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how many have died waiting for bannerlord?
I'll believe it when I'm actually playing it.
Too many. My excitement goes out to all who haven't lived to see the announcement of a release date, tonight I drink in their name.
Countless. They shall be vindicated.
Calling it now, its going to just be delayed again
Lazy fucks, a single guy could finish a game faster
>tfw I'll be able to play this game before dying of old age
damn i guess i wont be killing myself for the time being
What's the appeal I ask again.
Why does this game have such big fan base?
There is nothing like it, you have large battles of hundreds of units fighting in medieval formations and outside of the battles there is a charming sandbox to explore. The game has soul and its fun.
I pray to god that nothing fucks with this. I'm running out of hope here. 1 more thing of bad news about Bannerlord and i'm giving up.
Genuinely good game with a low budget and cheap price
Hopefully with large budget and reciprocating price next game will look less like daggerfall and have a lot more depth
both so far were shown over the incredibly long development period
I have hope, if anything the basic game play elements are fun on their own right so anything tacked on should just add to the very solid core game loop of shitty peasant start up to ruling a continent snowball when your character becomes god
Opinion on Turks?
I know I did, died yesterday
now i only need not to die for 8 months
hahaha easy ha...ha
>Finally going to have to buy an Early Access game
I guess my principles weren't that strong after all.
M&B fans made a lot of nosie, and now too many people have jumped on the bandwagon. Probably including those who've never even played Warband before, who will be the first ones to start shitposting nitpicks once the game is out.
>Bannerlord actually coming out
Bullshit, it will be in early access for another decade
Just watch.
Based Ottoman chads saving vidya
Doubtful. You'd have hordes of roaches going apeshit if that happened.
Think total war, but you're more in control. Plus the best modding community on earth and loads of soul.
As if those roaches ever accomplish anything other than bitching on reddit.
Tim would legitimately be retarded not to take this kind of opportunity to piss people off and cripple Steam.
Steam would barley notice. Tim would though.
They can't Erdogan wouldn't allow TalesWorlds to become Chinas bitch. Turkey and Russia are anti chink bros.
I hope the halls in bannerlord are large enough to actually accommodate everybody at the party
It sucks when the lady you are courting is at the tournament but won't load in because there are too many people in the room
That's cool and all, but when's open Beta?
It was playable for years on Gamescom m8
The mods my dude. This game has the best modding community on the planet
Okay, you've convinced me to give it a try.
Animations look as bad as in Warband.
We must survive until March 2020
>Turkey and Russia are anti chink bros.
We're anti-mutt bros, actually.
If you dislike it due to the medieval setting and have a bigger preference for a modern time, then Freeman is Mount & Blade: PMC Edition. Make sure that you pirate the latest patch if you're too wary to buy it, the dev adds in a lot of content every update.
>Game still looks like garbage, outdated before its even released
>Barely no distance between quality of animations between then and now
>Still no swimming
>MP is unbalanced, UI is pretty bad
Dead on arrival but Ill still buy it probally
>They can't Erdogan wouldn't allow TalesWorlds to become Chinas bitch.
>he doesn't know
Never use TayTay to spew out your shitty opinions, user. She's too perfect for this shit.
Strategy blended with RGP. Coupled with the best mods
Ok, let's go.
>the time of butter is actually happening
I'm not sure I have words.
Tay Tay is the literal epitome of perfection and Ill mask my opinions and shit on anything I want
>This fucking long
>JUST for early access
I'm excited as all hell, but really after all that fucking waiting it's only just now hitting an unfinished early access release? Were they jerking off the entire time or what?
Hopefully the game is decent enough when the date hits, but damn. The niggas that died waiting for this shit deserve better.
>start playing M&B:W around 2014
>really enjoy it
>realise Bannerlord will come out soon and stop playing
>it's been 5 years since I last played it
Welp, time to reinstall
In case of Bannerlord I feel like EA is more for balancing and polish than adding content.
I fucking hope so. I really want to be wrong on this one.
I can't imagine my disappointment if this shit drops and it hasn't progressed any farther than the shit they had at conventions years ago.
>early access
How many years for a full release or are they just cashing in on an incomplete release?
Their funds are dry. The game may be a mere skeleton but they can't go on without cash.
>The Turkish government money funding them finally ran out
And they're not getting a cent from me unless they can prove that they can actually finish this. I'm not falling for early access shenanigans even for M&B.
There quite literally never was a gubmint munnies though dummy, that's not how gubming gibs work with such projects
>zoomzooms don't know that Warband and original M&B were in early access as well even before Steam EA became a thing
They have a good track record with EA, Warband was a direct result of it.
They probably worked and reworked the engine over the years (making a new engine, especially with a small company, takes a longass time and is a huge headache) and they did state they want the engine to be able to:
>host bigger battles without the AI shitting itself, especially with multiple siege points
>be entirely and easily moddable
>be able to evolve over the years for future releases
If they think they have a good engine now ready for release builds, it's looking very promising.
That was 20 years ago. A lot has changed.
>dumbdumb doesnt know the game will be overated shit, just like m&b warband
Thank goodness. I can now reenact my sexual fantasy of rebuilding the Byzantine Empire and reestablishing Rome.
>>Game still looks like garbage, outdated before its even released
>>Barely no distance between quality of animations between then and now
you mean a game that managed to bank hard due to low hardware requirement still continues on this streak ?
fucking based
Ghostposting woo woo
The only legitimate knight sim in the medium desu.
