Hey/v/ , console pleb here, finally going back to pc masterrace

Hey/v/ , console pleb here, finally going back to pc masterrace.
What do you think of this PC? My Plan was Building a rig by myselfe for about 1600-1700€ but this offer looks pretty nice

Attached: IMG_0256.png (2048x1536, 969K)

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Build your own, it's basically Lego at this point and there's a satisfaction knowing you built your own rig. Plus that tower looks like shit

Of course you're getting prebuilt


go on /ic/ and ask them what kind of drawing tablet you should get.


Ipad is the only real tablet on the market. Adroid tabs can not compete


Go to /g/

it's good, but i don't advise mixing ryzen with nvidia, try to use one of the new AMD GPUs instead, your pc might even get a bit cheaper with the same performance

get an ASUS motherboard instead of ASRock
also check if the PSU isnt a no name brand

oh no no no no

if i was buying a computer for office performance, i would pick up a ryzen
at that point he should just pick up a toshiba satellite

looks like it's priced around what you would pay to build it yourself, but the mobo and psu are always lackluster in prebuilts. Better to pickout the best components yourself.


if i was buying a computer for office performance, i would pick up a ryzen
at that point he should just pick up a toshiba satellite

That price is actually pretty reasonable for a prebuilt.

those seem like amazing specs, how is this so cheap?

Attached: pcvc.png (1110x407, 146K)

>amazing specs
>so cheap
Not really.

Tablets are the most worthless thing ever, especially in a world where 2-in-1s exist.
That said, stick to consoles OP, we don't need more of this shit.

OP's is good, this one is overpriced because it has a logo slapped on top.


Attached: wIdog1U.jpg (1810x1242, 114K)

nope, iPad pro.

>locked intel chip


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That's just garbage and a waste of money.

This is probably what I would build if I were to build a new PC pcpartpicker.com/list/KxnPbX

dumb question but why cant i find HDD on pcpartpicker? dont most people get a SSD and HDD?

blower's meh when the sapphire card is $30 more and i wouldn't buy anything corsair unless it's gold rated/modular. No reason not to go with TLC and up NVMe drives when they're priced so similarly to sata.
Both are under storage, click add more storage and sort by SSD.

the 3600 is a better buy becuase it's almost the same (like the 3700x gets 118 fps while the 3600 gets like 114 or something) and it's a hundred USD less. Buy a Hyper 212 black cooler, overclock it and it'll be a much better bet.
get a 2070 super as your GPU and a 650w gold cert power supply
144hz 1440p monitor from MSI


new consoles will have a zen 8 core, might be a bit more prudent to get the 3700x, games are starting to use more cores. He's spending upwards of $2000 after all.


AMD cucks can't touch me in gaming

>SSD secured for Windows + Games
>3TB Grog era drive for all the anime
>1660 easy OC to 1660ti performance
>New dead silent CPU cooler + 1 more module of the same memory coming next month


idk man, I have no idea how much euros are worth.
I'd get the 9700k over either though, DESU. Especially since he is gaming.
But whatever, it's too late for me to continue this

>intel in 2019
>anything below 9900k
bad case of room temp IQ

Attached: badger.png (415x320, 33K)

>apple product user
stick to consoles, they're more your speed

Nah, its wacom.

Just disable the rgb fans, silly billy.

Bro just switch commas and periods haha that'll show the americans

I haven't had issues with my Ryzen 5 and RTX 2060

What's the best looking case?

Anything fractal puts out. Also partial to the premium ITX enclosures.

Attached: mitx matx atx.jpg (4032x2268, 1.35M)

My motherboard just crapped out on me. So now I plan on upgrading my entire rig. What's a good motherboard and cpu combo and a good GPU, right now I have a rx 580.
Pic related, its my case.

Attached: Snapchat-495838296.jpg (1332x2560, 845K)

what do you play/want to play? what resolution/refresh rate? any budget?

hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah aHHAh Ah AHAH AHAHHA AHHAHAAH


>what do you play/want to play?
I usually only play RTS, but I want to play modern games on it too.
>what resolution/refresh rate?
I had it plugged in to my 4k tv, but I want to buy a second monitor for 1080p/144hz just for when I'm gaming.
>any budget?
I'm in no hurry, still have my laptop and I'm a console player mainly, but I when I finally supe up my PC, I want it to be good enough for me not to have to worry about it for the next few years.

This should be more than enough.

Thanks, user.

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>not mentioned: 80 wood+ chinese psu that explodes the minute your warranty expires

>GTX 1650
>no SSD
It's shit.

Attached: cynthia laughing.png (1000x1000, 195K)

>only plays RTS
>has 4K TV
>wants a 1080p 144hz

Bro it's RTS... 60hz with or without vsync is fine. You only need a 144hz for try hard online shooters. Stick with the TV unless you need a monitor because of space/size, even in that case I'd say get a nice 1440p/144hz, 1080p is shit.

3700X is more worth it than the 9700k. 3700X runs cooler without delidding, better multi-core performance, and is cheaper too.

my aspire finally kicked it. im looking to get a little upgrade and had my eyes on a refurbished swift 3. anyone know of this one?

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bare in mind you'll have to update the bios on the tomahawk board to use ryzen 3000. It's a great board if you want to save $80 but if you'd rather not mess with any of that i'd get the asus tuf gaming x570 or wait for cheaper b550 boards to come out.


