What's your opinion on ReftA so far?
Remnants from the Ashes
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installed it because game play video looked cool, got dizzy because the fov is so low, combat feels dumb, uninstalled it
Is it basically Gun Souls?
Not at all.
third person shooter ARPG with roguelike elements.
Sounds like utter shit. I've heard it has coop too?
faq from the general
How long is this game? Is there even an ending to reach or is it one of those "you can play it forever :^)" games?
There is a campaign and new game+.
Feels like a tense methodical Gears of War. Granted I chose the sniper/hunter loadout at the start, but just diving in to a fight is suicide for me, though the levels are generally splayed enough to let me snipe off alot of enemies, and when spawns come in I can find appropriate cover, or just dodge attacks.
I was liking the aesthetics which made me buy it, I adore this game now, though. Feels my need for tactical approaches to shootouts. Feels great to headshot stagger ranged guys, dodge and crush some fucker in melee, then quick snap back to finish off the staggered guys before they can get a shot off.
Is it fun though if i like DS?
Any weapon that does not looks like complete shit?
Oh, that's nice then. How long does a campaign generally take to beat?
It has a similar slow calculating style, you want to see what the enemy does first before you go all-in. It starts off with fodder that you can just pick off/rush, but more unique guys come fairly quickly that you need to recognize.
Like the difference between undead normies and shield+spear undead kind of things. I guess the real question is how you feel about third person shooters.
Is it worth getting for solo play or is it one of those games that's only really fun with friends? (or designed with co-op as main focus)?
>I guess the real question is how you feel about third person shooters.
I like it, is it good for playing alone? The one thing about most co-op focus games is that the single experience suck dick
15 hours on average probably. But every campaign is generated based on a seed so people just reroll their campaign to see different content. Every zone has loot tables and boss pools so there are bosses that you haven't seen on your first playthrough that might show up on your second playthrough. Same goes for weapons and gear.
I'm loving it playing as the sneaky sniper type solo. The AI director is really good, a solid balance between trickles of enemies and surprise attacks. There's some interesting specials they can throw at you... I haven't been bored yet, but I have been killed because I was apparently hitting a spawn trigger for certain enemies that were really aggressive early and I didn't play it correctly or have the firepower. A few respawns later and RNG graced me with a more manageable spawn.
It was pretty gud. I missed a bunch of items others had though because my generated maps were pretty barren. I joined someone elses game after I beat mine and he had 3 dungeons in the first area, when I only had one.
Also the ending felt rushed. You never get to meet the immortals keeping ford prisoner, its like they were completely cut out and that world was building up these immortal beings that were fighting against you the entire time. Then once you get there its just a single jail cell block with Ford, then you leave. Then you go and fight the last boss, which isn't even a dragon, even though they've been calling it that this entire time. It was fucking retarded.
honestly, this annoys the shit out of me, it can't have been that hard to just make the world bigger and include every boss and add more branching paths to take
Solo play is perfectly viable.
I keep seeing people call this game "Dark Souls with guns".
I see that there are also melee weapons in this game.
Tell me, how viable is going melee only? Are you forced to use the guns or could you feasibly make a melee-only build?
I just started playing, and it seems like as long as you can dodge you can just smash face... until things start shooting at you from everywhere. Think of it like a Resident Evil 4, you can go shank fuckers, but keep your gun oiled in case you run into problems.
sounds like HellGate London
it's viable outside of a few bosses, but you should have enough materials to upgrade your guns too either way
>game's focus is shootan
>"lel can I make a melee build guyz XD"
No, you fucking retard. Go play Souls instead if you want a melee build
They could have gone a Dead Cells route. Pick a locking path, "Oh, this bridge will collapse if you head to THE MALL, or you can take the SEWERS but that ladder doesn't look very trusty!"
>start game
>do first level
>find checkpoint
>can't get to it becaise its blocked off form all sides
>carry on instead
>die to some big fucker
>takes me all the way back to the start
Was the checkpoint supposed to be blocked off? I know the levels are procedurally generated so I'm wondering if it was a glitch.
yeah you'll come out on the other side after going through some dungeon
There is a melee lifesteal summoner build that is basically unkillable as long as you are attacking something and can even revive itself. The issue is that you first need to assemble all the necessary pieces to make it work which is generally the issue with how melee works in this game. Ranged is generally a playstyle that starts out as viable and never stops being viable. Melee starts out as bad and only becomes viable with the right items at which point you're a god.
Whens Vaati's video on this game?
Is it closer to Hellgate London, then?
>Tell me, how viable is going melee only?
it's not. the game focuses on ranged combat.
from what I remember about Hellgate it kind is yeah
Hellgate London is a Diablo FPS.
Remnant is neither Diablo nor FPS.
The sword is the best melee weapon until you get the scythe which just shits on everything. Use charge attacks by holding the melee button often. The combo does a lot of damage.
>Procedurally generated Dark Soulsian punishing randomized roguelite loot crafting co-op numbers numbers numbers
Sounds like a nightmare on paper, but it's nothing terrible. But it's awfully safe and pedestrian so far. I'll keep picking at it for a few more hours. Runs great though at 120+ fps
Yea, its more of hellgate with a sprinkle of planetside 2. The only thing Darksouls about it, is the fog used for boss rooms. People will argue so is the checkpoint system, but there are main checkpoints you can warp to. But there are mini checkpoints everywhere you cannot warp to.
tried it
refunded it
gonna buy .HACK collection its on sale and maybe preorder code vein
Enjoyed it yesterday,
CTD twice today and it's pretty annoying.
But I like it regardless.
You can go 3rd person on Hellgate, though.
>Tell me, how viable is going melee only
The melee weapons are surprisingly strong but you're going to get fucking SWARMED with enemies so it's better to combine them with guns.
It's probably the only western game with soulslike elements where devs actually understood the importance of the running attacks, that poke on sword type weapons is god tier
Same here and the root mother tells you that world is still fucked btw. So only option is what Ezlan did. And why would the player leave after killing the final boss.
>Principal Designer Ben Cureton
>The benefit is how you want your initial gameplay experience to play out. Are you someone who likes to go into melee because your more into souls-based [builds]?
>We didn’t want to go full on souls, with 8-10 starting classes
>In souls, there is a more efficient way to build
>As you know with Souls, when you add another player, the game gets exponentially
>The two most obvious inspirations are soulsborne, we wear this on our sleeve with pride
>It’s different in Souls because if I cut the tail off so I get the Moonlight Greatsword and I get the soul for defeating the
They don't even pretend to hide the fact that this game wouldn't even exist without Dark Souls, so why do you?
3 player co-op, which is the only fun way to play
Does anyone actually play this or are you all shills?
I played through originally on hard and then on nightmare.
Had an alright time but the replayability is minimal, the world is uninteresting (mainly due to the pseudo-random level layouts, partly due to there being very little npcs and most of them aren't memorable and don't do anything interesting). The lore/background is fine but the actual main storyline is handled very poorly.
Every boss is endless add spam, boss movesets are very low (final boss phase 1 has ~4 attacks, phase 2 has 1 (one) (ONE) attack).
Game has no audio or visual cues for incoming offscreen attacks (or an indicator that an enemy is even there) so if you're playing on a high difficulty most of your deaths will result from being attacked from something offscreen that the game gave no indication was there. This is especially egregious in the boss fights where they spam adds non-stop and the game literally spawns enemies as close as it can to you in any direction (you can see them pop into existence if you have the wall hack ability active).
Iframes on roll is very generous so avoiding incoming big hits/boss attacks is trival, the true threat is being swarmed by a bunch of enemies.
There's no parry/block mechanic so trying to melee is mostly a death sentence (or at best a poor trade) on higher difficulties, unless you only use it very cautiously.
tl;dr 6.5/10
if it had better boss fights 7/10
if it also had a crafted (instead of semi-proceduraly generated) world but instead forced you to make choices about which paths to take/quests to do then 8/10
It has a lot of good ideas. Combat is pretty fun. Lore is interesting. It has some issues that need to be ironed out but overall it's good waiting for a sequel.
Red pill me on this game. Any good at all or save your money? it does at least look unique and tries to be decent unlike the countless shit clones.
>came out 1 day ago
>20,000 in game
>top seller
>91% positite, 2600+ reviews
its a cut above the rest.
What can you summon?
It's jank but it's entertaining jank. If you're ambivalent wait for adventure mode to come out and see what people think about it because that's probably going to be the main mode for people that already played through the campaign.
pirate or wait for sale imo
it's decent but not worth the full price
yeah ill wait for a sale. I'm saving for CODE VEIN and other stuff.
so a different mode is still being worked on? thats cool.
It apparently has DLC coming too. I'll wait for the inevitable complete edition for like 50% off, Im patient.
>that webm
This is EXACTLY why you don't combine souls-like shit with guns.
>Adventure mode
Like diablo 3?
not pictured: the real boss after the cutscene that plays after killing the sandbag
too little armor and weapons.
why even push some rpg gear gimicks when you are to lazy to make decent amount of gear to choose from
That isn't the full boss.
It's Hellgate if Hellgate wasn't complete shit, but was just generic and boring.
the summon lifesteal build really only works on normal
On hard it's kind of alright for sustain but you won't be meleeing yourself except rarely. On Nightmare there's no point in sustain since you just fucking die in one or 2 hits (which also makes melee a generally terrible idea) and your 'estus' flasks at that point can heal you to full hp per use and you'll have 8-10 of them, plus other healing consumables.
