Do you think PS2 graphics are too outdated to be enjoyed anymore?

Do you think PS2 graphics are too outdated to be enjoyed anymore?

Attached: Yakuza_2_-_GC_2008-PS2Screenshots1521202_FaceCrush_01_copy_copy.jpg (1024x768, 111K)

If you think graphics stop you from playing and enjoying a game, then you can safely stop play games completely.
Only things that could really hold you back are maybe really outdated mechanics

Sometimes they are but not usually.

Attached: life like.webm (644x364, 2.74M)

Couldnt give a fuck less what graphics look like if it's fun and the artstyle isn't trash.

Even dumb stupid kids love the shit out of games that intentionally don't push the envelope such as minecraft because they're actually fun to play.
When those past zoomer status know what's up that's when you know OP is a definite faggot. I mean we all know this to be the case anyway, but he can have the title of Faggot +1.


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I'm just tired of the "It's playstation/ps2/ps3 tier graphics!" because it's clear they have terrible memories from all the dude weed. I don't mind an accurate comparison, but they never have one.

In fact I'm waiting until the early 00's nostalgia kicks in with indies

Playing sh2 right now and enjoying every bit

Attached: out skilled.webm (960x540, 923K)

I love PS2 graphics, just good enough to really see everything, just bad enough that developers still had to make actual gameplay/stories/excitement and not just rely on looking really good and doing the "wow factor" bullshit. PS2 era was as good as it gets.

Attached: PS2.jpg (5748x6740, 3.9M)

Attached: ps2 looks like.png (1920x1978, 2.36M)

No, the polygon count and textures are still decent and are better than the generation before it. Even then, PSX games are still fun and enjoyable.

>Dual Hearts not on list

Attached: 81f.png (480x628, 384K)

Depends on the game. Cartoony stuff like Gitaroo Man are still very playable. 'Realistic' gray and brown stuff like Front Mission 4/5 are a lot harder (both in terms of looks and playability)

I've never even heard of this game, looks cool though.

Depends on the game. Cartoony stuff like Gitaroo Man are still very playable. 'Realistic' gray/brown stuff like Front Mission less so (both in terms of looks and playability)

Not really, I still own and play a PS2.

it's ultra comfy, play it sometime

Ive played the shit out of this game as a kid, what was its name?

I don't think I've ever seen a game and thought "these graphics look so bad that I don't think I can enjoy this game."

Surely you could've found a better example than Yakuza of PS2 games that aged poorly in the visuals department. I played them for the first time only a couple years ago and thought that they looked fine.

normal ps2 output looks like dog shit because games used blur like it was cocain. it looks pretty nice upscaled in pcsx2 though

The guy is actually right, the top has a more complex mesh with vastly more triangles, the lighting engine is also way more advanced, look at the shadows being cast on the object behind her and the self shadows from her hat, and the texture resolution is higher, look at the hair for an obvious example. On a technical level the top is vastly superior to the bottom, but the bottom looks better because of the artist.

That's just an example of shitty art vs good art.

I can still enjoy N64 and PS1 games so obviously no, the PS2 is just fine.

It's not so much the graphics for me, but a lot of older 3D games just seem janky as fuck or have bad frame rate and it ruins my immersion. They always look way better in my minds eye and going back to them is a disappointment. I'll happily play oldschool 2D stuff though, even ASCII graphic games because that shit is timeless.

They didn't use blur, it's just that 480i looks like ass on modern tv's.

I did with ff7. That game is so fucking ugly. Aged the worst of all the FF games

That's weird, i thought framerate was more of a problem during PS3 era

Suck my nuts, bottom looks better. You can throw all that vaseline all over it and it still is better. You best believe baking counts.

The bad frame rate

No. Many psx and n64 games are though.

>bottom looks better.
That's what I said dummy.

do ps2 and xbox and gamecube games look better in SD with scanlines?

PS2 graphics are the most efficient and best looking graphics out there, optimal for indie devs to chase PS2 tier graphics rather than spend years trying to match modern AAA shit

No. In fact, I think PS2 graphics are as good as graphics ever needed to be.

>caring about graphics
ion fury is the best game i've played this year
if you're going to play games based on graphics then you're missing


Playing Armored Core 4 right now. Can confirm.

It seems that most indie devs would rather use 8-bit retro graphics and make games that are quirky or artsy rather than using PS2-tier graphics and making games that are fun.

You'd have to be a genuine retard if you can't go back and play older games because of the graphics, unless they have some legitimate problem, such as a really bad camera.

No, PS2 graphics are perfect. I would be happy if all games had PS2 graphics but good framerate and resolution.

If the lighting was a bit better, it would be as good as games need to look.