That is criminal

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Just a bad idea long run to mix different hardware like that. Pick a team and stick to it or things can get fucky.

i have meshify and while i do like it
it does come with some flaws like the power off button is too easy to hit by mistake and no front slot for a dvd was super duper gay

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go for quiet operation and no mechanical drives instead of glass and flashy lights.
build your own to be part of TMR.

fucking Yea Forumstards i swear..

>Just a bad idea long run to mix different hardware like that.
What? A friend of mine built a Ryzen 1600/GTX 1060 PC two years ago and it hasn't given him any issues since.

just buy an alienware if your buying prebuilt
they keep their resale value for some reason

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>What? A friend of mine built a Ryzen 1600/GTX 1060 PC two years ago and it hasn't given him any issues yet.

Fixed the bug in this post. No need to thank me.

~Yea Forums Error Corrections

ryzen 5 APU is a much better value. costco.com/.product.100496219.html

my xbox onex cost 500 euro when I bought it 2 years back, games on it look relatively the same to your overpriced virginbox, I have a HOT gf and fuck way more than a loser like you

my imam said that xboxs are haram how did you get your imam to let you buy a xbox one?

good find thanks

My german user. Go to mindfactory and build your own PC, it will be better and cheaper.

the imam killed himself after seeing my HOT blonde gf, probably decided to take the gamble with those virgins from heaven

So I have a prebuilt rig that I've been running for close to a decade now and I've replaced a handful of parts over the years. Only the motherboard, HDD and a couple fans are original. I've been thinking about possibly moving it over to a new tower in the future. What are some nice towers, and if I were to replace the motherboard, what should I be aware of in general? I'm pretty green around the ears when it comes to hardware as I've only replaced specific parts in my rig

Just realize anyone who builds their own sees this ugly prebuilt they will think you're stupid and incompetent


guys with "prebuilt rigs" have so many people over all the time, this really is a big problem
watch out OP

So guys with prebuilts are friendless losers?

I don't know, I don't have a "prebuilt rig"


Why you keep quoting something I never said?

I play other games besides RTSs, but I want to get back into them, but it's really hard to play them on my 55inch, which is why I want a monitor. I'll look into a good 1440p/144hz.

I'll wait, like I'm said I'm in no rush. Plan on getting building it late December - early January after peak season at work.

it only costs 2 euros? What the fuck?

Prebuilds are better than selfbuilts these days.
Tech companys have deals with hardwareproducers to get their parts cheaper, so they resell them pretty cheap, unless you buy them on some stupid brand site that charges 500$ for a stupid e-celeb name printed on it and dumb LED's.
Since you`re german i recomend you agando to buy a pc, op.
You can freely optimize their prebuilts to your hearts wish, they tell you if parts dont work together and how much W your power supply needs. You cant do anything wrong.

Who am I quoting?

Continentals write thousands with periods rather than commas.

he's looking at sub $400 laptops. Building a pc is obviously preferable but it doesn't always suit everyone's use case. It'd be tough to throw together a machine that's just as portable, powerful, and similarly priced. The ryzen APU's are great for what they are.

>1650 4gb

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First of all, good on you joining the glorious PC master race! Gaming on PC is usually a much better proposal, cheaper (PC game keys, usually activating on Steam preferably, are discounted WAY more than console keys, faster etc) , and with way more options available to you.

I can't say for certain if that prebuilt is a good deal as I don't know anything about local German computer part prices and the like, but overall the universal truth is that if you can build it, you'll get the best performance and value for your money. If you absolutely want a prebuilt, the one you list has some decent parts but they don't list all the details so I can't be sure.

At the amount you want to spend first - does that NOT include a monitor and/or things like keyboard/mouse? Many people talk about "building a computer" meaning specifically the tower/box, but if you don't have a monitor you want to use already etc... then that can be a significant part of your budget. KB/M , even decent ones don't have to cost a fortune and are less of an impact, but still are part of the overall budget.

Assuming you are just talking about the PC case and things that go inside it, that pricing your list makes for a powerful gaming PC! I'd suggest some of the followinng..

but I'm about to run out of room. More in next post..


OH NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: the military shanty town of ryzen.jpg (1920x1987, 2.22M)

r8 and h8 my upcoming build

you're spending $2500 so why not get a big noctua or be quiet! heatsink? also i wouldn't buy RTX new, it just isn't worth it. Try and see if you can pickup a cheap 2070/80 from the knuckleheads upgrading to a super.

just build ur own with old pc parts for 200 bux
its just gonna become a dedicated shitposting machine anyway

Enjoy your Chinese back door and botnet.

You know AMD chips have the same backdoor, right?


Build your own. You get a couple of hours of FUN, satisfaction at the end when it boots and you will save yourself a couple hundred local currency.

I slapped a rx570 into my 5 year old PC.
Cost me €150. Now im playing battlefield V on all high settings.

Feels cost effective.

Built a PC last month but I feel like it's not gonna last long
>RTX 2060
>Ryzen 5 2600X

eh I think that's pretty ok deal
but you might build yourself to save around €200-300

stop being an embarrassment, frederik

>no front slot for a dvd was super duper gay
user, those have been gone for good for a long while now.


Attached: amd vs intel priceperformance.png (2523x820, 605K)

the fact that 9700k is faster than 9900k in most games makes me laugh

hyperthreading is such a fucking retarded feature. even with the neutered cache the 9700k is still faster purely because no HT overhead.