Using summons for damage is fine though, you can summon bowling ball gremlins, floating skulls and turrets (can only pick 2). Enemies completely ignore all summons but they still have collision so they can occasionally intercept some projectiles.
well if you made a souls type game with guns, you can let the player spam attacks that fast without penalty and also still dodge fast and reload fast. I reckon if a gun souls game were ever made, only From Software would attempt to get it right. Every From Software game since Demons Souls in the Souls type combat is mainly melee/magic focused and usually bows/guns took a backseat. Even in Bloodborne many of the guns are worthless except Parry Pistol you can basically at the start of the game.
I know all of you look forward to my famous Anonymous reviews so lets put the final nail in this game's coffin
>ugly style
>boring combat with very little haptic feedback
>enemies scale
>janky as fuck
>graphics are "my first Unreal game demo" tier in a good amount of places
>most bosses are gay as fuck and rely on summoning enemies nonstop and having 100000000000 hp to be hard
>music is ass
>very few weapons compared to similar games
>no actual replay value, making the random generation worthless
I give it 6 bronze ants out of 21 gold-leaf emerald scarabs.
Hellgate London just came out at the wrong time when the tech wasn't there. Sucks really, it had lot of interesting ideas which more popular devs borrowed later.
>Game has no audio or visual cues for incoming offscreen attacks
yes there is, for most infact. turn your headphones up
The second phase is worse than the first phase though.
You just stand around while the boss spams it's one (literally one) attack at you until it says 'ok here's some adds and your health is draining' then you kill some adds and shoot the boss for a trillion damage and then if it's not dead you repeat.
depends on the ability, there is a good variety of summoning options.
So how is it?
How long is it?
Can I do a full shotgun build?
>summoning flying skulls
that's rad
Also hitbox quality is inconsistent. Sometimes hitboxes are fine and sometimes you get killed or kill something when you obviously didn't connect, to a degree worse than any souls game.
15ish hours on normal
shotguns are fine
Looks dope.
Not very, one of the starting chars has the best shotgun.
Should I ever bother re-rolling mid-campaign?
Which one has the best shotgun
Cultist or the mad Max guy?
Does it have have a new game plus mode?
Whow whow whow
Where do you get the skulls?
And are they better than the turret?
The game should've allowed you to carry 4 guns instead of 2, 1 for each category.
This is the main bottleneck of the combat system.
you're better off starting as the cultist so you have mod generation trait to begin with then you just buy the shotgun for like 300 scrap. Weapon npc sells all the starting gear.
Only if you want to increase the difficulty (i rerolled when i entered the desert area because i found out rerolling is how you adjust the difficulty, so I rerolled into a hard campaign).
considering the turrets got buffed in the patch I'd imagine the turrets do more dps but the skulls can move so if the enemies use cover/break line of sight the skulls/gremlins would be better.
That would make mods far more overpowered than they are now.
You can also swap weapons whenever, as long as you have ammo
That’s the worst feedback I’ve ever heard
Make mods separate from weapons. Give them special slots a-la magic in souls games and introduce a special trait that increases capacity.
Ah, sweet. 30min to go for the game to be downloaded. Hope it doesn't disappoint.
>just turn it into magic from Souls
There are 3 Dark Souls games to play out there, user.
I think you should have access to 3 mods (lower mod generation a bit to compensate) and just completely separate them from weapons, they're just equipped to your character as Powers or some shit.
On top of that make it so you can't use a mod that was previously attached to boss weapon without having a weapon from that boss equipped, however you can choose to have 3 normal mods equipped if you desire (some boss weapons have mods i like but i don't like the weapons, some have weapons i like but i don't like the mod)
The lifesteal build can heal itself pretty fast and if you use it with The Ruin you can revive yourself if you fuck up or get overwhelmed.
Just be warned, you don't immediately have access to summons. The abilities that allow you to do this type of stuff get dropped by certain bosses. Think of it like Mega Man. For example, you can only craft the floating skull summons by beating a boss that uses floating skulls against you.
You need the sentinel shard from Raze which allows you to craft Beckon
I want to add a big reminder that bosses are randomly selected from a pool for each area so it's entirely possible you won't have access to these bosses/mods on your playthrough.
I got the little melee gremlin summons and the machine auto turrets on my playthrough, but the bosses that give Skulls/Tentacles weren't in my playthrough.
However, you can join the world of someone in multiplayer who has access to that boss and get the ability from there if it didn't show up in your seed.
unless you have a friend playing you have absolutely no control over who you match. As long as they're within +3/-3 gear level to you you can be matched with someone at any point in the game and you have no way to influence this.
You can go to the community discord. People call out bosses all the time and ask whether someone wants to join, especially for the rare ones like Splitter which drops one of the best defensive mods in the game called Flicker Cloak.
I dropped it pretty quickly. The bosses don't feel properly balanced for single player.
Not a fan of the procedural generation as it made exploration shit and boring. But it's a grinding game for people who are into that so whatever.
>it's a grinding game
it's not though
All equipment is premade, there's no rng loot or anything.
Enemies scale with upgrade level so upgrading your weapons/armour means nothing. Traits allow you to get stronger but there's nothing strong enough or interesting enough to fight worth optimizing/making a build a for.
sorry i should mention i only played on the 2 harder difficulties so maybe the bosses are more solo friendly on the normal mode
The bosses are much harder in multiplayer apparently.
oh i thought you were meant to keep rerolling the world after beating it and keep playing?
if its not a grinding game then what is the point of the procedural generation?
>there's no rng loot
Well I mean. You can't get certain loot depending on how your world is seeded.
doesn't look any different from when i play solo on medium difficulty. they just playing against shroud for first time and dont know about the attack from above that only has audio warning.
The loot distribution is RNG but the loot itself is unique. You reroll the world to get bosses, dungeons and loot that didn't show up in your world. Or you just reroll your world to higher difficulties to use the build you've created on a lower difficulty to see whether it measures up.
rerolling doesn't increase the strength of anything. When you enter an area for the first time the area is scaled to the highest upgraded gear you have.
please user RNG loot is shit like borderlands/PoE/Diablo style loot. Yes the somewhat random world generation will lock you out from certain equipment but that equipment is premade with set attributes.
>Gunfire games
After DS3, fuck them.
That bossfight is identical in single player
In multiplayer there are much more adds.
This system sounds terrible. Why have rerolls at all? Just have a linear path with divergences to optional loot and you find better loot as the game progresses in set locations. Have infinite new game plus.
didn't look like it to me
I'm not sure this is even the case. In single player certain bosses have a shit ton of adds, but all bosses have a limit on how many adds can be up at once so it could be because more people are killing enemies more are popping into existence.
Shroud seemed to have just as many adds when i fought him but i just ran to the other side of the arena (Shroud teleports to you) and didn't bother killing any adds since they just get replaced.
You mean exactly like most ARPGs?
>just have a linear path with divergences
Yes, the game would've benefited from having a crafted world immensely, as it is the 'field' areas are just tilesets with nothing interesting in them and half the dungeons are just tileset bullshit with unique boss/room at the end of it.
Every attack I’ve seen in the game has a distinct audio cue that’s consistent if you listen carefully with all the specials having incredibly distinct sound cues for their big attacks (like l4d style almost). Not sure how you could miss that.
That seems like criticism against the genre in general. I mean it's essentially where Roguelikes or most ARPGs get their replayability from.
I don't think they're especially distinct even with headphones. People who don't use headphones are fucked and will never hear them.
How's the optimization?
Starting playing it, used the cultist starter set for balance. Any advice in what to spent or use? Anything else I should know? Also, when you die, looks like its just goback at the latest point and enemies respawn, but thats it. Or im missing something?
So an user over leveling his character then beating the boss on normal mode is the reason? Really?
Yeah it seems to have been cut in many places story, gear, levels.
Rogue-likes generally have you build your character on a per-playthrough basis, most of the time you have to try to make the best of what you get.
All your levels/equipment in Remnant are persistent and the equipment/mods variety is relatively small.
If you leveled up significantly faster, were moderately harder to kill but had permadeath and had more equipment/power options then it would actually be a rogue-like.
There's no penalty for death
>Any advice in what to spent or use?
Doesn't really matter. Just don't be a retard that spends points/iron/scrap on literally everything.
You lose nothing when you die.
>Any advice in what to spent or use?
Depends on what you get from bosses. You can buy the starting gear of the other two classes from the guy that improves your gear so you can mix and match if there are things about the cultist weapons you don't like.
That was on hard mode and I rerolled into hard mode after an hour, when i found out rerolling allowed you to change difficulties.
Nightmare is the exact same except I have to repeat what I did in that webm a few more times.
>Traits allow you to get stronger but there's nothing strong enough or interesting enough to fight worth optimizing/making a build a for.
Literally dump all your trait points into crit chance and crit damage. Then equip the hat that gives mod power on crit and two pieces of the stacking crit every time you crit. Equip the ring that gives you a 5% chance per crit to do 300% damage. Equip guns like Ruin.
This shit is so retardedly OP that you can nuke a boss on nightmare with a single reload.
Adventure mode is coming in a few weeks. Story mode might only be there to introduce you to the gameplay systems and they never intended it to be used like that.
How is this game ANYTHING like Souls. I’m usually flexible with this tag but it doesn’t make any fucking sense here.
No user I mean there's no content in the game that warrants such a build, so doing so is rather pointless. There's no end game or high difficulty content where a well made build is important.
