Why is league the more popular of the two?

why is league the more popular of the two?

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Lower skill cap
Less toxic community
Better advertising
Patches and champions released frequently

>Less toxic community
I'm sure they are equally garbage

Nah, Dota 2 has the most toxic community in gaming by far.

so it's the better game?

Low IQ shit for the common masses

Variety of "anime" style characters
Way better marketing, or marketing in general like the music videos or cinematics
Flashy gameplay, high mobility, low cooldowns, spammy

I wouldnt say its because of a lower skill cap but a lower skill floor, there are so many mechanics that are vital to playing dota well that they never teach you, league is more streamlined in that regard with most things being upfront

>Patches and champions released frequently
Patches completely kills champios or buffs stuff into broken state, that's terrible balance, you are not supposed to rotate champions.
Also the champions released always power creep everything else in the game. Release OP champion, sell skin, nerf him to the ground and repeate.
Basically, placebos.

Yup, that's capitalism baby. Making sweet money off those champion and skin bundle releases.

Half the heroes in league are designed so your dumb useless girlfriend can play.

take that back, my girlfriend isn't dumb...

I was going to respond but said everything that's needed to be said.

It's actually lower skill cap and a lower skill floor.

I agree but more people would play Dota if it had the same skill cap but a lower skill floor.

Yeah. Learning Dota 2 is fucking brutal. 500+ hours just to get a basic concept of all the heroes and items.

>95 of 117 heroes already picked for TI9 qualifiers
>Only 10 of those not picked were also not banned.
I just hope I get to see Puppey Techies.

user... like, only 7 heroess are left that haven't been picked.
I know Clockwerk and Dark Seer are two of them.

All of this, but without lower skill cap.
They're both the same skill ceiling - And moba players love exaggerating it, trust me.

In general League is a more solid game, Dota feels like an unmoderated cesspool of 3rd worlders (because it is)

I've tried both. Dota 2 has the quantity in spades, but the shit you find in League is basically, "I'm going to tiptoe around the rules so that someone ELSE says the n word instead of me!"

You used a lot of words to say League is less toxic than Dota. Shut the fuck up.

If by less toxic, you mean too scared of the tribunal system. Everyone still acts like retarded fucks to piss people off, they're just too scared to go all in like Dota players.

LoL is still "toxic", but it is in the most passive aggressive way. At least with DOTA when someone rages they rage in a big burst. LoL players seem to keep making backhanded remarks and "flowery" versions of what they really want to say all game.

>They're both the same skill ceiling - And moba players love exaggerating it, trust me.
I also love how you out yourself as a SEETHIHNG lolbab the very next line.


don't play an American game.

As someone who played both


>Lower skill cap

>Less toxic community
Wrong, they are both equally toxic

>Better advertising
Yes. Even a simple Meet the Hero vid would be enough, but I assume Valve no longer have these guys around.

>Patches and champions released frequently
While it's true, in Dota each new patch is groundbreaking, each new hero mixes up the way you play the game, since their skill palette is fundamentally different.
In LoL it's mostly low quality updates for the sake of having an update. They abandoned the attempt to balance it and just rotate what they think should be meta. New Champions have that one gimmick, but most of them are similar to each other, with the newer being more powerful version, so it sells better. Champions are not freely available as the Heroes in Dota.
Though I have to say, before I quit playing LoL they apparently got someone aboard who knew game design and went experimental with the newly designed Champions, but I am not sure if he made the necessary impact. If an impact is needed at all.

>Dark Seer
Is he still nerfed into the ground? He was my boy

Mars is just a better clock, change my mind.
The little boy needs a rework

Crtl+F Dota 2.

did you know during a single TI group stage day (22 or so games) more heroes (90) were picked than the entirety of the last worlds

are you a retard

one game has moderation

the other game doesn't

I wonder which is more toxic

Yeah and I can assure you not a single soul has bitched about him, i have no clue where the hate comes from.
My theory is that he is just boring to watch amd our favorite frog doesn't want pros to pick him

I play both games (and HoN, but we don't talk about HoN anymore). Both games have moderation. You don't play Dota. Stop replying to me.

Link got fucked. adl.org/media/13139/download

I'd say play the keen folk in customized metal armour up further if any rework for clock was happening.


