MonHun thread

Upcoming changes
Dev Diary

How did your weapon fare, Yea Forums?

>LS and Bow getting the boot

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Other urls found in this thread: TO MELT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING FACE/s_mhf090.mp3


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dumb gatekeeping gaijin

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I can't believe how well they snuck him in the trailer, holy shit

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You mean swallows.

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Absolutely based

Figures that the American fanbase never understood what this series was about
But it's all about bad hitboxes am I right grandpas? xD


Are we lancechad fucked?

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It feels good not being a bowfag right now.

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there's actually a really good chance he's in now though due to the fact that namille has the same body structure as him, if he's not in the basegame then he's going to be dlc

Just use gunlance

he looks gay

Most weapons got their elemental properties changed due to the element changes (ie uncap) and additions that may indirectly buff them.

Well he is a penis.

post yfw you only got buffs

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New elder dragon is in water
Water Area

Fuck you bowfags, eat shit and die

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>"It's a multiplayer action game"
>Only a fraction of the content in every MH game is playable multiplayer
>Everything is playable single player

We've gotten to the point where the producer of the series has no idea what it's about. This is what happens when you fire the original team.

>no changes
Darn. Do we even get oils?

Is Chameleos the gayest monster?

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>Iceborne comes out september 6th
>Astralchain comes out the week before
I guess I'm doing a 72 hour binge of Astral Chain cause goddamnit, too many good games coming out this fall.


New Element: Chaos

no that honour belongs to mizutsune
zinogre is a close second

Fuck off with your stick. UNGA BOOGA! No thanks.

She's in

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Is the GS better now?

Frontier has multiples elements mixed together.

It's Lagicrus+

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i clocked more than 400 hours on tri

Try fighting Fatalis in the MH on PS2.

Elemental values on weapons aren't capped anymore
The example sword and shield and dual blades they showed before had nearly 2x their base element instead of 1.3x, so some weapons like Bow, DB, and Lance got elemental multipliers adjusted.

So many redundant ones as well, it's like the devs forget. Especially when Burning Zero got onto some better weapons.

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Just remove ranged weapons altogether. They're fermenting bad habits in the monster designs where every endgame monster shits out AoEs that prevents you from getting near them. At no point should I feel like I'm not able to approach and hit the monster with the proper skill and foresight.

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Ah, a fellow Swag Axe user. Shit looks good

I did and also beat whitey in Dos solo, with a bow and a great sword.

Try fighting Yama Tsukami in Dos.

>Just remove ranged weapons altogether.
Honestly I'd love this.
Gunners are never actually good at these games.

Not yet user. They said they want to prioritize lagi for next time around, presumaby world 2/mh6, but he's not in iceborne.

You are allowed to criticize World's soundtrack and the Handler here in MH threads, and those two things only. Now carry on with the thread discussion.

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could they have made MHW easy with the intent in mind to train players to hunt better for the upcoming more difficult iceborne monsters?

They've flat out said that the AT monsters were a response to feedback that World was easy
And they've said with Iceborne that now that people are used to the game they're comfortable with increasing the challenge

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mhw base game is high rank, it was never going to be difficult
AT was probably their bandaid fix for that, but now we have g-rank

okay guys iceborne launch in 2 weeks, where's my fucking leaks

Shit reboot with no new content, lots of horrendous unskippable cutscenes and an absolutely terrible MMORPG endgame. Now carry on with the thread discussion.

Meanwhile at Capcom Osaka HQ

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iceborne will never be as hard as the older games. all the can do is make the fights artifically harder.
older games had real challenge with well designed fights like khezu, red khezu, plesioth and green plesioth.

I’m starting to get worried about /ourguy/.
I would honestly cancel my preorder if he’s not in.

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Can I get a /quickrundown/ on the weapon changes? Who got buffed? Who got nerfed? Hammerchads, how are we holding up?
Only Bow is getting shit on, Hammer got KO increased but no other changes besides the clutch claw stuff

You can criticize whatever you damn well want but it's up to everyone in earshot to decide how many braincells you lack.


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sounds good on paper but I doubt it's a reality. Capcom has tasted blood from those AAA megabuster dollar signs, aided heavily by World's streamlining.

Did you guys know there's no monster based on a rat? Hell, the one monster based on a rodent is from MHO

Guys we need a place to store Lagi. He's been eyeballing me all morning begging to be put back into the franchise.

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>2 weeks left till launch
>"we still have unannounced monsters, so stay tuned"


Did you guys know there's no monster based on a marsh harrier?

he is just waiting to make a dramatic entrance, dont worry /ourguy/ is secure

>KO increased

I'm happy with that. Thanks, user.

Not for Iceborne, but for MH gameplay in general.
It's something that old player might be went over their head.
Tobi and Paolumu is probably the example of this

You're not a true MH fan unless you've jacked it to a MH related doujin
Bonus points if you've bought one

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You get off to generic sluts? Fucking casual. Come back when you can do it to floortiles.

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World had 3 or 4 monsters they didn't show before launch
Iceborne at the very least has the Everwyrm and Ruiner Nerg that have not been officially announced yet. Gold and Silver Rath are likely as well.

Slugger and stamina thief are getting buffed too.

>implying a few LS nerfs matter when you have trained with the blade

it dont matter, none of this matters. im still gonna foresight through everything

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We've known that since the beta.

i beat my dick to the one where this guy captures a rajang and uses it as a sex toy

Now I imagine Namielle as a Disney character

Didn't he say that the trailer for today was the official reveal of Acid Glavenus? He's probably just talking about Viper Tobi, Nightshade Lumu, and Coral Pukei.

Damn, Namielle is way cooler than Velkhana holy shit. Namielle is probably too weird looking for a flagship so it makes sense but god damn what a wild looking Elder Dragon.

>GUtendies are pretending to be grandpas now
You can shitpost all you want but please don't drag the classic MH games into your shitpostings, you just sound desperate at this point. Grow the fuck up and stop being salty. Get your fat ass out of your Nintendo hugbox and start to work to afford a PC or another console instead of endlessly shitposting the game whenever a new trailer arrives.

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Hammer is always going to be shit as long as EDs don't get exhausted.

They should rename the franchise "Monster Gunner" because it's the only weapon that makes sense against Behemoth or Leshen.

I got a few.

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Even sounds like a Disney princess name. I’m expecting people to do art where Namielle is Ursula from The Little Mermaid in the near future considering she’s a fat sea dwelling tentacle monster.