>equip the ring that gives 5% chance per crit to deal 300% damage
Don't you mean 25%? The Proc chance trait increases Devouring Ring's proc chance by 1% per point
>few weeks
It should've been in the game on release. In a few weeks I'll have forgotten about this game and won't have much interest coming back. The game's ok but it's nothing special and I've already lost interest.
>Don't you mean 25%?
I'm pretty sure the ring is only a 5% chance to proc. Maybe I'm not remembering right, but I never got the proc chance trait, I didn't have enough points. Maybe I could get more but I think one play through is enough for now for me.
>has an estus flask equivalent
>red crystals are bonfires i guess
>has different roll tiers based on equip weight
>rolls have generous iframes and are how you avoid big hits
>copied the titanite upgrade system from dark souls
>literally copied boss fog walls from dark souls for no reason other than 'i saw the fog wall from dark souls and i clapped'
Overall the game is very little like dark souls and if i had to compare it I'd say it's like a slightly more structured, less floaty, worse version of Warframe.
20 points in proc chance trait makes it 25%. It even updates the ring's description with the correct value.
It's fun. Have the devs said anything about future content and expansions?
>It even updates the ring's description with the correct value.
I love shit like this.
There's some sort of adventure mode/dungeon crawler mode coming out very soon I believe
>There's some sort of adventure mode/dungeon crawler mode coming out very soon I believe
If only the game had this at release. Its what is desperately missing.
out of the way peasants
How are mods used? I equipped the healing mod on my weapon, but is there anything I need to do to activate it, or is it done automatically when I use the gun with the mod?
press F when the circle is filled
I see. Need to rebind that.
Mediocre. Okay for a pirate, but most definitely not worth a buy.
Lunafaction Boots + Pool of Light+Suros Regime
>procedural elements makes it worse
>world and narrative uninteresting
>clumsily balanced to the game becomes harder for the wrong reasons in SP (like shitty boss design where trash mobs keeps swarming the boss arena)
boring and uninspired
>all this lazy shitposting about how the game is bad.
Welp, thanks for showing me the game is good, once again never listening to this pessimist shithole about games is the way to go. I'm sure this games gonna be fun.
the only shitpost out of the last 50 posts in this thread is yours
My grandma made my promise I would never play video games with guns at my uncle's funeral. Can you play this game with a melee or magic build?
There is a strategy where you essentially just try to stay out of reach and don't get hit. And then when there is an opening you deal damage. Also hit his weak point.
its fucking shit
Did your uncle get shot by a videogame?
Do you not understand how that boss works?
I was too young to remember. Grandma always said he was killed by an angry gamer gone mad after playing violent video games hours on end.
Yea Forums refused to have threads about this game before it came out and accused anyone trying to talk about it as a shill. Now it gets positive rating on Steam you cunts suddenly have all these threads about it
oh I do
doesnt mean its not shit
he literally only does 1 attack that you can just walk out
and sometimes it teleports you to get some dmg buffs
goty indeed
What a surprise, Yea Forums hates something fun for the sake of being contrarian. This place is so fucking retarded because every kid wants to fit in and thinks being a pessimist will make them cool.
Its okay to like video games you fucking retards.
nothings changed
its shit
no amount of shilling will change that
its literally ashen but with guns and worse art and premise
both were absolute shit
>its literally ashen but with guns and worse art and premise
See this is how we know you've never fucking played it, Remnant absolutely shits on Ashen just in terms of art direction, the art direction in Remnant is objectively fantastic
nigger i just finished it
>calling someone the n-word
go back to red.dit
>No mic system except on PC
It's fucking trash if you play it on console. Don't know why they gave priority to PC users, but whatever. Just make sure you buy it on PC and not console since the dev's don't give two shits about console players.
0.03 cents have been deposited to your account
Did I make the wrong choice in focusing on my Scrapper? I know you can mix and match armor and weapons so I guess your archetype doesn't really matter. Ex-Cultist seemed like trash to me, didn't care for their little healing pool ability. Hot Shot seems the most broken to me, and the hunter's crit buff didn't seem to do much either.
Scrapper also starts off with the highest armor rating and HP out of the three archetypes, plus I kind of enjoyed running up and hitting things. I don't see many people running melee builds in this game though, which leads me to believe hunter probably is the best for DPS in the long run I guess?
As I said you can mix and match mods and armor sets so I guess your base class doesn't really matter after awhile.
On the Remnant subreddit someone posted a screenshot showing that there were 21,000 players in-game on Steam, so I guess that's pretty good for a first day release.
I heard this is basically Diablo as a third person shooter
can someone confirm?
Huh the first boss is hard because those tiny bomb fuckers
>western talentless shitstains trying to copy japanese masterpiece in shape and form
>dat fucking stolen sun from DS3.
>even name is twisted copycat attempt to mimic concepts from a Souls game.
>shilling their garbage on Yea Forums
Yeah. Fuck off, faggots.
>its literally ashen but with guns
The melee alone is miles ahead of ashen and it's not even the focus of the game you braindead fuck
They are adding Diablo Style Adventure mode in a week or 2 so hopefully just the ability to keep playing is improved by that
>Huh the first boss is hard because those tiny bomb fuckers
There are 5 different first bosses. Which one are you talking about? The game is random after all.
Ex-Cultist has the most versatile starting trait and armor but it really doesn't matter that much. You can get the gear from the classes you didn't pick from Rigs and their abilities from McCabe.
the seed caller summons can break the harrow fight if you can trigger his retreat phase on the staircase
Yeah, I know. That's why I was saying it realyl doesn't matter. Ex-Cultist armor looks aesthetic as fuck though, but having the higher armor as a Scrapper seemed nice at the time, plus the high vigor.
Ex-Cultist starts off with high stamina so if you like dodging and rolling, or were a DEXfag from Souls than you'd like it. It's funny though because Ex-Cultist is a mid-range archetype. You can use melee on ever class, but Scrapper is a true melee class though. They get the Warrior trait that increases melee damage, plus the Scrapper Armor set increases total damage within 2.5m of the player.
If you wanted to go straight melee than it's obvious you should pick Scrapper. Sure, you can buy Scrapper armor on another archetype, but the Warrior perk is still nice to have for melee damage.
DELETE THIS! you're supposed to be a miserable fucking loser like all of us!
The big one that charge at you
Can someone tell me what the point of shadow walker trait is? It says it lower's enemy awareness but what's the point? To sneak past them? You can't do stealth attacks in this game as far as I'm aware, so what does it matter if you lower enemy awareness? If they took bonus damage or something it'd make sense. Just seems like a useless perk to me, honestly Hunter seems like trash out of the three starting archetypes.
I thought Hunter would be broken at the start, but after an hour of playing it, I hated it. The crit buff was trash and seeing enemies through walls didn't seem to matter either. At least with the Hot Shot perk on a Scrapper you can do extra damage. I suppose I could have just bought the Hot Shot mod on my Hunter, but still. Having the useless Shadow Walker perk didn't matter to me either. The Hunter armor set buff was alright I guess. 25% more damage to enemy weak spots, but compared to the other two archetypes I just couldn't see the point in running Hunter.
Go watch your animes and shut the fuck up weeb faggot LMAO
It has some similarities to what you would expect from ARPGs like Diablo or PoE but it really lacks the loot driven system those games are centered around. Just so you don't get the wrong idea, loot in Refta is important but you're not continuously running an area to get better versions of your gear. The starting weapons are all endgame viable so you could essentially just ignore all the new items you find and only upgrade your starting loadout and focus on leveling your traits. Loot in this game is about gaining new options, not some carrot on a stick where you chase bigger damage numbers.
There is a ring that gives 100% crit chance and another buff when attacking unaware enemies
It allows you to just sprint everywhere and your aggro radius is greatly reduced. Great for speed running through shit.
Ah, so it's more of a Souls like/inspired?
I don't like speed running, so I guess I made a good call abandoning my hunter.
Jesus Christ, well, at least I guess it can be equipped to any archetype. The item that lets you get buff for attacking unaware enemies would sync well with the Shadow Walker ability though.
crits start to matter when you get couple of crit rings and the crit traits maxed
>ability to summon 8 +minions at a time
yeh fuck game balance
Ah, really? Didn't know there were "crit rings" but I'm not very far in the game. I'm maining Scrapper right now, but I don't see many people using melee in this game, is it garbage? I was having fun hitting stuff, but I feel that guns is given priority over melee in the game.
Damn, might just have to go back to my hunter after all if I want the high DPS.
>1750 on crit
Im assuming 2/3 akari, but what is your chest piece?
why is everything so spongy in this game? How do I change this Godforsaken FOV for fuck sake.
As if the game wasn't already broken enough, you want four guns? Fuck off. There is video footage of end game players destroying bosses by themselves with certain builds and mods. There is a mod that lets you summon flying skulls that attack shit, which already needs to be nerfed.
It's a third person shooter and all the enemies/mechanics are designed around this.
There's at least two bosses you literally cannot melee.
>so I guess I made a good call abandoning my hunter.
You get every trait and other armor pieces at the start of the game. Your class doesn't matter.
>nerfs in a single player game
Fuck off
Level up your weapons
I'm usually picky about FOV myself though I feel this has good FOV for 3rd person
>japanese masterpiece
>DSIII of all things
I get that, but they shouldn't have added a literally melee archetype in to the game. That's what a Scrapper is, it's pure melee based off it's stats and starting traits/gear.
That's retarded. They should have THREE gun style archetypes if that was going to be the case. Guess I'll start working on my fucking Hunter than and abandon my scrapper. Fucking garbage ass game design. They gave Scrapper that Hot Shot skill which is a nice gun skill, but still. He should have had some flaming weapon mod that lights your weapon on fire.