That very much depends on the game for that gen as a whole. you have shadow of the colossus and FF12. wild arms 3 or god hand which still hold up for the most part. But then shit like Spider-Man 2 are fun to play but just look like ass now

I actually think it'd probably be better if we got stuck with PS2era level tech for longer. Games were cheaper, there was way more variety, games didn't need to offset their insane 100+ million dollar budgets with microtransactions, day 1 DLC, preorder bonuses, and lootboxes. They also didn't sell 5,000,000 copies and still somehow "fail to reach sales expectations". When a game sold 1,000,000 copies that'd all but guarantee a long series of sequels right there and those sequels came out 1-3 years after the original instead of the 3-5 years it takes now. You had way more mid-size games experimenting with new gameplay concepts and ideas, it was okay to find a niche and service that niche. Just look at a franchise like Armored Core, PS2 era you could pump out a dozen of those game they'd sell to their audience and everyone was happy, now that franchise can't exist anymore because everything has to be focus tested and safe for a massive audience of millions just to be profitable.

I'd trade the modern industry for PS2 graphics in a heartbeat.

the normiefication of video games was a tremendous mistake

samurai western

Holy shit are you me?

I tried to play ff7 on my ps3 back in 09 and even then I couldn’t because it was so fucking ugly

It's ugly as sin and I think all ports have some forced shitty framerate that fucks up the audio. My parents never bought me RPGs when I still had the PSX so I never got to experience FF7

Try playing it on an emulator, then.

>My parents never bought me RPGs
Why not? Did they have something against RPGs in particular?

only retards care about graphics over style

I did once, recently in fact, it was boodstained and I was wrong

no, some PS2 graphics actualy look cleaner

I played Xenosaga 3 in early 2018 and I found the graphics beautiful, simplistic and unassuming [comfy]

>PS2 graphics
Those aren't PS2 graphics that's clearly emulated at above native res

The only really ugly thing about FF7 is the field models for the characters. Everything else looks good. If they'd just used the battle models on the field like in FF8, the game would look fine.

No, i only discovered i enjoy playing the original Tomb Raider series this year. Shenmue as well, that game has a more realised world than any current AAA openworld game i have played.

Attached: 0ABA6FC8-8488-467A-8145-4C4AE08988E2.jpg (1920x1080, 427K)

I don't understand how anyone can enjoy Shenmue. There's nothing there to enjoy.

Have you ever played metal gear solid 3?

No, in fact it's their right balance of reimagining what real life is while maintaining a sense of being in a pixelated world. Everything after tries to hard to be "real life"

PS2/Wii graphics were peak AAA developers made great games which looked good and smaller companies could make decent looking games and make more experimental games. PS3/X360 was the beginning of high poly HD uncompressed music. Now games have to be 4k with all the graphics which takes way more money so less are willing to pay to try to make new things

Its just the exploration and stuff. Its the same reason people wnjoy stuff like Life Is Strange. Plus its a fucking time capsule.

is there any guidlines to achieve the PS2 asthetic? like polycounts and texture sizes?

I think maximum was 512x512

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Goddamn user.

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Attached: PlayStation 2 - Final Fantasy 12 - Ashe.png (256x384, 119K)

PS2 had bad aesthetics, i think there is even less anti-aliasing than on PS1. Everything is muddy, blurry mess, my eyes were bleeding when i played Ratchet 1 on my hdtv

No, I still play some pretty old-ass games. Pic related, ey. People still read books, while odd art choices can be offputting it all comes down to arguing design.

Good design doesn't really age. If a game has massive pacing issues, or has a wall of usability problems, or the gameplays just not fucking fun, then that isn't something that changes. People were just looking over that for time-appropriate reasons.

Attached: someone elses screenshot though.gif (640x400, 13K)

>i think there is even less anti-aliasing than on PS1
Man you should probably stop thinking altogether.

on ps2 yes but on emulators and remasters it can look nice

>Only things that could really hold you back are maybe really outdated mechanics
Even that is prettty unusuall.

This, so much. The push toward photorealism is a mistake.

Well of course a game will look bad when you play it on a monitor it wasn't designed for. Get an old CRT for old games.

No but your mother is lmaooooo

I think what he means is the interlacing on PS2 games makes the aliasing more obvious. I think that's pretty true, even on a CRT.

Or if you're not a mouth breather just emulate them. That's what people with big pps do

Not at all. They only add to the charm of a bygone era.

>Looks more aesthetically pleasing than most modern games
Why ? The more realistic a game is, the less pleasant is to look at, it makes no sense.

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Some games still look pretty good

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no at least for me
but people NEED good graphics it wont sell otherwise

It's a combination of the Uncanny Valley effect and the simple fact that realism is just boring.