Little miss forge hasn't got much but at least 2 got translated

Worldbabs are the zoomers though?

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How did he sound like a GU fan?
Seemed more like a Freedom Unite fan to me

Are HH and SnS bad solo weapons?
>Fujioka says that they wanted to be sensitive to the fact that Monster Hunter: World was going to be the first entry in the series for a lot of its player base, and that it would be easy to make it too tough. Now that players have had time to get used to its systems and challenges, the team is comfortable opening the throttle a little more.

I think jacking it to MH doujins is pretty pathetic but going out of your way to buy the physical releases is unironically pretty based, you don’t bow to pressure from people like me which commands respect.

Meant for , my bad.

I beat Dos before you were born kiddo.

SnS is alright but they fucked up the controls so bad that you'll want to kill yourself.

HH is the opposite. Great controls but completely unviable. See it as playing on hard mode.

Is this the list guy I keep hearing about?

SnS is just a really precision-demanding weapon in MHW.

>New character parts added.
does this mean more character customization options?
>Layered armor can now be created at the Smithy.
is that from all the craftable armors?
>When you are knocked back and your weapon is sheathed, holding down the R2 button will allow you to perform a guard when using the Great Sword, Sword & Shield, Lance, or Gunlance.
is that to stop your knockback or you just guard immediately after the animation?
>Craft All option added to Custom Radial Menu
does that mean you can craft an entire stack through the menu now?
and what is Type 4 controls?

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>Monster dung will be generated from a location between the monster's legs.

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Everyone poops, user.

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I just woke up and saw the trailer. That was exactly what I wanted despite the missing Zinogre tease. The new ED looks great, reminds me of the cephs

but can someone tell me what's important was shown in the dev diary #2?

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>deviljho doesnt take massive shits

that's pretty fucking small considering who this guy is

>ANOTHER Kushala clone
>a fucking water Val Hazak

If you preorder this game you deserve to get executed

Im looking into buying a Zinogre doujin that i haven't been able to find anywhere online like the disgusting furfag i am, probably gonna upload it to Sadpanda when i do

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Have a read here, the info is the same so you can jump to whatever is relevant to you.

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This franchise is heading in directions where I cannot follow.

I'm out.

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do you just expect just 3 monsters per skeleton or something? am I being baited?

Text version is right in the OP, but basically the pendant feature is purely decorative and the Guardian armor set comes back, deliberately made to carry newbies through low and high rank with defensive skills.

>Cart three times in 2 minutes
Yeah, sure, all that matters is group effort

>The birth of the Handler

>tremors under the fault
bros, Namielle isn't the only water ED....
It's gonna be another Lagiacrus situation, I can feel it

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What if.........

We got Qurupeco and the only way to ever see some monsters and hunt them is to have Qurupeco call them.

I'd be like a special Arena Event Quest or something.

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Tick tock huntards, your days are numbered

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user you are trying to hard

now that's just desperate for a derail.

Yes you are. That's the guy who says khezu is a good fight and that world only had 5 monsters because it had 5 skeletons.

Based on that last monster shown, I'm feeling a return of underwater combat. That shit would be fucking clean, if they fixed it. Also it'd be nice to have Lagi and Ceadeus again.

Getting both cause I'm not poor

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HH will be slower than everything else assuming equal skill, Iceborne is gonna buff its damage a lot though
SnS does fine but you need to know how to keep your aggression up on monsters

Another potentially cool game ruined by its focus on telling a shitty story.

Are you implying I'm poor like you?

also, 20 shitposts you've made and literally just one got a reply. Sorry bud, your time is up

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HH is getting attack speed buffs in IB too.

From World’s director Kaname Fujioka;

>"We wanted to challenge ourselves to make underwater action in Tri because we had never been satisfied with how underwater sections worked in other games," Fujioka said. "And we wanted to see if we could make underwater action that still feels like Monster Hunter action. We worked really hard on it, but for the amount of time and effort it takes to make underwater action work, we felt that in [Monster Hunter] World we're better off focusing on other things. So, there are only a few parts where you're gonna dive underwater, but there's no main underwater action parts. As for what the future holds, I've got a really strong attachment to it. So I'd like to try it again someday, but I really can't say."

Is this a monhun type game?

If they bring swimming back I don't think it will be until the next game.
Unless they figure out how to make Tri's leviathans not total pushovers on land.

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The World rendition of Brachydios theme was actually good. At least, the sample during the Dev diary was.

HOLY SHIT I've never seen this move before, I'm guessing this is g-rank khezu?

Does Iceborne now have the most monsters added in any G-rank expansion? they also introduced a lot of new monsters, and we still haven't seen the final one yet and there's still subs and variants coming

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You misread that slide I think, unless someone has frame date from the demo or something. By speed increases on recitals they meant you can walk faster while tooting.
Which will actually help a lot so you can get in better positions for Encores.

>not even MH1

you fake boomers are insufferable, even more so than worldbabs

When Gamescom start.
When brachy trailer

It's Frontier's Zenith Khezu. It's not hard and even gets walled completely by guard weapons, but it is punishing.

looks like stupid Frontier shit

That's Zenith Khezu, Frontier onry

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Still have to wait and see, but it's looking good especially with how a previously unknown feature (post-launch monster update) is there

>the old everwyrm has the ability to destroy entire ecosystems

As opposed to other elders?

it already is, doesn't it have like 26 monsters now?

you know damn well these threads are going to be spammed with ARTIFICIAL DIFFICULTY

They have said they want some similar post-launch support for the game but they don't know how long it will go on for
World's post-launch shit got dragged out longer because the crossover stuff was finalized after the game was already done.

what does the chink speak say?

Most elders destroy ecosystems by spooking animals away, rather than using ice to create tectonics to erase swaths of land

This is what happens when they give them all the ability to destroy the world
World is basically a soft reboot anyway so we can ignore older Elder Dragons

They either fainted or failed the quest.

what if big boy came back.

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So if I like those weapons, which should I use for solo then? I can save those 2 for online.

The notes themselves specifically say the right and left swings speed are being increased, unrelated to the performance and encore changes

Umm bros, there's something wrong my pet Namielle...

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okay guys almost 2 weeks to launch, where the fucking leaks?

>that Brachy theme
they've done it again.

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It's hilarious to me than Western Monster Hunter players always treated the game like the pinnacle of difficulty when the game is literally casual shit akin to Pokemon to the Japanese.