Why even add melee weapons like swords and hammers into a shooter game?
You can't copy "everything" from an archetype class, at least I didn't think you could. Weapons and armor? Sure. Traits? I don't think you can copy traits from another archetype. Not sure if it really matters, but as I said, Scrapper gets the Warrior trait which boosts melee damage. Ex Cultist gets a mod generation trait which lets them use their mods faster.
Actually from a gameplay standpoint the mod generation trait seems the most useful since being able to spam mods quicker would make you stronger.
you can reach over 50% crit chance with 125% crit damage or something with the armor that stacks crit buffs on each crit for a short time.
I don't think you can scale your damage as hard through the roof in any other way
Pretty sure you cannot get the Trait.
Unless there's some secret way, but the trait is what "determines" your class.
So basically it sounds like melee is garbage and there is no real reason to focus on it? I get the game is centered around guns and shooting, but it pisses me off that all the good shit went to the guns.
That's true I believe. Each Archetype has a unique "trait" that is exclusive to them I believe. Ex-Cultist gets mod generation, Hunter gets lower enemy awareness, and Scrapper gets increased melee damage.
>just level up your weapons in a game where the enemies scale to your weapons upgrade level
big fucking think user
only exception is if he's literally not upgrading at all and falling behind the minimum gear level for scaling (which is extremely low). Regardless the enemies aren't even spongey except for the minigun dude.
You can get the starter traits on any ''''class''''', they're just chucked behind events that you might not get because the dumb world generation shit. Cultist's trait is from reaching the end of the booby trapped sewer, for example, but I never found the Warrior trait on my playthrough. I got the Hunter's awareness trait on cultist starter but i can't remember what from, i got it very early in the game though.
My friend can't afford the game until later on. How is the single player?
Or Dead Space. The combat system is actually pretty similar to Dead Space 3 although without the focus on dismemberment. Imagine if Dead Space had randomization as far as where you find certain weapons and module based level-design where the game can remix the entire ship layout. Now throw abilities, traits, accessories and armor in there and you have a rough idea how progression in this game works.
Can someone tell me what happens if I reroll my campaign? I'm only an hour into it, but I'm stuck on the first boss and can't beat it alone. If I reroll do I keep my gear and experience and just start over? At least maybe I can grind some more in a new campaign and be strong enough to solo the first boss by the time I get to it.
I'm trait rank 20 right now and have +3 gear, still can't beat the first boss. It's horse shit.
For an indie game, it is.
>removing any challenge from a game
fuck off
Can someone explain the lore so I don't have to play it?
>get the shotgun with the ROT mortar mod from Ent
>the Undying King fight
>mfw he goes to heal and I stack triple mortar on him
>the little dudes just die in the clouds before they can get to me
areas are scaled to the gear level you had (highest level that you'd ever possessed) when you enter them.
If you reroll the campaign (on normal i'm assuming) then all the enemies in the first area will be of identical strength relative to you as when you entered the first area originally, minus any benefits you've accrued from traits.
When you make it back to the boss it will just rescale it again. Only way you can cheese this is if you stockpile upgrades, enter the boss area which sets the scaling, then go upgrade a ton of stuff to 'overgear' that area (but all subsequent areas will scale to your new gear level).
The first boss (Shroud or Gorefist) is easy especially on normal so alternatively just get good my dude.
>parallel dimensions
>dreamers on earth connect to guardians on other worlds
>guardians protect world from Root who destroy everything
>guardians get killed and root invades everything
Hard mode is hard, first sewers is kicking my ass left and right
Love it though
The portal not spawning when you go to the shadow realm made this fight annoying
>If you reroll the campaign (on normal i'm assuming) then all the enemies in the first area will be of identical strength relative to you as when you entered the first area originally
Rerolling the campaign will rescale them when you enter the area for the first time. They will only stay at that gearscore if you don't reroll the campaign.
>Shroud is easy
No, he's not. Most people I've asked on other forums say's he's pretty fucking hard for someone not use to this kind of game. That's the boss I'm stuck on and he does a lot of damage to me, pretty sure I'm playing on normal as well. Actually when I started the game I didn't even see any option for difficulty setting.
Figured I was on normal or the default setting, but yeah. I don't find Shroud easy, maybe you do, but I think he's horse shit. Someone told me you can cheese him by having him teleport around a small room in the area and trapping him in corners.
easiest boss in the game
you can just stop aiming and walk away from anything he does
I keep hearing this. Can I get a source on it?
I still use the starting weapon from the sniper class. Am lvl 76 or so. Game is a 6/10.
Difficulty is subjective. Maybe you had less than optimal weapons for the fight and the process of learning it was more of a bitch because of it. Knowing what you know now tho do you still feel like it would be all that hard?
As long as he doesn't get the Enchanter affix he's fine, just don't rush him with adds nearby.
Also if he's killing you too quickly try checking if your armor is up to par, as that affects a lot
My friends and I started fresh on nightmare, but it's fucking retarded, we made almost no progress in 2 hours. Should we switch to hard?
you quoted me and then just repeated what i said
you can dodge literally all of his attacks by just roll spamming or sprinting sideways. The adds will respawn if you kill them so they're just emergency ammo packs, ignore them and let Shroud come to you somewhere away from the adds.
It even says this in Nightmare's description but it's designed for people who have already done a playthrough and are rerolling their campaign.
I started on hard and then rerolled to nightmare after completion.
>easiest boss in the game
arguable. My vote goes ent, but only because hes one of the world bosses. He kills almost all of his adds, has an obvious weak point, and the 3 attacks I can think of are incredibly easy to dodge. I just dont think he deserved to be world boss tier
Yeah, I misread it. I thought you were saying something else.
Reminder that if you walk into a new area with a +6 weapon and +1 armour the enemies will deal damage based on assuming you have +6 armour and so you'll get fucking nuked.
Always upgrade everything equally, since enemies scale to your highest piece of gear all you're doing by pumping one weapon is making the game harder.
Alright so I'm not sure if the game glitched but here is what just happened.
Decided to go back to the start of Founder's Hideout to grind since I couldn't beat the boss. Anyway I get to the first gate or whatever and it takes me to the sewers. Place called Junk Town, and some crazy merchant is there. I ask him to give me his mask and he attacks me. I kill him and get his mask, but it never appeared in my inventory
Now I'm stuck and don't know where to go. There is only one exit and that takes me back to the first area. There is no gate to go to the next area in Junk Town. Do I just go back to Ward 13? Or what?
your base class literally dont matter from the start, you can buy other classes mods/gear from the get go and they are cheap, most unique thing about them is the trait they start with, ex-cultist "spirit" mod power gen trait is probably the best scrapper gets melee damage trait and hunter is some stealth stuff
Don't use the item, faggot
Nerfing SP games to the point of homogenization is literally the worst type of balance ever
>fighting harrow with +10 weaps and +5/6 armor
yeh that makes more sense
I hate when games do this. Why even introduce a class system if it doesn't matter at all? They shouldn't have given us the option to pick archetypes if it was going to matter.
Each archetype should have had unique weapons and skills. That would have made the class system more enjoyable and mean something. It's stupid if EVERYBODY can use EVERY weapon and EVERY trait and EVERY armor set.
its 30k+ right now
That part is optional and there's nothing else there.
Though not getting the item is a glitch it sounds like
literally nothing like diablo
That's gay as fuck. Does the mask even do anything? I hope it wasn't some OP shit.
they're not supposed to be classes
the devs are clearly dickriding dark souls (they literally included boss fog walls because dude dark souls lmao). Just like Soulsborne games the starting options are just your starting gear/stat loadout, they're not classes.
>single player
you keep saying this, but this is not the case. Also there is such a thing as good balance where BiS items arent so overshadowing to make all other options laughable
Base class determines your trait. I dont know if you can get the other two class traits.
Since you're not too far in you can reroll your campaign if you want, but the mask is just "okay", it gives passive health regen
Totally boring game. It's actually easier than regular tps due to the rpg mechanics and the fact that you don't lose anything for dying. Also getting tired of fighting the basic trash mobs 99% of the time and I've only played a few hours.
The game actually tells you whether you are undergeared for the zone in the menu.
its got some very minor health regen and some other bullshit. As a standalone armor piece its meh
One user up above confirmed you could get other traits later in the game, but they're locked behind events and exploration or some shit.
>passive hp regen
Well fuck. I kind of would have liked to have had that, but since the item never got put in my inventory I guess I'll never get it. Fucking bug riddled piece of shit game. Dev's need to do some patching real fast.
once again, any character can obtain everything.
All the people I know who've pirated the game and finished it think it's mediocre-average while the buyfag are still deluded into thinking it's great.
How long until the post-purchase rationalization fades away and they finally realize the game is extremely linear with little replayability?
looks like Hellgate London
Oh I'm retarded. I wasn't looking in the right place, but yeah I got the mask in my inventory. Yeah, it seems really crappy hp regen. You only get 0.15 hp per second and if you have the entire armor set than you get 0.333, so even with the full armor set I'm sure it's garbage.
Plus it's "light armor" and I'm running a heavy armor warrior, so I don't want light armor anyway. It's got a shit armor rating.
Actually more boring than hellgate london, if you can believe that.
theres another event on earth that grants you a full health regen set. I have to say though its very underwhelming. 3/3 pieces gives you .333 hp per second. I dont know how good it could be with triage though
>you keep saying this, but this is not the case
Yes it is. It's a singleplayer game with an optional coop and a shitload of powerful items and build options at your disposal. Get back to competitive shooters or whatever shithole you've crawled from you deranged clown.
