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Other urls found in this thread:

This girl always shows up in my recommendations for some reason. I didn't know she was a VA

>only worked on small parts
>books a major role
I guess they loved her "voice" acting out Aeris's behind the scenes role as a "flower girl". #hertoo

>See my Zelda stuff? Look at how nerdy I am!

Im planning to see if i can ask her how does she see Aeris personality in the remake so far, based on her work in the remake, and that if she's aware of how she was in the original.

You know I really don't want to be the kind of guy who just assumes there are no real girl gamers, because I've seen plenty, one of my coworkers has a bloody PC engine, so why is it whenever you see some "girl gamer" like this it's almost always just nintendo. I'd call you casual even if you where a dude in this case.

shut up reee it hurts my narrative
fucking w-white knight, kys, yo-you wont have sex!

>thinking Square VA work is going to be good.
Square has a long history of terrible voice direction even when we know the talent doing the voices are fine.

Trans rights.

>I am aerithhhhhh
hearing it outloud is like nails on a chalkboard

FFX voice acting was considered bad because of no lip syncing, so the english VA (specially yuna) tried way too hard to match the lips, resulting in weird phrasing.

FFXII voice acting wasn't bad, just boring. I swear every voice is the same. Doesnt really matter, since a lot of stuff in that game is boring (not the gameplay though, that thing is fine, but the story and music...)
the rest i dont know. How was VA in 13 and XV?



Didn't watch the whole thing but sounds like she started the series with XIV. I'm assuming she never played VII. Does that mean we get another Sword Art Online type of moment where she gets an apology from Nomura for having to VA a role where she is a huge whore? Haha, just a joke, don't take me seriously as if I believe what I just said... Don't worry, I know Nomura will be replaced before the game is finished giving us some bastard version of the game and it will be some other guy giving the apology. Oh, you thought I was joking about Aeris being a whore? Don't be dumb user...

I was checking her channel, and at least she plays legit stuff. Still pretty normie, but at least she's not using her cleavage to grab attention and sell her "gamur gurl" shit

>type of moment where she gets an apology from Nomura for having to VA a role where she is a huge whore?
why the fuck do you think Nomura would interact with any of the Aerith voice actors bar Maaya Sakamoto, the one who actually speaks his language?

>No tits
>No ass
>10 yo haircut
>Literally ayylmao eyes
Bro how can Tifa even compete am I right?

are you gay?

>why the fuck do you think Nomura would interact
First off, read the spoiled part of what I wrote. Second off, did you already forget about Squenix ethics committee? It hasn't been that long user. People should still be seething over Tifa as a reminder.

Because Nintendo is the face of video games.
If, for some ungodly reason, you were the type of person who wanted people to see you as ebin gamer (usually for attention), you'd plaster your identity with Nintendo shit. People doing this, especially women, tend to latch onto Zelda.

I don't want to be "that guy" either, but anyone with a brain can see that Zelda and Nintendo in general are the go-to properties for "gamers."

why the fuck would Nomura or the new director interact with her at all over something that petty? She's already read the script.

Tifa is garbage compared to Aerith

>why the fuck would Nomura or the new director interact with her at all over something that petty?
Because the ethics committee will jump in and say that that is the ethical thing to do? Why the fuck would Reki Kawahara intereact with VA's over something so petty? It is the new world we live in user.

FFXII had some great voice acting, especially the judges and Balthier. FFXIII had such a bad script it's hard to tell. How good can a VA sound when they're talking about Pulse Falcie and Cocoon l'Cie? FFXV voice acting was good. Watch the campfire scene for pure kino.

Holy shit she's so cute! Thanks OP now I'm gonna start to orbit her

I mean, i didnt meant that FFXII had voice acting, but the quality of the voice was weird, and everyone sounded the same. Specially the grown up men.
At least FFX voice acting had recognizable voices. FFXII doesn't.

>FFXII had some great voice acting
This. FFXII might have been fairly shitty from a gameplay perspective but it was fairly kino for anything dealing with the story. Except Vaan and Penelo obviously. Why did Japan's shitty tastes have to bring those two into existence?