Look at the fucking wing-span on this bitch

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Yes, that guy has been saying Kush and Val clone a lot since Gamescon opening.

Japan has rare moonrune internetz they dont leak

>Get up early yesterday only to be disappointed
>sleep a extra 2 hours today
>miss it

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If I was playing I'd use the SnS solo and HH in multiplayer.


I'm imagining the armor set being flat out Astalos-tier edgy and bright, and you know damn well I'll wear that shit

Nah, they just treat it like casual shit.

I know it's a water element but i'd be surprised if there wasn't a para attack in there with those tendrils

Wolfaboos out

what's it called

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Theres going to be a pre load, right? Who do I watch to get a refresher on the new moves? Been too long since beta

>World's soundtrack is bad
What's wrong with it?

western gamers have always been inferior to easterners

We don’t know how it does what it does. We don’t even know what the fuck it is.

it better have real time RGB effects sponsored by Razor or imma be mad

I can see the Fatalises being post launch title updates, they make for good super bosses and they’ve been shilling Fatalis a lot with new merch and shit for the 15th anniversary. After how hard they’ve pushed Elders with World and Iceborne the Fatalis trio would be just about the only postgame super bosses that wouldn’t be underwhelming as fuck.

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>someone at Capcom animated and coded a falling turd animation

Apparently the wings "transform" as the fight goes on, whatever that means.

>Zinogre is the only one with solid leaks
>not a single hint in sight even after new trailer and dev diary

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I hope Namie can be fought underwater next game

>Platinum shovelware

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Choke slam from Hell as Jim Ross would say

>tfw solo no ps plus so you rely on bow to solo arch shit except for Kulve and ExBehe because they are impossible solo
Kill me

Seriously? That's fucking awesome.
Kinda wishing they made this thing the flagship instead of Elsa the Dragon.

>craftable layered armor
fucking called it. There was this one retard that always said NOOOOOOOO THERE'S NO TRANSMOG PRE-ORDER CANCELLED in these threads. Hope he ties the noose from all this news

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I forgot to bookmark it and i'm too busy at the moment to check my browser history
but it's kemoshota shit so i doubt you'd be interested

you mean without leaks.

It's wings are based on a Vampire Squid's tentacles, so probably something ala Valstrax's wing morphs

Namielle is an absolute fucking unit. I don’t fap to monsters but thanks to you guys my first thought when I saw Namielle was how much porn it was gonna get. Cool design though, how big do you think it’ll be? It looks massive in that render but the cutscene of it was at the top of the Coral Highlands. Also it was pitch black at night there, I hope that’s part of Namielle’s Elder Dragon totally-not-magic ability, so no matter where or when it’s fought you get a cool contrast between the darkness and the glowing parts.

his icon was leaked and was shown in the cookies. It was a unique icon so there's no way its a coincidence

I can also criticize anjinaths bullshit forward momentum hitbox on his ass, the entire zorah magdoros fight, and the online community.

Is september for only consoles or pc too?

I never understood why people on reddit hate the idea of transmog in these games

I don't know about you guys but to me it's plain as day that these fuckers have forgotten how to make good monsters. The very notion of having a boss that creates platforms that you have to jump around on to hit it with aerials runs paradoxically to what makes MH unique. It's just like any other boss with a defined weak point and attacking windows, unlike MH which was always about picking YOUR weapon and using YOUR own strategy to create YOUR own opportunities to hit the monster without getting hit.

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Fun fact: the vampire squid is actually an octopus.

I was about to say it's pretty wack how some random ED that was most likely designed mainly because World only had one water monster is looking more interesting than the flagship is.

You’re still a fucking degenerate.

Did you play the original MH? You can't do High Rank without joining a gathering hall. Sure you don't actually have to join up with people to do the quest but you're going into the online suite in the first place. I did all the single player village quest in that game but it was all about playing on online with 3 of my real life buddies and friends me made online. MH multiplayer is some of the fondest memories I have from my early teenage years. Hell me and those 3 friends still play Monster Hunter together to this day.

I assume this thing is going to stick to water areas like Jyuratodos unless Ryozo is a madman and they’re keeping underwater combat a secret.

>unlike MH which was always about picking YOUR weapon and using YOUR own strategy to create YOUR own opportunities to hit the monster without getting hit.
there's like only 6 monsters in this series where this applies while everything else can be unga bunga'd. Can you stop doomposting already?

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I know this is just bait, but man, are you retarded.

He would be in World if he had an actual spine.

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PC is set for January 2020.


>Believing in ryozo at this point

The area it shows up in for the teaser seems to be Legiana's nest in Coral Highlands.

Well, Coral has apparently been flooded FROM THE HIGHEST POINT, so take that as you will

So you just accepted being a casual forever? Why even play something like MH if you're just going to cheat your way to victory?

>looks like a vampire squid made babies with gore magala
>name like an evangelion angel FUCKING WATER
>beautiful colors
Compared to a boring ice vulture?

I'll live with the fact that Gore and Shaggy might not be in, but can they atleast show Zinogre or is this gonna be only on the launch trailer?

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those are the babies that havent put more then 5 hours into the game then go cry on Twitter its to grindy.

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Unironic hype.
Holy fuck you bitch, my sides

Maybe Namielle is so THICK because it’s full of water, and once it’s released it all it’s skinny like Vaal Hazak and has to go refill like Coral Pukei?

yea I never got that name like the Red Panda when it sure as hell isnt a Panda

>created a crutch armor set specifically for the shitters who couldnt beat the World story line

I see Ryozo knows his audience

The new monsters are boring.

It just says you can now craft it at the smithy instead of turning it in. It still doesn’t confirm transmog

I just realized that this new ED reveal completely deconfirms all roster leaks because none of them named it

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Dunno about the first part but Namielle having to refuel mid fight the same way LOOK HOW HARD I CAN PEE has to makes a lot of sense.

>no damage skills on it at all
this doesn't help at all

Sorry no zinogre video this week, but check this out.

>reproduces another velkhana video

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>We have heard your complains about the lack of difficulty and as a result we made the game even easier
>Here's a complimentary photo of the shit I took last night. Hang it on your wall

It's thick, because it's an aquatic monsters, and water supports its weight when it's submerged.

Wait so there wasn't a brachy trailer?
Just a dev diary?

whatever you say, but lets hope you dont backpedal further

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>Handler, Tracker and the drandson of the Commander will have character development
Will she get on a diet or some shit?

