Namielle chibi when?
Monster Hunter!
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Namielle isn't the Everwyrm, and neither is Velkhana you cheeky cunts.
those whiskers make me want a coeurl from ffxiv in monster hunter.
I want to marry Namielle and impregnate her!
Can't we stop with the fucking dragons?
There are other mythical animals too.
Goddamn, it looks like a vampire squid.
maybe next game pal
>Bow nerf
>Aerial GS nerf
>Heroics nerf
>Cluster Bomb nerf
No fuck off, it looks like a fucking dragon
you already have unicorn
How are they gonna recycle that skeleton for the billionth time if they don't make dragons, bro?
Why do they always do this to us PCbros. They can't keep getting away with it.
Unicorns: 1
Dragons: 932832894729083740928
That's some big damn wings.
>big legs
>hind legs arch back and folds twice
>membranous wings extending to its tail
>laterally large head
Hmmm i wonder where have i seen him before
>watching developer diary
>bow section
>11 "decreased" in a single screen
Yeah man can't imagine why an Elder Dragon-centric game gets Dragons
You misread the GS info, it's a buff.
I mean, I'd fuck the griffon from Dragon's Dogma too.
I'm super dumb, there is no live stream but a developer diary instead is that it ?
Leave Namielle to me
Why are its wings so big?
That's some Gore Magala level wingspan, what the fuck
Thats chammys skeleton not generic elder
Doesn't look like one.
All that isn't for a while longer I think.
shut up faggot, you can't even swim how can you hope to defeat the chad Namielle. Just stay in your crystal cave like the virgin you are.
so it can give you the fuzzy wuzzies
you're saying that like it wouldn't be labeled as a "dragon" anyway in the MonHun universe
>Tfw the flagship gets overshadowed by another monster and its not even the final boss
I'm talking about aerial GS, which they nerf, in exchange for buffed mounted head attacks.
That dude was in the cookie leak?
So it can dab on all the winglets.
Leave Niggergante to me.
she looks a lot like the early concepts of toby that had light frills. i guess they figured biolighting looks better on fishes. it's nice that Vaal is the eel at the bottom of the sea and Nami ( ONE PIECE IS NOW IN MONSTER HUNTER FAGS) Is the jellyfish that floats on the surface of the ocean, i feel they missed the mark a bit and made it look too much like a deep sea creature with it's dark color pallete but it's still cool looking and honestly the best looking of all the mons that use the kushala skeleton. it really makes me wish though that the monster of the highlands and vale weren't so random and followed the same deep sea and high sea oceanic themes. instead we get a
strobe light
at least great girros and odo have gills i guess
AAAH bros I want to listen to a clean version of Brachy’s new theme.
>They can't keep getting away with it.
They probably won't do it again for MH6 or World 2 or whatever MH game ends up on PC next. MHTeam was pretty inexperienced in developing for PC, which is probably why they used a PC engine for World in the first place. After World and Iceborne they'll probably be confident enough to go for a simultaneous release. Maybe a week or two delay at most.
>yfw Namielle set with the vampire squid wings as a cape for both sexes
Cant stop The Capening, baybee.
>added button to accept all guild cards and items from another players
what did they mean by this? will we be able to trade items now?
>bow nerfs
>flashpod nerfs
how am I supposed to cheese Kushala now?
Yeah, you can't make elder dragons that aren't dragons
They're fins.
Are there any Gryphons or Chimera in MH? Haven't played gen or frontier so idk if they're in that
>Cold wet wing hugs.
No thanks.
>temporal mantle buffed
what were they thinking
Monster hunter needs more vore
I've seen the Namielle female set. It doesn't have wings, but people will not be disappointed.
It's a very, very inspired set.
What, it was nerfed to the ground
>Poison isn't covered for high-tier monsters
>Ancient Forest lacks a "dominant" Elder since Kushala is a monster that fits in Hoarfrost and Recess
>new monster has Cham proportions rather than Kushala/Teo
I mean it is still a stretch but there is hope
fucking retarded animation. It just shows how biased japanese people are towards their useless "weapon".
It’s a nerf senpai. There is a hard limit on the number of dodges now.
Baleful Gigginox does Khezu better than Khezu, here's hooing they bring the superior tapeworm back
Where the fuck was this guy in the cookie leak?