Not him, but co-op is what makes the game fun to me, but until the dev's put a mic system into the console version it won't be any fun to co-op with people. PC apparently has a mic system, though not sure why only PC players get a mic system and console doesn't.
>Inb4 PC mustard race
Fuck off.
to say this game is designed around single player and not heavily intended to be played in co op is delusional
using the mask you can also talk to the whispering root tree to get a trait that boosts armor
PC mustard race
Who the fuck wants to talk with strangers?
PC has discord/teamspeak and consoles have their OS party chat for voice.
>though not sure why only PC players get a mic system and console doesn't.
You can use the party system every console has built in and just talk from there. Come on user.
So i just cleared the 1st boss (i got the archer dude in the sewers) and literally the only "loot" that has dropped for me is his item which lets me make a mod.
I knew this game wasnt borderlands but when do I actually get different guns and armor? is it drops, or set spawns like DS?
I don't even care about the mic, ANY kind of in-game communication would help.
Just being able to ping something or let your allies know if you're using a mod etc. just anything
There's virtually zero coop-only mechanics. It's a complete signleplayer experience.
Game could have been good if the devs weren't so retarded/lazy.
Disapointing, wouldn't recommend buying it. I pirated it and uninstalled after like 3hours or something.
every piece of gear/mod is pre-designed. They're all gotten from bosses or certain zones.
What gun??
rng based
bosses drop either a mod item or a weapon item
you find stuff randomly in the world by exploring around
its possible to not find anything good in your whole playtrough because the designers are retarded and its half an mmo and half something else
World bosses always give weapons while mini-bosses like the archer dude give weapon mods, but there is weapons and gear scattered around too for example a sniper is next to the church
Arrows were busted with lock on, especially in 2 and 3 you could kite endlessly at a safe distance, poison worked on almost all the bosses, dont have to worry about running our like spells. No one did it, but it was very effective.
you can get a hidden armor set and a way to a new gun 30 seconds after you leave ward 13. Explore ALL areas of the map and clear every dungeon. Some bosses only drop a mod, or have conditional defeats to give alternative weapons. Also make sure you exhaust dialogue for most vendors. They usually have something to offer or special trades to make
You need to have friends who play this game, user. If you want to talk with them on PS4 or Xbox. I don't have any friends, or friends who play this game. That's why I want to talk with strangers and have a built in mic system.
oof and yikes sweetie :)
I recommend you join the offial Remnant discord and ask someone to play with you then.
I'm on PS4, not PC.
>and a way to a new gun
You mean sewers?
the games dynamic changes completely in coop. there are traits and content you can ONLY get in coop. Also consider the fact that most people will probably get ng and ng+ runs in. inside of 2 campaigns rng makes it very unlikely that you will get all 3 starter traits. The wiki doesnt even list how to get them. That being said the very first thing you do is choose a role to play in the team. So to say that co op is just a write off the same way it is in dark souls is just not true
ward13 keycard exploration is key
what? is this a fan made ds3 mod or something?
>the games dynamic changes completely in coop
Just like in souls
>there are traits and content you can ONLY get in coop
Such as?
>That being said the very first thing you do is choose a role to play in the team
No, you choose from one of the presets that has impact both on SP and multiplayer
The same way you can do in souls games.
>So to say that co op is just a write off the same way it is in dark souls is just not true
There's LITERALLY no difference between this game's and souls coop mechanically.
In fact souls have more coop oriented mechanics and abilities.
How hard is it on Normal mode?
What, is she your roommate or something? Just do it anyways.
It's not, assuming you don't fall for the 'heavily prioritize weapons with upgrade materials over armour' trap that actually hurts you and doesn't make you deal more damage.
Normal enemies don't matter much but a swarm will get you fucked.
it really isn't, the game has a retarded scaling system so you can't cheese it but normal is still rather easy to solo in about 11 hours
better off playing nioh
Good. I don't want to listen to whiners, reggaeton and crying children when I play this game with randoms. If I really want voice chat I can just start a party.
Is it a good idea to dump full 30 points into exp increase trait?
traits max out at 20 and yes
every trait has a max of 20
after you beat the final boss, in another players world or your own, you can reallocate all trait points for 2500 scrap.
>the game features i-frame backstep with post-backstep melee followup that can be charged, running attack and ability to alterate light and heavy attacks
This shit already has a better melee system fundamentials than ANY western soulsclone with the exception of maybe salt and sanctuary.
I wore the 15% xp ring you get at the start of the game for the entire game. The difference was like 11 trait levels compared to my friend who didn't wear it.
>loot system somehow worse than diablo 3
Too bad cause the core game it's pretty good
Loot system is absolutely okay in the sense you can completely ignore it during ng and even ng+, it only becomes a chore at high ng+ cycles.
>just like in souls
ganking set spawning enemies with r1 spam and juggling aggro on one boss enemy. Huge dynamic change
>such as
Teamwork(obviously), revivalist, suspicion, and the unique boss interaction that gives you cold as ice. Also I forgot but there are also support items in the game meant for co op although the only one I can think of off the top of my headis the ring from wud that shares dragon heart heals
>the same way you do in souls games
the only character choice you can make in souls games that affects your coop partners is cleric and that requires you to gain the miracles and items to even be useful as a buffer and healer. I guess you could argue pyro to a lesser extent but not for every souls game. Your class choice and mods immediately benefit the team by design with no investment
>souls has more coop oriented mechanics and abilities
maybe if you include pvp instances but thats just not true. Its been a while especially for das2, so maybe im wrong, but unless youre playing a support cleric of some kind you are just another sword/caster in the fight
Is online pretty important?
or can I just pirate it and play it alone while still having fun?
even then you have the option of only highlighting certain loot if you go into the options menu
>want to play as a gunslinger with big old revolvers
>need to get said revolvers from earth
>dont get a single dungeon there
fuck sake
It's good. I'm going against the first boss Shroud and I'm getting my ass kicked. I keep getting stuck on my dodge rolls with the sky shots it does and I end up fucked. My shotgun does nice damage when I can get close but fuck it's difficult
you can just pirate, this game wasn't designed as a coop shooter first
it's more fun that way but you can easily solo all content
i pirated and i didnt have fun
game isnt worth more than 5 bucks desu
listen for the scream and then sprint
where do you get the magnum/revolvers anyway?
reroll it
You just need to keep running from the adds. Don't sit in one place waiting for him to spawn, he is always going to spawn somewhere relatively close with line of sight, in the corners he will sometimes teleport right next to where ye just was. You just need to coach gun him constantly.
You dont even need to come out of aim to dodge the arrows. When he does the scream start rolling.
How do I play
what do you mean?
He should have dropped the mask.
click play button
Where did this game even come from?
I feel like there was no marketing for it or anything. I literally first heard about it a couple days ago on Yea Forums and now it's all over the place and has thousands of Steam reviews after just a day or two.
I'm always down for more co op games,this one just seems to have come out of nowhere.
Why is hard mode such shit?
>boss has 3x more health
>boss spawns with 10x more minions
Yea Forums has saved me so much money by claiming that every game is shit
The main purpose of the mask is to get the hidden trait.
FUCK guess I'm gonna reroll the campaign.
Can you trade with junk town dude or only take his mask?
Also, is there a +level cap on gear and what is it?
It was one of the games Yea Forums was looking forward to the most at E3. Just because you never saw the gorillian threads about it, doesn't mean it never existed.
My friend said he saw it at e3. But, i think he was lying.
Post sets.
Bandit is pretty fun but lacks a lot of defense. Basically been melting bosses though.
hard mode is still alright, nightmare is just stupid, especially with the scaling.
combine it with hard&nightmare being pointless other than minor +exp gain
Either you cheated or played through the game 5 times to get that many sillycummies.
Pretty sure you do not need to add someone as a friend to invite them to a voicechat, I never use it though so could be wrong.
because the game is assuming that you are roughly trait tier 100. If you are playing hard on your first play through then make sure you upgrade all gear evenly. Something that I didnt understand at first is how scaling works when the game generates an area. If you have +5 weaps, then the game sees your highest upgrade as +5. It doesnt give a shit that you have +1 armor and will deal damage accordingly. I feel like the 10x minions is a little exaggerated tho since most add spawns for bosses are on a cycle you can track
first, they're not even remotely big.
second, they're literal beetles on her chest (same as the ones walking around) they're not breasts
>5 simulacrums per campaign roll
>6 pieces of +20 gear
yep hes a hacker
LOL, I was thinking the same thing. I got like rank 10 in the Elder Knowledge trait, but I figured it was helping me level up faster. I just got the armor buff trait, so I've started dumping points into that as well.
>5 simulacrums per campaign roll
More like 3, you get 1 per world excluding Earth.
It was on preshow stream the first day, the last game before one of the conferences started.
Yeah, I got the mask and I'm glad some user told me to talk to the tree in this thread, or I would have never known. Pretty nice trait though, it raises your armor rating so really good for a melee player.
I play Scrapper and buff my melee weapon so it's nice to have the increased armor for close combat.
It's more tolerable once I changed the FOV via config.
Rerolled right away to nightmare and doing a completely solo blind run. So far gorefist was actually pretty hard. I checked some youtube vids and normal/hard looks way to easy. Now it feels rewarding downing shit.