They’re all pretty easy to debunk, I should know cause I made one or two of them.

Wait, there's a Velk beta on 30-1 sept?
How come nobody is discussing about this?

So now that everyone can use slinger, what's the advantage of playing SnS?
I thought they talked about giving it a new thing but haven't heard more.

forgot to avatarpost, shistain?

You get upgrade materials too. It's basically free high rank gear before you start the game.

No more will people get a plate by accident and use it to craft high-end low rank weapons because in their box is something better.

Capcom made the game even easier than it already way? Fucking how?

>Monster Hunter
>Not a casual game
I've solo cleared everything in pretty much every Monster Hunter I've played (the only mainline I didn't touch was original Tri.) That doesn't mean I want to grind the same monsters by myself ad naseum. Of course I'm going to play this multiplayer game with other people.

i'd rather have capcom kill her off
i'd unironically laugh if she got impaled in a big ice spike by velkhana

When can we expect a decrease in price? 40 bucks is too much for me after already playing full price

The Brachydios trailer debuted in that dev diary. It shows a bunch of Velkhana stuff that we already saw in the story trailer yesterday, then Brachydios stuff then more story stuff and finally Namielle.

not its own trailer but it was clearly shown in the new trailer for a few seconds.

Gameplay snippets in the latest trailer in the OP, but no gameplay dedicated video.

>mfw all I ever heard about Kulve was the interminable grind
No one ever told me that the actual fight is so fucking fun, zipping around her back with thunder dual blades and always being top team damage is great
Now I have to sort through eight pages of garbage weapons, I got the ice charge blade and taroth sword fire and the good gunlance but I don't know what else is good

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First thing under the speed tab user, the general speed of the attack swings is being buffed

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SnS is still the only one that can use consumables unsheathed, and it also gets shotgun slinger apparently which makes the slinger ammo hit with more force and over a wider area.

Boss, Hiro called in sick, he was in charge of putting Jinouga and Tamamitsune in Iceborne, what do we do?

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what weapon should i pick up for iceborne? gunlance, GS or HH?

Yeah, Namielle sudden appearance in the ecosystem gives further credence that the Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale were once an immense ocean. Vaal Hazak fish-like features and the amount of coral and seaslug shelks, the jellyfish pads filled with water and the gobul-like endemic life found within the deepest parts, as well as the patches where there's water, not to mention how every monster resident in there has developed acuatic features. These are many hints. Namielle produces huge amounts of water out of thin air, go figure.

oh boy these 7 iron ores are gonna break the game

It has a new Rush combo where timed slashes yield more damage and scale better with element. Consumables are still usable unsheathed, but the potion walking admittedly kind of hampered the usefulness.

>Grind OP gear
>Complain about it being casual

Just don't grind then? If you're good you can beat any monster with any gear in that rank. Fucking faggots getting ED armor which hardcounters Teostra and then act like it's no big deal.

I thought the same then I saw the rewards and had to force myself to stop hunting it after like 4-5 hours.

No Zinogre.
No buy.
Simple as.

>every monster resident in there has developed acuatic features.

Hammer is the only weapon in World that doesn't feel like total ass to use, so give it a shot. Just remember to always press O after R, for some reason.

people are overblowing the guardian set way too much. It's basically a defense boost like the 50 free defense like tri. There's no damage skills involved so being a shitter will still get you locked out of Iceborne

Let's not forget that this set is only balanced till Xeno. It's nowhere gonna help you with tempered or ATs

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Kulve is a great fight. The dumb reward system is the main issue.

Do retards actually think that using the slinger was what made SnS viable?

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I’m so glad World flopped and MH5 is coming home to Switch next year. Monster Hunter is NOT a game for casuals.

bros maybe they will finally start naming characters

>being viable in the first place

dont bite obvious bait

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>tfw your favorite monsters are already in IB

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I'm not a big fan of the pursuit system and the (basically) forced multiplayer either
I just sat down and did kulve hunts for hours until I got a team that could do it at pursuit level 1. lots of fun

>killing off characters
>with current monhun tone
It is no longer gen one, they no longer have deaths and morbid shit like Fatty melting people alive. It is now borderline kid friendly.

You can trash any Rarity 6 weapons that aren't the Gunlance "King Gold Bomber"

>>Shitposters so mad at World's overwhelming success they decided to seclude themselves in their own parallel plane.

LMAO, sucks to be you, faggots.


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They're making all of low rank a zero-effort romp.

user they're making the tutorial easier. The fucking TUTORIAL. IN THE EASIEST GAME IN THE FRANCHISE.

Nary a fragment of what we were remains if we allow this to go unchallenged. You can still like World but you don't have to suck Capcom's dick over every decision, you dicksucking faggot. That's a sunk cost fallacy.

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>borderline kid friendly
are we just forgetting Velk invading the village?

but i used the diablos grug II for my whole playthrough of world originally

All three of my weapons got nerfed. Lance I'm a bit surprised on but whatever I'll soldier on with LS even if it's worse now.

looks nothing alike

Namielle is gonna make Tohoku 2011 look like a fucking joke.

I think might just be a case of reused assets.
The area you fight Namielle in looks like it's a cavern somewhere deep below the ground. Also, bioluminescence suggests it's an abyssal creature. It has no business being the Coral HIGHLANDS, unless they somehow sink to the bottom of the ocean. But then there would be no roof over the Legiana nest to make a cave.

You guys think it has anything to do with this cheevo?

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>implying slabs of HP with no weaknesses aren't artificially difficult

this is a general

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The american woke up, i see.

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Someone shoop Velkhana and Namielle onto this shit.

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The Lance change is just an adjustment to go along with elemental damage caps getting lifted. DB got the same change, I guess they figured they didn't want the charge ticks doing a gorillion elemental damage.

Buddy, most of LR is always boring. Only one I enjoyed was my first MH game which is 4U. I didn't enjoy it in GU and I didnt enjoy it in 3U. World was somewhat better because zero gathering, but I wanted to get to HR quickly to get to the meat of the game

I don't know why any form of defense is dicksucking according to you. Also, stop talking as if you're some ye olde grampa, Iceborne already ramped up the difficulty and that's what matters

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Oh I meant the rewards are good esp if you dont have top tier weapons yet.

Velkhana's armor is so gay looking

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this image again

God I hope we actually get XX's layer system.
It was literally the best thing in XX.
I want to wear Kaiser armor all the time.