There's actually a fucking Region Lock in the game, so you don't get with dirty spics as an American that actually speaks English
In Dota no matter when you que or anything else you get at least half a team always of dirty spics that literally can't speak English.

Heroes of newerth was way more toxic

They implemented a soft region lock like a year ago. You almost never get any spics on your team anymore, but the enemy team is almost always spics.

If they rework him they will ruin him like they did the rest of the reworked heroes


>MUH lel is less toxic.
>When you say anything mean you get banned.

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>eye catching art style
>A lot of girl/feminine champions
>politically correct community
Call a tranny a fag or a man gets you b&
>Roles therefore Jungle is a role
>lower skillgap
Never have seen a support carry a game whilist in a dota i've managed to make carry wisp
>faster pace
>women playing it
>better ranking system
like a taunt, dance, laugh
dota 2 you need to buy that crap

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LoL players do not have to deal with foreigners on their home servers. That alone makes it less toxic by default

Wow 4%
FOUR PERCENT what a HUGE difference.
Within a margin of error of usually 5%, it actually proves my point that the toxicity is more or less the same.

>They implemented a soft region lock like a year ago.
>You almost never get any spics on your team anymore
That's a fucking lie, I know your lying out of your ass right now but go ahead and post some links that prove that.
You won't because its a fucking lie and the spics have absolutely ruined the two US servers
Also considering the fact the game itself has been slowly ruined by adding shit like Status resistance and more reddit items that should go into a game like LoL, means it's pretty much fucked.
But go ahead and post this proof of this soft region locking which is not true in the slightesT

>fortnite is #2
The game is perfectly playable solo if you stay on rumble and solo.
The PvE side is a different story since the BR niggers ruined the community and you're kind of forced to play with other people until you get strong enough to slap shit on your own.

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>I have no idea how soft region lock works
I've never had a spic on my team ever since.

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LoL is the casualized normie-friendly demake of dota, it was engineered to be more popular at the cost of depth and skill ceiling

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>region lock doesn't ex-

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>tfw university wanted to make an official LoL team and Overwatch team
>tfw even though it failed wish there was a DOTA team.

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start a dota team then? oh wait you play support....

LoL is only popular because of ads.
>go watch TI8 Grand Finals on youtube
>literally a fucking LoL ad right before I can watch

I unironically do. Puppey is my idol. That's the thing though, the DOTA "community" in my city are all big dick waving carries that won't take up my offer for a team. The idea of my university having a DOTA team was my last hope. I at least have a "team" of bongs and burgers I play with doing shitpost team comps.

LoL actually has marketing and it's targeted at underage with lots of anime and titties.
And once you play for a while there's a huge sunk cost factor.

Because it's literally more playable. They're videoGAMES. Meant to be PLAYED. And LoL feels more playable so it's an automatic win without even getting into the specifics of what makes it more playable, it simply feels more responsive and easy to pick up and do something... but this is a massive point against DOTA when they're basically the same game. You can't really act too elitist on this matter since they're both a 5 vs 5 3rd person game about pressing QWER to farm minions, kill enemy champions and destroy turrets/nexus. But one simply manages to make it feel more like a chore and also the art on DOTA is uglier.
And yes I'm full of hate because I tried to like DOTA 2 since people memed me into it being the superior choice but the colors are all on the muddy scale and the gameplay itself feels like a prototype for LoL, like what LoL would have been if released in 2001 or something. I get it that some people might like it more as there's more micro-managing, but even those people should be able to admit they're playing something inherently worse.

Even then this just makes me more angry at LoL which I stopped playing years ago because their decisions are retarded and make the game unplayable. So my choices are an unbalanced game or one where I feel like I'm trying to swim through a swam.

Dota has roles tho, it's just that jungle isn't mandatory or even a good strat starting at level 1.

>Dota has roles tho
Not at all in the same way LoL does. LoL has a developer-forced mirrored layout of strict lanes and roles.

DOTA 2 roles are more about farming priority more than anything else I feel. How you get said farm for your role is what I like about DOTA, there isn't one "true" way of doing it. I feel constricted in LoL most of the time due to the specifications of each role. Say for example you are playing a jungler in LoL and not going ganking by level 2/3, you're doing it wrong.
That's why I miss old nunu, he didn't gank, he made sure the other jungler didn't gank.