>have 2 simulacrums
>only cleared earth and rohm
explain this shit thenim actually pretty sure I got 2 on rohm somehow
I know like regular iron can only buff weapons and armor to +5 and boss weapons to +3. You need better materials to buff better weapons as you progress in the game.
For the start of the game the max gear and weapon you can get is +5. You need A LOT of iron though, but it's easy to get. Like to go from +4 to +5 armor and weapon you need like 60 iron pieces if not more.
I'm not far in the game, so I'm trying to stay away from spoilers in terms of weapons and armor. I'm really excited to see if I can get some cool melee builds going, even if most people don't play melee I actually have more fun hitting stuff.
I did a bow run on Ds2. Hunter blackbow is nasty. Had no trouble
>That clipping through the coat
Dropped before I even played
It probably ranges from 3-5 because of levels being random. Like my first playthrough, Earth was straight up empty. I had one fucking dungeon. Then When I played with my friend, he had dungeons out the ass on Earth.
It all depends on your luck.
Supposedly lifesteal for certain melee builds got nerfed drastically.
Pfft hahahaha
Your grandma is a dumb lying manipulative bitch.
If you sell simulacrums to a trader it will show up in their shop inventory and other players can buy them for 3000 scraps.
Doesn't seem to be that way from release patch notes
The only thing that remotely connects to the melee leech build is the changes to The ruin although that has nothing to do with lifesteal and only with how fast you can build its meter.
How I put this game on hard? I don't see the difficulty in my settings tho
You reroll your campaign.
>ward 13 crystal
>world settings
>reroll campaign
>select difficulty
I understand why they did it this way but it is a little unintuitive
Played for about 4 hours last night. Just defended the Root Mother.
It’s like a weird combination of a ton of different elements from other games and I keep being reminded of them
Dead Space – Cannot hip-fire; attacking from a normal posture is melee, have to ADS to shoot, enemies are extremely reactive to damage and you can hold off hordes by strategically alternating between them and staggering them.
Gears of War – Rolling/shooting/reloading rhythm is very reminiscent of it. Feels good to roll right out of an attack and come up into a perfect headshot.
Warframe – Pre-made tileset world generation with lots of fodder enemies. Primary/Secondary/Melee moddable loadouts with supplementary magic abilities you charge upon dealing damage.
Left 4 Dead/Killing Floor – Minibosses will randomly appear with distinctive sound cues to let you know the “expected” fight is being shook up with a new factor.
It is very Soulslike, and the comparisons to that design philosophy are valid. It’s closer to Dark Souls overall than any of the games I named above. The biggest difference Is that death is not punished much.
I thought it was neat how traits are unlocked by organically accomplishing hidden objectives. I took an optional route in the hub world to go explore the lore and upon listening to an audio log I got an upgradeable trait that gives a permanent experience boost to represent that my character is curious and seeks knowledge
So far the worst thing is that some enemies have wide-reaching melee attacks and are not stopped by objects in the world. So if you’re running with a bigboi behind you and try to put an pillar/wall between you and him, his model/hitbox might just clip through and kill you when he swings.
Thanks Jordan, I didn't realise I was playing a bad game untill you showed me the error of my ways with all those facts on why it's a bad game. I will now refund it.
I was going to make a shitpost with the voice calling that user a nigger with jordans voice. Now I'm sad cause a mod deleted it.
dear diary
How are you people going through the game so quickly? Is everyone just rushing through it? I like to take my time and explore the map and the world. Looking for crafting stuff, tomes, equipment, etc.
Seems like everyone just blazes through the game in 10 hours and complains there is nothing to do. I'm like 4-5 hours into my campaign and just got to the second boss, haven't even gotten to the root mother yet.
8 hours in and I just got to the 2nd level.
For a "looter shooter" there's not much looting going on.
Played for 3 hours and the only thing that has dropped has been shards,ammo and metal. Do gear not drop in this game? Then what the fuck is the point of this looter shooter. After 3 hours in i am playing with my exact same loadout as i started...
I beat the game in the VIP pre-order weekend.
Once you realize how the map gens/where the hooks and loot nodes are, you only check unexplored middle areas for Ring drops or Simulacrum and end-branches have side-dungeon(gun maybe) or progress.
I'm sure there's loot somewhere, i've seen other people wearing it. I got a welders helmet in the first 10 minutes of the game but other then that it's just been a SMG and a boss weapon. It's less a looter shooter and more like.... I don't know exactly, mastering what little you have I suppose?
Weapons are rewarded from side-dungeons MAYBE or from boss souls. Armor is even rarer.
you keep saying looter shooter, but it isnt really. you have to use your eyeballs to look for things and play the game to find dungeons and instances to get loot
The melee combat fucking sucks.
>No lock-on
>Can't cancel attack with a roll
>Hard to switch targets mid-combo
I rarely go melee because it's a guarantee to take damage.
Are there multiple difficulties?
How are the rpg elements?
Is there a new game plus?
is it toaster friendly?
>For a "looter shooter"
It isn't though, nor has that ever been claimed in marketing. You can find weapons at fixed points in the game, craft them from boss items, or buy them from vendors. This isn't like Diablo or Borderlands where it throws weapons at you. You're meant to have a small arsenal of modded/upgraded stuff you know well.
yes, comparatively shallow but well done regardless, infinite ng+ cycles however there is no extra scaling difficulty outside of normal/hard/nightmare and the scaling the game applies when generating an area based on your character
Then what is the fucking point of the game? Not combat because the combat in this game is so basic and isn't skill-based.
its got pretty low system requirements but check them for yourself
It isn't a looter shooter, why would you think it is one?
>tight gunplay isn't skill-based
is this a "grindy" game? like does it have a focus on "epic loot"?
>Are there multiple difficulties?
Yes, normal, hard, and nightmare. See the third point about these.
>How are the rpg elements?
Solid but minimal. Stats are replaced by "traits" which you upgrade with the experience you gain. So instead of getting more health but upgrading "Vitality" from 9 to 10, you just take a point in the Health Trait, giving you +2.5% HP.
Gear matters more than personal stats, it seems. You can use anything you gain regardless of stats and the damage/moveset of them are almost entirely determined by the weapon, it's upgrades, and its mods.
>Is there a new game plus?
Yes, you can regenerate the world and start fresh with a new random seed and keep your gear at a higher difficulty.
You don't even have to beat the game to do it; you can reset and upgrade difficulty at any time.
No, you find weapons like you do in Souls games, there is only one of them, you arent replacing an assauly rifle with another assault rifle that does 1 extra damage, there is one assault rifle.
the skill aspect of the combat is appropriately responding to threats in a timely manner, managing crowds, positioning, and managing stamina. To a lesser extent your aim and reflexes but if you have good movement and awareness youll have more time to react
>No, you find weapons like you do in Souls games
Are you serious? There's only 1 shotgun? That means i'll be using the same fucking weapon through the whole game.
I find the combat really fun, and it's definitely tight enough to qualify as skill-based.
But putting that aside, there's bosses, a story, an overall quest, and co-op.
No. Very much like Bloodborne; the weapons/armor are cool and a big part of a build, but the point of the game is not to assemble your kit; it's to beat the bosses, explore the world, and complete the story.
No, loot comes from drops from fixed encounters and events usually bosses. the worlds are procedural, you will get different bosses etc each time you reroll the campaign, enemies only drop upgrade mats and ammo.
The campaign isnt that long but you can keep replaying to encounter new things and maybe find different weapons and mods, there is no diablo loot where you try to get a perfect drop.
There is another game mode coming in a few weeks, suspected to be more of an infinite adventure than the story mode that loops.
eeeh that doesn't sound that bad, I asked because I didn't wanted to get stuck with another Nioh-like game.
there are two different shotguns just on the starting characters, and I can think of two others off the top of my head that I've run into in my playthrough. If youre really worried about variety you can check the wiki for full lists of weapons and gear although its incomplete
There's at least 2 early-game shotguns, a double-barreled coach gun with a tight spread for medium range, and a 7-shot combat shotgun for point-blank damage. No idea how many more there are, but they aren't meant to intrude on the others' role.
You start the game with 3 primary choices, sidearms choices, and melee choices, 3 spells. There are like 20 bosses and each boss soul makes a weapon or spell. There are way less armor sets than weapons but guesstimate 10-12 or so armor "sets". There are weapons you can find that aren't boss souls but those are nearly hidden, so it may take more re-runs than you want to encounter a gun that isn't from a boss if world-gen RNG hates you. It's a grindy game but you grind to fill out the finite toolbox, not to replace your +2 green dicksword with a +3 cuntaxe
This game doesn't sound that bad, mit give it a try when it goes on sale, just in case this game is lords of the fallen 2.0.
I'm sure this has been asked eighty billion times before, but is the game worth it for solo play? The description on the steam storefront implies people are necessary, but I'm assuming that isn't true.
How different are the seeds? Is Earth random or just the other worlds later?
Like I killed the mask dude in junk town and I also killed the tree without talking to it with the mask.
If I reroll the seed, would I be guaranteed to find junk town and the tree again?
>people who never played Bloodborne are worried they'll get bored of using the same weapon for more than 30 minutes
it seems the greater majority of people regularly posting on Yea Forums and in the general are soloing
it's garbage. As is expected of gunfire games
Sometimes solo can be more challenging than any duo, because having to account for all adds yourself means you can't fuckup or you get died. Playing with others also facilitates your gear accumulation because you meet different bosses/areas sooner than having to reroll and play only your world
You add mods to your weapons to change their abilities user, just go watch a video for what I mean. Also the idea that you think the game needs 50 variants of the same weapon is odd, every weapon here is viable rather than constantly picking up trash versions of a shotgun, you have a shotgun, it will be the best shotgun you have, why do you need 49 other shotguns you wont ever use, the shotgun is the close range weapon here, if there was other shotguns you will introduce the concept of redundant gear, no weapon in this is useless they all have a role.