>Shitty AI
>Shitty graphics for a 2010 game
>Only became popular because of Napoleonic wars dlc
>Questionable changes to game balance
>Easy to cheese sp
>Modding community is fucking retarded
>For every finished mod theres 10 unfinished dead mods
Why are you itt if you dont like m&b? Also what games do you like?
Definitely didn't know. I bought it for $10 and had fully fleshed out mods waiting for me. I have more than enough patience to let you dumb fucks beta test this for me.
>Game able to be completely modded
>Breeding already in the base game
>>Shitty AI
good, I want to maw down retards
>>Shitty graphics for a 2010 game
good, it will keep "graphic" whores at bay (the ones who never saw good lightning in their lives)
>>Only became popular because of Napoleonic wars dlc
warband is the most known
>>Questionable changes to game balance
mod it
>>Easy to cheese sp
>>Modding community is fucking retarded
>>For every finished mod theres 10 unfinished dead mods
good, it means the game is popular
I love warband, but I just think its a shit game
>warband is the most known
Based retard
So if it's only Early Access will we get it for like 10 bucks?
name your favorite games and I'll tell (you) why you're a tasteless pleb
Honestly who cares? Modders will finish the game and iron out all the bugs by June 2020.
Some of the turkish ladies are really beautiful.
Thread theme
keep your fortnite opinions out of this thread
I want to release a hot, steamy dump straight on her face
War of the Roses > Warbad
>mentions fortnite
get out reddit
Do people still play it? Is it unfucked now? I remember having fun with it back in the day, but all they needed to do was put a first-person view and sprinting. Then it would have been Chivalry: Medieval Warfare but good.
Yes, Anzu is a girl but her hair is fucked from all the paint and shit from being a cosplay hoe and looks like someone going through radiation caused issues
There is no way this is still alive.
Thread theme.
Not him but War of the Roses is multiplayer only whilst Warband has singleplayer which is the main appeal
Chad tastes though, archery in War of the Roses was so fucking good
Dead as in Paradox killed the online for it
I still think of that game everyday, kino for what it was and theres nothign as close to as realism as that game was
Great heraldry simulator too.
>>War of the Roses > Warbad
it was utterly broken since launch, worse than chivalry drag tech
>get out reddit
>391 screenshots
Jesus Christ, just kill yourself at this point.
>it's such a shit game that I put nearly 12k hours into it
k bro.
>Early Access
Its a shame the JewShark just makes vermintide shit now, its new cashcow
Yea but Id prefer to pay Wotr than chivarly anyday
>Fatshark didnt want to jew WotR
>Fatshark lead dev leaves when they are forced to make WotV
>WotV is a piece of shit souless game
and on the other hand
>Died after 3 updates
>Devs had internal fighting non-stop, head of company fires nearly everyone
>Gets chink money to make Chivarly: Medieval asset flip 2
Please tell me these are active hours in game and not idling. I would be genuinely impressed if that was the case. That would literally be over a year of playing this game nonstop without sleeping or anything else.
I am the belligerent drunk who waits
Who here /Swadian/ Chad? Dab on mountain niggers with your fill platemail and Bastard Sword skills.
>Yea but Id prefer to pay Wotr than chivarly anyday
Wotr was so sick but that fuckin light armor+staff/polearm combo was obscene and Viking was toilet material right from the start, real shame
All playing on NW
Way too much of my teenage life taken
>Russia are anti chink bros.
Russia is chinas biggest bitch right now
nah, only one who should kill themselves are cringey retards like you
>mfw it's only the multiplayer mode nobody asked for
Why do you guys care at this point? The game's not even out and it's already outdated. There are even other games that do what M&B does but much better (pic related).
>spend god knows how many years
>release it in early access
Hi! That's a cool Medieval sim, gotta ask where are the horses, medieval armour, swords, spears etc.? It seems you have posted a game that is set in a futuristic setting
Based user.
They took too long and now I don't give a shit about Mount and Blade any more, especially not a gimped and broken EA version that's going to take another 2 years at the least to be finished.
10 years after Warband to get this. Good stuff.
>he never played WB/NW 100v100 multiplayer
Warband multiplayer beta was one of the best gaming experiences of my life, shame casuals can't appreciate it and only able to kill mobs while wearing plate armor at 1/4 damage values.
Isn't this a sign of the apocalypse?
I'm not even hyped anymore
>Napoleonic Warfare 200vs200
based shill
Just like how it was with warband?
faction themes, post em
Mount and Blade 2 is the sequel to Mount and Blade, not Warband.
t. larper
life has meaning again
>Early access
Ah well, had already given up on the game anyway.
Not him but thanks user, I was looking for a game like this.
Perfect for swallowing my protein shakes.
>Le indie 2d space sim
fuck off
Thread theme:
I will believe when I saw it until then this is nothing
>Only became popular because of Napoleonic wars
Jokes on you faggot, I'm playing both every day AND a dead game every weekend. Can't wait for Full invasion to be ported to bannerlord, planetside 3 announced and starsector 1.0 in 2031.
woops forgot pic
>no gore or dismemberment
>planetside 3 announced
think of the people who will die feb 2020
Well yes, videogames are escapism so I do want to escape to a medieval setting
So warband then?
>oh it's early access
It is a miracle that there is any hype behind this at all
>game been in development for 8 (9?) years
>not much room for improvement except a few ridiculously bad areas e.g. sieges, new game is pretty much just the old game but looks slightly better
>announced as early access after almost a fucking decade of development
>early access still half a year off
I guess it's just unique enough to justify it but still it doesn't make much sense to me
But you already got planetside 3
There's just nothing like it
>newfags dont know vanilla was also EA
The only thing close to the SP thing of it is Kenshi and that's not set in a Medieval universe
>Multiplayer Beta
no thanks
I'll just wait for EA
>beta isn't out until I start going back to college
>on top of a job with mandatory overtime
>honest answer for the hours question is 10-15, now
just kill me
I kid, I don't care about multiplayer, anyways.
