Fake voice actor?

Why is it that when Sam is shouting "Over here, I'm Sam" it's clearly the voice of someone other than Sam's regular voice actor?

Attached: 1549442096934.jpg (1920x1080, 526K)

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It's not?

It's clearly Norman Reedus yelling, giving him a slightly higher pitch than his normal speaking voice.

>the first gameplay they show is of the main character taking a piss complete with meter

ok thats it even i think kojima has completely lost it

>this is the fall animation of a game in current year
bravo kojimbo

it sounds like a different person

Attached: 1553010430118.webm (1920x1080, 2.53M)

pretty fucking based if you ask me

in crazy world maybe


literally reused assets from mgsv
and people still say they are not related

Cardboard physics just like in MGSV
Why not go with ragdoll??

Honestly this. It's not reused assets, but everything is basically the same, even the menus etc are oozing out TPP development style. Most likely the devs that stuck with Kojima Productions are the core staff from MGSV.

based kojima bringing our fetish into big games

I was thinking Sam is Dorito Pope. Who cares. That game is prank.

You're an idiot. That's just what Norman sounds like when he isn't doing his typical mumbling cool guy acting.

prove it

Never seen Blade 2?

of course he's gonna sound different in a video from almost 18 years ago..

He sounds exactly the same while shouting. That's my point.

lol no, you have to prove that it's someone else, which doesn't even make sense

Watch the last 5 seconds of the video.

Who is he shouting at in the first place?
I also noticed the ladder gets removed from the backpack after he uses it, which could imply the open world walking sections aren't that large since a single use item like that would be pretty useless if you're travelling for miles and miles.

>Hat or glasses don't even fall off

I'm guessing he can pick up the ladder once he's at the top, but doesn't do it in the demo.

There's a button prompt to collapse the ladder after he places it. Would be incredibly retarded to make them single use.

you think I'm want to to risk losing my Gold™ edition glasses and hat? [$79.99+tip]

Attached: death-stranding-preorder-bonuses-a6fa6.jpg (1479x846, 150K)