Lol is like dota's down-syndrome cousin

There's probably a Resident Evil comparison to be made here but I can't pinpoint it. They're not so different to say LoL is RE 4 and Dota RE 2.
We could say LoL is RE 6 and Dota RE 4 gameplaywise, though those are different genres and RE 4 was still better thanks to the story and horror.

Alright, I got it. League of Legends is Resident Evil 3 while Dota is RE 1. Basically the same thing but it simply feels more outdated.

>Basically the same thing but it simply feels more outdated.
This is completely false though

More or less.
They are experimenting with a new system right now where you have separate MMR for support and core and need to select your role before queuing.
Every match gets 3 cores and 2 supports per team and there's a report option for people abusing it right now.

Not anymore, LoL is suffering from the problems it accuses Dota of. The irony is obvious given that LoL is declining while Dota is merely stable and balanced.

>> champions
>reworks out the ass means returning players have no clue what's what
>in and out burger of item reworks
Imagine relearning the game every year because they're autistic about balance. Meanwhile Dota a hero like Nature's Prophet and Sniper have been the same for years.

>art on Dota is uglier
What art, the graphics? The "art" like loading screens? Nigga LoL's engine is so fucking inferior it's amazing it even works.

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>Imagine relearning the game every year
You never have to do this because the lane/team comp meta has been the same for nine years now.

For the record I was claiming LoL is the unbalanced one. I like LoL, but it's unplayable due to bad balance.
While DOTA is like "trying to swim through a swamp" because it's slower and less inviting with its visuals and also harder, I get the feeling it doesn't want me to play it. Also matches last longer, which I like in LoL but not here if I'm not having fun.

The whole reason for two MMRs is that it deincentivizes queuing as support and playing a core because.
>you get SUPPORT MMR
Which most core players should find worthless.
>you obviously get reported a LOT
So it's probably unsustainable
Only pros and high MMRs really do it a lot because their queue times are abysmal because the player pool for core/support split is way too big. More people play core than support and if you had to force the player base to pick between core/support then more will lean to cores. Add in party MMR being solo and you have all the support players supporting their friends now because they're undoubtedly competent and work well in a duolane.

Valve should make leaderboard players simply exempt from the role queue system. While most leaderboard players are cores they don't mind playing support every couple of games in fairness. But when the system is 1-1-1-1-1 then it's really poor when they're placed into support all the time if they queue all roles.

But maybe I'm biased due to external factors like the Lore and more memorable character designs and voiceovers, those aren't exactly gameplay.
I remember reading the old stories about the tribunal on LoL, it was really well made. So many factions, characters being related to one another, stuff like dimensional gods being summoned in their weaker forms to this tournament, etc.. and every Champion really feels like a different Pokemon with so much art and merchandising and memorable quotes

Chinese infinite money and workforce.

I don't play either of the games and look down on people who do
I hope you're having fun swinging at the air

I think the streaming community around league has many likeable personalities people want to watch and then play the game. I don't know about dota, but I never see it on twitch outside a grand tournament where people put the tab on mute for rewards, like every major company handles it now.

having ads in yt, what a brainlet

dota 2 pro players are way too busy scrimming and playing tournaments to stream on a regular basis, the only popular that i can think of is bulldog cause he is now retired

>Pay to get yelled at by bulldog
I don't know why megacucks do it.

For some reason Dota 2 pros despise streaming. Arteezy gets 20k+ viewers any time he streams but literally streams like 5 times a year.
All that's left are washed up loserse no one cares about, like Bulldog or SingSing.

Imagine there's millions of alien races in the universe. One day, one of them stumbles upon our planet.

They are not impressed. Everything we have here they've seen already in thousands of flavors. Except one thing, DOTA. They've never seen anything like it. Their calculations show it's the most amazing game possible.

They try to play it. They tell about it to other empires. Even these extremely intelligent, can't play it good. The best alien, grey looking ayy lmao motherfucker, who has been called THE SAVIOR OF PLEYADIANS. This fella calibrated at 1700 MMR.

By this time DOTA is played in the whole galaxy. Empires bet entire planets on BO3's.

Watching human TI's sets the mood for the whole Milky Way.

Alien overlords decide they will breed humans to play DOTA.

