>he doesn't play every game on the hardest difficulty
He doesn't play every game on the hardest difficulty
>highest difficulty setting just increases enemy stats
>play on the hardest difficulty
>unlock the REAL hardest difficulty
>lose all desire to play and uninstall
>playing the hp bloat difficulty
But I do
Also this
I don't play games for challenge. In fact I often just kick in cheat engine nowadays and give myself infinite stats.
Hardest difficulty is just the same game but stretched out longer. Ain't nobody got time for that shit.
>enemy cheats on hardest difficulty
I play on the difficulty the game defaults to. Does this make you mad?
Some games aren't probably even tested on the hardest difficulty and are nigh impossible. On the level of you can easily die 100 times in the first 10 seconds of the game.
>just reset the game and go through four minutes of unskipable logos every five minutes because some bullshit killed you in one hit, bro, it's so FUN
>playing shit games
>being bad at video games
maybe you should seek a new hobby
Name half of a video game.
It was some COD modern warfare. You die in like 1-2 hits and the game is obviously not balanced around it.
>seething over what other people do
maybe you should see professional help
No you don’t. Your character is a literal bullet sponge in cod campaigns.
I go for the hardest difficulty, just to test whether or not they fucking tested it to be remotely fun, and downgrade if it's a chore.
Postal 2 or Doom, for example, are not games you're going to play on the hardest difficulty on the first run.
Max Payne 3 had that too
Normal is the way the game is meant to be played.
Why? What's the appeal otherwise?
I haute multiple difficulties in video games. Always 2-3 difficulties that are too easy and then the hardest just makes enemies deal and/or take more damage. Rarely does the ai improve.
So you’re stuck with a game that’s either unrewarding or a chore to play.
Highest difficulty -1 is how I roll.
To have fun? I don't have fun from experiencing challenge.
>Why yes I do play on the easiest setting so I can quickly complete it and move on to the next game
low t.
Then what's the appeal of the game? The stories are usually trash.
Buzzwords are not a specter that haunt my mind.
They are an activity that is enjoyable to see to its conclusion? I enjoy seeing endings. Really, what's to explain? It's like asking why read a book or why watch a movie because you don't get hassled for the duration. Sometimes it is for story (and some do in fact have good stories), sometimes it's for relaxation or comedy or novelty or any number of other reasons to partake of media. Most often, simply because it's soothing.
Have you never just relaxed and enjoyed a boat ride or a car cruise?
nah bruh. Most games handle high difficulties like shit and just add HP or make the AI cheat. Obviously the best games make the AI better and actually change the experience (i.e. Halo and MGS for example) but even in those cases it's often best to just start with normal anyways
No, I find things without challenge to be fairly boring for the most part. Would you play tennis against a toddler?
>he's not autistic
Normal these days is the easy of the 90s.
>It's like asking why read a book or why watch a movie because you don't get hassled for the duration
only is isn't because those are passive activities whereas video games are less passive.
I get where you're coming from, but it's a poor argument.
This right here
Whats the point exactly? So you in your mind think that you get some brownie points? Lol, enjoy seething and wasting time with bloated hp bars while I enjoy the game and move on to the next one. The only reason anyone should play on the hardest difficulty if the difficulty setting changes the enemy ai changes, not just hp. Or for extra content
Then you need to learn to understand other perspectives. I understand wanting a challenge in the abstract, but I simply do not sympathize with it. Challenge exhausts me more than anything, I get no satisfaction out of completing a difficult task, merely a weary sigh and a vague sense of relief that I can now progress to other things. But I'm not going to say "NOBODY MUST PLAY FOR CHALLENGE, IT IS BADWRONGFUN".
There are plenty of passive video games to partake of.
>you must complete the game on medium to unlock hard
>here are plenty of passive video games to partake of.
gay "games" for gay fags, such as yourself.
Did you just assume their gender?
>Series is extremely easy and has no hardmode
Sports are gay and anti-fun so no.
if i can get an achievement sure, if there is none then i dont care
>Enemies hit like a truck and delete your save when you die
I'm not subjecting myself to that retardation.
I used to do the same until I realized what a massive waste of time it was. Like i said, if all the difficulty does is add a multiplier to the enemy, what is the point? You are just wasting your time. But maybe you just have too much time on your hands, in which case, have at it champ.
>seething like this
have sex
This pains me, I'm trying to enjoy my first playthrough so give me your greatest challenge.
>he's not playing on the the easiest difficulty ironically
low t.
I legitimately don't get the appeal though. Videogames are pretty much designed as a series of challenges to be overcome. What's the point of going through the motions. It's like finishing a rubix cube by painting it.
you're posting on Yea Forums talking about how i have too much time on my hands have a (you)
name a good game that's better on harder difficulties
hard mode: explain why the game mode being harder is better
you can't
No one is paying you for making it through the challenges. The best you get is some reflex boost. You have to be a turbo cuck to sink your time into overcoming videogame challenges instead of learning programming or some shit that can help you IRL.