Guys, you know what I really love, like really, really, really love?
The Gen 2 elder dragon skeleton. I can't get enough of it.

That's Shrieking Legi

I waited a long time to start doing kulve so I have a lot of good weapons already, but it's nice to not have to go through the entire crafting tree for some of them.

did you completely forgot this was made by GU devs, the same people that gave all these absolute generosity of item packs?



And that's a good thing!

That's the Shrieking Legiana armor

Are you delusional? MFU that you nutjobs like to overhype so much was a cake wal save for the obnoxious hitboxes. World fixed so much of all the things that game did horribly wrong and your only reply is that? Perhaps you should look yourself in a mirror and ponder if you aren't acting like a disgusting elitist faggot.

You have no principles and that will be the end of games. Think about it; they're esentially letting you skip the best part of the game, so you can be carried in high and master rank by better players.

There is 0 gameplay standing between a new player and the ending.

We are in the endgame now. The fight for the integrity of all video games has begun. Will 2020 be a year of interactive movies or games? We decide that; here, right now.

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You mean like the Orugarons?

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Me too.

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He honestly should. No reason not to have him, especially now that they fixed the blunt weapon skill to get rid of yellow damage modifier.

That's Shrek leggy ana set.

LR is easy in World b/c the controls are so fucking good compared to the DS titles and Great Jagras is a shitter fatty

I'm drowning in Zorah parts after helping some friends in the story and fighting AT Zorah enough to get all the armor and layered so whatever.

So which weapons are still unaccounted for now?

FU filtered people so hard that it became a meme before you first discovered the internet. Go to bed, zoomer.

Ah, well that's neat and means I can always use lance as a safe fall back. Enjoy world longsword too much with foresight being a fun parry essentially.

>still no Jin

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It's pretty much a mix of many types of fishes, which fits within the ecosystem, and the Coral Highlands was missing a true ED.

You're also mistaking using same skeleton with reusing assets.

only children uses the boomer/zoomer shit.

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I got you bro

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Oh boy, a monster attacked a military settlement. No one dies, though. His point rings true.

The awaken para weapons that branch from Vaal. Rarity 10 would heavily imply Dalamadur's return, but there's a leak goin around sayin it's a para variant of Vaal.

Anyone got that leak list? Was Namielle on it?

No, YOU'RE mistaking skeletons with assets. I was talking about the coral looking doodads in the Namielle boss arena.

>Main lance
>Beat xeno after nearly a half hour of poking
>"Now the real MHW begins!"
>Uninstall the game

But what does that mean though? Because it doesn’t say all armor can be crafted as layered armor, at the minimum it could literally be they’ve moved layered armor from the delivery menu to the smith menu, and fixed the interface to be less retarded, without actually adding layered options.

Para weapon from Val and Poison from Kulu
>It's Garuga
Could be, but kinda hard to believe to have Garuga without Kut-Ku

Literally Chaos Legion 2.0 with more action


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No leak has namielle

Imagine the look on Ryozo's face though if he thinks he can manage to hide underwater until launch


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This. Better controls and also better mobility.

It's been over a year and there are people that still confuse smooth gameplay with difficulty.

or its just transmog. You know GU devs are behind this, right? why is this even a debate?

>new trailer
>zinogre is kill
all my hype is kill bros..

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MH6 user.

>Monsters with friendly relations (Rathalos and Rathian, for example) will no longer flinch when hit by each other's attacks.
Uhh defend this Worldsperm

Will Namielle save the Kush skeleton? Vaal was cool, but he's too easy.

MHFU even had to start with a warning for explicit scenes of violence and gore. Now MH is just babygames.

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I wonder if that's a relative of a squid/octopus

Every monster "leak" list so far has been wrong. The old one got the Odogaron subspecies wrong and no leak has mentioned Namielle.

>There was nothing I could do!!!

Another day waking up to everyone obsessed with me, feels good to be a Worldchad.

Ryozo meant I sure hope you don't repost my shitty jpg on reddit and make a bunch of smoothbrains think up bazelgeuse painting tier mental gymnasticsAnd Nami better have new areas in coral highland, that place needs more watery big areas

Did they fix element/status yet?

>Literally screams as the turd falls
This is why i love this series

So are we gonna get a new trailer tomorrow? There is another presentation scheduled at the same time

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It's a hoax, user.

T-there's always the launch trailer right bros?

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Poison weapon branched off of Iron not Kulu.

They did. They're called Kjarr weapons

Just like in the old days

My bad, I thought you meant the monster assets.

there's 5 but its with guests and one is for speedrunning. I got what I wanted, but I'm ready for more

>Use rainbow pigment on its armor to get the RGB effect

>HBG is dead
>Gunlance is all I have left, all buffs
Guess I'll stick with MHXX

I guess it mixed up due people saying Kulu Garuga

They’ve said that they want Iceborne to be harder and it’s being developed by a separate team from the base game so there’s a good chance Namielle will be decently challenging. I like Vaal a lot because his design is cool and he fights differently to all the other EDs in the game, but he’s a fucking pushover, so hopefully Namielle can deliver on all those fronts.

It says that there is a new developer presentation, with the exact same people we had today

Bitch did you never do the FU arena quest? Rathalos would DESTROY Rathian if you just ran around in circles.

Predict his armor set

I will not buy this shitheap expansion till Zinogre is in.

No excuse for an "expansion" to add so little monsters to actually fight.

Yeah I never got why people are guessing that considering the poison LS' placement in the tree

>spread and pierce buffed
>hbg is dead

Why does Capcon think people care about this retarded story? Fuck the cutscenes and cinematics.

No way. It's probably for other games, but there's no way they have more to show

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They do daily recaps because the audience might be a new set of people each day

Fun fact:Odogaron has gills

They’re buffing elemental and nerfing raw with Iceborne. I don’t remember the exact numbers they gave but the difference is actually huge and will completely change the ‘meta’ even in High Rank. Not that anyone but TA autists would give a shit about the HR meta after GR is available.

>by defeating velkhana the ice melts thus raising the water levels. This causes some areas to flood thus bringing forth Namielle. The achievement refers to raising the areas above sea level again.

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Spread wasn't buffed, pierce and normal were.


>oh user we never called it a "he"

>Made by GU devs

Oh boy... Now I'm worried about Iceborne. Hated GU.

is there anything worse than the deviant progression system?

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AED got nerfed too you retard.