They contact us and tell us the whole deal. Entire Earth industry and economy means nothing. Our technology is shit, we are primitive. What matters is that we are genetically engineered to play the best game possible.

People don't have to work anymore, playing DOTA earns you millions if you are able to achieve at least 3k mmr. Anyone who can calibrate at 2000 can become local star system HERO for the aliums. These who play at 5k become instant billionaires. Aliens give them anything they want, 10 tonnes of gold, advanced electronics, everything just so they play for their teams.

TFW Dota2 saved the humankind.

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Dota 2 looks and plays like a 2004 game still. League is more fluid and plays smoother as well

Dark seers been trashed, his biggest problem was getting to level 3, and getting his soul ring then, the frog nerfed this period even harder with ion shell and 2x stout shield nerfs. Shame I was climbing immortal ranks earlier this year with like 70% win rate with him

Because she doesn't exist?

>American game
Retards like you that just overuse words without knowing their meaning are the worst

Anime-ish aesthetics. Having played both for many years dota is a much more polished and mechanically demanding game.

LoL appeals to weebs more, LoL appeals to casual fans more. Those 2 groups outnumber "hardcore" gamers by a huge factor.

Primarily, It was first to market. Also the art style is better for the general audience because it's incoherent and allows them to do whatever they want with skins.


What reworked heroes did they ruin, or even rework significantly
>Void good rework
>Am very good rework
>blood meh
>brew meh but not sure
>beast perfect
>clinkz bad rework
Off the top of my head

You telling me you don't love farming outlanders joining your 4x mission and afking?

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I literally cant play more than two games of DotA with out being put on low priority. It's absolutely abysmal.

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I think they put too much pressure on not to stream to give away info, or pretending their too busy. Most could stream 2 games a day, it builds up a fanbase

What the fuck? What are you doing, murdering their cats? I shout at my allies all game and call them niggers and have like a 9k+ behavior score.

I played with the Invoker for like 2 or 3 months and don't know anything special about him, I guess he likes Dr Stone and writing E=MC2 on his shirt.
Meanwhile the LoL champions ooze personality and everyone playing the game can recite at least 10 lines from different champions and there's the rivalries they usually have (Noxus vs Demacia, Garen vs Darius, Kayle vs Morgana, Rengar vs Kha Zix).
And I don't know Mordekaiser's story, I haven't even played his reworked self, but I loved that walking suit of metal talking about suffering with music references on his skills trashing enemies. The characters are simply better. Then I go back to thinking about the Invoker and get bored.

fapbait heroes
has a females instead of angry russians and brs so virgin incels flock to it

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you don't play dota if you think it has mods, you can literally pick tiny and toss people under tower and not get banned

It’s easier
Anime shit
Cartoony artstyle
Riot tends to be more active and vocal in cultivating a community whereas Valve couldn’t give a fuck
Hit the f2p with skins scene at the perfect time after HoN screwed the pooch

I dunno honestly. Shit like "not being there for team fights" and "muting whole team", and "Not supporting" even though was beyond godlike as Clinkz last time played

Then you think about how complex a spell like cold snap is, how it's the only one of its type in the game, heroes which work well with it, items for it and realise invokes got 9 others spells

so you admit you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

It’s worth noting that dota patches are not only wild, but they also don’t explain shit. When League or even Smite change something significantly, they say why. That’s more fun to casuals who want to feel “involved”. Like, can you imagine the frog actually bothering to make a video on how to play a new hero? Fuck no

>not watching the legend himself, MASON

Because reddit witch hunts them and other pros watch their strats. Unironically, CCnC quit streaming because he couldn’t sneeze without reddit jumping down his throat and he said as much on another stream. The only ones who still stream don’t give a fuck, like EE

>less toxic communicity
they are both a fucking sever for this one lad

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NA is infested with chinks and spics

you don't get skins from watching dota on twitch

League came "first." Remember that it was League vs HoN years before Dota 2 came out. W3 DotA and Allstars didn't matter since everyone else had switched to LoL or HoN by then.

