What went wrong?
What went wrong?
weebs happened
it all started more than a decade ago
shit mods
got too popular
Zoomers, moefags, comebrains
fuck off weebshit
they didn't ban phone posting
Yea Forums was perfect intellectual video game discussion with everyone wearing tuxedos and drinking Tea Then anime and porn was invented, and then everything became as it is now. Very sad.
based and redpilled anime is cancer
Mods don't ban obvious discord raiding trannies fast enough.
not about vidya anymore, turned into a wojakposting board for 9gag mongoloids, completely poisoned by cynicism and post ironic contrarianism making conversations in good faith pretty much impossible
it's unsalvageable and should be nuked
Reddit/ResetEra happened. See
People are more interested in baiting others with shit memes and off-topic cancer than in video games.
no permanent tripcodes. anonymity enables shitposting and inhibits serious video game discussion and stating something worthwhile.
fappening infiltrators, 2016 election amerimutts and recent resetgender tourism has also had a hand.
2006 happened. Yea Forums went from niche and obscure to le sekrit hakur club because of retarded news headlines.
Then we got a huge influx of children trying to fit in and eventually became edgy reddit.
Too many newfags
Not enough oldfags to tell them they were newfags who needed to lurk more
Before you knew it Yea Forums became shittid 2.0
All joking aside this website is completely different to what it was years ago, its a joke today the shit people let slide in terms of forum culture. Doesnt help all the mods are dead.
2016 was the killing blow for this website. muttniks shit up everything they touch.
You’re 10 years off, bud.
Autistics - either for comic effect, desperate for (You)s, or pushing some agenda - they make the same thread and the same responses.
Over and over and over and over and over.
Because mods are discord trannies
It was shit in 2006 mate.
I joined this site back in the '16 and it feels so god damn good to be an oldfag.
Yea Forums
3% of the boards are responsible for 90% of utterly retarded shitposting
The cycle of guilt that plagues Yea Forums.
videogames bad
shitposting good
Literally everything
I only come here to save images for my twitter memepage and shitpost. I don't give a fuck about this shithole. And don't bother banning me please, I'll just come back.
discordfags children, normalfags and viral marketers flooding Yea Forums after 2010
carvz Yea Forums
merapsco Yea Forums
twocows Yea Forums
jullikas Yea Forums
smkurosawa Yea Forums
It's not redditors, it's because of underage and the fact that it got way too popular.
Shitposting is at an all time high, gamers everywhere, quality of threads and discussions have gone down significantly. Time for me to stop visiting this shithole.
oh wow they filtered c.umbrain haha
The jannies.
>Even 2019 Yea Forums is so insufferable that the admin of fireden stopped archiving
If you want permanent tripcodes then why are you even here
I'm a proud Meme War veteran yet I hate these fucking whiners so much. Like, this site was made for shitposting, you know? If you complain and hate fun then fuck off somewhere and forget this place forever.
>he wants permanent tripcodes
Need I remind you there was a period in time when this board was utterly unusable because of the vast number of tripniggers ruining threads?
It's fucking amazing they filter this recent buzzword but literally every else that has been spammed for the better part of this year has yet to be filtered. Fuck the mods and fuck underage.
If u need a username why are u even here faggot kys
Do you think thread IDs would be a better alternative?
you're on the wrong site
Conspicuous weebs, who use it as a status symbol then.
nothing really, Yea Forums has always been fun to me despite the changes