Personally, I can hardly stand playing PS2 on the actual console hooked up to a modern TV. It's a bit better on a 4:3 CRT, kind of masks how blurry and pixelated things are. But emulated on PC with some AA and at high resolution a lot of them have a pleasant, clean look.

actually it was 512x448

that's res not texture size

>realism is just boring

really this. if you don't create a charming visual world that takes advantage of and uses it's graphical integrity to stand out, then what's the point in the graphical fidelity in the first place except to substitute any sense of creativity you have


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Zoomers need to fuck off

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what game? Am mobile fucker, so I can't see the filename

Tap the file size to see the file name.

Been playing Manhunt for the first time since i was a kid and I really enjoy the graphics.

This. MGS4 was a whole generation away from the rest in terms of graphical fidelity, specially when it comes to character models, but the absolutely shit art style made it an untimately forgettable experience.

Which is kinda sad given that MGS1 was pure PS1 soul despite having a setting as drab as MGS4. And MGS3 was pure tech kino.

Attached: CYM_PS2_JP_Box.jpg (3200x2130, 2.67M)

get better at reading comprehension

The pushing of hyper realistic graphics killed gaming

It was actually 256x256, same as PS1. Except PS2 allowed more color depth.

Not if you wanted to avoid running out of VRAM!

Not really. The only issue I have sometimes is the aliasing but emulators can fix that for me so it's usually not a problem

Manhunt is one of the ugliest games on PS2

No, they are fairly good.
Exception are JRPGs, for some reason a lot of them minus Final Fantasy have aged like dogshit.

The greatest gens for JRPG were the 5th and 6th

Yeah, they definitely have better graphics. Just watch something like the PS2 Wild Arms games and tell me they don't look lazy as fuck. Most JRPGs of the PS2 generation have an issue with characters looking almost dead and when they move they look like they are floating around. I guess anime aesthetics don't translate well into polygons (unless your game is Guilty Gear).

I looked up Wild Arms, looks like Pokemon sword and shield on Switch

you should go to the cinema

Games like Killzone and GTA3 have aged badly but I think a lot has done quite well. Games like Burnout 3 and GT4 actually look better than I remember. Late stuff like FFXII and MGS3 still look great.

>VIDEO games

MGS3 runs really badly though.

i dont get enjoyment from graphics
only from gameplay

the only thing that separates ps2 games from ps3 ones is lighting

only stuff older than 5th gen is too garbage looking for me


The mark of the zoomer

As long as I can scale resolution, I don’t really care

For most PS1 characters the face was stored on the same 256x256 texture as the body, for PS2 characters the body texture and the face texture were their own 256x256 texture file. Sometimes you'd even have more, especially for stuff like cutscene only models, you'd have a texture for the upper body, a texture for the lower body, a texture for the face and a fourth texture file just for the hair all of which are the same size. Leon in RE4 was like this.

Silent Hill 2/3 and Okami are bloody gorgeous, though.


is ps2 emulation still shit?

Hey can you make me some webms of PS2 games?

Not even. I especially unironically enjoy the grainy look of 3D stuff on the ps1
t. Grew up on GameCube/PS2

Suikoden’s style as aged like fine wine

Same, I unironically think this looks fine.

Attached: PSX-Wild-Arms-Screenshot-5[1].jpg (957x729, 169K)

flase dichotomy

higher graphic standards have nothing to do with the industry being shit

>007 64

Normalfags are often fueled by nostalgia but know nothing of videogames


Its not hard to make them yourself,use OBS or Shadowplay if you have a Nvidia gcard

Nah. I'd say that early PS3 stuff honestly looks worse. I'm playing Yakuza 3 HD and it just looks bad in so many ways now.

I’m a zoomer and most of my friends are. I’ve never heard of them not liking games because of graphics or whatever. Hell I played a super blurry God Hand on a big TV because that game is as smooth as butter. I haven’t heard anyone young unironically not enjoy older games or their graphical style. I’d say that for me though, most NES games are a little too rough for me to appreciate. I love punch out, Zelda, and Mario, but Metroid on NES was boring to me even though I loved super Metroid

I really like it. To me, it’s the font and the “thinness” is the polygonal models” I really dig

It does in some sense, since it’s one of the large contributing factors to development budgets inflating to astronomical proportions. Graphical fidelity was important from a functional perspective because it allowed big open world games found best on PC actually make an audience on console (even though they still usually play best on PC). But now that expectations are to have an UHD game with 4K support, now ridiculous amount of resources are spent on rendering layers of post processing and texture filtering - both monetary and computational - in addition to core design. It cuts deeply into the cycle in which games are developed

The backgrounds, portraits, and battle render in that game are gorgeous. Even though I prefer 6 as a game just a little bit more, 7’s graphics have a really nice charm to them

>higher graphic standards have nothing to do with the industry being shit
They have a lot to do with it, actually. For one thing, the higher standards have helped drive up the cost of game development, making it prohibitively expensive for all but the biggest companies. That means fewer developers, which means fewer games, and everything getting consolidated under a few giant corporations run by people who have never even played a game in their life. To keep things running at this level, games have to be heavily focus-grouped in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator so that they can sell enough copies to offset the enormous cost of development and marketing (and because the people in charge are just greedy bastards).

