I hope you're not thinking about worshipping Talos user. Everyone in the empire recognizes that he was just a man, don't you agree?
I hope you're not thinking about worshipping Talos user. Everyone in the empire recognizes that he was just a man...
Camden Martinez
Christian Howard
Elijah Morales
The Thalmor are literally Jews.
Brody Taylor
Brandon Bennett
Can't wait to kill another of Ulfrics boys
Michael Gomez
Based yellow dick riding impernigger murdering the guys still paying respect to the one who founded the 3rd empire in the first place.
Leo Cruz
>Everyone in the empire
Good thing Skyrim is no longer part of the Empire
Logan Thompson
Talos? Who's that? I worship Ysmir.
Charles Cooper
Why yes, I do fight for the freed of Skyrim and her people. What gave it away?
Leo Myers
Imagine being so butthurt over a Nord becoming divine you would rather end reality than deal with it.
Sad really.