what games do you go back to for nostalgia?
which games were a huge part of your childhoods?
What games do you go back to for nostalgia?
the only game made by men for men
not corrupted by trannies or feminist trash
mario sunshine
Dark Souls
Gothic (teen) and Secret of Evermore (kid). They are simply comfy.
Chrono Trigger. Not just because it's a great game, but also for the memories I had watching my older cousin play it at first.
doom does seem like a very pure game
I find it hard to be nostalgic about many games, as I tend to play a lot of games from my childhood fairly frequently, that being said Spyro 3 is a big one for me, just something about the way the low polygonal characters are animated and move takes me right back. That and early Minecraft. Despite playing Minecraft on and off pretty much since launch I still get nostalgic for alpha - early beta gameplay. The original textures, lighting and sounds always get me.
I'm a zoomer that grew up watching my dad play brood war. I'd just sit in a chair behind him and watch him play the campaign over and over again because he never felt confident enough in himself to play online. Tiny me was awful at the game and never used hotkeys (my dad told me they were pointless) so I could never get past the first couple levels. Instead I just used the campaign editor to make levels with obscene amounts of units in them, and sometimes my dad would humor me by playing them, which absolutely made my day. I remember he could never beat one of the last missions of Brood War, where you have to use dark templar to kill the zerg-terran overmind, and watching hour after hour whittle away of him trying to fend off that air-unit timing attack, or trying to sneak hydralisks up the right side of the map. I eventually came back to the game when I was 16 and decided to play the campaign, and got to the level my dad could never beat. Finally managing to overcome that is one of the most memorable experiences I had in vidya. Sometimes I'll go back and just play that one level over and over to remember what it was like to be a kid and marvel at the face of seemingly insurmountable AI odds. Miss you, dad.
Tomba!, FFIX, phantom brave
Comfiness incarnate
I play IX to often to be nostalgic, still love it tho.
with the exception of sc2 since it wasn't my childhood anymore, but these 8 were the absolute dogs bollocks. i think the times those games were released were the golden age of gaming.
I play Legend of Mana and Breath of Fire 3 every year.
>what games do you go back to for nostalgia?
Rayman 1
>which games were a huge part of your childhoods?
Tekken 5 dark resurrection
None, life is too short and the sea is too vast to be stuck in the puddle of childhood
All these fuckin zoomers
I love goin back to shit like Gex: Enter the Gecko or even older shit like Dynamite Headdy.
Digimon World 1 and Azure Dreams are some of the games I go back to the most, especially the former.
MapleStory, MapleStory, MapleStory. The bane of my existence, MapleStory. It's been 15 years now and I don't know why I still wander back every now and then. I've heard they added the Black Mage as a boss at long last. I'll probably never see him in his full glory.
you don't seem like a very happy person
It was likely one of your first MMO's, they dig in deep with your nostalgia depending on the community. I played a shit little game by Nexon called Dark Ages, the community was pretty small ~1000 players at the height of it, but the game was amazing, because every aspect was player ran, including laws, politics, religion etc.
The mindset you had as a child is in many ways incredible from the perspective of your current mindset. It's worth caring about.
Life's too short and the sea is too vast to not kick back and enjoy yourself.
See, when you use an excuse like memento mori you can justify anything.
Dungeon keeper
I miss that genre of game so much and no WFTO sucks Dick
I always go back to Klonoa 2.
it was one of the first games I played but nowadays i see it's not just nostalgia, it was just genuinely well made with great game design.