lol so true
Vidya funnies
Other urls found in this thread:
It's already canon that they fuck men of other races
But they tell you how in game. They go out to town can fuck the dudes there. I think they kidnap them too but I'm not 100% sure about that.
no it's not you retard, they just fuck other races, unlike your inbred ass
what's with the bug eyes
Guys what if zelda walks into your room and smashs all the potteries
Holy shit this makes me so angry.
>tfw legorobot predicted a ton of current issues 10 years ago
>he's like our avatar, dissapeared when we most needed him
The most retarded thing about this comic is that it has been scientifically proven that the negative feeling of losing something is twice as powerful as the positive feeling of gaining something, so not only is he a faggot cuck but he's also just flat out wrong.
>Did you seriously just say tummy? Jesus Christ, dude.
>*walks away sobbing into their latte and mumbling about Trump*
I like how they kidnapped the big strong carpenters but they were all flaming queens.
>This got someone removed from game development
>Pedo logic
>people aren't mocking of me for being a pathetic subhuman filled with estrogen, they're making fun of me because I'm fancy
I feel like this is some sort of ironic satire that intends to mock so_yboys
>that lower half
the drawing is so badly done it disgust me
>Not just having it black
>Not just dealing with the stomach pain if the coffee is good enough
Never gonna make it
But Isabelle is an adult.
>la dee da
Onions has nothing to do with estrogen smooth brain
Just drink water, dumbass
>that upper half
s-so long already
>Both halves
God damn
I'm a personal health and fitness nutritionist and onions is a phytoestrogen. It also has genistein and daidzein, which are isoflavones that act like estrogen in the bones of the human body. High levels of isoflavones can crowd out estradiol and act as a testosterone inhibitor.
>how do you make the baby
By crawling through tight holes and getting the treasure on the other side.
>y'Know i tHink i'LL pass toots! you seem aLrigHt wHere you is!
What does it mean?
isnt he the same guy that does the underwater hampster thing?
Worth it
those issues aren't new is just that they weren't mainstream you underage faggot
We had these problems back then too, newfag
>So, I look at it like I'm sucking my girlfriend's penis. =)
Never forget.
>he wouldn't suck his gf's penis
Whenever I see this being posted I always look at the keyblade wielding Luna and I have to laugh as it is exactly what I would expect from someone with such an image. Anyway I hope they are happy.
If he called him a mentally Ill faggot, he would get banned.
>made billions ripping off a game too stupid to market itself properly
>profited off autists
>got his game in classrooms
>abandoned ship at the most ideal possible moment, made out like a bandit
>living comfy, get to tell tranny furry subhumans off on twitter all day
>confident in the knowledge he's more successful than any of them can dream to be
Extremely based
>says all creatures in minecraft are genderless because "take that, homophobes!" (actual quote)
>throws the creator of earthworm jim under the bus for being a "muh family values" christcuck
>now chimps out about fake pronouns
I don't recognize the second panel.
He can't just say he's lactose intolerant?
It's almost like hating homosexuals isn't the same as accepting transhysteria.
He doesn't need to be ideologically consistent when he has enough money to buy your mom and fuck her in front of you until the day she dies
nice knees
>Getting utterly owned by a furry
People change, Rod. People change
It does, just in the opposite manner. It doesn't cause estrogen, but people with more estrogen are more likely to care about shit like S O Y
He's a billionaire I'm sure he could make those people vanish without a trace if he wanted to.
Probably attended Dashcon
poor notch
Guys you don't understand like this is very problematic, just look at this call-out post on Tumblr!
Making a cute innocent character say something disgustingly slutty isn't funny.
>still supporting Trump
Go back 2017
It was unironically some comic teaching the benefits of being a cuck. look it up, major cringy with a fat bitch.
>me on the left
So why not get lactose free milk? That is a thing in USA too right?
>The absolutely terrible things he supposedly did was talk about futas and traps
But Isabell is married to Bill.
I'm actually a democrat. This is just the go to thing the whiners on my side do.
wait aren't those trannies though.
what are the clinically relevant amounts?
>knows what the pony is named
user I, I don't think you're going to make it.
Most coffee shops just get sĂ³y because it's cheaper and has an overlap in market with sĂ³yboys and lactose intolerants
Honestly they make some of the most beautiful renders I've seen. I feel like 3D has less charm than 2D but those renders really capture a lot of what makes 2D beautiful.
Don't give a fuck if they like their chicks with dicks, that art is amazing.