Oh there sure is when the launching date is only 16 days away.

Some people, like me, don't want to get their hopes up only to be crushed by forced clownsuiting once again.
I don't do Drachen, fuck being a metawhore.

Iceborne is on track to surpass 4U I’m adding the most monsters of any MH expansion.

What for?

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>it's a dracula armor with the wings functioning as a cloak

Pull your weight or get kicked. Carrying scrubs ruined older MH games. I can think of at least 500 smelly Frenchmen that shouldn't have gotten past Dalamadur...

how good is the Lunustra one

Yes, i do smoke bomb run instead.
But i do remember Jho rarely flinch Peco.
You know what, fuck that. Why that's a problem anyway?

I just want the hammer
>lows in the dark when charged


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AEDs only got buffed, especially with the new axe move

Just means they won't flinch from every single attack from another monster hitting them anymore, if they're supposed to be friendly. They still take damage.
I can fucking smell the Gold & Silver in one room quest from here

They buffed spread's effective range.

n-nothing, i swear
wouldn't want to misgender now would we

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Gendered names mean jack shit with animals, Orca is a feminine name and yet the animal is a fucking black carnivorous whale

World's entire endgame
Tri's online
4U's GQ

Nami is a pretty boy

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They better not pull a Vaal Hazak on us with Nemielle, i'm still fucking seething about Vaal's fight being pure garbage when the monster looks awesome

> those charge blade nerfs
It's all over. No more fun allowed.

But they're adding no new monsters. How can that be?

Are you going to tell me that Nargacuga is a new monster?

It literally says “Developer Presentation” for Iceborne in the schedule. It takes up a two hour time slot, just like the one today. Ryozo even said to stay tuned for more info. It’s gotta be a new trailer

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That's not what they said.
They rearranged pellet spread. Previously in World spread ammo had the same pattern as wide shots with the Bow - one horizontal line. They're making it hit tighter horizontally, but introducing the vertical spread, turning it back into your regular video game shotgun pattern.

God damn, I wish


totally unbiased

Jho would break Peco to bits and pieces. Those flints can't take much Jho damage.

>The quest came back in P3rd and was even harder

My ass wasn't ready

Iceborne is already adding more new monsters than any past G Rank though? If you haven’t done your research don’t shitpost.

Why are bingposters obsessee with skeletons?

are we fucking getting 5 trailers or something?

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None of those are worse than deviant farming... except maybe World's endgame. Even then that's debatable because it's still just grinding one monster over and over again in World, just like Deviants. 4U is probably the best in that list because at least you could farm whatever you wanted to get drops. Inb4 hurr only double Rajang gave good drops. No he didn't, the drops weren't good no matter what, so you should've just had fun fighting different things.

>> People think Zinogre isn't in because he wasn't teased yet.
>>Despite its World icon render got leaked.
>>Despite there're cookies with that same icon.
>>Despite its LS weapon tree was also leaked.


good shit 2 days in a row...never gonna happen in this reality.

Neromielle > Namielle

I took up gunning just to deal with flyers before I learned of Flash Bomba. Now they're just introducing flying mobs with flash immunity, so I break out the guns for em. Then I just hammer everything else...

He probably gonna tell you

Zinfags are really dumb

it's shitposting, but a lesser form of shitposting because that's all they have left. Everything else got outdated quickly

>bringing up Nintendo for no reason
Lol I guess it's too much to ask for a little creativity for a 40 dollar expansion. Seethe.

Nami controls water, so fighting her waist deep in water is a given. Rev up those aquatic expert jewels to trivialize her fight boys.

More like QnA for the ubermensch like they did with Capcom HK
Don't think there's new trailers but discussions and subsequently hints to more contents can hopefully be inferred in this gamescom

t. Switch sperm

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Where the weapon changes present in the beta? I didn't notice the LS nerfs (possibly because I became infatuated with Iai Slash).

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Nonsense. Deviant progression at least changes up the fights. By adding more monsters, setting it in a cramped arena, removing carts etc. Plus you get to level up your weapon after EVERY hunt.

GQ had you do the same quest literally 50 times with 0 incentive and rewards other than getting fucked by a 140 faggot in the end.

>Shit how do we make this skill no one uses useful?
>Flood the fucking map when you fight this thing

I haven't read it yet. It's also the only one not on exhentai.

The artist does gorgeous artwork but the panel flow in their doujins is hard to read, especially in black and white.

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I would, but you seem to be doing a fine job on your own, bingboi

Are you baiting me or did you just come into this thread and start bitching about something you didn’t even bother looking up? There’s 4 brand new monsters (not even including the final Boss) ignoring subs and other reskins. For reference every G Rank before Iceborne except FU only added a new flagship and new final boss as new monsters outside reskins. FU also had Kimg Shakalaka, Queen Vespoid and two Frontier monsters added. Iceborne has at least 5 completely new monsters.

Shitbat BTFO

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There are only two dev presentations listed, everything ELSE is a discussion. If it was a discussion with guests and such, it would be listed like that with the other items of similar intention. A new trailer is very very likely.

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I LOVE Paolumu!

No, these are new changes separate from the beta




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Only Foresight Slash really got nerfed, they buffed the first couple swings of Spirit Slash.

So I was about to sell my PS4Pro because I'm absolutely done with it (fuck you BFV, Dice and EA) but this game might make me hold off in the end, I have some nice memories from my PSP days.
I don't have IRL friends to play MHW with though, where can I find a great group to play? Can I solo autist most of the content as well?
I'm trying to decide between this and Classic Wow.
Ty Anons.

Nonsense my ass. You are STILL fighting the same monster. Adding different environments doesn't matter. It's still the same moveset and the same fight.

I'll agree that there should've been better interim rewards on GQ but at least I can go fight something completely different during GQ farming instead of fighting the upteenth Glavenus. I had like 6 different GS/LS quests that I jumped between and with friends we had dozens of quests so that if we got tired of one, we changed to another. Stop misrepresenting and lying about a mechanic just because you personally didn't like it.

From the patch notes:
>Amped Element Discharge attack power slightly decreased
Savage Axe means normal ED2 is the new combo route, or in other words, we’re going back to Gen.

not a single shred of evidence or pic to back up all this Doggo talk

Rent free


>Can I solo autist most of the content as well?
Everything but like 3- 4 monsters.

