Morrowind > Skyrim > Daggerfall > Oblivion > Arena
prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't
Morrowind > Skyrim > Daggerfall > Oblivion > Arena
prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't
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All Elder Scrolls games are open world garbage and Morrowind is considered the best one precisely because it's the least open world game of them and the most contained and dense one.
morrowind is totally open world though
Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim
Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion > Unplayable others
>morrowind is totally open world though
It is. But it's the least open world one of them. And that's why it's the least shit.
Morrowind > the others
>skyrim > daggerfall
I'd put Daggerfall over Skyrim and depending on my mood maybe even over Morrowind too. I like the idea of Daggerfall a lot more than the game itself and wish that the series had continued refining that style instead of going for the smaller handcrafted stuff.
Other than that I share your order. Daggerfall/Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim would all land somewhere in my top 10 favorite games of all time.
Absolute brainlet take.
Open world games can be great.
Admit it, you just hate anything that doesn't have gook fap bait in it.
>think I might play Skyrim again
>browse the steam workshop for some interesting mods
>download a few
>eventually change my mind and play Gothic, Grimrock, or Daggerfall instead
Daggerfall> Oblivion > Morrowind > Skyrim > """arena""""
That's the only correct opinion.
Excuse the gloom, but none may know of this Elder Scrolls thread.
House Hlaalu is for bitch niggas
Daggerfall > Arena > Morroblivion > Oblivion > Skyrim > Morrowind
>Skyrim and Daggerfall above Oblivion
Full retard.
Morrowind > Oblivion > Daggerfall > Skyrim > Arena
Post your favorite Morrowind builds/playstyles.
My last run I went Telvanni speccing into conjuration, alteration, and spears. I didn't equip any weapons, but instead just conjured a bound spear. Also chose Atronach for ez spell absorbtion.
don't bound weapons work irrespective of the weapon skill, making it a waste to specialize in the weapon if you're just going to conjure?
>that feel when Oblivichad
I mean Daggerfall was a true RPG in a purist sense.
Daggerfall = Morrowind > Oblivion >>> Skyrim > Arena
Yes. That's what the OP said.
See I thought so too, so I only planned to use it for the early game. But I actually gained spear levels when using the conjured weapon. Plus my damage was always higher than every spear I found until the late game. And even then, I had a spell that lasted 500 seconds of duration so I just stuck with it.
Daggerfall is a broken unplayable piece of shit that only barely functions as a tech demo and the zoomers pretending it's good because they just started playing the Unity release aren't going to change that.
>broken unplayable piece of shit that only barely functions as a tech demo
You've described every Bethesda game without a community patch.
Arena and Daggerfall are the perfect examples of CRPG's (Daggerfall a little less then Arena). Everything afterwards keeps shifting away from the traditional roleplaying, into a more of a blend of action/roleplaying, with each game focusing more and more on the action part.
I was playing Daggerfall before the unity version was released.
>play daggerfall fully patched
>4/5 of the quests i attempt can't be completed because of bugs
Great game.
Admit it, user, you were too lazy to search for the quest location in the dungeons.
this, oblivion has the best quests
Telvanni is Greatest House, stairs and walking are for n'wahs, Mysticism is best discipline (followed by Alteration) and Destruction is the worst, and Morrowind is the only good TES game
B-but muh quest markers! Morrowind was the best because you had to READ DIRECTIONS on your way to pick up some flowers or kill 2 guys in a cave!
I spent three hours in a dungeon looking for the quest location in one instance. I searched every single corner of the dungeon cobbled together from five different Build Your Own Dungeon playsets until I finally decided to use the console to teleport to where it was. I ended up in an inaccessible section of the dungeon that couldn't be reached without cheating because of the procedural generation. Two quests bugged and the questgiver wouldn't recognize them as being complete. Both the thieves guild and dark brotherhood quests I tried to do were bugged in the same way. I went to the location where someone was supposed to be waiting that would let me join, and they weren't there. The house was marked as theirs, but they weren't there. They weren't in any of the houses. Eventually I got tired of having to constantly reload every time something fucked up and stopped playing.
