go around admitting that it turned out to be a monkey's paw situation, now can we?

Then the game wouldn't have an issue with people dropping the game after route A. It did well because of 2B's ass.

no but there's some very lewd outfits for the female MC

I can't even tell what this post is supposed to mean.

Not likely. Though, I wouldn't mind a certain degree of maturity out of it but I doubt that the game is going for an all adult audience.

Explanation of core mechanics:
High level gameplay (starts around 24 minutes in):

Yes, you can. There is no one in this place is so fucking illiterate that they don't know the reference.

>(condensed into a smaller but more detailed area instead of spread over the world in Automata)

That sounds like a huge plus to me compared to Automata's big empty fields.

Yea Forums has really turned against DMCV as of late.

No i literally cannot tell what the fuck you meant by that post. I can't even tell if it's being sarcastic or not because it all rests on an objectively false premise that he post puts forward as true.

Has it? I wouldn't say that, but it would only be the normal reaction to the ridiculous fanboy display we had here.

Yes it has.

It's a T-rated game, you do the math

This looks so bad... Jesus...

Attached: AC2.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

Switch got more games in a few months than PS4 got in 3 years

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So can the switch literally not do anti aliasing? I do not understand why every switch game looks like this.

Attached: 1518101095645.jpg (212x221, 7K)

looks aesthetic as fuck for cherrypicking a plain color bathroom

No matter how good a game is, if it's overrated to shit like basically any above average game is nowadays, it will be hated on here. Note all the BotW shitposting?
What baffles me more is why people havent turned on Mario odyssey yet, a legit 6-7/10 game people kept claiming was the best game ever made when it came out. It might have something more to do with fanbases and how many threads get spammed.

AA is very intensive. They turn it off do they can make the game run better while still having alright visuals.

Snoys are STILL seething about Bayonetta.

But it looks so awful most of the time, like even some TAA or god forbid FXAA would probably help out a ton and those aren't too intensive. Maybe tone down some other graphical features and some of those ridiculous particle effects? Too many switch games have a good look but just end up looking like a pixelated mess.

bayonetta isn't even that good of a game desu

DMC3 has a literal level system.

It’s just fanboys being faggots
Nothing more

All games on shitch are like two generations behind gorgeous looking Wii U exclusives.

Attached: PMCS.jpg (2370x4000, 3.42M)

DMC5 faggotry that drowned out any opposition and critique for months has finally withered away.

1.) DMC games are built around DMD and you upgrade until you reach it so you have the best tools available
2.) You levels max out very quickly and not a continuous upgrade until you can oneshot mobs

bayonetta games are shit
dmc5 gameplay and maps aren't any good either

It runs on 10 watts of power
So it’s have the game look pretty but run like complete ass and overheat or no AA but everything else works fine

Just to be clear i meant DMC fanboys, and here as in Yea Forums, not this thread.

>Using color splash

Attached: 5F19FB87-B0B6-4D31-BF63-2BCF61756830.jpg (700x400, 20K)

>DMC games are built around DMD
Why is DMD so shit in DMC4 and 5 then?

LOL at the screenshot.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Yeah it's just a really weird choice to go with no AA in 2019. Even in simple low graphic games like omega labyrinth has no AA. I'd probably sacrifice something else before putting out something that looks like

AA is also not that big a deal I find outside of screenshots. To the point that I generally turn it off on my gaming PC Games to make the possibility of frame drops slightly smaller. Only time I've ever really needed it on even at the cost of performance is in VR where the jaggies and broken lines are much more noticeable.

Color Splash visual objectively is top-notch.
The same goes for most Wii U exclusives.

Attached: Pikmin.jpg (1774x4000, 3.09M)

I love your wonderful omission of DMC3 featuring "DTE: THE MODE" conjoined with trash enemy design, bloated damage values, HP sponge enemies galore which comprise the entirety of its unbalanced difficulty.

it works for the most part, its just that the game is too easy from a skill level

and yet all they do is profit.

Yeah in motion it's not too bad sometimes, but I wouldn't call it good. You need something to smooth out those edges, being able to easily see the aliasing is simply not good. At high resolutions sure anti aliasing is not really needed but at the 720p level, just drop some FXAA if you must.