>Early Access
To be fair, the original Mount and Blade was basically Early Access Warband.
They stated several times over the last years during interviews that they were going to release it in EA or some form of beta first.
How long has this thing been development? Almost a decade?
Still requiring early access after that is just flat out broadcasting you're incompetent as fuck.
I didnt know as i havent played the series,
but hell fucking no would i ever accept a large franchise, releasing a well demanded game in fucking early access after such a long time of waiting
also didnt know, still unacceptable lol
Sticky when?
But will there be butter?
When mods finally wake up, maybe.
Cavalry charges are like porn for my soul
But user this game is so fucking horrible though
>"it the same shit"
kek shit-talkers
ugly nose
Any evidence they fixed the AI?
>AI still gets stuck on trees and rocks
>AI still conga-lines to you
>Ai still swings its attacks and then turns to face you
That is disappointing.
I could be standing there...
Do horses still get stuck on the edge of the map?
If you can still cheese the AI the exact same way as warband I don't see much reason to get this game.
>Ai still swings its attacks and then turns to face you
outed yourself either zoomer or woman
i'll drink from ur skull faget
See 's webm near the bottom, some spearmen swing then turn
If you ask that question then you will never understand any answer provided. You eithet "get" M&B or you don't.
>80% complete
80% complete
>80% complete
80% complete
>80% complete
80% complete
Does this game still have Offline Bots to play around with? I'd be interested in playing it.
That siege looks fucking fantastic
>You can custom build a Siege camp
>You can actually properly prepare yourself for battle
>All the options for how to approach a building are on another window
Holy fuck this is what I desperately needed from OG Mount and Blade.
I fucking hope the game is moddable so I can have it set in the 1400s, I want to see War Wagons and shit.
>ai can assault a town with multiple entry point by itself
Better than Warband
>using old footage, not the new one
Of course it's moddable you stupid fucking shit. They've literally built it from the ground up to be as moddable as possible.
A lot of people ruin their experience in singleplayer by using 1/4 damage to themselves and whatever the lowered value for allies was. Makes the game a cakewalk with no enjoyment imo.
You can no longer play it and its sequal, as Paradox removed the backend, that means you cant even access the main menu so its just a waste of gbs on your pc
no u
About fucking time, god damn.
To be fair the game relies a lot on the player actively being a part, so having the damage on 1/1 can be really brutal.
>he's still on about Romance of the Three Kingdoms mod.
Look, just play your damn Dynasty Warriors mod and call it a day already
Full damage wouldn't be so bad except you'd occasionally get one shot killed by an arrow to the face 5 seconds into a battle and the game would immediately end the battle and tell you half your dudes died
why are you here?
Mandatory overtime? What slave camp are you working at.
I can't believe I'm going to play video games soon!
Fucking finally!
Honest to god I know at least one person who died waiting on this game. Its actually my friend who introduced me to Warband. Died a little over a year ago in a car crash.
A machine shop. I work 5 10-hour shifts.
Fuck me, right?
Please don't put the capital letters E and A next to each other when talking about the future of Bannerlord, I almost had a heart attack.
Its like grand strat meets total war except you control a single unit on the battlefield
I know it soudsn retarded but I'd probably do something to honor him in game if it was my friend who died.
>tfw i have started college, graduated college, and been unable to find a job with my degree all before bannerlord was released
I still don't know who the guy under the wojak is. Is he an eceleb?
That means another 2 years?
Nah. Just some random passed out most likely drunk but maybe dead. This is the original
Yeah my original plan was to mod a companion in based on him.
It's almost harvesting season
It's going into early access in ~7 months, so yes, unironically.
Anyone that has worked on a large project ,no matter the field, knows the last 20% is the hardest.
Like the sign on the side of the road says "Expect Delays"
No, just an unfortunate soul that had blood clot kill him while playing games. Guy had depression and played games 12 hrs straight daily sitting and not getting up.
>not even 200 replies
>page 2
>no sticky
Meanwhile literal who ecelebs niggers get a sticky
Yea Forums is dead
Never played a Mountan Blade game before. Can I be a cute girl in a full set of armor? Not for dumb faggy reasons, but because that's my fetish.
8 years and its somehow still in early access
sure can
oh boy
it's actually really happening
STALKER 2 got a sticky at least
>look at how edgy and self hating i am
Fucking kill yourself.
Even shields have it, there was a video of a guy's shield being hit with a hammer and the shield reacts where it was hit
>bro this completely different game is superior
Why do people do this?
Nice, I'll keep my peepers on it. I'm a spoiled old casual who's put off by old graphics, so I'll wait for Bannerlord and make a cute tin can in that game.
Never got around playing Warband since my backlog was too huge, I might finally get around to doing that this week or next month though, anything I should know before jumping in?
Rhocucks are worthless
dont play as a girl
I mean they have breeding in the game now and player death
Privet Bratan
Mount and Blade is a large franchise???
Nisetanaka drew that?
Rhodoks are the best
the game will kick your ass routinely until you're able to recruit/upgrade to top tier soldiers
then you choose between having a small group of ultimate badasses or a huge peasant army
also take all companions you find, they're essential
>doesn't know about bottomless knight girl
>also take all companions you find
Unless you mod out them bitching at each other you'll need a spreadsheet to keep track of who's decent and who can fuck off
user... thats a dumb faggy reason
Good spot. Are you Russian or ex-Yugoslav?
