Videogame contains pudding

>videogame contains pudding

Attached: gaz.png (1267x719, 594K)

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>heals a small amount of HP

Attached: 00475_1.gif (650x450, 26K)

Cringey movie


>Videogame contains CHICKEN and RICE!

Attached: ihadnoidea.gif (480x368, 1.25M)


Invader Zim aired when that sort of comedy was still pretty fresh. Nowadays its just cringe.

movie sucked

Why are you andomly making threads with Invader Zim references that don’t actually relate to video games in any ways at all?

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Sounds very faithful to Invader Zim then

Same as jojofags, this board lacks moderation


that's what we do here

>game rewards you for only going straight

Attached: Almighty-Tallest-invader-zim-19619436-512-384.jpg (512x384, 24K)

Not really a fan of the new style but overall it hit all my nostalgia weakpoints.

The movie is out already?

The original series was already flanderized, try watching it again sometime.
Hell, Gaz actually gets a character arc in the movie

>don’t actually relate to video games in any ways at all?

Dude this is Yea Forums, nobody talks about games. Its just shitposting, trannies and politics but mostly porn

gaz felt sorta weird in this movie

Dad Membrane was pretty based

Tak> Gaz

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>The original series was already flanderized, try watching it again sometime.
shut up

it's just how the invader zim creator draws now, the movie took a lot after the comic(even taking literal scenes from it), so the movie changed it's look to match it

Attached: zimcomic.jpg (1988x3056, 1.46M)

Johann was pissed goths claimed Gaz as their own, he never intended for her to be goth.
So he changed her design and made her less edgy

It looks so generic, it really lacks that dark humor too

Any word about a new season? I had fun with this and Zim deserves more episodes

(never watched zim)

Worry not fellow humans!!, this thread is now officially videogame related

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>They hated him because he spoke the truth.jpg

Yeah I know, still don't like it.

Hope they re-release this now after the movie or something, and include the movie. Always wanted this but not gonna pay like 500+- bucks on ebay for it

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I thought Zim's thing was making an actually evil plan and ruining it with is own incompetency and pride
Remember when Zim stole people's livers and bowels just to shove them inside himself
This "LOL so random" approach was very obvious since Tak's episode
Fuck I'm old

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ya'll talmbout trannies? (no homo tho)

Anyone have a mega for the movie?

Did you watch the whole movie?

He does have an actual evil plan, he just forgot it, then comes up with a better plan

God...Gaz looks so weird and different in the movie compared to the show. I get she was always a gamer girl, but she grew out of her goth/emo phase.

I guess she's cuter now that she doesn't want to kill and destroy the planet.

I'm talking about the comic user, I ll watch the movie now and then bitch about it like the Boomer I have become

>game world is made of pudding

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Invader Zim defined lol so randumb. Random humor would not mean what it is today at fucking all without this show. This also why I kinda think it's okay when Zim does it, because that's the style they pioneered. It's their's. It's the only show allowed to do it and be acceptable.

>I'm talking about the comic
user, you shouldn't judge a comic by only 1 (one) page, it's obvious he's doing small and petty shit in that page only to mess with Dib.

lolsorandom humor is fine as long as it's actually funny.

most modern shows that try to do that style fail miserably in that department tho

You just listed the only two bad jokes in the entire movie.

I wonder if the movie is gonna hit it off with kids now. I pity the fuckers in middle/high school that will have to sit around the girls that parrot gir all day

I don't get how that shit has some sort of cult in the USA.

*holds up spork*

Is there a single videogame character that can stop it?

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The ham had a purpose.

You had to be there, bro.

>tfw fugging cowtitted autistic invader zim fangirl

Life was better then.

I thought the biggest weakness of the movie was that it didn't do gaz justice

Is it good pudding?


Attached: FlickeringSmugAmericanmarten-poster.jpg (1044x576, 37K)

Just imagine for a second what it's like to not be american

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it did tho
she moved from being a generic goth to an actual character

It's not that the comedy is cringe. You're just a cynical douche

Attached: Pudding.webm (1920x1080, 2.47M)

>make 3 sarcastic comments in a whole movie

assassins creed odysessy?

Dude I watched the first chapter again the day before yesterday and the movie yesterday. The screaming and lol so random humor was the same.

oh yeah, that's got Gamecube shovelware written all over it.

>helps her brother getting his shit clean
>admits she only bullies him because she knows he can take it but feels bad when he's legitimately sad
>actually cares about her father
did you ignore these parts on purpose?

>mfw got it $50 years ago
Should probably sell it

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I want to grab zims tiny little body, pin him down, and rape him while he yells at me about being an inferior being to him.


No, but we could just stop going straight to him and veer into another direction.

The voice over accompanied by the ham is what made it great.

Zim was YouTube animated humor before YouTube was big. lol so random humor is called non-sequitur. It has been a part of comedy for all of human history. I want to receive head from Gaz

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