It has the look and feel of Killer is Dead. Kinda interested desu

Attached: ss_fa336f14b9385b4a12faf1efd06149ed6476fd7e.1920x1080[1].jpg (1920x1080, 513K)

>it all rests on an objectively false premise that he post puts forward as true.
That only means that you disagree, not that you don't understand. This is just your way of being insulted by it and, thus, in response, condescend as a reaction but the game is not as good as everyone keeps saying it is and any refute is met with antagonism, irrelevant of truth or not. It's not the greatest game of our generation, it's really only better than 4, which was not the greatest action game of any generation, either, but by god do people stroke themselves to that combat system like it was sacrosanct. 4 is so ludicrously flawed but that is what people wanted for 5, all but the same combat with AAA graphics. Yeah, it looks pretty, but everything about it is forgettable and only the people who are so narrowly focused on the combat they care about nothing else will play it passed the first difficulty.

If there was a mod to N:A that addressed that fundamental issue, would you think that the game, at bare minimum, is serviceable as an action game?

In truth it's for combo potential, but Itsuno went too far in a few places once he took over

Probably because its a cool concept thats being limited by switch hardware. Folks want crispy lines and a solid 30/60 fps, not jagged fuckery and 25/29 fps. Its a mix of being exclusive and releasing on a less powerful console. Just my take on this whole mess.

Attached: 1555952874095.png (712x517, 262K)

Why did you leave out 3? Literally the worst one.

Are you being serious? It has the same level of output as the Wii U, if not better. The loading times on all Wii U ports, especially Bayo2, are faster than they were in the WiiU version.

No sequel... If you're going to have a cliffhanger don't just leave players out to dry, Suda, you wanker.

It's brilliant, actually. Capcom saw the reaction to DmC and when that failed to please the paying customer they dangled a possible 5 in our faces with the understanding that the series would die if people wouldn't heel (That might be a bit harsh but I am not sure how else to say it). You get 5 and an unwritten clause that says 'like it, buy it or you get no more.' Wouldn't be the first time Capcom held their franchises hostage.

4 had budget issues so IT didn't have its full development. 5, though, I'm going to wager is because of the forced microtransactions imposed upon them by Capcom, specifically the revive with red orbs one. The team rebalanced the game so as to not force the player to have to spend real money unless they wanted to but with that there probably came many more issues with the actual balance.

You say a lot of words for someone who can't even properly express themselves via text and expects the reader to automatically take the same leaps of logic as you did. Your post still makes no sense and the fact that you think I'm a DMC5 proponent just further proves that.

But it does run at 30 fps? Where did you get that it doesn't? Also what fucking mess are you talking about? You sound hysterical.

same fag said that the Switch was weaker than the PS3 and 360 a couple of days ago, he is just delusional.


check your blood pressure

It's a consistent 30 but yeah it should be 60. Platinum should have made the character models and environments simpler to achieve that. I don't really have an issue with exclusivity when it's because sony / Nintendo have a direct financial and creative influence on the game being made. Where exclusivity is shit is when platform holders pay to have an already developed game taken hostage.
Platinum has been shitposted about on Yea Forums for ages though. Don't know why, people have such a massive hate boner for Kamiya and his studio to the point I can only assume he banned them on Twitter (I think we've all seen how much time Yea Forums spends on twitter for some fucking reason)

Dude, calm down. Why would that be a bad thing? NieR:A was and action RPG and that doesn't make it somehow less.

If you think AC runs smoothly at a locked 30 on a switch, you're fucking insane. And the "mess" I'm referring to is the shit Yea Forums brings whenever we talk about this game (or really any game).

I personally find it impressive that ps3 level hardware can now be fit on a small brick, I can understand that for people who don't care about portability or just want maximum power that it's irrelevent, but Platinum game design rarely requires very powerful hardware for their arcadey and systematic game design anyway. Bayonetta for example is basically a 6th gen action game with some extra graphical and hardware optimization.

wasnt Bayonetta not optimised for the PS3 though and ran like shit?

