Why are so many cuties so in love with Kojima?

Why are so many cuties so in love with Kojima?

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Because he has charisma

Damn she's actually kinds cute I'm not gonna lie.

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Because he's cute.

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Is he wearing a wig? It really looks like it.

Looks like a god damn horse, raise your standards virgin

Internet "culture" is dominated by vidya and anime, so girls exposed to it are naturally going to develop those interests by with the typical girl level of interest. MGS and Kojima are held in high regard even if it is borderline meme status, it's bound to happen.

you have low standards from being withheld sex for so long

They're all art hoes. Kojima produces the specific kind of shallow abstraction that art hoes adore.

imagine being so insecure in your rapidly thinning hair you'd accuse basejima of wearing a wig

do you mean kojisma?


ebin gamer grulll
also trying to fit in desperately

Kojima is definitely losing his hair. He doesn't comb it forward to be fashionable. He also dyes his hair black. It's naturally grey. The man is vain enough that I'd believe he'd wear a wig.

if he has unmarried he would be getting so much pussy, never marry a woman anons

She looks like an unironic tranny.

t. virgin

Is he actually married?

Because he's a goofball at times. Like when he went sneaking around with mega64 that one time or when he posed as Joakim Mogrena from moby dick studios. You see the dork shit in some of his games. It's funny and people like it. Like the conversation about the infinity bandanna in MGS3 with Signit.

While being a goofball, he keeps himself looking good and in shape. So it's hard to hate him.

theyre not theyre doing for rep cant u see u idiot?
also kojima hired the retarded show actor Norman retard

I'd fuck an art hoe tbqh

Because they've heard guys they like talking about him

whats her name tho

why the long face?

Because gamuuuuuuur grilll (=^・ω・^=) look at meeeeeeeeeeee!!!1!1!!!!11!

His latest and most popular movie game literally focuses on wombs and babies, girls and casuals love movie games.

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unironically, how much puss do you think Kojima gets to smash because of his status?

I assume it's a decent amount, chicks seem to be sloots for famous/influential types


lack of criticism

He's very good looking for an asian.

Because females prefer high status men. Kojimbo is extremely rich and has established a shallow fake facade of prestige and fame for himself, aided by the controversies with Konami which basically made him a sort of martyr.

Look at all these lonely incel turds trying to find validation by shit talking some girl on the internet lol please don't go shoot up a mall or something because nobody wants to fuck you

He's been married since the 90's and has a son who is in his 20's now

he's ugly as fuck and old tho. Sakurai is better looking

He has a feminine penis.

high IQ

found the asian male ethnicel

She (he) is very adorable.

its funny because most of the posts are shit talking kojima

This fucking horse mouth jesus christ get that bitch a carrot. Cute when her mouth is shut though, but isnt that every good looking woman?

Why do men look like this now?

pee pee simulator turns them on

Because they all want to be the next Stefanie. They know about how he rolls

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