>clinkz bad

Technically there's a very low chance of getting a drop if you're watching when a mega kill or something happens if your twitch and steam are linked, and I think dota actually had that system a few years before any other game.

if you get a ban in dota you are doing something fundamentally more wrong than tossing your team under a tower
if you toss your team under a tower, you get LPQ.
now stop talking out of your arse

>I haven't played neither LoL nor dota
>But I can safely say that they have the same skill ceiling
Okay, retard.

no, there's a chance of getting skins if you watch matches in the game, not in twitch. valve has no reason to give twitch viewers when they have their own streaming platform

>what LoL boils down to is lasthitting and the first 2 teamfights
even to this day

so you queued for support role and picked clinkz? i'd say you deserve every report you get

Some things never change

Because it's better. In Dota you have abilities that single handedly decide a battle. In LoL there is nothing like this and requires repeated coordination.

Honestly, he’s not been figured out yet. Yeah, you can kill the shit out of people in the immediate area but you usually die too. You don’t push well and you don’t farm well.

>Lower skill cap
Poke champs will always be more skillful than one button heros.

Local Phase Quantization?

I miss Death Pact bro. Icefrog killed my favorite hero.

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>In Dota you have abilities that single handedly decide a battle. In LoL there is nothing like this and requires repeated coordination.
This is straight up not true.
Stop trying to argue about games you know absolutely nothing about

low priority queue
you basically have to dredge through 5 games with the absolute dumbest and most toxic people that have ever graced the internet


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Keep crying, Dota's skill cap is infinitely higher than LoL's and no amount of shitposting will magically make it false.

Mechanical skill is not the only kind that exists and even then, Dota's mechanical skill requirement still trumps LoL's. Spamming dinky projectiles in 2D against giant circle hitboxes with no punishment for missing does not take skill.

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it came first as a standalone game and the cartoony graphics and simple gameplay appeal normalfags and kids

You seem to think a skill ceiling has everything to do with pressing buttons. That’s why you’re a leaguekiddie and not a dotachad

he gets nerfs the second someone does figure him out, its ridiculous

>oh he can BD towers? nerf MS lol
>oh there are a few poc builds he can play? nerf strafe attack speed bonus :^)
>oh he can exploit soul ring? nerf ulti

>People who don't know how to build items economically with maximum efficiency
>These people have been playing for years. They're not new, they're just stupid
>They will talk shit on your build because it isn't the same inapposite cookie-cutter build that they use every single game regardless of their unique circumstances

I've quit MOBA in favor of 1v1 games because I like to be rewarded for my skill and knowledge.

I’d rather have someone who’s a strict meta slave than the dumbass who doesn’t realize Clinkz has been reworked until thirty minutes into the match. Or the Invoker who rushed naked midas but keeps trying to “team fight” 15 minutes in

LOL pros don't steam much either
It's all high elo one tricks and retired players that stream

dota pros don't feel like retiring because TIs prizepool is so ridiculous even a 16th placing nets you big pay(500k)

I don’t know about LoL, but dota players have almost zero chat interaction or stream personality outside of obnoxious twats like bulldog. Part of what makes arteezy so beloved is his genuine reactions to dumb shit

That's really odd. There's plenty of russian twitch clowns streaming dota almost exclusively, for years. Hence why its still so popular here

dota is legit stressful compared to league. There's way more shit you have to think about and account for which will scare away new people and super casuals. It's a much better designed game and the highs are way higher though

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>That period of time where they gave techies a different "get no xp = abandon" time.
I still enjoy playing the fuckers, nobody expects rat techies and yet I am up their tier 4s smashing them away.

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>Shit like "not being there for team fights" and "muting whole team", and "Not supporting" even though was beyond godlike as Clinkz last time played
Shit like this is precisely why I have avoided MOBAs like the plague. If I ever make a MOBA or a game where communication is essential, I'm going to do it Splatoon style, where you can map preset quotes to various buttons in order to get your point across, bypassing the need for either text or voice chat (along with any need for moderation that goes with it), while keeping those other forms of chat exclusively to private matches. I don't like to talk to players when I'm playing games myself, and I hate having to be forced to do so and risk getting reported by other players.

I would also design the game in general so that players can't actively sabotage their own team if they're not good at the game or are trolling (feeding, shooting their own teammates, etc), thus further avoiding the need for a report button.

