Play Utawarerumono

Play Utawarerumono.

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I know nothing about this game other than the fact that it participates in almost every PSN sale.

Rent free.

Hey buddy don't keep all the Asperger's to yourself

Only after that butt goes on my face

Is it even a good game


what did he mean by this

It is legitimately a great series.

Another franchise ruined by hopping on mobage bandwagon.

The best series of VNs you will ever play.
Tactical RPG elements are great, especially in the latter games.

Should I play the PC game first then the Vita gams?

>implying zoomer Yea Forums knows about Underwater Ray Romano

Why is there so many threads of this as of recently?

Whens the remake? And how bad is zan

Early 2020

watch your mouth

Attached: Underwaterrayromano.jpg (480x360, 55K)

a cat is fine too.

I already did 10 years ago. Don't care for sequels.

I will now

The PC game is fantastic and shouldn't be skipped. But if you really don't want to play it, the anime gives you the basic jist of what's going on. Don't skip the PC game though.