A dumb faggy reason would be hating women in skimpy outfits. I just like the allure of a girl in a suit of armor.
jeremus and borcha are always in my party
if anyone didnt get along with them they hit the fuckin road
Except this is literally the definition of a gamer
Followers like certain other followers and dislike others. So don't try to recruit everyone because you'll have to deal with infighting. You can recruit more than enough followers but it might be a good idea to read up a bit on the wiki so you can plan accordingly on who you hire.
Get a horse ASAP, train, participate in tournaments to train more and get some money out of it.
I do, I know about Nise from back when he started doing mods for Skyrim way before he started his tumblr or patreon.
Okay I've been gone for two months and I'm already getting faggy new lingo thrown at me. What the hell is a "gamer" now?
Ukrainian here
>not BROcha and MANrid
Come on, step up your game Count.
I'm from Slovenia. Cheers!
Its pic related. The word got filtered.
Since companions can die now is there a use for them?
I am not going to spend a great deal of time customizing someone if I am going to lose them.
I would guess a few doctors and path finders you stick at the ass end of your army will be enough.
Oh yeah, that tranny discord raid that failed because Exhentai rose from the ashes.
>fapping makes you uncreative!
>and I'll prove it using yet another wojak meme!
Honestly never fails to make me laugh
we don't know that yet
Finally. Home stretch, boyos.
well the folks that made these images are addicts who fap several times a day, so maybe they are actually imbalanced
weird how they filtered that so quick but incel still hasnt been
The first time a roach has managed to make me put down the gun.
Are you sure about that?
I like how cute they are in the drawings but the in-game models are fucking horrid.
Don't worry the graphical fidelity is about 30% higher then Warband, I'm sure modders will be able to make ps2 era anime models work this time.
*clicks onto steep hillside*
*enemy moves within a bit more than bowshot distance*
*3 seconds after cavalry is engaged*
*tab out and browse reddit or some shit for 2 minutes*
that is how I win literally every battle blindfolded and in my sleep
i don't even know why I still bother searching for lordly equipment, at this point it's just dress up for my character because battles are over by the time I tab back in and I don't need to do shit myself anymore.
>try to alt-tab
multiplayer for base game and NW is mostly dead except for some yuropoor servers, and events.
Reminder that you could die before Bannerlord comes out.
>game finally gets a release date.
>for early access.
>that will not come out for another seven months.
bro, that's fucked up :(
fucking finally, man
F1 F3
alt+tab firefox
>not just F1 F3 and Fap
Looks more like the jump from PS1 to PS2, so pretty fucking huge difference
Looks as wooden as the first demo for the first game, what a fucking surprise
I mus admit doing F3+F1 and doing F2 in synch with all guns loaded in Gekoujo and watching the enemies getting mowed down with muskets makes my dick hard.
I wonder what's up with this guy
what's the bannerlord equivalent to 80 swadian knights?
finally just hope i don't die for some stupid reason
he khs 3 years ago
Is just letting units handle the battle by themselves a road to suicide?
you can be anything you want.
tournament champion
slave trader
lord's errand boy
king's vassal
and ultimately emperor
Probably 80 Vlandian knights or Imperial Cataphracts
Ask me how I know you either run full cav/full inf or don't make good enough use of your troop composition.
Archers are so ridiculously strong if you pair them with an army that can just swamp the enemy dead in their tracks a few hundred paces out in the field.
>cav swamps down main force and hunts/kills stragglers
>inf catches up and either holds them in place or just kills them straight up
>anything not dead after the initial clash inevitably dies when the arrows start falling
Assuming you didn't build some weird as troop mix like archers from the cavalry faction and infantry from the horse rider faction etc, you can not lose that way.
It's like watching a well built machine doing it's job, it takes a while to get tired of it.
Only thing I'm really hoping is a better AI/controll of Horse archer armies. If they improved it from Warband I'm throat-singing until my last breath.
>take over a decade to make
>still release in early access
((Epic exclusive))
Not really, but if you give big brain orders you can actually win vs better/bigger armies more easily than just bumrushing.
>Army is nothing but crossbowmen
>Let the enemy attack you at hill area
>Put all shooty bois on top of the 90degree steep cliff and watch them shoot the enemy as they try to climb the straight wall up.
People forget that M&B was effectively an early access game before that term even fucking existed for years, and that Warband is just an updated variant of the base game released a couple of years after that
Okay, I'm going to reinstall Warband with Dickplomacy when I get home from work.
Less people than the ones waiting for HL3.
Redpill me on playing as a woman. Does the game acknowledge it at all?
Will you capture some lord and have him raped until his renown is 0?
EGS doesn't allow garbage early access games.
That trash belongs on Steam store.
They destroyed Byzantium and replaced it with shit.
Half the lords treat you like shit, your renown and honor gains are smaller, you start with different stats and you'll have a harder time gaining land while in service to a liege.
>We're anti-mutt bros
But Turks are the very definition of mutts?
>*tab out and browse reddit or some shit for 2 minutes*
kill yourself dumb faggot
>destroyed Byzantium and replaced it with shit.
I thought Constantine did that.
fuck you, you destroyed hellenism
Depends, if by "letting them handle it themselves" you mean autoresolve, then yeah, enjoy losing 5 battle hardened uber crusaders in an army of 500 to the rng gods when you engage a band of 30 shrubbery crackheads aka forest robbers.
The rng just fucks you in the most idiotic way sometimes and doesn't really take into account which troops (even from a far superior army) it kills when/if it hits in autoresolve.
