Hentai game

>hentai game
>has better gameplay than 70% of modern games
whats her name Yea Forums?

Attached: propoganda.jpg (781x731, 51K)

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I dont understand

if you had an actual good idea for a game you wouldn't make it a hentai game.


Crusader Kings 2

i dont follow your logic

Ion Fury

I legitimately like the gameplay of Hunniepop more than any similar puzzle game. I've never played Bejeweled though.

Sadly, almost any hentai game...

I understand

God i fucking hate canadia

Meltys' Quest was an incredibly bare bones rpg yet i still found it more enjoyable than a lot of other western ones

I really liked the one of dungeon of lulu farea

I like this artist
Draws the girls chubby and flabby and dirty
I like it :)

whos the artist?

Attached: Kamidori.Alchemy.Meister.600.1237090.jpg (600x338, 72K)


Thanks asshole, I just remembered the 90 dollar new releases and the in-store prices.


Anything by Kyrieru

>You'll never have a thicc Canadian waifu


Attached: medhi.gif (300x169, 795K)

>34$ ribeye

>tfw no shitposting canadian slampig gf

This but unironically


Midnight Castle Succubus is a pretty fun castlevania game

Millennium War Aigis before it was shut down

Wait is this true? Is Canada starving?

Yes, food prices are high as fuck right now. Trudeau did more damage to Canada than Harper did in 10 years.

no just some territories have very expensive meat prices. the dairy mafia is bleeding all of canada dry rn tho.

Shut up you idiot, Trueau was the best thing this country has ever had in 40 years

>very expensive meat prices
Europe as well, thanks to lawmakers and store chain monopolies.




That's really sad.

I want to squeeze her love handles.

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uh, been a while since i actually saw it legit

make a hentai game with her

Attached: file.png (900x900, 762K)


i for one loved the CANADA ECONOMIC ACTION PLAN™ and how much was spent on ads along with harper handing out billions of tax cuts to companies for fucking nothing beneficial.
>contempt of parliment
>refuses to show budget details
>fasifies reports
>who loves omnibus bills with debate shut down and rammed through!

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At last I see.


Monster Mind is unironically one of the best puzzle game I've played in recent times.

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holy shit i did it

I don't know how to make a game but I would if I could.


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The thought of canada kills my boner so yeah, I am immune.


>turning your back on froge
ungrateful cunts you ALWAYS choose froge

Is there a term like weeaboo but for someone who wishes they were canadian? I often wish i had been born there everything just seems so chill.

You can say leafaboo or something if you want

Magical Camp.


my nigger

Attached: man of integrity.png (640x478, 392K)

gonna have to go with lizard

I get more enjoyment from fapping(for free) than western vidya(60+$).
I realized that watching the gamescom live yesterday.

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Immune is a funny way to spell gay

just use Yandex you dumb phone poster

What about mobile games? I wanna play some degenerate shit when I'm bored at work and need recommendations

Where the fuck are you buying your meat? My local store has steak for 15$, and that's on the higher end of prices in Toronto. Unless you're buying from some organic farmers market I have no idea how you could ever pay more than 20$ for a good cut of steak

trap quest is the main one I know about that has a phone version
coc too i think



Look at the list of mobile games on Nutaku and then go pirate some SDKs. I'm playing Sakura Dungeon.


/thread pack it up boys

This girl is not only a great ass artist but cute af. Nice.

>Yea Forums suddenly hates Canada
What happened?

I've heard there are some... but they all play the same. Fuck I miss newgrounds


Bro why the fuck are you jerking a Magnezone off

This desu

Didn't know coc had a mobile version. I'll check it out

Someone wasn't these during april fools.

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Yea Forums has always hated Canada, mostly because 9%% of it are seething Amerimutts

Kill yourself leaf

It might not, I just think it does
first day on the site sport?

Canada now has legal weed so Yea Forums hates it

nice pic of xion

Lizard because I never had a high school crush nor did I get with them.

Kill yourself you fucking canuck
Day of the rake soon

Attached: 1554025801228.png (500x501, 47K)

>Wrapped up in scandals after scandals, and attempting to cover it up and it back firing on him
>Failed economic plans
>Importation of Syrians already hurting other immigrants who waited years to get here through their sponsors
>Turned his back on well over 70% of campaign promises

Fuck off Toronto, Trudeau is fucking faggot and is making a laughing stock of Canada on the worldstage.

