I hope you're not thinking about worshipping Talos user. Everyone in the empire recognizes that he was just a man...

I hope you're not thinking about worshipping Talos user. Everyone in the empire recognizes that he was just a man, don't you agree?

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The Thalmor are literally Jews.


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Can't wait to kill another of Ulfrics boys

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Based yellow dick riding impernigger murdering the guys still paying respect to the one who founded the 3rd empire in the first place.

>Everyone in the empire
Good thing Skyrim is no longer part of the Empire

Talos? Who's that? I worship Ysmir.

Why yes, I do fight for the freed of Skyrim and her people. What gave it away?

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Imagine being so butthurt over a Nord becoming divine you would rather end reality than deal with it.
Sad really.