If we're talking about manual battles, then it depends on the composition.
20% cavalry 80% inf engaging anything with F1 F3? Yeah, early to mid game most of your cav is dead before inf can catch up.
50% archers 50% inf engage horse with F1F3?
Most of your inf dies and after enough die to keep them aggroed at the front, they will start riding wide circles again and truck fuck your archers with charges.
The only way to F1F3 into tabbing out without having to worry about shit going wrong is having a full cavalry army focusing on mounted shield troops, not lancers.
Horses are realy damage sponges and by the time your two armies collide its just a numbers game, if you're not charging into a full archer stack at least.
let your mounted/armored cannon fodder keep em busy and let the archers afk fire away, otherwise you risk losing troops to bad engagements and idiotic AI pathfinding and aggro mechanics.
A good medic can keep those deaths at a minimum and replenishing troops isnt that much of an issue either if you have enough trainers in your army, so just play F1F3 if it works out for you and dont care about the rest.
sieges are a different matter, F1F3 won't work at all in that case. archers at the back, cannon fodder charging always works though.
Probably, but my anus will be raped much more, because I suck at Mountain Blade.
>The man who founded Constantinople and formed the foundation for the ERE ruined it
You should be bitching about him downplaying Rome if you want to whine about him.
>He's pretending Byzantium wasn't Hellenic
You okay, incel?
Don't blame the Turks. Blame cathlocucks. Catholics destroyed Constantinople because some Italian kikes wanted to make money, turks just moved into the ruins with hardly even a fight
its never had a release date before
>Early Access
>Not out until fucking March
It's the only thing quite like it. Can you even think of another Calvary simulator?
Fucking rip Napoleonic Role-playing Server, that shit was so much fun
Hello Xiao.
>implying Constantine didn't cuck himself and the empire when he decided to adopt Christianity as the state-religion
>Byzantium EVER a Helenistic powerbase
But Constantinople was Old Byzantium.
>and player death
I can't imagine anyone not save scumming it with how tedious it would be otherwise since it's easy to get killed.
a combination of RPG, RTS, and grand(ish?) strategy. you cna get 2/3 of those in many games, but this is the only one i know of with all 3 combined, and that makes a big difference. also, the combat mechanics involve some skill and are (imo, for you no-fun autists around here) fun
hades is literally an early access trash
Honestly you probably won't be able to (easily) die in battle and for most players it will only happen if they're massive shit asses and get captured by a lord that has -70 relation with them while having -100 honour.
Is pic related any good? Only bought it recently, despite having had M&B: Warband for years
No Mans Sky 2020. Massive fucking hype train only for the game to come out as a buggy unfinished mess that gets better with patches but never lives up to the hype or original promises.
>Don't blame the Turks
Nigger they were raiding it and trying to conquer it for ages. They absolutely were to blame. Not to say the Venetians and their autistic Latin Empire faggotry wasn't at fault too, but let's not pretend the Turks weren't a problem before.
All people ever wanted from Bannerlord were improved campaigns, sieges that don't suck dick, smoother battle tactics, competent AI, mod support and an engine/graphics that weren't developed during the Bush administration. Taleworlds seem to have adhered to most of these points so hype is still there, it's just that there's no excuse for it taking quite this fucking long
They put fucking hit markers and made the online like Counter Strike. Fuck.
But still, at least that means it's one step closer to actually coming out
Thank God
The graphics are still shit.
but of course user
the game literally tells you at the beginning of character creation that playing as a female is harder since medieval war and politics are realistically dominated by male
>Taleworlds seem to have adhered to most of these points so hype is still there
we have no proof they have though, all we have is curated footage and devblogs.
>early access
what the fuck, its still not done?
>yfw the ride DOES end
Dont laugh at me for not capturing lords, I'm a boring good guy queen that doesnt do no harm
Except there is some truth to the meme. Projecting sexual desires onto literally every single game you play is pretty fucking pathetic
>ever being done
2025 earliest final release
Probably cause it struck a little too close to home
>no sticky
Yea Forums is dead
sheep detected
wait until full release
>he doesn't play amazonian war goddesses
They look nice enough. If you were expecting AAA gfx from a fucking Mount&Blade game then you were deluding yourself.
Most of them, like mod support, sieges, campaign that's worth a damn and a whole bunch of smaller improvements are explicitly confirmed. Obviously things like AI are a lot harder to gauge from gameplay videos that might be scripted
As a female, you start with more int/agi and less str/cha.
You have a slightly harder time gaining a reputation.
Dating is a bit easier, since most of the other lords are male and a lord that is single won't care about anything beyond your reputation and the relationship you have so far built with him.
You can skip the whole "impressing the ladies with tournaments and white knighting" spiel and just straight ask some guy you barely know to marry you. If you have enough troops/castles/honor/reputation/renown, they will accept and thats it.
Welp, I needed some good news today.
We're reaching duke nukem forever levels of waiting here.
Niche games don't get stickies.
Mount & blade?
It isn't about looks. It's about the actual gameplay. No other game compares to it and there are tons of great mods to play with too
>august 2019
It's total war-lite, except instead of being an omnipotent sky-god commander you're on the ground with the NPCs, in and out of combat.
I think you could argue TES has a better modding community, but besides that
>we had nintendo e-celeb sticky
i have no words
mordhau is better
>early access
>after eight years in production
>not playing an sp campaign
hello casual
Are you stupid?
So good it's abandoned by incompetent devs that seem to ignore what a fucking patch is.
