I never played MGS in my life. Is pic related really that bad?
I never played MGS in my life. Is pic related really that bad?
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For an MGS fan, yes. The gameplay is good, but the game has a retarded story that is literally like 50% finished, so in that way it's very disappointing.
no the game part is great, it's the story and the hype that were big let downs.
It's probably the best out of all of them for non-Metal Gear fans. It's a good game.
If you've never played mgs it might actually be pretty good
Metal Gear Solid games tend to be story driven.
This is more an MMO version.
Its not bad at all, its a really great game. MGS just has really autistic fanbase. Start with MGS1, not V or you end up being confused and come on Yea Forums saying its shit.
only mgs game that was so boring i havent even finished it yet
Yes, it's not even "V is a good game, just a bad Metal Gear game". V is legitimately a bad game all around
Choose one. The unfinished story was the least of its problems.
Completely false, story was 100% finished in 2013, read the leaked script. Only things that have been cut from the game are Kingdom of the Flies DLC that was scrapped early, Side Op where you kill adult Chico and Battlegear.
Yep. It's a great game, you will have a lot of fun playing it, but it's barely an MGS game.
1 > 3=2 > V > 4 >>>>>> PW
No. It's just the lore fags won't stop jerking off over how the story fucked them over, and how there's not much to do outside of the regular missions and online FOB. Also, it has the best controls, items, and mechanics out of every MGS game. So whatever. People won't stop their circle jerk, so don't bother stopping them. Just listen and see if you agree.
Just play Far Cry 2, 3 or 4.
I didn't play 5, but it's probably similar.
It's even worse
Yeah and I'm sure Chapter 2 was meant to be recycled mission from the very start and the "we'll make diamonds from their asses" mission was always meant to just pop up randomly in the helicopter.
What's so bad about it? From the very first trailer I was really excited about the prospect of infiltrating bases in an open world, being able to observe it from a distance and then choose how to approach it, and that was pretty much what the game delivered. And the amount of ways you can play thanks to the absurd amount of equipment choices is great. The only complaint I really have is that there is not nearly enough variety in terms of the maps.
The boss fights are garbage. I expected better from a Metal Gear game.
>Yeah and I'm sure Chapter 2 was meant to be recycled mission from the very start and the "we'll make diamonds from their asses" mission was always meant to just pop up randomly in the helicopter.
Read the script idiot. There are no recycled missions, you dont even have to play them to progress the story. They are just a filler with added difficulty.
Sahelanthropus was the best bossfight in the series. Alot of things in MGSV are the best in whole series.
Good gameplay, awful story.
>MGSV: The Phantom Pain
>the game is unfinished and leaves you wanting more
>the game gives you phantom pain
bravo kojima
>There are no recycled missions,
What? There is. Exact same mission except more difficult.
5They are equally as bad, but the 5 is at least enjoyable
based retard
h-he wanted it to be like that from the start
so genius
>There are no recycled missions
>you dont even have to play them to progress the story
So are there any or not?
Fuck off
Essential watching right here youtu.be
It's a good game but it has no real ending and peters out, making it an unsatisfying experience on the whole due to a lack of resolution or conclusion.
Feels like you just wandered around having fun for no real purpose.
Ground Zeroes and the first act of Phantom Pain are pure, undiluted kino.
Play the original on a PSP or PsVita first.
So is it basically 100 hours of dicking around in the sand? Are there at least some unexpected missions or some other variety? I’m sick of grinding copy paste missions in barren open world games.
No. But game force you to be anti war hippie. If you ignore non lethal guns, R&D, motherbase, fultoning, freeroam, buddies and mission rating, than game is fine. There is no story, so don't bother with that.
But user, I’m an anti war hippie.
>So is it basically 100 hours of dicking around in the sand?
Eh, sort of.
>Are there at least some unexpected missions or some other variety?
Not really. Side ops are just lesser missions, and are all the same really. The open world is empty and doesn't have anything in it... except THOSE side ops. Going around mother base is boring after 2 minutes. You basically just run around and punch your staff. Online is the same exact thing too. Depending on how much the person's base is upgraded, it's still the same base. Still the same objectives. Go to the same places. Guys will be in the same spots usually. It's just the same thing over and over again. So, no. There is no variety.
Oh. I forgot this game actually has Online Multiplayer. I was originally talking about Online solo FOB missions where you raid someone elses base. The actual online multiplayer is fucking dead. Don't even bother trying to queue.
Fantastic gameplay and grafics
Good story
As someone who dislikes open-world games, the freedom that MGS5 gives you to complete missions is unprecedented.
You can tell the amount of love Kojima had for this game, all the little details hidden the game that 90% of the players would never encounter.
>open game on birthday
>stay in trash for a few days
>disable all nukes in MP to get a new cinematic
How the fuck can you be disappointed in this game?
thanks fren
does anyone know what the music is called when you have low health?
