What is the 'Weird Al' of Video Games?

What is the 'Weird Al' of Video Games?

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Probably an old Lucas Arts game.

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Conker's Bad Furday

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X's story mode


100% correct

>100% correct

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Joke translations, obviously.
Didn't he help write the Great Mighty Poo song?


That weird ass penguin game for jaguar

hyperdimension neptunia

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Nep is the only satirical referential videogame series that comes to mind.

Katamari Damacy.

It's rumored to have been, but never officially acknowledged.
I picked Conker because it's a parody of many movies and games.

You Don't Know Jack


Hideo Kojima

why is she so perfect?

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He never curses

Please don't insult Weird Al like that.


Not even sure what that would mean. Penn and his shitty Desert Bus game?

Keep saying it

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To be fair, the song is censored anyways.

Weird Al doesn't do annoyingly smug irony. He just makes stupid joke songs.

Naw, Weird Al has actually made a good movie.

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Because she is not real baka

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She could spear a fucking salmon with that chin

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Postal 2

Point at this sheltered boy and laugh at him for his lack of knowledge.

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Someone had that idea in 2006 as well

The Tekken Series?

>Usually pretty dang good
>Crossovers like mad
>Large fanbase that fluctuates but has been around forever

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The Lego games

>unfunny and derivative
chef boyardee

Borderlands is the children singing his songs on the playground thinking they're cool.


Gex but switch movies for music.

I can see it

YouTube Poop


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So far the closes I can think of.

sam and max is really the only correct answer eve n tho its technically based on a comic

>someone else on Yea Forums is aware of Deathspank

One of the few games that made me laugh. Still holds up well too.

It's a nice treat, for sure. I need to finish The Baconing sometime ever.

Definitely Kingdom of Loathing

Yeah it's really good too!

Armed and Dangerous or Citizen Kabuto

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>The Baconing
God please kill everyone who thinks bacon is funny.

This is as close as it gets. I don't understand all the stand-alone suggestions in this thread.

Barkley: Shut Up and Jam Gaiden

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I don't know who this clark kent-ass kike is user.

keep saying it

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what made this thread successful but not?

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Maybe because people know who the hell Weird Al is and yours is a 'literally who?'

It's not made by a stupid mexican

You either slam with the best, or never release your sequel.

Vamos inti la conshasumadre

Frog Fractions

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Honestly this


But Weird Al is funny


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>Insanely popular for doing his own thing
>Hard to hate
>Cameos in fucking everything
Shovel Knight


30th anniversary of this next week

>hard to hate and cameos in everything in the same post
Fuck this blue nigger and those cuntd trying to force him as the face of nu-indie games

Al was big even before you were dodging coat hangers.

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cool twitter gif my fellow baconator may i save it? :)