>Supposedly one of the worst
>is actually one of the best
Heroes of Might and Magic 4
It certainly have the best OST
Except it's one of the worst
it had great potential and some parts of it are great, but sadly it's an unfinished game
Well yeah it's one of the best if you count the games after it. Count the first four and it's the second worst.
It just need a fanpatch à la Heroes 3 HD.
Heroes V could have been great if we could understand how the Town screen fucking work.
Too bad they couldn't finish it properly.
>any game like that would have its fan patch
>Heroes IV got jackshit
it's not fair
Amazing soundtrack, I get why people hated the Hero in combat but it was really fun in Campaigns where your hero was unstoppable by the end. Speaking of campaigns, Gauldoth's story was really good
The contrast always hurys my eyes after playing it for an hour. Never had a problem with 3 and 2 though
it remind me this:
I like how all the towns look the same so retards like me don't get too confused
I tried to play this but I couldnt get into it.
I liked homm3 and 5
But with homm4 are you supposed to just level up a team of super strong heroes and go around stomping armies?
Town graphics are one of the real weaknesses of the game. No soul compared to H2/H3
I also love all the great 3d models, so much better than that hand drawn bullshit
Heroes 2 remaster when
>I also love all the great 3d models, so much better than that hand drawn bullshit
If you consider anything that came after 4 as still part of the franchise, sure. I don't do that and so 4 is still the worst game for me.
Truly soulless.
How do I git gud at this game?
Its meta is difference from 3 and 5
I want to like this game. But I just can't bring myself to play it.
I'm far to spoiled by homm3
>hand drawn bullshit
Are you talking about HoMM and HoMM2? Because HoMM3 uses sprites that are made from 3d models.
The color of the background is based on the terrain that surrounds your town.
Basically my take. I really enjoyed 4 and I loved having a strong Hero blowing apart armies.
Its bad, but it was your first.
My first was HoMM2 and I still like HoMM4.
So whatever happened to the series?
Pure kino
i mean its better than fucking 6 and 7 thats for sure
>Mongo great barbarian from the north
Well, fuck. I finally spat water on my screen. You got me.
This, Ubisoft bought it but it turns out they fucking hate HoMM so nothing happened after 7
>you can kill entire armies with your barbarian hero
truly one of the best HEROES games
whatever happened to rts games in general would be a better question
>after 7
I'd say that nothing happened after HoMM4.
>Talking about a turn based strategy game
>Whatever happened to real time strategy games?
Umm, sweetie.
>level archery to 5
>hero's ranged attack kills 3-4 black dragons per shot, fires 2 times
>that's without any spell buffs
heroes 4 is hilarious
A lot of the soundtrack is remixes of stock music. The town themes are the real deal though
Try HoMM5 with the AI fixing mod to it first
You zoomers wouldn't even know of the HoMM series without that Youtuber who is a Reddit comedian.
Pong is a better HoMM game than 6 or 7.
I played it back in 2006 when it was released and then played every addon for it. It feels like a worse version of HoMM3.
There was no youtube in the 90s.
What a great starting place.
u got me im retarded, turnbased strategy games are even worse to market nowadays tho unless its some jrpg turn based shit
i really dont get why didnt they bring that up more? it came at a cost and was very fun plus the game is called Heroes ffs
3 = 2 > 4 > 1 > 5 > 6 > 7
i fucking LOVE hmom5's elven archers. They are so fucking good when they shoot twice
Yeah they could get stupid strong against neutrals, real satisfying to just plow through shit
King's Bounty is kind of a spiritual successor to the series, though it's more of a tactical RPG than a strategy game.
Kinda dislike certain choices they did, but the hero customization is fun.
Cheeki breeki you too.
Any games worth playing after 5?
>>level archery to 5
>>hero's ranged attack kills 3-4 black dragons per shot, fires 2 times
>>that's without any spell buffs
is this how you were supposed to play homm 4
Fuck no. HoMM3 has the best OST by far.
That's Heroes 2.
I didn't like it until earlier this year when I gave it yet another try and suddenly the gameplay clicked with me. Gauldoth's campaign was the best and, as cliche as its story was, the life campaign was very enjoyable too.
From bad to great.