This isnt Borderlands, its more like Resident Evil coop mixed with Dark Souls. If you find a gun it WILL be useful, what you use is purely preference.
>like to fight close
>there is a pump shotgun with large magazine, great for sustained damage
>or there is a double barrel shotgun with higher damage, great for hit and run
bloodborne has good weapons though. this game has molasses gameplay that makes bloodborne look like vaseline on a god damn race car.
The tree is guaranteed and junk town is not
If that gives you an idea
All the bosses are specifically designed for co-op, all but one spam adds non stop so it's incredibly frustrating singleplayer. Perfectly doable just really really poorly designed and completely unfun, you can't enjoy any of the boss fights because you are constantly trying to dodge/herd adds.
It's really a shame because the bosses with no or minimal adds like singe or the twin moths are pretty good.
Rest of the game is perfectly playable solo.
Where are you suppose to go after the church? I ended up finding a safe house with a automatic rifle, but it ended up being a dead end.
>have done multiple earth runs
>never ran into the talking tree NPC again
Did I fuck up?
Where did you get that fucking key
I needed that fucking key and I rerolled my world before getting the AR
There is a big hole in the church wall that wasnt there during the fight, go through it.
I still don't know. Is this a co-op multiplayer game or something that I can play alone?
Right around where you first enter that area, around the left side in a building If I recall.
I'm playing solo and enjoying it a lot. Only 4 hours into it but I don't feel like it's a gimped experience so far.
You can play it alone or with up to 2 people , be friends or join random lobbies.
The game excels with friends , not so much with randoms. Also plaing with friends make the bosses much more enjoyable since you can split the job or taking care of the adds.
That is all I really needed to hear, will probably reroll since traits are the most important thing in the game and I would hate to miss any that are that easy to get.
I was considering rolling a new character instead after learning how the scaling worked in here, my coach gun is +4 but my armor is unupgraded... I can just upgrade it to balance it back out, though. could not see it in the menu but it was late. I will double check when I get home from work. You upgrade Armor at the same guy, right?
I'm one of the 3 people on Yea Forums that played Chronos. That game was pure fucking kino, and wildly imaginative. These guys did Darksiders 1 and 2, too. I'm getting it when I get paid on Friday.
How does it run on PS4?
And since the bosses have adds they gave the bosses very lame and limited movesets to compensate.
Most bosses have literally 2 moves.
I cleared it alone just fine, it was alright, been having a blast going through it again in coop though, its definately more fun to play with people.
If you ever played Dark Souls its exactly like that I feel, where when you go through a stage yourself you are slow and methodical, you take your time and fights are more intenst, but, when you invite someone the game quickens in pace, you feel alot more confident fucking around.
Wareframe is roboninjas how is this like that?
Yes same npc and same materials , scraps and iron up to 5 then forged iron up to 10 etc.
Obviously though upgrading weapons > armor.
You should upgrade both at the same time since enemies "scale" based on your average gear score, and if you ignore armor then you'll take alot of damage.
I looked everywhere. I wasn't sure if the game could fuck you and just world-gen locked doors without giving you the key, and you have to HOPE to get the key on a cycle and cycle back to the fucking locked door.
Thanks though, hopefully I join some fucker and he loots it
This game looks like the gameplay is fucking horrible
Mostly smooth. have gotten a couple sudden minuscule frame skips after playing for a while, but have yet to see any points where overall framerates tanks which is good since I have played parts where teleporting niggers are throwing fast explosion effects everywhere with lots of enemies on the screen.
If you have pro I imagine there would be no issues at all.
So when do you start getting new guns and equipment? I've been running around in the starter gear and am on my way Keeper of the Labyrinth. Outside of the vendors selling the other class starting gear I've only found 2 rings, a necklace, and a hunting pistol.
>Wareframe is roboninjas how is this like that?
I think it's because of how the areas are designed by taking pre-set rooms and just randomly slapping them together.
I say this as someone with I think ...150 hours of gametime in Warframe
Surprisingly, the gameplay is the best part, its the lack of content that is an issue.
I get what you mean (although i didnt know about how it scaled) but most if the time you will be killing the enemies before they even dmg you. Im not the best shot in the world and i kill most of the stuff before they get super close.
Then again maybe its better to spread the upgrades better if as you said it keeps the enemies hp/dmg etc more manageable.
The way this game scales is based solely off of weap upgrade level there fore it is equally important to upgrade gear evenly. When you enter a dungeon with +5 weap and +1 armor the game doesnt give a fuck about your +1 armor it scales to your weap and mobs will deal damage reflected off that value
Yeah, I read what he said earlier in thread, I was getting one shot by Shroud and this game shits scrap and mats all over you, I don't see any reason not to have good armor.
Weapon variety sucks, mods are underwhelming, only 10 sets of armor, 90% of the bosses is just "here are a fuck ton of adds, because you need ammo".
only enemy that was somewhat interesting was the guys who blink cause they didnt just stand there and take it. the only boss i thought was decently fun was the undying king.
6/10 game though, plays well, but there's not enough there for me to give a shit. also when playing with friends everyone but the host seems to have some trouble reviving, as it sometimes cancels itself, probably netcode shit.
You're par for the course on gear acquisition. Guns drop from boss souls or sometimes a reward from a side-dungeon. Armor is rarer
How do I reliably kill dual sword nibbas?
>guns/magic/melee/parkour system in a third-person-shooter
>pre-made tilesets assembled together to create levels that are different each playthrough
>primary/secondary/melee loadouts changed drastically through weapon mods
>elemental damage management with large enemy variety and weaknesses/resistances
>heavy emphasis on coop
It's not a hard jump to make in terms of gameplay.
Roboninjas is the setting of Warframe, not a gameplay description. Otherwise you'd say MGR:Revengeance is Warframe-esque.
There is SMG hidden in the base by exploring the lower levels (no enemies).
There is a rifle near the church where you freed mother.
Im a bit further ahead than you are and i have also found a couple melee weapons , plus 2 weapons to craft from bosses loot. Havent found armor tho.
How is Cultists?
The gameplay is the best part though
For me (the guy who said to upgrade weapons) i started to lack scrap once i reached about +8 or so in my gear.
Until then i had scrap/iron to keep most of my gear pretty damn well up to date , maybe i should break more boxes/pots for scraps heh.
I can say with 100% certainty, that you are either lying or have no done one iota of exploring. Right off the bat, at the very start of the game, did you not look up and see that there was another floor, and you can clearly see a set of armour sitting right there in the room above you? After beating the church boss, if you look around the church you will also find a weapon.
You have basically ran from beginning to end and didnt look around, they arent even well hidden. In the desert you are rewarded the meme weapon (beam rifle) just for clearing the dungeon, in the same desert zone there is a small floor puzzle to open a door and give you access to bone armour, as well as the vendor in that area selling another set of armour if you listen to all his rumours.
Which ones? the ones that parry gunfire?
You 'll have to bait them and roll then shoot them 3 or 4 times. I mean the window you get after dodging them is pretty big.
best starter class. Drop the coach and buy the hunting rifle
Bretty good
If you mean the class , they are more archetypes like in other souls games, they only define your starting gear and 1 trait.
In fact you can buy the other archetypes gear on the npc.
Whats wrong with coach gun, I cleared the game with it as my favourite weapon. Did I gimp myself?
As others have said , the dodge is pretty responsive and the gunplay is pretty satisfying.
If you can rope a mate or 2 to play with you i bet you would have fun with it.
wait those pressure plates are a puzzle? Fuck Im feelin dumb. I kept wondering why those assholes kept spawning and what the deal with the door was
>to the end
I'm barely 2hours into the game, m8. And I did find some suit of armor, forgot about that, Drifter's set I believe.
Rumours? you mean the guy that sells you secrets?
If you mean that one imma go and buy all these secrets , would like to see more armor.
What exactly scales? If I have +5 when I spawn the boss for the first time am I doing the same % of health damage as if I went without ever upgrading a weapon?
Or does their damage scale up and hp stay the same? Or both?
Thanks. My concern is the noise level of the system. I have a Pro and the thing gets obnoxiously loud while playing games like RDR2, God of War, Spider-Man, even Nioh. I'm talking "I need to turn my soundbar to movie theater volumes to hear over the fan" levels of loudness.
Its my favourite gear
>use two abilities that summon monsters to fight for me
>the sets bonus is that whenever you do a crit you get half of your mod powered up
>able to throw out flying skulls and tumble weeds wielding hatchets constantly to go and fight enemies for me
Its probably not optimal, but it is fun.
If you shorten nouns to the first two letter, at least do it consistently and call it ReftAs
absolutely not. Coach is very good, I just feel like after making an alt to play with a friend that the lever action is more versatile and smooths out some early game areas a little better than the coach.
Just remember the ones that stick down when you stand on them, it resets if you get one wrong. There is also a guy in the swamp area that is playing music, beside him are some bells, if you replicate the tune hes playing it also gives you a piece of equipment.
