So is it any good?

So is it any good?

Attached: media_video_gameplaytrailer.jpg (720x400, 104K)

its kinda shit
there are no settings
controls are weird

Is Rebel Galaxy itself any good?

I've had it sitting on my Steam list for a while and have been wondering if I should give it a shot.

I couldn't get into it. The combat is too repetitive and odd

its shit

kb+m controls are trash
utter garbage
>just buy controller lol
fuck off

also, it's literally just a privateer 1:1 clone
just play vegastrike privateer instead

>Is Rebel Galaxy itself any good?
Imagine starsector but retarded and with no mods
that's Rebel Galaxy for the most part

>climb into state-of-the-art fighter jet
>expect there to be control settings
Just learn to fly the motherfucker, you lazy fucking bitch.

>climb into state-of-the-art fighter jet
>without manuals
go fly an a-10 in DCS without any prep, hotshot

>unironically defending not having settings in your game