Fingers crossed. I'm keeping my expectations low because i'm already quite satisfied with the two trailers we just got in the last 20 hours

It's just too good to be true my famiglia

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>an as of yet unrevealed final boss
Did you learn basic maths user? Pretty sure that’s the most new monsters G Rank has ever added unless you count Freedom Unite with those two shitty boss versions of filler monsters and the two monsters it ported from Frontier.

I think it's gonna be a Brachy-centered trailer with a tease at the end. It's pretty much likely that we're getting new info

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Yes, and?
It's not a person, it's a fucking animal

Name one. They're all reskins with pointless gimmicks, if even that. I know you shit on Tri but at least those monsters weren't blatant reused assets. And they didn't charge you extra for them.

Citation for what I’m talking about. These are some of the listed events for tomorrow

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>HD CHameleos Wizard set

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World is not getting swimming.

Everything but a few monsters
Or get the PC version on sale, blitz through to beat Xeno, then cheat in all the items from your PS4 save. If your PS4 is hacked there's a straight up save transfer tool you can use too.

The double standards are strong with this one. Think before you type.

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>where can I find a great group to play?
Don't be a socially reclusive autist.
Add people whom you enjoyed SoSing with or who were friendly in kulve/behe/A-leshen lobbies.
Find Huntan shitcords with little/no drama and stay away from all things Yea Forums

all the monsters are actually easier solo except a few that dont give 2 fucks if yer solo or not.

Ok so this is bait then. I never mentioned Tri and you’ve always had to pay for G Rank, in fact Iceborne is cheaper than any previous G Rank.

>brapstick got everything

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I'm counting both extremoth, ancient leshen and AT KT, and maybe normal behemoth because the fight is just annoying solo no matter what.

>It's not a person, it's a fucking animal
Yes, and?

Just saying, don't expect anything in 30 mins.
It's just stream shitters talking about Iceborne.

Dev show tomorrow is the only event where they could show new stuff.

Tribabs really are thin skinned holy shit.

Not him, but I blame the lack of HR games being released in the west so people never knew there usually is a second ultimate release

I wanna see more on Brachy's new moves that speed up exsplosions and the armor/weapons

Post the icon leaks.

>FU filtered people so hard that it became a meme
FU's only difficulty comes from horrible hitboxes

Better ignore that shitposter, user. It's clear as day he has no fucking clue what he's talking about.

>so people never knew there usually is a second ultimate release
Except everyone knew that.

They're on eternal damage control

Considering his metabolism, he has to take all the nutrients hence why the poop is so small, kinda like sharks

when is the next dev presentation?


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>in fact Iceborne is cheaper than any previous G Rank
It's literally the exact same price.

user, there's no transmog. They were flat out asked if Iceborne would have transmog like XX and said no, they were using World's system. They confirmed layered stuff still unlocks by completing special requests and stuff like that.
Is it possible that they'll make layered sets for all armor? Yes, it is. Do we know that? Absolutely not.

>Our time is now, Hornchads

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The only time that happened was 4, we got MH1, Freedom 1, Freedom 2, Tri, Generations and World. It’s either a shitpost or an extremely stupid person who started with 4U and never bothered looking into the old games afterwards.

4u had a similar issue in terms of farming those zenith gems. Only jho and rajang had more than like 40% chance of dropping the L.

That shit was tedious.

user, 40 dollars is cheaper than 60

If you’ve already bought World it’s cheaper. Of course if you haven’t then the bundle with both of them is the same as prior G/Ultimate editions.

I don't feel like grinding any more in these games. I got sick of that shit when I had to kill a rathian 85 times for one ruby. Fuck that, I'm just going to mod shit into my game.

Yes, yes it is.
But you're missing one important detail. I'll give you time to figure it out.

>Tri's online

>If you’ve already bought World it’s cheaper
It still comes out more expensive by $20 you know.

Just finished the hour long dev diary. Was there really a second one or not?

You just reminded me how much Tri was getting shat on because of that.

Hammer got buffed right?

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who else /lance+hammer/ here

Hammer's only change is more stun on charged attacks.

So yes, hammer got buffed.

Wait, it’s legit?

yeah the stun values, the only flaw in the weapon. Now it's literally the most perfect weapon out there

The ko damage it does got buffed.

I was telling him he could replicate his PS4 save. I wish they could give cross save but
and probably issues with some exclusive shit like the Aloy outfit.

user, it’s gonna be comparable in size to the vanilla game. You’re actually getting a deal on the merit of it technically being an expansion, if anything. Stop being broke.

it was leaked like a week ago. Old news. They did it with Nerg before

what the fuck is that? what's the name of those monsters?

KO values of R2 attacks did.

What monsters have friendly relations aside from the raths?

There will be, tomorrow. Probably with a subspecies/variant trailer since they said they haven’t “officially” debuted Viper, Coral, or Nightshade.


The lion couple and the alphas that lead their packs.

>Nooooo Capcom can't just make a Monster Hunter with good graphics and gameplay and the most monsters added of any G rank Monster Hunter I need jank and dogshit graphics and a loading screen between every area Capcom can't keep getting away with this why won't they let me eat shit nooooo

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I wonder if their "big reveal" will be ruiner.

Teo and Luna. Jagras/Great Jagras. Girros/Great Girros. Besides the Raths, I think that’s it in Warudo.

>If you’ve already bought World it’s cheaper
>implying 80 > 100

>new developer diary tomorrow at 8am
>will wake up to fresh MH news

Thank you Ryozo, you spoil me

Well we haven’t seen what it actually looks like/does, so that wouldn’t be a waste.


god i wish that was me

>implying they'll reveal Ruiner

>Tailraiders can now be mounted after establishing good relations with the Lynian tribes

Attached: obsessed.png (833x608, 553K)

shitposting aside, how many are we at? Because 4 to 4u was a 30 monster increase, and is the largest so far except tri to 3u, but that's one's kind of cheating since p3rd exists.

Nope, I got world for free thanks to being a Chad.

I'm betting Ruiner with a hint towards Zinogre/whatever else returners they have then the final teaser at the end will be for the Everwyrm

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But it lives in a implied to be brand new map. I'm not sure they would show that.

Stun addition will do nothing with the KO scaling

>Because 4 to 4u was a 30 monster increase
4U added 23 monsters compared to 4

>monsters now won't go to sleep if you're in their nest like in the old games
Why is no one talking about this?

It's like old games

So do we get it automatically if we’ve already done that?

yeah, sad though because I enjoyed saving time by beating them back to their nest with fast travel. Especially los in the ancient forest.