>tfw quitting my job once this fully comes out
>going to finally mod
>for free
Bethesda games (the Fallouts count as well) and M&B largely have the same kind of modding community: simply a shit ton of modders making all kinds of mods for every concievable thing. A lot of it is incomplete vaporware, some of it is 10/10 and there's more than a few notorious 'no fun allowed, my way or the highway' diva modders. The largest functional difference is the module system, but that's assuaged by any major mod having multiple variants and submods made by other guys so you can still fine-tune practically any aspect.
desu I think the old Total War games had the best modding community. A lot of mods that went nowhere, but the ones that got made were 10/10 and made by people who fucking loved their subject modder and it showed.
>tfw picking up this ugly low-budget game on a whim and slowly discovering its depth and scale
Warband really blew away my dirt low expectations for the first time. I'm fuckin hyped lads
You dont die in battle user. The only way to die is by having a lord execute you. And they only do that if they absolutely fucking hate your guts and your an unhonorable ass.
Mountainblade is so perfect for roleplaying my medieval military fantasies.
I'm a huge sucker for the Black Company books or Joe Abercrombie's stuff, so I just did a "Best Served Cold" playthrough where I started as a homeless hungry girl turned mercenary captain, hunted enough bandits to hire two companions and went from there.
A week later I was running around with 4 companions and a small band of peasants, a month later I had a somewhat useful low level army consisting recruits, peasants, slaves, whores, desertes and other dregs from all over the continent.
Half a year later I had a somewhat useful mercenary band, signed up as a mercenary captain with the elven queen, took some contracts to provoke war between my foreign kingdoms and my own, dragged my boss into a bunch of wars she couldn't win without me, stole her castles away from her and when her nation fell apart, I took every unemployed lord and lackey under my wing.
Around day 800 I was Queen, controlled the 2nd biggest kingdom on the map, a shit ton of lords which 500+ size armies and a constant escort of 14 hand picked companions, each one with a useful skill and each one wearing the exact same outfit (which means I had to check out every armor vendor on the continent when I was near a big city).
Almost every lord and lady who didn't love me hated me, especially after I started weeding out traitors and leeches from my own ranks. Protip: Any lord/lady that you reward with village, castles and even cities can eventually turn on you UNLESS their character is "martial", "good natured" or "upstanding".
I made the mistake of gifting soldiers and villages to some asshole that got angry with me every time I rewarded other lords than himself with anything and he eventually left me, along with "his" fucking castle and army...
Fuck man, I love this medieval warlord shit so much.
I don't necessarily go for totally mixed armor sets, but I always put on this turban when going to battle, I dont know why.
do you think there will be genetic bonuses like size and strength or base intelligence?
CK2-tier eugenics sim?
looking forward to the ASOIAF mod for it
A Clash of Kings is the most time I've sunk into any M&B game and I've still not conquered the whole map
Mordhau is a completely different genre, your comparisn doesn't make sense.
That's like comparing Command&Conquer with Counter-Strike because both games have rifles.
Its a different type of game you dumb fucking cuck. Why do people make these posts?
mordhau is going to end the same way as games like Chivalry and WOTR and be dead af within a few years, either due to lack of interest or because the devs abandon it, or both.
at least, it should be moddable.
If not by default there will be a mod for it
>we're unironically getting new Tool album and M&B2 before HL3 is even confirmed to be in development
cringiest thing i've read all day, jesus
Can't wait to start modding this baby.
does anyone else play without cheating by reloading saves?
I don't do the no quit without saving type deal as the game is still fraught with bugs and that's a recipe for losing your save but I still just let it go that way
only annoying part is having to recollect companions and losing STR
hopefully you'll be able to garrison companions or something in Bannerlord
also wonder how companions will work since there will be generations and stuff
I hope the factions are well balanced this time around, I'd be bummed out if we had a rhodok sharpshooter/swadian knight situation again
Why would you play any other way?
>wipe out fuck huge ai army
>took alot of losses myself however
>2 days later ai has built up another fuck huge army meanwhile I am still in the middle of recouping
I understand why it happens, but the shit was still annoying
I savescum the shit out of the game
On my first few games I do but after that it's all min-maxing to conquer the lands
>before Fzero GX 2 is confirmed to be in development
good thing that bannerlord will fix this, it always made me give up in the late game since the game treats npc lords favourably
>with hardly even a fight
in general I wonder how passage of time will be dealt with
if it's not in the base game I'd like to see mods that return your offspring to lower levels rather than constantly inheriting traits from more and more powerful forebears. Like maybe you had an uncle steal your title or you were orphaned and have to work from scratch
also be neat if people modded in social change like the ancestors of the Swadians and Nords beginning to invade after a certain date
Same. I really liked that mod for Warband. Honestly one of the best ASOIAF games period. Torn between that and the CK2 mod. On one hand the intrigue aspect in CK2 lends itself really well to the setting. On the other hand after about 30 minutes of playtime the war of 5 kings (or whatever other scenario you start) is over and eventually it gets hard to give a fuck about Lord Paramount Robb the 4th who is a retarded midget.
looking forward to more alive sets. wouldn't happen but radiant AI-tier AIs in cities and villages would be peng
We're going home bros...
>ancestors of the Swadians and Nords
They're already in the game dummy
2020 huh? but what if it's delayed to 2021?
at least we might be playing it by 2022
This. How they explained it sounded kind of shitty. Basically sounded like your heir will pick right up where your MC left off. If thats the case dying hardly feels like a punishment
based Cao Cao poster
Turn Campaign AI down back to Medium, all it does on High is allow enemy lords to regrow their armies faster
same, with the CK2 mod and also criticisms of it, it's great but then the highly structured way in which civil wars happen and the random characters get boring after a while. Would have been neat if you could start at an earlier date and the world happened more or less the same way outside of your inputs. Just goes to show that people don't like randomization in general
But I'm really looking forward to the dynastic stuff added to this, will really flesh out the ASOIAF setting
I always roleplay as being a hedge knight from House Longwaters
>Bannerlord gets relase date
>Stalker 2 later this week
>>Stalker 2 later this week
nigga what?