Has Bethesda ever made a good RPG?
How is Tamriel Rebuilt looking?
Fair enough still better questing than Skyrim at least
Fuck the Bosmer
Fuck the Redguard
Fuck the Altmer, piss-colored tall cunts
Fuck the Imperials and their Walking Brass
And Bretons can summon a cock up their magic arse
Fuck Khajiit? No thank you I get pussy every day
And Nerevar has fucked the Nords back in Succession War days
Argonians are property
Argonians are property
Argonians are property
Telvanni in this bitch
Daggerfall is utterly fucked.
Most of the quests are bugged in some way. Many cannot be completed.
Randomly generated NPCs and spaghetti dungeons aren't fun either.
why do you think arena is the best? also I think morrowind should be a bit higher
>the least RPG of all Elder Scroll games
>anywhere near the top
You ain't fooling anyone by putting Morrowind first, Zoomer.
>steam workshop
>looking for mods
are there any mods at all to make skyrim more RPG and less consolized?
What is arena even like? I only ever see discussion for daggerfall and up.
No it wasn't you zoomer tard. There was an activatable object that you're supposed to use to get teleported to that section of the dungeon.
prototype of daggerfall
Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion > piss > Daggerfall > shit > Arena
>unironically rating Skyrim above Oblivion
for all its fatal flaws (namely, level scaling and oblivion gates), at least Oblivion has some soul. Skyrim has absolutely nothing going for it.
Trick question.
There has never been a good RPG.
Playing Arena, it's interesting to note how while the architecture of dungeons is stylized in a more simple manner with strictly rectangular hallways, they are more unique then it's successor's dungeons. Dungeons in Arena will have different textures used, whereas in Daggerfall everything has the same aesthetic to it with textures.
morrowind good
skyrim bad
What is with Bethesda and all the better writers being stuck with auxiliary DLC?
>Skyrim has some of the worst writing in TES history
>Dawnguard wasn't any better
>Yet Dragonborn was great
>Fallout 4 had similarly terrible trash writing
>Yet Far Harbor was fantastic and what everybody wanted from the game
I was waiting for a (you) to reply with exactly what you said. Good job, user.
Oblivion gates were cool, the problem was there were too many which took away their mystique. They also had the same copypasted tower but at least the parts before the tower were different.
I don't really care about your mysterious homosexual negroid nostalgia-filled "soul".
Like a really wonky, sort of simplified, open world version of Ultima Underworld. It's not really worth looking at, outside of curiosity, unless you're already into early 90s CRPGs.
Sounds like a great mechanic for a dungeon that was man-made and not clusterfuck of assets smashed together where exploration boils down to spending hours opening doors to the same copy-pasted empty rooms you've already seen a hundred times already with nothing in them until you've spent so long exploring them that the quest expires.
I've put hundreds of hours into the game over the years and have only had a handful of actually fucked quests. I'm not sure what you folks are doing.
Souls is one of the arguments you make when you don't have an actual argument.
Also Heart and art direction are interchangeable with soul to change things up.
The non-linear and traditional roleplaying aspects of the games confuses and angers them.
A bound weapon adds +10 to the relevant skill, so skills do matter.
I'm not really sure if I would put it down to that. Daggerfall's dungeons are just a simple game of covering grounds, checking every passage and exploring every room. Kind of like an easter egg hunt. It's somewhat autistic and not for everyone.
How is it the least open world one?
Yes, how did you know?
The lore is the only good part of the game
Yeah, but if you wanted to autistically explore randomly generated dungeons, you might as well play a roguelike.
Sums up all Bethesda RPGs desu
Yeah but that's just one part of the game. The dungeons are more fun, to me, within the context of the quests I'm doing and the huge world around them.
That complaint is valid for all Elder Scrolls games and should therefore not lower one game more than another
Because it is always easier to write shorter more condensed stories with less effort and less mistakes.
Trying to extend a story to fit dozens of hours of gameplay or more in a huge area becomes more difficult and prone to errors. That's the challenge with Main storylines in games like this. They can become boring and full of plot holes and unnecessary padding to extend it for a longer period.