Attached: 1484701710907.jpg (383x504, 47K)

Fucking kek, I knew someone else heard of this too

Based Canada. What are we playing Canada bros?

>He doesn't know

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>and is making a laughing stock of Canada on the worldstage.
leaves don't need help with that

Call them both niggers. Else they will get their shit together or fuck off, anyway I won.

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check mine

Even normalfags hate candians now, sorry leaf


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>lose both friends
>I-I win!....

Gay is a funny way to spell Canada

Based 'tarf

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[blankpost]7 GET[/blankpost]

Dude what

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Only a canadian would say something this retarded.

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You can’t just not tell user, my dick depends on it

Do VNs count?
I mean reading is fun and you have to make choices so it has gameplay

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VNs arent vidya tranny

Attached: gfs_191995_1_1.jpg (1024x576, 115K)

Nah we used to be beloved. Look at all the old images about "best countries to play games with" we're always top tier or second from top. Even as recently as 2013 (still before any of you newfags got here) we were chart toppers.
As recently as 2017 we were the most admired country in the world according to polling.


i have lost liters of children to that game

>Even as recently as 2013 (still before any of you newfags got here)
stop shitposting you dumb leaf, I've been here since 2010

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none of them

there's no good porn game that's actually a game instead of a collection of animations or a VN

there probably could be a run and rape game of quality made today but SJW would shut it down on account of the rapey part


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>this still works as a filter

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Kamidori by far

Attached: Melodiana.png (615x655, 807K)

It's not that bad of a card to go against

Attached: PaleozoicCanadia-OP06-EN-SR-UE.png (1085x1585, 3.27M)

>Nah we used to be beloved. Look at all the old images about "best countries to play games with"
You were always being made fun of you dumb maplenigger, and whoever made those "best countries to play games with" was canadian if he put Canada on top tier. Whoever makes those always puts his own country in top tier because Yea Forumstards are the lowest form of life on this site after /gif/ goers.

Attached: milk bags.jpg (500x559, 61K)

Is this an edit?

>tired looking
god please just let me die I know I'll never have this

where's the lizzard squad at?

sauce: twitter.com/glacier_clear

>that one with the horny sandslash whos into neck things

Legend of Krystal

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>we were the most admired
That's some funny shit. My gf is from Canada, born and raised there and she got the fuck out because of the amount of SJW degeneracy Toronto is descending into. The only people who admire Canada are retards who think Turdeau with his gay flag Eid socks is peak progression.

I really want to hug Hooni, protect him from bullies and tell him everything's gonna be okay.

Also ravage is tight teen ass every single night.

I'm not gay though.

Consider the fact she is an actual furry artist who constantly thinks about being bred irl all day long user.

Get fit. Go for it.

Thankfully all that insight from blood borne prepared me for this helluva post


How's the remake going?


This game is better the 90% of games

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"Come on user lets go for a ride"

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canadian shitposters are renown and feared internationally for their power, speed and flagrant disregard for quality. the response from the lesser, the ESL, the brown and the uninitiated is usually typified as disgust

what the fuck?

Let me guess, raping her is actually the good option?

Nope, if you do it you auto go to war with one of the sides even if you are war with multiple other people.

Legitimately the best SRPG ever made. I can't go back to Fire Emblem or FF Tactics after experiencing this

If you're not lying you would know I'm right.
Nah, they were at least semi legit back in the day. People only started having an issue with Canada once politics became prevalent on this shithole.
"my gf is from Canada" sure bud. Toronto is its own beast, just don't live there if you don't like it. Trudeau is honestly better than Harper, but we haven't had a good PM in like a decade.

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this also yuela a best

Attached: hot.png (1920x1076, 3.71M)

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Didn't consider that.

>People only started having an issue with Canada once politics became prevalent on this shithole.
Stop pretending you've been here when you obviously haven't
Do you think aussies were /pol/ shit too?

The faggot is just pretending to be an old fag.
He probably uses reddit too.


If you got a actual good gameplay idea the normal game will make you rich while a hentai game usually wont.

kill all cumbr*ins