>FFXII might have been fairly shitty from a gameplay perspective
shit taste, FFXII gameplay zodiac version is great.

i want to hold her hands and kiss her on the cheeks

The audio was heavily compressed. Even the HD Remaster has crap vocals; they basically just turned up the mix. But the actual voice acting was done well.

Fuck off.

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The normal way that the game is MEANT to be played is to not play it... I mean, you have to actually set a challenge for yourself for gameplay to exist. I got a platinum trophy in the zodiac version and I literally did not participate in a single fight since I could turn heal into a gambit at the beginning of the game. I finished the game in maybe the 60's or 70's for my final level too so its not like I overleveled either. In fact, I didn't do anymore "grinding" than I needed in order to get my platinum trophy. My question is how you can even begin to defend a game that's default is to not be played?

kino nose + overbite combo desu

inb4 fired for violating NDA


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She sold flowers to them user. Firing her now would just result in a huge sexual harassment lawsuit.

Seems like she's taking it pretty seriously based on the video, I doubt she's violated it at all. She probably read every word of it multiple times.


B-bros, I, I thought she wasn't like this...

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I watched her FFXV playthrough, she cute and wholesome.

Dont you have some dilate to do?


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you don't speak japanese you dumb faggot

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super cute

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too much cuteness
thread cant hold on any longer

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shes gonna get NDA'd like the VA's in Fire Emblem did and removed from her role isn't she
I hope she does

whats NDA

non disclosure agreement
most companies have a signing that prevent you from bragging about being a voice in game until its released

>Dude Aeris is the superior waifu Tifags on damage control xD
Keep seething

Literally every VA have already tweeted about that stuff
and im pretty sure she she did a whole investigation before making a youtube video

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English VA for XII was fantastic, XIII's was good its just that the script was bad, XV's was okay with Noctis and Ardyn's performances being the standouts.

Honestly the only recent SE game with "bad" voice acting is KH3, where everyone sound so stilted and bored

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NDA is usually for divulging information about the game or job itself. unless it's a big name they're trying to reveal themselves for hype (which she isn't) i doubt they give 0 shits.

>most companies have a signing that prevent you from bragging about being a voice in game until its released
In those games, bragging about having a role would mean revealing new information about a game. Aeris is a known role in a remake. Her existence isn't exactly new news, and doesn't reveal any unknown information about the game. The ONLY thing she has done is put herself in a position where she has to double down on not letting any new information slip.

yfw she does a ff7remake playthrough when the game is released impersonating aeris and giving her thoughts about everything

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I wonder if she'll do a playthrough of the original beforehand and try to voice her there

The few clips we've heard of her sound better than literally every past English voice she's had.

Kinda wanted them to bring back Mandy Moore.

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no that guy got removed for sexually harrassment

even in old KH lee and nemoy had bad performance
kh just sucks

She was doing her FFXV playthrough when she got hired to be Aerith in FF7R.

Don't get me wrong, the dialouge in the series was always hokey as fuck but at least in the first two games they actually emoted properly. From BBS onwards everyone started sounding like monotone robots

that's literally a subfag image tho

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aerith sucks

this desu
aeris is way better

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zack dick

they never fugged

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No he didn't. If it was purely for the sexual harassment and not because he broke the NDA then the other VA who also broke the NDA wouldn't have been removed too.

Who's voicing her in English please it whoever did in KH.

Is this the FF thread? Is it worth playing ff12 just for Fran? She makes my penis hard

which KH?

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>same fucking katakana
Fuck you Japan, honestly

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Nope, if you like Viera just play 14.

I don't like mmos

she looks like she sucks cocks to get roles

she sucked mine and i made her aerith

B-But what about Mandy Moore?

Can you turn voices off at least?
I legitimately cannot play through this game with them saying this.

Damn she's got a really cute voice. Sounds perfect for Aeriths.
>Only 9k views
Now I feel bad for her.


Why in the fuck would you faggots prefer -th over -s. good fucking lord it sounds like sylvester the cat speaking.

She's friggin adorable. Perfect for Aerith. Never knew she does Youtube though. She was an actress before right? Was in some kind of a tv drama. Or was it Tifa’s V.A?


I don't get it.

V-vros I have to be honest. I'm swapping my waifu Aerith now. It used to be Tifa. I-is swapping allowed? I know now, there's a lot more to a women than just tits. A nice child bearing hips and perky ass is the true way.