New Vegas had the same problem.
>Join guild in Daggerfall
>Takes literal fucking ages, in game years even
>Can get kicked out if you fuck off and do your own shit for too long
>Join guild in Morrowind
>You found the Dwemer dildo, you're now guildmaster!
>Impossible to get kicked out of a guild short of killing everyone
the NV DLCs were pure kino
Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim = Daggerfall > Arena
Oblivion (quests, items/gear/artefacts, world, combat, UI, best expansion and DLC; level scaling, no spears/crossbows, no Imperial Legion Forts/faction) > Skyrim (dual wield, weapon/shield bash, crossbows, graphics; horrific UI, leveling, char building, world design, atrocious quests, terrible items/gear, no spellmaking, walking simulator, terrible magic, worse combat than in Oblivion, no spears) = Daggerfall (great char building, roleplaying, interesting world; shit-tier RNG dungeons, dicerolls, terrible combat, cannot furnish your house/ship, worse wiki sim than Morrowind, a lot of useless skills and features that dont work, no spears/crossbows).
Morrowind will always be the best ES game.
Medium armor + Spear + Alteration = Dragon Knight. Add in Destruction for ranged combat to simulate fireball vomit.
Except Morrowind and Oblivion and Skyrim because they can be played without patches.
For me they both have nice environments to explore and some lore to read even if gameplay itself has flaws.
>they can be played without patches
how to tell you've never played any of the three
>traditional roleplaying aspects
Yes, the traditional roleplaying aspects are a blast. I loved playing as a thief that couldn't even attempt to unlock a door without having a guard that as nowhere in sight appear before me and send me to jail. There's no greater feeling than climbing up onto a balcony, failing a lockpick roll because it's impossible to level the skill without going around and attempting to unlock doors (one attempt per day), then smashing the door down as guards yell at me from below as I finally enter the house after a minute of attempts only to find the house completely empty. Pickpocketing is great too. I love finally pinching two gold off of an unsuspecting copy-pasted NPC while being chased by guards because my other 20 attempts failed.
>found dwemer dildo
>impossible to leave shor to fo killing everyone
I know you are exagerating, but cut the bullshit.
That comlaint is as assinine and your post.
The Skyrim fan patch broke the game for me. You couldn't pickpocket trainers anymore.
The mod author not liking a thing does not equal a bug.
>Nooooo stop pointing out flaws in Morrowind!
you're an idiot so you wouldnt understand reason
>steam workshop
You can't be serious, right?
Making assumptions, chap?
I played all three and thats why i can state that all of them can be played without community patches.
Both sound like shit. Frankly, I dislike idea that player becomes guildmaster to begin with. If this was not the case then immersion would not suffer so much. And considering that player character is always a marry sue then guild should just give some honorary rank instead at the end of the quest line.
Stealth Killing people using Big fucking swords, while floating never stops being fun to me, wearing the best clothing Morrowind can offer, presenting yourself to the fake gods like a chad wearing no armor, only in Vvardenfell praise be Mephala.
Daggerfall > oblivion > morrowind = skyrim > arena. Fact. Morrowind is nostalgia shit
Can you pickpocket shopkeepers to get your money back? No? Alright.
Bethesda was just too lazy to make a shop chest for trainers as well and put the gold into the NPC's inventory instead.
also you shouldn't be a hero you should be a peasant farming in the fields of kummu and have to pay the fighter's guild to defend your guar from mudcrabs. if this was the case my immersion would not suffer so much because i'm not a marry sue character
Last playthrough I just didn't give a fuck and made an outfit with levitation, 100% chameleon, boots of blinding speed, and a drain health 500 points spell on touch and went around killing people and leading slaves and random quest followers into my telvanni mushroom dungeon.
The mod author should have made it so you could.
Either way, player character is not fit being guildmaster, because guildmasters job is to run the whole thing instead going on world saving adventures or dungeon crawling for loot to sell.
I'm too lazy to do it manually now that I don't have to anymore.