>Your money or your life!
well I was wrong the Swadians are descended from the Vlandians
but the ancestors of the Nords haven't come to Calradia in the period in which Bannerlord is set yet
they came like 1000 or 900 or something and it's 800-something
GSC is at gamescom, Stalker 2 is literally the only thing they can show
Still coming out ~2021
Interesting. But I don't think they have anything of substance yet, it's too early.
actually would be neat if they added Nords in a DLC that included ships and naval combat like Viking Conquest as there's no mention of any of that as of yet
as long as they don't go paradox with DLC jewery
Roaches don't like Chinks?
i'd offer you my sick mustache instead but you don't seem to be needing one anytime soon
oh shit this week is fucking blessed
>Cuckmier gets flushed
>Bannerlord gets a release date
>S2 rises from the ashes
Imagine playing as a woman lmao
Wtf is wrong with you, grow up loser
it will just result in the game being broken in favor of the player. The AI will be retarded and unable to recover from losses just resulting in a downward spiral
incel is used a lot, but it wasnt concentratedly spammed like the new one, and wasnt incredibly common in every single thread like onions
The WoWClassic fags have ran these joke into the ground, but here it goes.
Pendor best mod. Is the invasion fixed now? Can we talk to the relative of our asian companion?
now i really hope i don't kill myself before march, i really wanna see the game in action at least once
Which mod for qt3.14s?
hopefully the faction system will lead to dynamic gameplay
Taleworlds hopefully will value late-gameplay as it's obvious a lot of people player their games for a really long time as opposed to most other game
because an enemy hemorrhaging losses and being unable to recover is realistic as long as more enemies can emerge in the late game. Like civil wars, dynastic conflict. How about becoming King and getting stabbed to death, with your heir having to flee your capital and try to rally Lords to his side ultimately having to leave the country unable to find support and start over?
Yes, it's fun to play against 100 bots in a tiny arena
holy shit another delay?
Get Diplomacy.
What mods are best for improvement of vanilla Warband?
I played the bejeezus out of Warband last year and it's limitation have finally gotten stale. Tried Viking Conquest for the first time last week and it's almost what I'm looking for except it's missing the vast variety of troops that vanilla has.
Diplomacy 4
>Cuckmier gets flushed
He's 1-1 with Stipe, Jonesfag.
Have sex.
My first time playing pendor, so I don't know what was wrong with the invasion in the first place.
If you mean Shi Jin, I haven't talked to him about any quest/companion related stuff.
His quest was unfinished, after you defeat the 3 generals of the invading army you're supposed to report to him to toggle the next quest but nothing happens. Just wondering if they finished it
that's Perisno and there wasn't any problems with any of the invasions at all
Uh yeah, I meant Perisno.
Wait, was there an Invasion in Pendor? That Dark Lady stuff?
turn the campaing AI difficulty now, all it does is make the AI lords pull armys out of their asses even faster
No I meant Perisno, I just fucked up
Is there fantasy mods?
>still no sticky
Yea Forums is beyond death
not really
I don't know if I got used to ACOK's broken economy or what because it seems almost impossible to make money trading in Viking Conquest
BUT I remember doing decently playing as a trader in Brytenwalda (the mod VC came from)
Perisno is classic fantasy, there is another one with skeletons, undead and spiders as horses and other weird shit
You spooked me with the "EA" in the title, for a moment I thought they sold out.
BTW: Do we know what new stuff will be there except basic technological upgrades like better graphics and such?
It is one of the only games that I still enjoy playing multiplayer.
Acok or AWoIaF for GoT, Last Days for LotR, Perisno or Pendor for "original" fantasy world, Phantasy Calradia for Vanilla + magic, Warsword for Warhammer from the top of my head
Can you do this in Mordhau?:
A dynasty system where you can make children that will inherit your stuff and you can play them, actual siege battles with trebuchets, battering rams, catapults and whatnot. Overall army/kingdom/settlement management improvement etc.
>A dynasty system where you can make children that will inherit your stuff and you can play them
I missed this shit.
I'm going to sire the entire nobility of my own faction
Yeah, if you only wanna win one-sided battles.
If you put some effort in, you can win with half the enemy's numbers. That's where the real fun comes in, taking risks.
lost my dad and became one while waiting
When it comes out, let us all eat a stick of butter in honor of those who died waiting
>you can go full Genghis Khan
>you can install your own blood on ALL the settlement
Man this game is going to eat my life
let's eat dick instead
>yfw its happening
can I pump and dump, fill the land of bastards, die after conquering everything, and spark a huge civil war?
why is this shit so hy ped again? why the fuck would i want to play eurojank roach edition when i can play kingdom come for my medieval simulator?
Okay, it's simple:
The two girls represent Praven and Uxkhal, two Swadian cities (waifus) that, as the game progresses, will be under constant siege (sex) from enemy forces.
What REALLY harms (fucks) those cities (waifus) though is the constant inattention and FEASTING (neglect) from their King, Harlaus (their sugardaddy), leaving them undefended and open to the attention (rape) from enemy lords (like me).
Their goal is the penetration of the cities' (waifus') outer defense layer (vaginer) and ultimately, the ransacking (mating press) and capture (creampie) of the city (waifu) for themselves.