No problem, user. You go out and find yourself a game with variety.
Literally to beat the story and get the ending cutscene you have to replay the opening hour-long mission that now has new scenes for no discernible reason
Shut the fuck up stupid
Just fall for the GZ > TPP meme, its true anyways.
>he didnt understand the story
and you DARE to call me stupid
The entirety of Chapter 3 was gutted, you retard.
>Are there at least some unexpected missions or some other variety?
Nope. The side ops are all like "Defeat Armored Tank 12" and "Infiltrate Base 22" copypasta shit
And the main missions are essentially the same thing
You are literally told that you have to do "wetwork" to raise funds for your army
Even though you're supposedly the fucking boss and you should probably be doing something more important
So even in the main missions, most of the time you're doing things that are completely inconsequential.
Than you will love this. You NGO zoo and full of niggers. Game will scold you everytime you kill someone.You will even have nigger kindergarden.
Chapter 3 was turned into the paz sidequest, read the script, you retard
How on Earth did you get that out of what I posted
I forgot what the new scenes were. Was it even anything interesting?
That chapter is DLC with Eli.
So Chapter 3 was gutted. You're speaking in fucking circles, mong.
No, just a disappointing send off to the die-hard fans because the entire game's end chapter got cut out and the entire story just goes out with a whimper.
What's there is great though, definitely pick it up regardless.
Nope, you are trying mental gymnastics
I don't remember them adding the mission sequences where you chase down Liquid on an island polluted by parasites to destroy Sahelongobongobot.
No, it's a legitimately good game. The gameplay is the best in the Metal Gear franchise and visiting Mother Base between missions is comfy. My only complaints are that the game is clearly unfinished, the missions can become repetitive, and the map is too large with too few points of interest. It would've benefited substantially with a smaller map that has more detail.
Just skip all the cutscenes that don't include Quiet's lovely tits because the story is pants on head retarded.
No, that's you. Gutting the entire sequence where you fight Mantis and Liquid, scenes that had complete cutscenes and levels ready to go, and then changed into some nonsense bullshit with Paz is the very definition of gutted content. You are a delusional fucking retard.
You are delusional, read the script that proves you wrong. This is what happens when you let everyone create stories in their head without facts and evidence. It has been going on for too long.
absolutely this
Very accurate.
>Read the script!
>Script had Chapter 3 involving you fighting Liquid and Mantis which is where this info cones from along with leaked concept art and completed yet unused game footage
Are you high?
Thats the Kingdom of the Flies scrapped DLC you idiots, damn you are stupid
Hmmm. Apparently this never existed.
No, the game has its issues yet it's amazing as a standalone entry. The only people going nuclear about it are storyfags, but then again, it's a videogame. Even though they were some retarded stuff in the plot.
Kingdom of the Flies scrapped DLC. Chapter 3 is Paz sidequest.
Its called PEACE. Peace day never came, PEACE WALKER. If you think Kingdom of the Flies has anything to do with Chapter 3 you are retarded. It was always about Paz. Read the damn script, MGS fanbase is the dumbest I ever seen.
>Good story
What was good about it?
>Read the damn script
You mean the script that did not survive into the final game?
This is your Chapter 3, it was there all along. Back up your fanfictions with facts next time so you dont cause yourself 4 year long seethe. Shit like Demon Edition is what happens when you retards go unchecked.
this, also how come the demon edition redditors suddenly went so silent? merely 20 hours ago I saw them still frothing at the mouth over how "naysayers will get blown the fuck out" and telling everyone to le fuck off if they didnt want to look at their epic ruse threads?
>chapter 3 is paz sidequest
no, it's not. the paz side quest is supposed to be experienced during chapter 1, maybe slightly during chapter 2. i say this not having found it until the very end of the game, after learning the truth. it is out of place and doesn't make narrative sense if you experience it like i did. i almost want to wipe my save file and start over so i can experience it properly, but then think about how awful it would be to build everything back to where it was. god i hate single save systems.
idiot, read the script
If you can get past the shitty story and the shit with the skulls then its an excellent game. Fucking around in afganistan with some wacky f
gadgets and self imposed challenges is great fun. Its the best in the series for gameplay and freedom of choice.
just this
anybody checking out that mgs 5 day marathon stream?
>no discernable reason
Oh the cut ending was being turned into DLC was it?
So why was Chapter 3 even as a title card cut from the game if, according to you, it still exists in the game?
>hurr you are an idiot for not seeing this thing i can't identify
there is only so much I can do for you idiots, if you dont want cooperate thats on you, dont read the script then I tried
It has a good gameplay core (Snake plays well, you can fuck around with the guards, etc.) but it also has mindboggling design decisions like tapes not working properly and being boring compared to Peace Walker, having to wait real time for weapons to develop for some reason, underutilized mother base, cut content, repetitive missions which don't change that much as the game progresses, and a retarded story, doubly so if you're an MGS fan.