Yes the guy with no face, after hearing all his secrets he adds armour to his store. You might also remember the old guy on earth, if you listen to ALL of his stories he gives you a necklace, be aware though, theres a fucking lot of them.
the amount of hp mobs have and the amount off damage they deal to you scales off of game difficulty and your highest upgrade level
>Fighting first boss
>Summons exploding adds
>Deal with them and start fighting boss
>Lel just kidding here's another one coming from behind you can't hear because of the shooting and can't see because lmao no fov sliders
>Try again
>Kill all adds this time for real
>Fighting boss for a grand total of 5 (FIVE) seconds and more adds spawn
>Not even 1 notch into his health because lmao bullet sponge
>Boss also has a "regenerator" tag so he regens HP
This game is garbage and the only reason people are playing it is to hold them over until BL3 comes out.
fortunately mudtooths stories arent too bad. I actually enjoyed the ones where he talked about his son
Can I use my peepee
Oh I thought when you said "on my way to keeper of the labrynth" you were farther on, that is later game stuff.
Cool , gonna go check it right now , i have been able to find some weapons but hadn't found armor yet (im up to the boss of that world).
Thank you
Essential. The trait they get builds your weapon mod gauge up faster which let's you use all your abilities more and the armor also increases this bonus for crits.
The others increase melee damage and decrease aggro range of enemies, the cultist one has way more utility.
All the starting weapons and mods can be bought immediately so this trait is the most important part of the decision.
you got a bad modifier friend. Also keep in mind there is usually a way to kite enemies and have the boss FF them
Thought that would come up at some point later but it never does. Its just flavor but I expect it to have some presence later.
>he saw a man breathing through machines, noone believes that part
Apparently he saw the dreamer before anyone else
I didn't kill the white tree in the first level because it could talk and I assumed I'd get a ring that would let me talk to it later. Should I of killed it?
>dark atmosphere
>set on daytime
seriously they had one fucking job
I pirated it to try it out but the Hoodlum release has a Trojan in it. Not sure if false positive but I'm not going to risk it.
Yeah, I've got a quest called 'Find the Keeper of the Labyrinth'.
he talks about brabus tho. isnt he an encounter at some point?
14 hours into the game and im bored
i wish the game was terribly bad so i can at least have fun shitposting about it but unfortunately its just a very bland game
did the devs play it safe because of anthem shitting itself or something?
You get rewards for killing it, but you can also find a mask that lets you talk to it and you can get other rewards. I dont remember what they are though
For anyone that doesnt know, you have probably picked up a coin at some point on earth, take it to the hooded woman from the start of the game(they are a vendor now) and give the coin to them, they will give you a revolver.
Can't give any insight on that, sorry. Our AC and fridge can be loud so I wouldnt hear it if it was.
It's a false positive. I did it and my computer is fine
So is it more beneficial to never upgrade anything if you do not plan on coop? Or will your damage drop off be steeper than if you dud?
I dont know it seems odd to make a game like this without grind, like usually these games are made with the intention of lasting 100+ hours but here it is made to be cleared in a few runs, yet here I actually want more content to grind, or at least play and get something for doing it, there arent enough rewards to keep me playing.
Dont know what to make of it but I actually prefer this to the likes of Destiny, Anthem or Division to be honest, where I dont need to grind to make a build that is functional or find weapons that allow me to clear harder content, theres also the idea that games now need to be a sort of job that lasts indefinitely or it is considered bad, I never quite understood that.
>play till you hate it
no you need to upgrade things just dont take your weapons to +10 and neglect your armor
Keep hearing a new "adventure " mode is coming soon separate from the campaign, curious about what that will be.
>sidearms choices
All 3 starters have the same shitty repeater pistol and after that it's pure RNG. I played through act1 and didn't see a single new secondary. At that point I uninstalled, the game is too boring.
>can acquire 3 other secondaries on earth
>one of which is guranteed and can be acquired immediately
Firstly dont talk shit on the repeater pistol. Secondly, do you need to be spoonfed to enjoy games? Use your eyes and brain
Just sounds like a repeatable random adventure.
I'm the person you replied, you're right about the repeater being the only choice but as said, never talk shit about my waifu again
oddly enough the first upload didn't have any miners but repack does ;^)
I can't find the fucking assault rifle, the specific dungeon on earth doesn't exist of my godamn map. There is absolutely no reason for this game to have random fucking maps and drop locations, its absolutely retarded.
procedurally generated world with the world boss being the final objective? Basically like a world raid maybe with different loot pools if they were real fuckin cool
Just got to this game's Man Eaters. What a fucking load of shit, let's take the worst boss in the Souls series but let's make it so you can't see both of them at the same time. Truly amazing. I hope the game designer gets brain cancer.
I am thinking it would probably be infinite as well, keep cycling through random worlds.
I can play this solo without missing much, right? Not really big on group based cooperative multiplayer
>>the sets bonus is that whenever you do a crit you get half of your mod powered up
what set?
I consider myself pretty open minded to jank low budget titles, but I nearly gave up on third sewer level. A narrow tunnel, goes forever no branching paths mercifully 1 bonfire checkpoint in the middle, filled from one end to the other with tree zombies. You swat one and 3 more spawn in plain sight, lame and boring.
Gave up on Ent boss. When the fifth boss in a row walks to you and melees while endless waves of melee or exploding adds swarm, that's just poor design. Not hard, I beat everything in 1-2 tries, but terribly annoying.
Low gear variety, all levels look same, shit level scaling, annoying bosses, at that point shitposting on Yea Forums sounds more fun than this, but if it's good enough for you, great you do you man.
So you didn't even beat the first level?
>fifth boss in a row
You fought the two sub bosses and the Ent boss. Where's the other two? Did you fight the main boss?
>consider myself pretty open minded
>proceeds to say he, in reality, didnt even beat the first fucking level before making up his mind about the whole game
How's the level design?
>fight the 2 butterflies
>the first time I actually enjoyed a boss fight in this game
Only bad thing was having to use an ammo box
Procedurally generated tiles so boring 90% of the time. First 2 zones are extremely boring but 3rd zone gets less so and 4th zone for me looked pretty alright.
varies dungeon to dungeon. I enjoyed the more infested looking earth dungeons. Rohm dungeons were very repetitive but gave me a hard star gate vibe so I was ok with it. Just made it to swamp world so I cant say yet but its not bad so far. Its not gonna win awards either but you know
Earlier in thread people mentioned some loot is locked behind multiplayer worlds.
I dont believe any weapons or armor are hard locked to coop, just a handful of traits and unique interactions
Good game with one of the worst final bosses in a videogame. So basically a Souls game.
>playing for a few hours
>did a few bosses and I guess mini-bosses
>nothing really exciting
>wander around a bit
>stumble into Singe
>beat him first try by the skin of my teeth
Okay, I'm convinced this game can have good bosses.
there are some good bosses. Some of them are just assholes with good loot
When you start the game or go to reset the world it does ask what specific thing you want to reset, as of now there is only "campaign" available in these options and it looks like a menu, which definately suggests there will be other stuff.
All they need to do is add more weapons, armors, mods and zones, thats it, I am actually pleasantly surprised by this game.
Also something I noticed, on the basic armours like the ex cultist set you can change the look of it when viewing it in the inventory and pressing X, like you can change the coat and hat from black to white. They could well add a bunch of skins to find for other armours even, something to reward the player for playing and repeating dungeons.
I still dont understand what do in the final fight. Once I managed to get the root cage open but I dont understand how
Ex cultists set, with the full set it gives 50% of your mod power back whenever you crit.
I really hope they do something about it like let players do damage whenever, not just when one player comes back and only that player can do damage. What a terrible idea.
It's kind of mediocre almost reminds me of Hunted: The Demons Forge although that game had better melee combat.
The gear balance is pretty atrocious some sets are just utterly useless while others are stupidly strong same goes with necklaces, rings, and mods. The problem is when you start investing into upgrading gear that isn't actually good because materials are scarce and farming for currency/mats is very inconsistent and takes a while.
Enemy variety is pretty poor its almost always the same shit different smell. 90% of the time you fight melee humanoid/beasts, the rest is either hulking elites, chaingunners, gunners, or casters.
I ran a magnum/shotgun(blink) build for 99% of the game until the final boss which is fucking awfully designed and they shamelessly copied the Xavius fight from WoW in both mechanics and setting even the color palette is the same.
The final boss was trash considering I had to change my entire build to sniper(hotshot) to even do any damage because the shotgun was worthless even blinking the fireballs to close in literally under them while avoiding the 1 shot wasn't doing any damage doing 3 rounds of the portal coming out with 20 stacks each time did ilke 1% of their HP. Then I was forced to go farm, which is inconsistent with droprates, to get my sniper to +15. The Dreamer phase just melted instantly in 5 headshots and for the Nightmare I just went to 10 stacks, activated hot shot mod which that mod alone might've been the reason the boss got ripped because it was ticking for 12k and the boss died in 30 seconds it was a fucking joke how it became one of the most cancerous bosses to being the easiest in the entire game just from changing a weapon and a mod.
Is that a woman? Can I make hot girls in armor in this game? If yes I will buy it. Not even kidding despite the obvious implication of cranium sperm.
How many people can you coop with? Just two?
I had a blast playing through Hunted with a mate of mine and we had a blast playing Remnant.
The game has some problems but with friends it was a damn solid experience, cant say about solo.
yep 3 total including yourself
Im actually enjoying solo a ton. Games like this where you can autistically explore and take everything at your pace tend to eat up my nights. Coop, while fun, has its drawbacks
Elite archer boss was pretty enjoyable. Way better designed than most elite mobs.
So when you reroll you dont even leave the hub or anything? It just changes all the levels in the game?