As we can see, ancient nipponese cave paintings still allow for a perfect depiction of the parallels between human courtship and military struggle in early 13th century Calradia.
They've literally been "working" on the game for years, an early Access release date just sounds disingenuous at this point. As if they're hedging their bets because they know the product is going to be an unfinished mess for years to come. Herculesdissappointed.gif
what is that pic from for real tho
>I will play bannerlord in my lifetime
finally... we're going home
>why would I eat cereal for breakfast when I can eat pasta for dinner?!
Finally somebody breaking out the real questions
They've been hinting at early access release since forever. When asked if it will be early access, they always answered it's on the table and an option they're looking at. The only problem with calling it early access is that it is in fact LATE access, because usually early access games somewhat appear the moment they are announced.
not remotely similar, henry adventure is cool, but neither are comparable
>pump and dump
>fill the land with bastards
>die after conquering everything
>spark a huge civil war
Not confirmed but I'd be really surprised if we couldn't
We'll probably hear a bit more about it during the coming days.
die weeb nigger bastard
>follow the story with a predefined characters
>create your own story with your own character
M&B is the perfect definition of a sandbox game.
>>fill the land with bastards
I'm not sure. There surely will be a marriage mechanic, that will prevent you from spawning dozens of bastards. nothing that mods can't fix
yea I'm fairly certain that vanilla will be children coming from a marriage and I don't believe they've even said you can have more than one
modding should be easy tho
Oh boy, look at all this QUALITY.
I'm really curious about whole dynasty mechanic. It can add so much depth to the game. I wonder if you can kill/capture kids of other lords.
>children outside of marriage
absolutely sinful
Mods are where the meat of the game is
You can block with your weapon, but good luck trying that shit with more than one opponent. Get a shield
War cleaver is OP as fuck when mounted
Commanding your troops isn't necessary, but it can help out a lot, especially on harder difficulties
Speaking of difficulty, play without damage reductions to yourself or your team - it's how the game was meant to be played
You don't need to dump that many points in strength. Eventually you will level up your weapon proficiencies to the point where you kill everything in one hit. Raise strength to about 15 and leave it there.
the bonus from Ironflesh is too small to be worth the points
One of the blog state siblings.
I was thinking after a couple generations with nephews, cousins, shits everywhere I'm pretty sure you'll be able to spread your dynasty everywhere over time.
it'll really expand the way the game is played in a positive way even if it's somewhat limited
hopefully regardless modders can bring it to almost CK2 levels like how the diplomacy mod expanded diplomacy
We can capture/kill lords. Dont know about their children though but probably moddable
>Get a shield
shields are directional now, no more magnet shields
Oh yeah and you have the option to have permadeaht (including the player) on the battlefield. So if you have no heir and you're in a fucked up situation=gameover.
I love Mordhau but it's a completely different type of game. Just because both have swords doesn't mean they're comparable, brainlet.
yea I really hope there's dynastic conflict and stuff
people fighting over titles and inheritances
they still using phyton or switched to something else?
You should take the blogs with grain of salt. Keep in mind this game is still in heavy development, features can be added or removed.
IIRC earlier in the earlier versions you could build castles at villages, but this was removed.
you can still upgrade villages into castles, what was removed was the option to build new settlements because muh chokepoint abuse
No, I think castles are prebuilt, like in Warband. There was quite a shitstorm about it in /mbg/
look at this mad incel
>he wouldn't trade AAA polish and details for nuance and meaningful mechanics
Get fucked, zoomer. I'll take jank and at least an attempt at innovation over casualized watered down shit for brain dead morons any day.
the shitstorm was because they went for a long time about
>start your own camp and upgrade it into a settlement
and then they went pls understand while also announcing the removal of being able to join minor factions with clans only being in the big ones
fuck I mean keep/town, had a brain fart there
We will see. There are still several years of development ahead of us.
i died inside
lol deep :)
Would marry Ymira
Sodomize Matheld
Chill with Deshavi
Get dabbed on by these mad lads you dumb nigger.
My condolences.
Gladly. Enjoy Fortnite and Open World Game Where You Unlock Radio Towers #687 though!
My old buddy who loved the game moved to China, so essentially the same thing.
>tfw waiting on bannerlord
How can one man be so unlucky
No, Freeman
>because muh chokepoint abuse
that's what castles do though
they should just be prohibitively expensive and upkeep dependent on population which itself is dependent on economy and theoretical arable land
a castle far up a mountain being absurdly expensive and unfeasible
So, the who always types "wh*Te" is some muslims?
That's hilarious.
I'll believe it when I see it. I met with them at Gamescom 2016 and they said it'd be out in some form before end of year, then.
Got a nice USB key and sneak play of warband on ps4 outta it though.
it's an /int/ meme that came out of the "turks are not white"
some turks started saying they were black instead and started espousing black supremacy
think they're still all rangebanned from /int/
They're using their own code. Talesworld literally made this game from scratch, engine and all.
modding and scripts use C+ or something akin to that, i'ts been a while since that blog
I posted this ironically you fucking pedo, not for you to jerk off to young lolis
which do you lads prefer, a clash of kings or a world of ice and fire?
like ACOK more *but* AWOIAF has stuff north of the wall that adds a good challenge, naval combat (a must as ACOK is fucked with Essosi factions conquering a lot of Westeros), and more expensive armor and a better economy
ACOK sticks more to the books and has less of the goofy costume tier armors from the show and plate armor instead. Also the locations in AWOIAF tend to be more interesting and have better ambience
That's a lot of capitals, senpai.
Too many.