>MGS was always dumb hurp durp
It's a meme. MGS was wacky but it was never dumb and usually ended up internally consistent with great characters, plot twists, etc. V is just retarded, it fumbles nearly everything and nothing makes sense if you bother to think about it critically for more than two seconds.
Pirate it if you want to fuck around with it.
As in "this mission appears in the video game menu, and is a mission you already played, but now there are new scenes and the story offers absolutely no context for this sudden recollection on Venom's part"
Where does it come from, and why do we have to play through the entire hour-long opening to get to it? Why does that mission appear when it does?
There's no rhyme or reason to any of it, it's just a half-baked and rushed ending to squeak out a final twist in a game that was otherwise completely barren.
give some quote or something from the script then that says as much. the burden of proof is on you, not saying "hurr you guys are too stupid to not be able to verify this thing that i am claiming." you are boot on head retarded.
Infallibly correct
I've already read the script, years ago in fact. Everything you're spouting is bullshit.
Search for it, you are a big boy im sure I dont have to spoonfeed you everything
>visiting Mother Base between missions is comfy
It got old qucikly for me, once the novelty of judo flipping your guards wears off you realize there is fuck all to do and the only real reason it exists as a physical place in the game is for the FOB shit.
>It has a good gameplay core
if youre a retarded zoomer who hasnt played anything actually good in his life. Having good controls and being able to le fuck around with a guard doesnt mean fucking anything especially when that "fucking around" is skin deep and LESS DEEP than in the past metal gear games. Guards dont even fucking have proper location based damage, you cant damage their equipment like radios, you cant do shit like poison them etc etc. Your epic choices are limited to immobilising them with either red or blue damage, distracting them with noise or telling them to get down onto the ground. The game has a pile of fake depth by giving you 20 different items that deal blue damage or make noise but in the end all of them are retarded fluff because the challenge and mechanics around them are less deep than in fucking MGS2 where you would use chaff grenades to disrupt electronics
>You never read it!
>Other user asks for sauce
>Can't provide it
>if youre a retarded zoomer who hasnt played anything actually good in his life. Having good controls and being able to le fuck around with a guard doesnt mean fucking anything especially when that "fucking around" is skin deep and LESS DEEP than in the past metal gear games. Guards dont even fucking have proper location based damage, you cant damage their equipment like radios, you cant do shit like poison them etc etc. Your epic choices are limited to immobilising them with either red or blue damage, distracting them with noise or telling them to get down onto the ground. The game has a pile of fake depth by giving you 20 different items that deal blue damage or make noise but in the end all of them are retarded fluff because the challenge and mechanics around them are less deep than in fucking MGS2 where you would use chaff grenades to disrupt electronics
I never said it's better than 1-3 you dumb fuck, learn to read before you go on a tirade. The gameplay core of controlling Snake is good in V and feels good but anyone with half a brain knows that 2, 3 and 4 are more mechanically advanced in what they allow the player to do.
The level design in 2 alone is miles ahead anything V offers.
As someone whos never played a metal gear game before, i found it to be excellent. I was already aware of the story and who all the charachters are because of youtube videos and wikis. Its got some weird elements.
Mother base is kinda pointless
Missions are repetetive
Story is barely there and laughably shallow compared to any other MGS game
Boss fights are annoying and you want them to be over
BUT the mission to mission part of this game is great. Snake feels great to play. Better than pretty much everything like it out there.
someone just post the script so this can come to a conclusion
You do know posting Sói Wojak doesn't make those points any less true, right?
>In this thread anons ignore what OP asked and call this game flawed because its not like other MGS games.
As a standalone game its great.
search for it
>The gameplay core of controlling Snake is good in V and feels good
not an achievement, its less complex than in MGS4 and its still badly designed console shit that doesnt even take full advantage of its functionality. Mechanics like the command wheel are completely barebones, the arms are useless, most items are fluff in an attempt to mask how theres nothing around them. Never say something as retarded as TPP having a "good gameplay core" when that implies that it would actually have a good basic gameloop, the game has smooth controls and thats it, as if that was a fucking achievement to tout in anything but the context of the series which was always overly clunky playstation shit
It has the best gameplay and worst story.