People change when you abandon your close friends to live in a meme house and throwing parties for LA SJWs isn't enough to build proper friendships. It's easy to flip flop on your opinions when a couple spergs on twitter replying "DOOD BASED" to every galaxy brain take you shit out are the closest thing to having friends.
>fedora isnt even used as an insult anymore
what happened to them all?
You shouldn't be consuming it daily.
>milk hurts my tummy!
How about drinking something else, the? If coffee is not your think, then juice of any fruit are good for breakfast. Also, there is almonds milk too, and even rice and wheat.
And speakingof onions drinks, one think is natural onions drink, and other is the Onions shit spammed constantly, that is fucking shit. If you like onions so much, why take that disguting shit over onions shit, or some starbuck shit with shitloads of sugar?
holy shit i'm a writer and even i know that's too many god damn words
>When evil dictator wants you dead, but you survive 3 chimecal attacks
imagine being lack toast and toddler ants in the current year.
milk gang rise up.
Why the hell have my phone changed onions for onions? Fuck.
Hey buddy. You missed a page.
Holy shit
Who are you talking to?
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___
lurk more, newfag
Jesus Christ you can't be this retarded.
No. No we didn't. Not nearly as much as now by any means.
His comic about cisprivilege came off as something that was an exaggeration of stupid bullshit with a made up definition. It was the kind of thing you could read with a sigh of relief knowing that it would only be repeated by liberal arts college students. 13 years later, it's inescapable.
i mean, onions is factually garbage for a number of reasons, but if you want to blame phytoestrogens specifically, you should have some hard numbers to back it up. like people say cows milk has certain hormones in it, and the general consensus is its not enough to worry about or be clinically relevant. i wouldnt doubt thats also the case for onions, but there are plenty of other reasons to avoid onions
Glad I waited it out, topkek user
That American Chun-Li is pretty hot.
I would smash her pot(womb) with my sword(dick)
What was notch initially replying to?
I will absolutely never buy a game that looks like the bottom instead of the top. Fuck GFurs.
how many daddies does this girl have?
I will never understand why this pic offends people so much
>changed onions for onions
That "Burgers" comic is actually one of the funniest ones he's made though.
That's because you fucking know that less is more. If someone needs to type that much just to send a simple message then they need to get their brain checked
>Be me
>Want some hot chocolate
>Go into cafe and wait in line
>In front of me there some fag in an orange polo with some shitty hair due
>Can already tell this guy is going to get a onions latte
>He does
>Laugh to myself
>Suddenly he gets super fucking pissy at me
>Yelling at me how milk "Hurts his tummy" or some shit
>Everyone in shop is looking at him
>Leaves in a huff
>Order my hot coco
It was really good hot coco
my thoughts exactly.
>the bad and awful versions of the future came true
I dig the Die Vecina Die! reference though
It was deleted
>All those commies in the replies
The internet collectively fucking dogpiled on him for the bike shit and now he makes decent comics on occasion.
forgot to put pic
>mfw that whole experience
Not really. It was extremely predictable.
I'm a PT and it takes a minute in google to research that phytoestrogens are not mammal estrogen and thus have no effect on mammals.
fuck niggers kill all trannies
with that said, when the fuck did you think this would be funny?
So has she gotten over her "bishies are the devil" phase?
>It was extremely predictable.
You mean "Funny because it's true".
the faggot that made this bitched and whined when he almost got kicked out of his small apartment in SEATTLE, and had to practically beg his remaining followers for rent money
god this fag "ARTIST" is hilariously fucking pathetic
A Legend of Zelda set on a modern battlefield would be cool though
very, very cringe
This is the definiteve embodiment of NeoGaf/resetera in one image. It is art, a true classic
>threading your own message
Sheesh, newfags are all over the place.
Humor is derived from the unexpected. If you know the punchline to the joke, it's not funny.
She dropped making MGDMT altogether just so that she could make comics about Reaper and Soldier being gay when OW came out.
only funny picture itt
shit son, the word filter has been on for years now
don't be so new
What’s with these people and baby talk?
I unironically love MGDMT. Shit was a goldmine.
>Humor is derived from the unexpected.
Humor is derived from plenty of places. Something doesn't have to be unexpected to be funny.
Don't start acting like the arbiter of comedy. You're just going to look like an ass.
I will now buy this game.
Yeah, when it was good it was good.
pic related for the part referenced
basado yotsubas
who the fucking ass is that chick
"I'll turn that mutt into a carpet"
Jesus did the author get Raimi to write Jins dialogue?