All tests have shown it does though, with the lowest drops to 29 being seen. Maybe there are parts of the game we have yet to see that will perform worse, I'm not gonna pretend I've seen the whole game, but nothing so far has indicated meaningful drops.

>Kind of upset they wasted time and resources on this instead of focusing on Bayonetta 3.
Why? You aren’t going to be able to play that one either

It literally does. It's more likely to have res drops than fps drops and it doesn't look like anything a PS3 couldn't handle at 30.

It ran like shit because the cell requires unique optimization and Bayonetta was basically a 360 game which they didn't dedicate very many resources to porting it well. PS3 exclusives all performed better but most multi-plats suffered. Despite my comparing the switch to a ps3, it doesn't actually have convoluted architecture like a ps3 so the Switch shouldn't have those problems.

So your response is 'I can't understand you so your wrong.' Not very mature. Can't argue the points so just brush it all off as 'what!? I can't understand you, motherfucker.'

I like how this thread is just people mad they have to get a Switch if they want to play this.

Checked it out on DF, it does look like it runs pretty smooth. I'll backtrack on that statement.

Most DMC fans will also buy Platinum games, why are we perpetuating this war between them like with what happens to Sekiro

or just emulate it

>AC has stat boosts
Can somebody elaborate on this?

So basically DMD is just an half-assed difficulty that the game isn't built around at all.

>The loading times on all Wii U ports, especially Bayo2, are faster than they were in the WiiU version.
I do not talk about ports, I mean look at actual switch exclusives:
Odyssey looks good, on Wii U level.
XCB2 looks and runs like trash.
Daemon x Machina looks and runs like trash.
Astral Chain is butchered to 30 fps and looks horrible.
Three Houses looks like pixelated upscaled 3ds game which runs like shit.
Sword/Swield looks like pixelated upscaled 3ds game which runs like shit.

I have no idea what is wrong with developers on switch. Its SHOULD be more powerful than Wii U, but its exclusives prove otherwise.

Attached: Mira planet.jpg (4000x3930, 3.51M)

Capcom has learned they can Jew and milk they’re hardcore fan base easier than newcomers

Yeah, 6 years later

Attached: 7D55CF76-863C-4AF6-8633-1DA13303EAAE.jpg (500x286, 66K)

That's not my response at all. You can't read either? This is autism user

Individual games development doesn't determine the processing power of hardware. The technological capabilities are it technological capabilities, this is very backwards logic. Whether individual games are given enough development time and testing to utilize hardware is just a different subject.

I wonder if it's purposeful, honestly.
As a sort of way to offset dynamic resolution and shit? To make games look sharper than they are?

You need to stop looking at memes and form your own opinions based on your tastes and preferences
Stop being a fucking sheep

Again, don't you have anything real to say? Just generally dismissive nothings rather than discussing the actual thing being said? I guess that officially makes you a troll.

Go in peace. Read a book. It'll help you understand the written word.

In the end, do you think the "silent majority" of switch users will care about such technical details? They won't give a fuck.

I censirely wonder if a lot of these practices are the reason P* split of from Capcom.

I know I don't.
This "EVERYTHING HAS TO LOOK AMAZING AND BE TOP GRAPHICS" meme needs to fucking end. As long as the game is good it shouldn't' fucking matter.

It's a platinum game it's going to sell 300k copies at best even if it's amazing. Platinum games are niche products for people who really enjoy getting good at games (automata being the exception, it sold well and reviewed well because story and sex appeal despite lacking in the gameplay department)

I wouldn’t doubt that

This I certainly don’t.
Like Reggie said
“If it’s not fun why bother?”

As shitty as DMD is in 3-5, it's the only way for combo autism to really shine, which is the appeal of Itsuno DMCs

Metal gear rising also sold way pass 300K.

Nier Automa was literally the most video gamey video game I’ve played in a long time

Do you exclusively play VNs or something?

Yeah, I just want to see the switch game and say "Wow, impressive! This is definitely impossible on Wii U!".