bunch of idiots need to be spoonfed every single thing
If you started playing games in 2015, yes, it might be better than the other ubishit out there, even if just barely. Its "great" to the same retards who think that skyrim is a good RPG or TLOU is the peak of the medium. MGSV is the quintessential zoomer "sim" and "stealth" game that actually has nothing to do with either style. All military or immersive sims curbstomp TPP at what it tries to do while all good stealth games, even from its own franchise which all lose out to good stealth games, curbstomp it at everything ti does. Its metal gear without anything that gave metal gear any edge over other franchises but with a 100% empty open world that puts ubishit to shame since its LITERALLY just empty space between the tiny objectives so you sprint for 10-15 minutes before being able to start the mission, on repeat for 50 missions in a row and 100+ sideops. Its a fucking embarrassing piece of shit. One of those perfect booby traps to reveal who is capable of joining the new world and who isnt. What a fucking actual special ED magnet
>Selling the ending as DLC
Literally cut content
>top tier voice acting
>novel story elements
>no real ending, a true phantom pain
>top tier voice acting
>Troy Baker pretends to be a cowboy
>Kaz the Ripper
>Kiefer mumbles for about ten minutes total
10/10 voice cast, great job
There were other ways the game tried to induce that phantom pain feeling that were clearly intentional (Quiet and Paz), the sudden final mission that is the first mission again but with extra cutscenes was obviously not a good way to end the game and just gave off the impression that they didn't finish the game and had to quickly shove the ending in with no justification for why it happens.
>>Troy Baker pretends to be a cowboy
Do you even know what acting is?
>>Kaz the Ripper
He lost his life's work to an inside job. Didn't really understand why for a long time. He's right to be untrusting and edgy.
>>Kiefer mumbles for about ten minutes total
An improvement to an otherwise entirely silent protaganist meme. Also Kiefer was probably too expensive more more lines.
yeah that song at 0:45 is what i was thinking of. thanks user
>Also Kiefer was probably too expensive more more lines.
what a fucking meme he was a z-lister with multiple other video game characters on his names he was likely dirt cheap
If you're acting well then it shouldn't sound like you're pretending. And for fuck's sake just listen to Ocelot in the previous games, he comes off as a much more distinct and memorable character. Here he's just bored tutorial man who sounds like he's half-heartedly reading straight off a wiki article most of the time.
>i am excited about X product
>i really hope that X product does Y thing that would be great
>why did X product do Z thing, i wanted them to do Y thing why didnt they do what i wanted?
dont try, youre talking to literally retarded children who think kiefer is some salvatore dali tier wacko who took a million for every word he said
>wojak poster is dumb enough to download a jpg with a checkerboard background thinking it would be transparent
>wojak poster is dumb enough to download a jpg with a checkerboard background thinking it would be transparent
Playing it first is probably the best way to play it, because the best part about it is the gameplay.
Then go back and play the rest in release order if you care about the story.
How can you like Peace Walker but hate Portable Ops? I can't see that unless you played PW first. Kojima basically stole all the ideas from POps and improved them a bit.
No, it's pretty great
No, the only people who say this game is bad are retards who spent literally every single day before release watching the trailers and talking about it and then got upset when the game wasn't actually the made-up fantasy game they had in their head.
I like MGSV and I think you're a fucking retard.
sticks and stones
Nah, it pretty good, just not the second coming like people were thinking it'd be. You need to remember how ridiculously hyped TPP was; people here were legitimately expecting it to redefine action games.
sorry m8, your blunder didn't go unnoticed
try coming back here when you turn 18
I think the important thing here isn't whether or not MGSV had a gutted, incomplete story, but that if felt like it had a gutted, incomplete story.
Chapter 2 was a bunch of loosely connected subplots that felt more like the skeleton of a story than an actual story.
>sorry m8, your blunder didn't go unnoticed
try coming back here when you turn 18
>can't even quote correctly
lmao, keep going
>can't even quote correctly
lmao, keep going
No its not but don't start with 5 with you zoomer piece of shit
Portable Ops has terrible controls,is non canon and its worse in basically every way compared to PW
>faggot has a nervous breakdown and just starts mimicking every post because that's the only thing left he can do
if you imitate this post your mom will die in her sleep tonight
>faggot has a nervous breakdown and just starts mimicking every post because that's the only thing left he can do
if you imitate this post your mom will die in her sleep tonight
enjoy your dead mommy lmao
>enjoy your dead mommy lmao
MGS has two camps...
1 - people who want a game
2 - people who want a story
If you're in the first camp then it's more than worth getting. It's a brilliant open world stealth game, and mods make it way better, allowing you to try every mission unarmed etc and essentially set your own difficulty.
Since I'm from the "games are games" school I love it.
Im in both camps and loved the game
I’m buying this game. It’s haters seem retarded so it must be a good one.
>1 - people who want a game
>2 - people who want a story
I want both
MGSV failed me on both counts
Play Ground Zeroes for an example for how it could have been. It was a game with very solid gameplay, that got taken down quite a few notches by the world design not meshing well with the gameplay, along with a story that wasn't up to par with the previous games.
I would recommend to either play the MGS games in order of release, or to play 5 so you get it out of the way, then start from 1-4, or start with 3, 1, and then 2-4.
I liked both, I bet you never even played an operations game before V
What bout Portable Ops