If you mean 2D Suikoden, sure. But I find 3D PS2 JRPGs have aged badly, for the most part. Again, Final Fantasy seems to be the exception (which isn't saying much, as FFXII is probably THE best looking JRPG on the console and FFX looks pretty good too). Oh, and Nocturne looks fantastic too.

>Two faggots spouting bullshit
>Not a single source between them
Higher standars for graficx just keep developers from being lazy fucks, do you know how much easier it is to make games now? The added costs come from hiring people for diversity and developing games in expensive cities like California instead of hiring for actual talent and developing in places that make sense.

why did mech games die in the mid 2000s they were pretty popular and some even fantastic, it's weird how it just fell off the radar

>Its not hard to make them yourself,use OBS or Shadowplay if you have a Nvidia gcard
I can't emulate only have a laptop with integrated graphics.

The only thing that gets me about PS2 games is the smeary-ass textures a lot of games have.
That's it. Otherwise, they look pretty nice.
really though, I spend a lot of time playing PS1 games, so PS2 graphics are a bit luxurious in some regards for me

FF7 is kinda ugly, but not absurdly so. The backgrounds range from "mid-90s SGI plastic" to moderately decent, but the overworld models are ass.
They're visually distinct, unlike in later games, but they just look kinda retarded.
In battle looks pretty okay... but then you get to see the game chugging along at 15fps.

FF7's use of smooth-shaded polygons over textured ones (especially with the enemy models) makes it look a lot cleaner than FF8 though.
FF8 is a grainy mess in a lot of ways, even if it's generally a bit nicer to look at than FF7 (especially because of the far, far, far nicer overworld renders).

Compare the average budget of games from triple A studios now and then. Now, the biggest games like MGS and FF had huge budgets, but if you compare staff numbers and development costs of games like silent hill 2 to later entries in the series, the gap is very very clear. I didn’t give a source because this isn’t an academic discussion, but I’ll gladly pick out a works cited if you want to play that card. Funnily enough your argument needs sources
>graphics make devs less lazy
Source needed. If anything it cuts into development time and turns a game into a feature list. Devs aren’t “lazy” when they’re focusing on core gameplay even at the expense of graphics - look at God Hand
>easier to make games
With third party engines, absolutely it’s easier to fit designs down, but those middlewares exist because the complexity of asset development, design, gameplay loops, etc. has only increased as fidelity and expectations of novelty have
>diversity hires
Source needed. Otherwise this is just typical Yea Forums talking point bullshit
>expensive cities like Cali
Source needed, because games are made by studios everywhere...
Hell, operating costs aren’t even that high given the sales figures of games and the big care packages that companies give their studio employees - it doesn’t factor into actual dev cost of a game

You know next to nothing about the dev process and you’re pulling shit out of your ass

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FF7 is not nearly as ugly as the first half life

>>You know next to nothing about the dev process and you’re pulling shit out of your ass
So you still have no sources for your bullshit and rest of your whole post was just a big "no u". why am I not surprised?

you must be blind or retarded to think that

Half-Life is still a classy looking game.



I was passing by the thread and saw your absolute faggotry from afar.

now don't get me wrong, I came in here to judge for myself before calling you a faggot and upon closer examination you remain a faggot

because i like this thread and dont want it to die to be replaced by generic wojak/twitter screencap threads

late ps2 stuff was genuinely magical for how far it went above early ps2. that and early ps3/360 games were imo the perfect balance of soul and graphical necessity

Videogames died in the mid 2000 in general



I thought Yakuza looked pretty good. I want to play the sequel sometime, I've heard it improves on what I thought were the game's biggest flaws.

As long as it's got widescreen support and runs at 1080p/60fps, I'm cool with it.

Attached: 1532371225568.png (917x610, 677K)

that it does, the combat is no longer fucking stiff, there is more shit to do and explore, the story is better and the sometimes hilariously bad dub is gone. ARROGANT MO THER FUCK ER

Yeah, I didn't like how repetitive the game was when it came to the combat, especially because it was somewhat bad because of the lock-on system (though it was very enjoyable at first).

definitely not in the era of emulation where we can increase resolution. The only thing holding PS2 back was that the native resolution would make everything blocky. The models themselves are pretty good.

Haunting Ground looks gorgeous.

Attached: haunting_ground_fiona_belli_by_kebzuref_db64rcu-pre.jpg (1145x698, 43K)