Sorry retard, but everyone knows that HMAF is the only acceptable option.
this. I want to stand on my tiptoes to lean against his pecs and smooch him
Thanks Doc.
kek saved
Children are fucking evil
All these years later and the indie industry still hasn't learned from this
Jin is an absolute chad.
I don't know why but I laughed harder at this than anything at all ITT
I don't get it
Is it talking about mental illness or what
>400 notes
Irrelevant and pathetic.
I fuckin wish I could Pikmin were real ;_;
now post cuck1
That's up to you to interpret.
post the "I am Heimo, this is Rape" comic
>glorifying retro game designs
>oh boy, this better not be some sjw berating
>there is the panel shitting on white male self inserts and sexy characters
>okay where is this going
>werid, this kinda makes sense
>the next part as well
>that end
I was not prepared
is right
we live in gaming dystopia
CIA from Hyrule warriors
before she split herself
adi shankar should have been in tameem's place
Hell no. You a choice of whole milk, 2%, Onions, or Almond milk in the US.
>bite marks on dog
always funny
>punishment bag
how unsettling
ECKS DEE holy shit, get wrecked
>God of War prediction came true
Chapter 78 END
Sauce? Image search gives me nothing.
And chapter 79 start. Only 9 more pages to go.
>reading a book about extermination of a multicultural campus
Man Jin isn't really hiding shit huh. How can the teachers okay this.
>every single reply is making fun of the comic for using the word "tummy"
Murenase Shiiton Gakuen.
It says "really fun" right on the book, man. Those dumb animals don't know any better.
This isnt vidya
>hating on SPZNIM
opinion discarded
Neither is inceltoss
Nothing wrong with "one way, one destination" if it's good.
my fucking sides
its about to get me removed from my pants if you know what i mean
It's thanks to Limmy's Show that I'm now able of speaking with a Scottish accent
On Link's dick?
in dog years maybe
Is the hot dog supposed to be symbolic for dick? Is he saying that giving blowjobs is not gay but anal is?
Jesus christ these people are pathetic
For Link's dick. One became backwards anal, the other became evil CIA.
I think he just has a problem with gays
>Suck me!
it's about people who shove food in their ass
Stop outing yourself as a newfag.
People have been doing gags about these people for decades.
>tfw no slutty masochist rich panda superstar GF
y is she nude?
Cia, main villain of Hyrule Warriors. The comic is unironically the entire plot without any kind of exaggeration.
very nice
Nothing wrong with sucking a nice feminine penis, but it's beyond pathetic to be in love with someone you've never even met who you just chatted to online
Imagine justifying a fetish.
Link's a big guy.
>equating catering to customers in a without bias to inevitable rape and ritual murder of children
Pearl clutches are the worst.
Good times
I hope vampie bat girl becomes a mainstay character
thread ruined
good job autismo
this actually made me physically ill. Just nuke us already
But user, they're the monsters in the game. You get to slay them.
>End on a cliffhanger
very wholesome
Is this suggesting you're only supposed to suck dicks?
nuke yourself
with a bullet
from a small gun
in the desert
away from important structures
at night
>damn communists trying to steal my freedom
But what happened to his dad?
*punches you in the face*
Hows that for funny, /pol/tard
This isn't meant to be ironic anymore, is it?
Wrong. This is what peak Stone Toss looks like.
she was totally gonna show boob if he did it, wasn't she?
or maybe something more?
Holy shit, at least post a good manga.
they literally tell you in zelda 64
lactose free milk exists
you know that don't you? you aren't american I take it
still the best
Given the rate of child abuse amongst faggots it's really not that innaccurate.
based dad
haha yes very based and redpilled truly /ourguy/
mad much?
But white straight men are the leading child abusers in the US. Over 60% of US child abuse is against girls.
The comic is about escalation retard, man Yea Forumsermin are truly brainlets
Pretty much. She recently went through the Devil May Cry series and just jumped on Final Fantasy 15, albeit to draw her usual yaoi shlock.
glass her
So basically men aren't allowed to enjoy whatever kind of drink they like because the majority of men are abusive to those that do.
go on vocaroo and let me hear your fake and gay accent now so i can laugh at you
shitebag if you don't
Literally the funniest version
Sadly no.
you're repeating what he just said but translated into Stupid.
What did he mean by this?
wow. what a deep, terribly drawn internet comic
What's in the punishment bag?
>not the actual exodia
Pussy. Post it.