D2has the most advanced ping system in games

What I love about Dota is the amount of shit that goes down that LoL players would be fined or disqualified for. The chat wheel spamming, the fountain hooks from TI3, announcers using profanity, Bruno's ridiculous suits, a player's display name being something like "small retarded fish" in one of the earlier matches this year, you can tell TI is just an extension of the natural Dota scene that already exists instead of some forced corporate thing that takes itself too seriously like OWL or LoL's pro scene.

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It's just a chat wheel and then two pings.
If there's one thing Dota should steal from LoL, it's their ping wheel system.

I stopped playing dota years ago because 90% of the playerbase are fragile autistics who'll hard throw a game because you didn't buy items in the correct order or put a ward down 3 inches to the left of where pros put it. I think the last game I played some tryhard morph just sat in mid and told the enemy team where his team was at all times for like 45 minutes straight because someone entered midlane for like 5 seconds when they "werent' supposed to" or touched the courier or some other minor thing.

I've never played a game that came as close to having as bad of a playerbase as dota.

It actually does have ping chat wheel. Hold down your click to ping and see what I mean.

Alt clicm gold items abilities etc

You LITERALLY can't be good at dota if you aren't a racist shithead

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I have about 1k games in dota I know rookie numbers and only in about 10 of them did I have anyone I would consider toxic. Ya more then a few bad players but its rare for me to play with flat and out assholes. I have a higher ratio in CSGO. Though its possible im just lucky.

That's the chat wheel, I said chat wheel.

LoL already stole that though, I'm talking about location pings.

I'm not talking about the chat wheel.
Start to do a normal ping, but instead hold the button down. You now have options to say "attack here" or "fall back to this tower"

same reason bud is more popular than Hoegaarden

you can location ping in dota, give it context like attacking/retreating/wards, draw, etc. I haven't played lol in like 4 years so they might have improved theirs, but to my knowledge dota's pinging shits on lol

Dota is high testosterone and "toxic", too much for women and söis to handle

LOL is inexplicably boring.

Dota has gotten worse over time. It peaked about 5 years ago.


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both are kind of shit because the matches could easily be made 15 minutes long if the games were actually well made

Nigger you can ping all sorts of things and it includes how many exp you need until you can learn a spell, if you have enough mana or how much you are missing, if your ultimate is ready or when it comes off cooldown, if you have enough gold to buy back or buy items, if people should use defense glyph.
The list goes fucking on.

There's 6 different markers for map pings now, stop pretending you know what you are talking about.

My bad, there were twitch drops around TI3 but it looks like they discontinued it. Did happen though.

yeah but party and solo is merged now so as long as you have friends it's fine. it's not catering to solo players anymore.

>this is how delusional and cringe DOTA players are

>being so fucking dense you can't pick up on blatant satire

You have multiple ping options in LoL now but LoL definitely doesn't have the amount of information that's pingable compared to Dota.

Not being able to alt click my shit drives me insane whenever I play another moba

Strict solo still exists so you're wrong. The point of combining both MMRs is now solo+party must be taken seriously because losing in party queue affects your only MMR. Con is that boosting is easier.

>Less toxic community

disregarding the word "toxic", have you played league or dota at all?
league community is nothing but whiny redditors and sjws trying to get everyone banned

1k hours in League, 5k in Dota 2.

LoL is more toxic, they LITERALLY invented and pushed "toxicity" so hard while trying to curb it down. They turned their game into a safe space where if anyone gets called a little bitch your account is disabled for a week. The mental fortitude of the average LoL player is easily a fraction of a Dota player.

Easier + mass market appeal. I'm not a fan of Dota, but let's face it: LoL is just a soulless corporate product made to whore itself out to as many people as possible.

>queue pos 5
>go safe lane carry
It was better when it was poorfags couldnt afford $4 dota plus

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Good, fuck toxic players. If they value playing LoL then they won't be toxic, problem solved.

>get reported
>get worthless support MMR as a carry player

And OW has taken it’s throne as an even more soulless product

>pressing buttons makes u skilled
in dota you have to actually think everything you do. your decisions afect the game a lot.
oh and also you press more buttons. LOL fags can't even use the courier lol

100% fucking true

only if you get reported multiple games in a row or abandon, reports are automated in dota
it is LITERALLY impossible to get banned from one game even if you get reported by all 4 of your team mates

>t. 1000 behavior score

DOTA having shitty art is 100% the reason

t. diamond ranked league player

Sounds like you're toxic as fuck then

league is for kiddie
now for dota 2
you can make some dough on the side while playan..
selling items

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>The chat wheel spamming
unironically why i love watching OG play
no matter how good or bad the game is it's always funny as shit how they just keep constantly hammering the chat wheel and eventually the other team starts to respond the same way

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how can league even compete?