>you will only be able to dodge 5 attacks in a row
You better deliver, Leaker-kun
what did this based retard mean by this
>Velkhana was almost a straight-up griffin
>They scrapped the design and made it into the most generic dragon possible
I will never understand.
T-rex mode
Any news since yesterday? Other than that trailer which was almost nothing
I ate all of his cookies, sorry.
could any monster take him?
Did they ever abolish timed events, or am I still not coming back?
A shitton of weapon/skill changes and two confirmed additions to iceborn.
Cookies only had flagship monsters, Namielle is not one.
>lizard gait
I wonder how they tasted
That’s for flagships only.
Bond with Chameleos/Namielle
Bird would work better with the singing aspect as well
Got any links for those infos?
Namielle is by far one of the best looking world monsters, together with val hazak
No, they're having almost all of them right now until the end of august. They've had a seasonal event for the past couple of weeks, now it's winter and next I'm going to guess will be thanksgiving.
>in one of Ragegaming's shitty ass thumbanils there was a dragon with long whiskers on it's face
>Namielle has them
It doesnt say that it limits free evades now on the website, did they forget to type that?
t. Teostra
How does it feel that ur wife is more Alpha than you will ever be?
Those are flagship cookies for the 15th anniversary and a random monster wouldnt be with flagships
Nobody argues that Vaal Hazak looks like shit, it just fights like shit
>Make monsters inspired by marine creatures
>They look great
Truly the most aesthetic biome
I just hope it doesn't have a shit gimmick like vaal did
>it shaves off 20 second severy time you evade
Now you'll realistically get 4-5 evades, tops.
Don't know if anybody wrote down a list yet
Namielle and...? Who is the other?
not canon
gameplay does not represent the canon
if it looked too much like a bird then it would just be dragon legiana
user you really need to work on your reading skills. What do you think that last part means in terms of gameplay?
Gore and Valstrax.
Two flagships.
Gore and Valstrax
Wow you're dumb
>get slimed
>stuck in mud animation
Whoever you're talking about probably saw the sea god quest leak and grabbed monster that had whiskers because dude fish lmao
Alagam Erog and Vlstrx
Brachy wasn't oficially confirmed, so he counts.
>Namielle's can seemingly darken the place
>Namielle's super attack is raging demon
the developer literally says it will only evade 5 times before running out of juice you retard, go watch the video
>Doesn’t recognize Gore
Vaal Hazak both look and fight like shit bro
>post yfw the Old Everwyrm is a new Fatalis colour
>user can't fucking count
Holy shit
Not if they picked a different kind of bird.
Like a tucan. Or a Kiwi.
use aqua expert
>new trailer doesn;t have jet sounds
>doesn't have black mist either
b-bros...but the cookie....the leaks....
Dunno, it sounds pretty big if it can cause entire fucking mountains to sink
They probably didn't show ALL the monsters in the game yet. Just wait for release.
>It's a new Dalamadur
god damnit that reveal got me excited for a jellyfish or squid looking thing and it's yet another dragon
fucking why
That's a pretty Fatalis thing to do.
it IS a jellyfish. A jellyfish dragon.
>laughs in bioluminescence
>wings start glowing like a rave party
>gives you an epileptic seizure
Nice try Nergigante
I would like to introduce Namielle a vampiric friend of mine someday, who loves to drink Drome blood.
But Legiana barely looks like a bird either
So was the image with the "Ocean God" quest deconfirmed? Now it just makes me suspicious that the quest "Seething with Anger" might be Savage Jho since it is in the same place as Elder quests were despite the icon being hunting rather than slaying
yes they neutered aerial GS
>chameleos got teased
>no one is talking about it
All three fatties in one.
>thinking that'll do any good when the MV itself has been nerfed to the ground
I did
They literally said as much in the diary, there are still monsters unannounced
b-bros where is zinogre? he was supposed to be in...
Capcom please.