40% of child abuse is against males and given the size of the gay population (3%) you can begin to see the grossly disproportionate rate of child abuse amongst faggots.
>words words words
>i'm the victim here
this is getting old
>equating: to consider one thing to be the same as or equal to another thing
>escalation: to become or make something become greater or more serious
Yea Forumsermins TRULY are stupid.
Why is this so fucking funny?
Fucking lol is that really the original?
Gay people don't have vaginas
A incel couple? I wonder what their family is like
Furfag hides behind feminism when people tell him he's a furfag and design-accurate Isabelle isn't attractive.
Was that even English?
because it doesn't understand purity
Oh wow, a call-out post? I wonder what terrible things Rafa did.
>talks about futa, traps and loli, and hangs out with NSFW artists
I fucking hate these holier than thou brats.
Because it's an innocent bobble-headed canine from a children's game and this guy wants to fuck it.
I know Atomicthumbs. Hes a goon from Something Awful.
I can hear him with a very faggy unemotional voice
but why does that make people reply to it every time it's posted? Also, the dumb purity bit just seems to be there to set up the "lol, the cartoon dog will fuck the human" joke. Getting mad about it seems juvenile to me
where do you think you are
Morbi the hack whines that people aren't into sex-positivity, and he finds the idea of female purity "problematic" so he uses Isabella as a mouth piece. It's transparently putting your politics into a character's mouth. It's cringe.
Cause it's likely made by some dumb feminist who thinks that sexual purity is stupid.
>JRPG Final Battle
>calling saladtoss unfunny is /pol/
I got another
Killed for leaking political party documents.
is morbi the hellmouth imp guy?
>just so that she could make comics about Reaper and Soldier being gay when OW came out.
>and now it's actually becoming canon
Just for (You)
Bitch doesn’t know a damn thing about Zeus
No girl has ever been repulsed by the act of being a virgin, they are repulsed by the fact that you dont bathe and keep talking about how much you hate trannies even when nobody asks you about them.
Why would Keanu Reeves protesting against ICE?
Wait, is he?
no no that isnt right roastie, my mom says Im cute
Bathing is gay, I take showers
>read that expecting some actual proof they're a pedophile
>no results found
This is the second time I've seen this now. This isn't going to become common, is it?
I mean this is objectively true, but the cycle is endless.
From the celts in greece to Ibn Fadlan's observations of the vikings, it's a historical fact that celtic and nordic white people are and have always been the most attractive people in the world, if only by accident.
It's not propaganda that makes black people the most likely of all races to fuck outside of their race
How am I supposed to self insert as that eyeless wojak? Stupid western artists. Japanese know to make it a faceless male with mid-length hair.
Neither is RetardEra
>Not the bulge version
Soren needs hot dickings.
_ ____ __ ____ _____ _____
I seriously hope he doesn't hold his comics to the same level as Disney or Lovecraft.
other guy should be pokemon creatures
that is a fantastic edit.
you're based for noticing it
He's saying the only thing that comes out of a man's butt is shit not babies.
Not only is it funny but it exposes retards like yourself
I thought Something aweful banned furries.
imagine being this serious about a cartoon dog
After discovering tummy pride any time someone uses the word tummy I throw up a little in my mouth
>naughty comic done gone make I feel stoopid >:[
Yea Forums is incelcentral.
sneed > bane > wojakedits > pepe > rage comics > "OC" "board culture"
oh, that makes sense. thanks for filling me in
>Wojak above anything
Babies come out of women's asses?
Are her feet just sticking to the tree?
>playing and/or giving a shit about bingtendo tranny crossing: gender reveal
kekkerino if true
where's gondola?
>Wojak not dead last
I'd fuck the girl desu
Don't forget he actually had a successful webcomic that could have made endless patreon bux, but threw it all away because he decided that art was hard and didn't wanna do it anymore. After his parents paid to put his ass through art school. Prime example of a shitty person.
That's not even not video games anymore. That's just anime.
lol so randumb xD
Used that image in response to the image I responded to please use your brain before posting
Like this?
why am i aroused
I was thinking just [pokemon creatures] but this is better
>wanting money
Have they learned nothing? Slavery only ever existed because of capitalism.
what did they get removed from?
fucking newfags
Admittedly I do like having physical copies of games, even older ones that are now on the playstation store or steam.
I'm gonna need more shelves at this rate.