Theres these things called mod managers
shut the fuck up, if i bring back chrysamere and the lord's mail then duel the knight of the imperial dragon to the death, i deserve his rank
You're close. Put ESO between Skyrim and Daggerfall and it would be perfect. Oh and put Blades right behind Daggerfall
They're all good for what they are, for fuck's sake. Arguing about one of the only decent game series left is fucking stupid.
>I deserve things
>I want things to be just handed to me without a lot of effort
>Nerevar had to team up with the Dwemer, when both Dunmer and Dwemer were at their strongest and Nords were at their weakest to defeat the Nords
Oh no...
>Dunmer are now squatting in Nord cities begging for hand-outs while their kinsmen are slaves to Argonians
>pink parts of Vvardenfell
I never noticed before but is Balmora still around and kicking?
Depends on how big the eruption of Red Mountain was. From in game info it was a Krakatoa level eruption which means no Blamora is not around and kicking. It may have been rebuilt but the original is gone.
I think dunmer retook those territories.
No shittalking dunmer.
‘Ate deadra
‘Ate orcs
‘Ate the emperor
‘Ate imperials
‘Ate Altmer. Not racist, just don’t like ‘em
‘Ate dragons
‘Ate giants
‘Ate falmer
Love are Talos
Love ‘ammers
Love shoutin’
Love Dunmer
‘Nuff said
I think in Skyrim one of the dungmer said the Hist lickers still hold southern Morrowind. They guy you frame to start the TG quest.
Well maybe area around Tear, as I couldn't find info on that.
The NPC didn't go into great detail and wasn't all that sure it was still true.
As far as I know he is the only one that mentions it. Even the DLC set in Solstheim is light on info.
This is correct.
Yeah, one is called the steam workshop.
pretty fucking good. all of the East and South of Morrowind are almost fully done (quests and all)
How much did it cost? Enchanting is rad but insanely expensive for passive effects I thought.
What did he mean by this?
It's the smallest and most dense
>it's not an RPG unless you spend 100% of your time sat behind a spreadsheet running the Mage's Guild
I haven't played Arena but I agreed. All this babies where Oblivion was there first TES think it's a marvel. It was literally a worse version of Morrowind. At least with Skyrim they did some new stuff and effected some positive changes that made the game feel more modern. Oblivion only did that super mildly.
This is correct
We all know this
That doesn't make any sense. Is Witcher 3 less of an open world just because how dense it is with side quests and other stuff?
I get what you're trying to say but Morrowind still is way bigger than your average hub based game. Also Oblivion was about Morrowind's size.
Short swords, chitin armor, Sneak. Basic sneaky stabby that I supplemented with Illusion and conjuration magic.
I also liked unarmed, unarmored, acrobatics. I carried very little and just traveled vvardenfell running from monsters and knocking out bandits, freeing the slaves from the mines and plantations. Tried not to kill anybody but, you know. Shit happens.
>implying that isn't what people want
Dagon Fell might be around, as well as Ald Sotha and a bunch of other tombs/dwemer ruins.
Port Telvannis is kicking around, thats for sure.
My n'wah.
>tfw I finished the main story, multiple guilds, and DLC and I still haven't given Hentus his pants back.
why have you posted a thumbnail like a crypto-hlaalu
>days prepping mods and getting ready to play skyrim
>play for 5 minutes and uninstall the game
Every time
Daggerfall has no right being in the same list, nor arena, they are different kinds of RPG and don't hold up to the same standards. But if you do try you can't objectively say they are better, it's only good because it's fairly addictive to play but by any measure it's worse than all the others. The landscape is barren and you auto travel everywhere, the dungeons are generated automatically with no real handcrafting or true personality to them, and the quests especially have nothing special about them to the point you can keep denying them until the quest giver decides to pick one you feel like from the list available to them. All very samey and repetitive.
Are they islands? With as large as the eruption was they are the only ones that had a chance of surviving. If they were close to the volcano I don't like their chances.
>Witcher 3
>dense with side quests
Oblivion+Maskar's OO>all TESshit