Attached: DevilThird.jpg (2400x3150, 2.84M)

MGR has brand recognition though

I was answering anons question on why this game breeds hate (especially here) you fag

Wii U would not be able to handle Odyssey.
XCB2 looks good and the framerate, especially for the relaxed MMO combat, is serviceable.
Daemon x Machina looks good but does run poorly.
Astral Chain looks great.
Three Houses runs fine but does look like shit.
Sw/Sh is Game Freak's doing.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Xfags have genuinely ruined Xenoblade because you guys are without a doubt the biggest, blindest cunts in existence.

Metal Gear name does wonders.
Automata does a lot of stuff it can only do as a video game but the overall package is more narrative focused. As the narrative focused series that Drakengard is, the first nier is better because it's got a far better story. First game also did just as much if not more genre switching than automata. The only thing automata has going for it over the original nier is the platinum combat which is very underwhelming for a platinumgames title. The whole reason I don't count it is because the reasons it was good and successful are moreso the things the earlier game already did, and the part that really has anything to do with platinum isn't anything special. It's a Yoko Taro game with a platinum logo.

Almost like it's the same shitposter in both cases...

Too much graphics
Not enough fun

>Wii U would not be able to handle Odyssey.

Attached: slap.gif (200x150, 1.9M)

I’m more of a traditional turn based guy but no

It wouldn't. Too bad we have no way to tell that, friend. Odyssey looks 10x better than 3D World though.

I see
My apologies.

You can't be THIS deluded. Can't you?

No because of scaling/super armor issues that really inhibit stylish play or balanced challenge. That’s just one part of it.

The switch is stronger than the Wii U. Odyssey could run on the Wii U but wouldn't run nearly as well as it does on switch. Probably 720p @ 30fps,

Maybe the time spent on its graphics should have been on making it a good game

Is sony paying shills to shit on Astral Chain now?

I wouldn’t be surprised considering they have no games to shill.

You know, it is a slippery slope. First is better graphics, then better story so we can compete with them movie snubs and before you know it you are watching an interactive movie with a bit of standardized to whatever is popular combat. At some point the popular consensus became that games only became worth playing if they looked pretty enough and had academy award nominated stories. Whatever happened to playing for fun?

I dont know what you fags expect from a dev like platinum. They put their A team on big projects like bayonetta and everything else is generic arcade beat em up. Platinum have done nothing to introduce great mechanics into games they just rehash the same auto-attack button mashing every time.

>a demo is getting more attention then AC
God fucking dammit this shit gonna flop isn’t it? no demo and very late advertisement, at least they could’ve thrown a youtube ad for a week or two last month

Did Platinum say why the game had to be 30fps, it looks rough in places.

what demo

Are you literally retarded?

What exactly do you define as “more attention”? Because NoA’s tweet about being able to pet the Beast Legion today has more likes and retweets than any of the DQ tweets today.

Just calm down user. It’ll probably sell fine.

>be atlus, an incompetent company
>cant finish SMTV
>get ahead of themselves thinking they can drop the game as it is
>CEOs and management hated the game during a meeting
>scrap all ideas to remake V
>"the fuck are we gonna do with this fucking unwanted mess????"
>like every incompetent company with a half ass finished product (examples mgsr, nier, scalebound, transformers, starfox) the company platinum is handed all scraps of whatever was done to make a working gay game
>platinum poops out Astral Chain
>marketed and hyped because PLATINUM GAMES

Smtv died for this schizo out

Nice fanfic.

yea I get that but DQXIS has been constantly been being shilled since about a month or two ago meanwhile people were reminded THIS month that astral chain was coming out soon, they fucked up atleast over here

>scalebound was kamiya's dream project
>platinium only did art assets for starfox

The only one there remotely true is MGS:R

Attached: 1463940225716.gif (500x362, 1.71M)

Probably not, you definitely don't buy a switch for the graphics. That being said I feel like wanting some AA, and 60 fps in an action game isn't graphics whoring. But again the switch is a handheld so it's hard to get mad about such things.

Those kotaku selfie pics seem to have been taken with the switch's screenshot button, which IIRC only captures at 720p and removes post-processing

God you're retarded lol

So is this game going to have post-launch DLC or some season pass? Getting tired of having to wait for games to release until they're completed.

This game has many slow-mo moments.

Yes, once.