Does it really matter? The only reason people let them escape was to capture them but with the trap setting speed being fast as fuck on World it became redundant.

Unimportant stuff. Let's talk about monsters building a tolerance for flash pods instead.

I'm keeping it quiet because I want to enjoy every single second of it watching randoms run headfirst into a raging lunastra inside her nest.

They won’t reveal the final boss at all.

Hasnt this already been a thing? Been playing GU and everytime a monster fucks off to sleep theyll immediately wake up if I enter the room before the complete their fall asleep animation.

There's 5 more levels to relations now, so maybe not.

Kinda does, now you'll have shitters online rushing to the monster's nest blocking you from sleep bombing it

They always did.

Isn't that like cucking yourself in the past?

and now resetting finally

It's a thing in every MH pre World, in World the monster didin't care for some reason, at least Iceborne fixed it

Guiding Lands is probably just a minimap and Ruiner might first show up in Elder's Recess

In World, monsters completely ignore you and go to sleep regardless.

My mistake, bad reading comprehension
No, he's saying that they didn't do this in World but now they do.

Let's say that Iceborne gets two larger crossovers the same way base World did. Who would the new monsters be and what would the plot be?


I mean those same shitters were always too retarded to place bombs in a way where I could TCS the head, so nothing's changed, really.

World's main Nergigante never died and instead became Ruiner


I don't think it's a stretch to think one might chase Ruiner Nerg to the Guiding Lands

Well, he's implied to be immortal.

>in World the monster didin't care for some reason
Monsters don't really care about anything in World. I mean, you can walk right up to something like Los while he's in near the nest and he won't give a single fuck.

I've been planning on doing a sort of monster ecology series because of that

What is Hamburger Hunter Helper?

Bahamut fight for sure

Some guy ob youtube did that, with the Gillie Mantle

You're too late, a nip has been doing exactly that with every monster in the game


Sounds like they become immune eventually now like Tempered monsters, but it will reset after some time

And I would watch it all. It makes me a bit sad that because people are too focused in hunting the designated monster, they miss on all this ecology abundance.

Namielle Isn’t the everwyrm, is he? I was kinda hoping they’d keep that shit a secret like Xeno rather than revealing a full ass render and ruining the mystery.

Link to channel TO MELT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING FACE/s_mhf090.mp3

Attached: raviente wastes your time.jpg (900x506, 109K)

They mentioned wanting a WoW crossover. Sindragosa? Onyxia? Nefarian?

Nefarian would be cool as fuck. Like in wow he stops spells working or backfiring somehow depending on class, in MHW he would stop you from using your items, or fuck you over depending on your wep type, like Je Suis Monte mains can't mount, or hammer bros deal no KO damage

No he's not

user, the Everwyrm is implied to be gargantuan and limbless

It’s not

It's not, just another new ED


Attached: D500208C-2007-4B01-897D-07B9F5161FC1.jpg (900x900, 52K)

That’s definitely not implied

If we got WoW I'd rather we get something like a Core Hound to fight instead of a standard dragon. WoW dragons don't really do anything unique except for the Bronze Dragonfight's time control horseshit.


The Everwyrm shakes fucking tectonic plates, it's not Namielle

Good man, I’m loving these so far.

Just search for the trophy icon.

Nah it was only 23. Still the most a G Rank expansion has ever added though.

Eh Corehounds don't have much personality. Maybe a C'thraxxi that makes you go insane and attack your team mates, and sends local monsters batshit?

Maybe a bit too grimdark for MH though

Wyrm by definition are limbless burrowing Dragons. Not a confirmation, but it implies the Everwyrm is snake-like

>user, the Everwyrm is implied to be gargantuan and limbless
wings are limbs user.

He also has a video consisting entirely of Deviljho kicking the shit out of Diablos

who was it at the end of the trailer in the beginning of the video?

Honestly having trouble of thinking of interesting stuff, WoW is mostly just standard fantasy monsters and humanoids. Not a whole lot that stands out for crossover materiel that they can't already do with existing monsters.

Can you imagine if the everwyrm is actually Laviente.

>Monster Hunter X Bloodborne
Bloodborne hunter plops in alongside some exposition bot and they explain whatever about some big ass great one causing some shit on MH's dreamscape. Hunter & Hunter enters the dream and hunts a ED in the coral highlands but with a fuckhuge blood moon or whatever. The great one is an OC Fatalis Lookalike. Bonus points for exploring the nightmare alongside the good hunter for some spooks and cool stuff.

The everwyrm is seen destroying a fucking mountain and breaking the ground.
Namielle is a water chameleos

Will all the Kulv farm turn to trash in Iceborne?

Attached: c6fc1de.jpg (600x315, 37K)

inb4 it's actually Hogger using the Gajalakka model as a base. Inb4 he's arch-tempered and mercs you.

I got Bazelgeues and Azure Rath to murder the shit out of each other once while I hid in an adjacent zone, every time one tried to leave they'd get flinched until Bazel was 1 hit away from death and Azure fucked off.
Bazel was already half dead before it started but it only took Azure a couple minutes to nearly kill him from there.

Yes, yes it will unless they let you upgrade them.

Not that guy, but the icon is the number 5. The icon for the trophy before it is the number 4, and the icon for the trophy after it is number 6.
Also, while localized names for the everwyrm vary a lot (asian ones are just "great existence") the arabic one is "تنين مجنح عجوز" or "old winged dragon".

Bazel makes hunts easy, but he sure doesn't make them fast. Fucker just won't stay away and let me kill my target efficiently.

They said that they're going to let you do "something" with your Kulve weapons but they didn't specify what

Maybe the word in Arabic implies the subject has wings by virtue of it being a dragon, as there isn't a direct translation for "Wyrm"

If you need gore and edge, play souls.

>Dire Miralis destroys whole seas just by existing

I remember bearing the Double Tempered Bagel quest by baiting both into the same area and letting them kill each other

Fun times

Gamescom stream has Brachy gameplay right now

Cope, poorfag

Dung Pods should force him to leave for long enough to finish your main target unless you're getting your ass kicked

bazel brachy turf war fucking when

>Tfw we have to wait for MH6 to see a live recreation of Brachydios vs Agnaktor from the ecology video

Attached: EXPLOSIONS.gif (243x182, 1.31M)

>brachy roars in frustration since he can’t reach the bagel
>bagel does in for the divebomb and gets fucking punched into the ground