>Every spinoff and Might and Magic game
>HOMM 5(with Tribes of the East)
That would be 2
Spazz Maticus... A young king on a mad quest to rule the world
I've heard OST for HoMM2 (and I actually played it before 3) and it's not anywhere near 3. You're letting your nostalgia speak for you.
>If you consider anything that came after 4 as still part of the franchise, sure. I don't do that and so 4 is still the worst game for me.
Since your army can move without a hero in it, start by splitting off 1-stacks of some fast units from the army and use them to scout and pick up resources.
It speeds the game up a whole lot and you can do a lot of neat stuff with just army splitting.
Nothing come close
>You zoomers wouldn't even know of the HoMM series without that Youtuber who is a Reddit comedian.
Boblennon ?
The only thing better than this.
Was the song used in the trailer for HOMM 6
The story was kinda stupid
Music is great but unfortunately it feels cheapened knowing they just took the soundtrack from a bunch of celtic music cds instead of composing anything original.
Isn't there 2 versions for HoMM 2 OST? CD and MIDI?
HoMM6 has its moments but there isn't many of them, HoMM7 im not sure but theres probably something alright with it
Where are the hip hop musics?
Lil weezy,jeezy,speezy,spergy and nerdy in the medieval house yo.
Let's turn up this stables.
it already have a repack in the heroes III engine.
>King's Bounty is kind of a spiritual successor to the series
King's Bounty series is older than HoMM
This is Might and Magic now
Looks more like Disciples.
Thanks zoomers. Appreciate it.
Make sure you buy the season pass and some loot boxes, it's not like that could ever damage the integrity of an entire industry or anything.
it's too colorful to be disciples
>Disciples 3
Please no, it still hurts.
I mean gameplay-wise
>disciples 3
What's wrong with 3?
I only played 2
Women like Heroes of Might & Magic
MEN like Might & Magic
Might and Magic is for catamites that can't handle Wizardry.
>King's Bounty is kind of a spiritual successor to the series
I want zoomers to take their wikipedia quotes and leave.
>Any games worth playing after 4?
Base HoMM 5 is meh but with all the expansions it became pretty good.
Not only is it the worst game in the series, but it is a contender for being the worst game in existence.
The sprites looks waaay better
HoMM 5 has no soul.
Fuck off, Nival.
6 is a bug ridden mess, but non-RNG character growth and spell book feels amazing for a change.
homm3 uses prerenders too retard
Instead expanding ts fighting system and terrain control mechanics it became a HOMM clone.
Fuck of wanabe-boomer zoomer, old Nival is based.
Nival was never good.
Your mom has no more free space to dump my cum into
HoMM3 was accidentally good.
Expansions and 4 prove that NWC were hacks with some good bits.
Found the zoomer with zero arguments. Go spend your allowance on lootboxes or something.
Was it even a series? Regardless, Slavs that made new KB were obviously more inspired by HoMM.
HoMM 2 is the best game in the series
Archibald did nothing wrong
It is bad but not as bad as seven
Let's be honest here, nothing comes close to HoMM3 main menu theme and it doesn't need the clutch of actual voice to be memorable.
There was only one King's Bounty game in 1990. The newer King's Bounty games are more similar to that one instead to HoMM.
>tfw King's Bounty 2 look peak Soulless
>M&M games
M&M7 is literally unparalleled. Throughout the history of gaming, there was nothing made that comes even remotely close to it.
What does that have to do with Nival?
>There was only one King's Bounty game in 1990.
Yeah, that's why I said it wasn't full-fledged series.
>The newer King's Bounty games are more similar to that one instead to HoMM.
Wasn't talking about similarity, but inspiration. Every single Slav grew up with HoMM.
It does look terrible. Not having any hopes for that since the series was terrible ever since 1C ditched Katauri.
>It does look terrible. Not having any hopes for that since the series was terrible ever since 1C ditched Katauri.
wait, it's not even made by the original team?
Faggot. Just because you like a certain game doesn't mean you get to write off industry changers like Doom or Tetris.
>M&M7 is unparalleled
What a fucking joke.
HoMM5 had the best pure gameplay.