What about Tifa's VA?

Attached: tifa_bigger.webm (850x530, 2.9M)

This retarded -th/-s debate is so baffling.

Just stop being subhuman EOPs and play in Japanese.


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Bigger is better.

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She looks fatter.

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is she taking a shit?

Wait. Thigh gap exist?? I thought it was physically impossible and whild not looking like a literal skeleton.

Watch the non cropped version user.


I actually loved that scene beacuse it was so fucking weird it felt like a legit borderline mental breakdown.

I wish

that was nice BE is my favourite fetish

Ali Hillis was great as our goddess Lightning

I really happy for her and all... but I'll be playing with Jap VA and subs (:



>cute VA to go with cute character
How can Tifa even compete

Here's your Tifa bro

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Britt *Baron, not Bond. I was thinking of Bridget Bond

She's not?
I was already looking it up for the source, fuck.

Sakamoto Maaya is alright I guess, but what's with that video? What is this shit?

To be honest, English fits FF7 much better than nip. Same with MGS games.

Spoken like someone who hasn't actually played FFXII. Anyone who says that you can just let the game play itself has actually never played the game, especially the last quarter, and is full of shit.

It's fucking Final Fantasy.

Stay mad forever, Aerith has always been her name, Aeris is a mistranslation just like half the original script.

Right, a series based on Western mythology and DnD.

Doesn't mean anything when the result is Japanese as fuck. The only visibly westernized one is FFXV, and even then not entirely.
Kojima is a massive westaboo and sucks Hollywood cock, the comparison is not even close.

Pretty cool to get someone who’s passionate about the project.

>First big role
>Trying her hardest to improve every day
>actually likes the games
>had to put her YT channel on hold for it

Why do I have this awful feeling that this will be one of those situations where the autistic fandom absolutely hates her and bullies her off the Internet?

I wish her the best of luck anyway

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I actually like a lot of the VA in the first Kingdom Hearts game, but it's gotten worse and worse over the years.

Shadowbringers was pretty great though

>English VA

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Because those are entry tier franchises to the industry. Like having your room full of Titanic/avatar merchandising and calling yourself a cinema entrepeneur.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, to each their own, but many people that are invested in whatever get annoyed or angry when someone else who clearly is at best an amateur claims to be around the same level. Note that I didn't say this is unique to women or videogames at all, this happens with any discipline and usually because the other part has a dependency of having an stablished identity and being part of X group fullfills it.

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Is she single

>pic shows Aerith
faggot op

>enjoying shitty no-bass-frequencies nip voices
right back at you

she seems nice, good for her i guess

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She looks just like I imagined when playing the original. Fuck all the nitpicking faggots, the game looks great.

>mm-muh-muh culture...
>filthy gaijin...
>muh superior language...
Get the fuck over it dude, jesus christ. Weebs are on the same level as furries.

I thought the whole cast are actors from the CW show

So how long till this thot #metoos someone?

Breaking and entering?


>looking forward to FF7 Zoomer edition

btw red xiii was cut from this game

you are a massive retard like good god mate

Literally who the fuck are you quoting.

Why would the fandom even do that? I can see people love her already?

Did you see Yea Forums after the Tifa reveal?

>tfw Aeris was always my favorite girl
>everyone's finally waking up to the fact

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T i f a
L o c k h a r t

>giving a shit about dub shit-tier ""actors""

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Plenty of unknown voice actors get main roles in important games. Ashley Johnson with TLOU, Denise Gough with The Witcher III, Roger Clark with RDRII...
You're a retard if you think you must be Troy Baker to get a AAA role

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There are very few girls that are gamers, not core gamers at least. I can tell you right now though if they go on youtube with a video that's like "Hi all! look at my zelda stuff!!!" Good chance its a "gamergirl"

>that cute girl twitch streamer I used to watch who had like 15-20 viewers
>used to play Shin Megami Tensei games and Mount and Blade
>she stopped streaming
feels bad man

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You realize that the platinum trophy involves beating all of the judge magisters in the 100th trial and finishing all of the hunts, including Yiazmat, right? You're lying your ass off, bro.

White whore fucking dogs

>tfw can't even peak at 5 views
I don't want to facecam or talk.

Yeah? And?