OC > wojaks used to express self >>>>> sneed > bane >>> rage comics > pepe >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wojaks used as playground insults in an attempt to mock others
>accepting that someone is completely obsessed with you and invading your personal privacy
Christ, what's wrong with the japanese?
left can't meme
What? What's are you are you talking about?
Bane>OC>sneed>everything else>shit>wojaks=pepes
neither can the right.
good shit
oh god oh fuck I'm so sorry
Is this the culture thread? Have some culture from 2006
I hope that guy from yesterday is here
Is this a Mega link or something?
And cute?
obviously it's never
>pre-marital sexual independence
Imagine still upholding marriage as a societal institution while simultaneously striking out at its very foundations.
Imagine missing the point so much
>a minute in google
Wait hold on, I like Oh Joy Sex Toy.
How else would they rob guys with alimony if marriage was abolished?
It is indeed
It might take a while for you to download since it's 1.2GB (compressed) of random horseshit posted on Yea Forums over 6 years
A high percentage of guro and actual gore
And porn, of course
stay rekt, tranny
Try it you lazy nigger
>does phytoestrogen affect mammal estrogen
Unless you can't type that phrase out in a minute without drooling all over yourself, I'm right
Good sheep
Imagine actually believing only gays abuse boys
>And porn, of course
What kind?
Use duckduckgo or whatever you Stallman dicksuckers use then, you'll get the same result.
Imagine thinking only straights abuse girls.
This comic fucking sucks, stop spamming it in every thread.
you and me both lad
>those apostrophes
is there anything else in there you want to mention before I download this?
what manga? Reverse image gave me nothing
She cute, but what is big boobie girl supposed to be?
>He doesn't know that legorobot is now pushing the boundaries of science for the benefits of all hamsterkind
>People have been doing gags about these people for decades.
Nigga, he literally has to sit down and explain to the comic what post modernism is.
Why would he have to do that if the concept were anything other than an occurrence among inner circles? Honestly, the only other instance that openly refers to higher academia embracing "privilege" that immediately comes to mind is space moose.
I want to the mom
Literal race mixing agenda.
>No girl has ever been repulsed by the act of being a virgin
Then why do they care about it so much?
I really wanna hug him.
Why was he naked in the library
Wouldn't you be if you could
You mean you aren't?
Fuck I dunno, name it and it's probably there
I can only assume there's no pizza in there, I've certainly not got enough time to trawl for it
Thats a good point, user
>he makes hamster habitats for a living
The absolute hero
Imagine being attracted to the inferior gender with the only benefit being that you can say you're normal.
good fucking luck finding it
>things that never happened
I don't get it
i mean he's an actual nazi holocaust denier so it's not that surprising
although notch is right he can't bantz for shit
Porn's just kind of a blanket, general way of describing it that doesn't tell me a lot about what's in there.
I almost feel bad for notch because of spot-on the furry is
He could've been wearing pants.
Compressed? If it's images, you know images are already compressed right?
Left can't meme. The right are born memers that's why you're seething, uses right-wing memes and can't meme for shit.
>no moon over june
You had one job
His uncle needs more of a belly.
SMBC has taken quite a turn since I stopped reading.
Really makes you want to be a Belmont.
Would make the whole 'having to fight vampires' thing worth it.
It Hurts is perfect
Jesus user don't scare me like that i almost thought it had actually been more than a year since this meme started oh god it's benn more than a year hasn't it?
The original glasses were green.
This is one of my favorites, it’s amazing how blissfully unaware how much of an ass this guy is making out of himself.
man that really SHOULD be a banner at this point.
what a cute and funny girl.
Yes, I'm sure she wouldn't smack you on your head if you tried, dude.
hee hee
or not because it isn't funny
I honestly thought this was an edit until I checked the real comic
How the fuck is this even real
How the fuck do people make a """comic""" that's more like a fucking blogpost but it's so huge I can't even post it here due to file size and shit? And it's just about explaining this stupid fucking shit as if it needs to be normalized
>Nothing wrong with sucking a nice feminine penis
Just don't fall in to the trap of thinking it doesn't make you a faggot
they owned cannons aka the 18th century artillery
ho ho
That stupid fucking face
the original of this is actually one of his funniest comics
ok i kek'd
Right, that's why incel is an insult, right.
makes me think
Hehesilly and wormwood are the best nazi webcomicand also one of the best comedic webcomic
>grand theft agua
>The skeleton playing a switch
Right can't base their policy positions on real-world results or empirical evidence and has to rely on memes instead
truvada for prep
>on real-world results or empirical evidence