HoMM4 did have a couple of interesting ideas, but it was a huge mess for the most part. People who consider it "good" probably came across it during the period of their childhood when anything was good as long as it was a game (like you can see with Zelda or Bloodborne fanboys nowadays).
HoMM3 had gameplay second only to HoMM5 and it also had by far the best art direction and sound design (for both OST and regular sounds) in the series.
Personally, I did enjoy playing HoMM5 more than HoMM3 but I barely remember anything from the game while my memories of HoMM3 are so ever vivid.
Are you retarded, user? Genuine question of a concerned citizen.
>Throughout the history of gaming nothing has come close... To fucking M&M7
Are you retarded?
So you're genuinely retarded. Seek help.
>Ubishits shilling for 5
hu? Where?
I always liked HoMM4 a lot. The towns and having to choose between two dwellings each tier was a huge step down, but the new hero system made it up for me. One thing is that your hero can become a murder machine, but I really enjoyed the flavor of your two starter skills giving the hero a specific subclass and unique ability.
Witch King ftw
5 is best, and everyone who disagrees is a nostalgia-ridden faggot, not even up for discussion
What's it like going through life eating nothing but frozen food prepared in a microwave?
>art by Olivier Ledroit
>make it look like Warcraft 3 ingame
What's it like being a nostalgia-ridden faggot, anyway, don't reply to my posts again, I said it's not up for discussion
>shitty cartoonish art-style
>shitty corridor maps
refer to
>no arguments
Sure thing
It was hard to make a 3D strategy not looking like W3 at the time
Pretty odd for someone with a stomach full of jizz to be calling anyone else a faggot.
based cringeposter
>implying I would bother articulating arguments for you goal-post moving fucks and fags like this
Some great arguments
Stop projecting
I'm bored with you fags, see you later
P. S. 5 is still best, you can't change that
>I'm not gonna reply
>Hold up while I reply to everything
Kek. You autistic fucking retard.
This guys knows what's up
played it a lot with the 5.5 mod recently, but I don't like it
going to keep it vanilla
based gamer waifu weeb shitposter
Proof HD remasters are shit. The sprites look so much better it's not even funny. WHO IN THE FUCK DESIGNED THEIR HEADS?!?! I literally needed to close my laptop for a minute because I raged believing someone on Earth would be stupid enough to believe that is better, let alone that it works.
10/10 would rage again. Perfect troll. Yea Forums needs more of this perfect assholery.
The only Heroes I've never played. Not even downloaded from some abandonware website.
I played all the others from I to VII.
I just can't stand the style. It's so hard to look at.
>reading comprehension
wow I never knew he actually worked on HoMM5
yeah, it absolutely makes no justice to his art
Same but mine is because of a more autistic reason since they removed some of ultimates like I stand hating etc I also like each faction being unique.
Only Necro should have a dark energy meter, only inferno should be able to gate it makes no sense otherwise why would Elves for example have Dwarven rune magic, why would academy have training of Haven when their units are constructs and spirits, how can they train constructs to become higher level units? For example it would make sense with factions who have living units but not otherwise.
>stand hating
kek meant gating
the ability to teleport back to town also made it too easy desu
This reminds me. How do the vampires actually inflict damage? They open their cape and say "blehh" and somehow that hurts the opponent?
It's considered bad because it came after the universal GOAT so it was a huge step down
In reality it is just an ok game.
The scent wafting from within that cape is equivalent to a thousand 6 month old piss bottles.
russki devs made it shit
Russians were responsible only for 5, and it was the best one.
So you are wrong twice.
Any niggas want to play multiplayer HOMM4 or HOMM3 over GoG?
HOMM5 was a revival of the series, than Germanski and Amerikanski devs took the lead and the series went to utter shite
>HOMM5 was a revival of the series
And it was the best one too
It isn't. They just remade HoMM3, but made it worse.
HOMM3 is the best one, then it's HOMM4 with it's cool scenarios and campaigns (something that HOMM3 really lacked) then it's HOMM1 and 2 for nostalgia's sake, then it's HOMM5 and other two '''''''''''games''''''''''' I'm not even going to name because fuck them.
>something that HOMM3 really lacked
The fuck are you on about? The Shadow of Death campaign was absolute kino.
it really wasn't. I enjoyed Heroes Chronicles more