Lobotomy Corporation

Am I missing something or does this game get extremely hard later on? I'm on day 10 and the number of shit to manage is getting out of hand.
Also what's the use for equip type abnormalities like the heart or the clam thing? They seem pretty useless.

Attached: 1538879266914.png (1920x1080, 989K)

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why is there no porn of this?

AIs and monsters aren't for sex user

Attached: 1554855016542.png (540x719, 361K)

Attached: 96742F9B6A254BC5B7487AAE2EC35DBA.png (437x465, 46K)

>only on day 10
Anyways, the heart is the best tool in the game. It's just free health.

But people go crazy when you make them return it.

Why would you ever return it?

The game gets hard, but you get better. Utilize your pause button, there's no limit on how long and how often you can pause for now :^)

Isn't there a time limit?
Oh no

>Isn't there a time limit?
please report for Scarecrow duty, user