Grind the same area until level 98

>grind the same area until level 98

Attached: IMG_20190821_000828.png (500x617, 583K)

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Ages aren't levels

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Trans rights.

>work at Walmart
>eat whatever you want because you can buy food
>get to communicate with friendly people every day
>learn names of coworkers and have a lot of fun
>sometimes even dogs go into store

Really can you name a more perfect life?

Some walmarts are unironically comfy not filled with insufferable people.

Dude's so old he forgot to bring his arm to work.

He probably just works 12 hours a week to get out of the house.

work harder Don, tyrone needs those welfare checks

user what's going on in your life where you're not allowed to eat food

>complete game
>unlock all achievements
>have all the best gear
>bored as hell
>all your friends have quit the game already and moved on
>realize you will be leaving soon as well
>decide to spend your remaining time in the game at the starting area helping noobs
>it's not much, but there's some satisfaction in making a small difference
>the socializing aspect is nice, too
Anyways, Walmart is a shit corporation. I don't know that man's story, but I'd like to think he has had his fair share of experiences before deciding to settle down at this gig.