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They have Guinsoo and Pendragon.

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I guarantee you a majority of the Dota playerbase are just unironic pseuds thinking they're actually smarter as a person for playing a video game. Their main reason for playing is not to have fun, it's to feign (non-existant) superiority over a group that literally does not care about whatever the fuck they do.
Kind of sad really.

>9-10k behavior score
>two supports start flaming each other
>they start wasting wards, feeding courier, feeding down mid

I miss 2012 when people played for fun and didn't take rank super seriously

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Solo ranked was a mistake. You can't do solo shit in a team game and expect it to go well, there are only a handful of heroes that benefit from the lone wolf style.

I love IF!

That's just factually incorrect. Every single member of the current best team in the world stream very regularly. Even teams like SKT have streaming schedules now. Even historically active pros used to stream a lot. That's literally how TSM rose to fame.

from order of most important to least important

>first to market
>no russians or heuheuheu's
>no turn speeds
>items in lol are less game changing
>better art
>slightly easier to pick up and get going
>free to play
>better skins and customization with runes and sum spells

T. played mobas since 2003, was a competitive dota all-star player and a diamond league player

Based af, well , literally, if u have over 1k hours and u still dont know how to play u r mental ill OMEGALUL

Yeah I feel like a lot of people are missing this and it's a big one. One good thing that riot has going is that there art, sounds and writing teams are phenomenal. The only real fuck up I can think of are zoe and varus. The amount of detail, uniqueness and likability they put into characters is what makes it for a lot of people. Take Jhin. His gameplay isnt that fun, it's just mediocre. But people absolutely love him for his character, it the sole reason a lot of people play him. Riot knows how to draw in specific fantasies and dota cant compete in field

Last time I played the items maybe weren't game changing but falling behind in lane and dying could mean that you could back with a short sword while the other carry went back to fountain as well and brough x3 as much attack damage in bought items and at that point your lane is pretty much over.
Did they ever change the items becoming more stat efficient at higher tiers?

im talking about game breaking items in dota like blink dagger, dagon insta gibbing anyone, the one item that makes you immune to CC or magic dmg for like 6 seconds. ect...

lols items are mainly just stats and a few support items, in dota you can buy items that literally make it impossible for you to die unless the enemy team has specific counters

Because it's more braindead, while dota can require you to have some thinking in league you can be one of the best player just by being good at pressing buttons and because there is more dumb peoples than intelligent simple games are more popular.
It's the same reason for all action games being more popular than non-action.

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It came out first and stockholm syndrome

Yeah, I get it.
I just asked because one of the big problems I had with items in LoL was that they gave more and more stats when you upgraded them so they became both more gold per stat efficient while also freeing up inventory slots.

Dota kind of has the opposite of that where early cheap items have huge efficiency but often don't upgrade into late game items or don't upgrade at all.

Lol has the worst passive aggressive style. Having over 2K hours in both of them I can say that althought Dota seems more toxic first, as basically literally flaming, calling each other faggots and shit like that but at least it's honest.
In league, players will troll, run down, use passive agressive tranny speech just so you say blacklisted words and get banned.

no one understands me ;_;
id get wards and dust and even stacked greeps
and still get godlike 60% of the time

people are just jelly

yes it tells me every time
>you are in the top 0% of players reported

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Since when "toxicity" became the bad thing?
It's literally the only reason why i play dota from time to time, to have fun with 1 or 2 random teammates who was *lucky* enough to get into the match with my party.
Yesterday i was posting copypasta about sven fucking drow in the forest while staying at the lane, it was better than 100% of my LoL experience.

Dota 2 is less forgiving imo

>Never have seen a support carry
What? For last couple of years support can easily carry the game.

nu valve is embarrassing, fuck china and fuck jewben

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If you've never seen a support carry a game you need to get out of Iron

>there are more people playing league in taiwan alone, than people playing dota in the entire whole wide world


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>worst balance patcher of the dota history
keep em in there