How's hammer gonna do in Iceborne?
namielle is the ocean god dude
>they bring back the super dark cave areas that were in the tech demos
>namielle fight in complete darkness
capcom please
>b-bros where is zinogre? he was supposed to be in...
it can't be helped
Zinogre can lick my fucking taint when Chameleos is teased
>ocean god
>just chills in coral highlands
So just wait until all events are year round permanently, got it. Hopefully they make such a decision by the time the next game comes out. Iceborne should be less than 20 bucks by that point. I already have the platinum trophy, so I'm in no rush to prove myself. I'll wait years if need be, but I'm not supporting timed events. If the next game pulls this shit again I guess I'll just play Elden Ring instead or something.
>Monster that fits the 'sea god' description shown
>"Does this deconfirm the 'sea god' quest leak?"
Come on
It got a stun boost to charged attacks
>brightmoss will actually be useful now
your didn't see it in the trailer?
Zinogre is in and I refuse to believe people actually think he isn't
Post yfw Brachydios theme now incorporates Moga/Tanzia into its composition
i bet they planned to tease zinogre at first, but then decided to tease you guys even harder by not showing anything about zinogre at all and still leaving you with only the cookie leak.
I will die if the unannounced monsters just the subspecies.
Jap Fatty's epithet is 全てを含めた存在 - "all encompassing existence".
Old Everwyrm in jap version of IB is called 大いなる存在 - "the great existence".
but why though?
Yeah, the secret final boss and half a dozen sub species.
Is World gonna get more expansions after this? Or a sequel? Either way, I hope they add swimming. It finally makes sense with two sticks and various improvements and shit.
I'd find this plausible if the brachy icon wasn't the same as the old one, surely they won't redo its icon
>you crown chasers out there
aka autists? why do developpers love to ubifag so much these days? no one likes spamming the same shit for days for a random chance at completing the game
if it's just a way to make sure retards will still play in 4 months then sure but be honest about it
>Is World gonna get more expansions after this?
I mean it's the best selling game so probably fucking yeah
Wouldn't that be dumb from a marketing stand point tho? Zinogre is the most popular monster in nipland and pretty popular in the west as well, i'm pretty sure nips would be more inclined to get IB if Zinogre was straight up confirmed.
>Nightshade Paolumu
>Shrieking Legiana
>Coral Pukei-Pukei
>Acidic Glavenus
>Fulgur Anjanath
>Viper Tobi-Kadachi
>Ebony Odogaron
>Ruiner Nergigante
Metal Raths, a final boss and variants for old monsters that have them takes the total from 17 to 23, and they’ve said there’s still more monsters to show. 23 is equal to the amount of monsters 4U added, the previous top dog for most monsters added in G Rank. It looks like Iceborne is going to be the biggest expansion they’ve ever done.
I thought it sucked in Nargacuga's theme so I really hope they don't do it again
>more expansions
In so far MH6 is one.
don't worry user, you have the new superboss too and probably zinogre
>Brachydios' slime now works like Barroth's mud
Brachydios just became fucking Elder Dragon tier
>these days?
t. newfag
the Developer Diary plays long enough to hear both Glav and Brachy's main melody. Doesn't sound it unless if I missed something
Dumbest fuck in the thread
What happened?
>tfw getting golden crown for those Aptonoth birds
Blanket nerfed. The whole thing.
What did he mean by this?
shut the fuck up asshole, previous entries in the series didn't even have an "endemic life" catalogue to fill
We posting doodles again?
Raging Brachy isn't in, but heads up - there's a new Vaal Sub (Variant?) and a Bazel variant.
They showed a little bit of Brachydios' new theme in the dev diary
Nah they’ve already said that Iceborne is the only expansion World is getting, though it’ll get updates like World did. The next MH might get multiple expansions if it releases early enough in the console generation to justify continued support for it.
>Incorporates Tri volcano instead after beating down Agnaktor and Uragaan
Why the fuck not
Nerfs across the board!!
>Layered armor is the same you just craft/preview them at the Smithy
Finally put that speculation to rest, but if you saw the pre-orders having exclusive layered you would of guessed it anyway. Hope Guardian set gets one in the future though.
The Endemic Crowns might not have trophies for getting more than one, but there are room customization options locked behind Piscine/Endemic Life requests.
world expansion 3
finally something that seems realistic and obviously it gets ignored.
people that thought a fucking zorah sub would make it into a game are deranged.
also they said they still have monsters to show.
and no you retards, they will not show the final boss.
>Iceborne is the biggest G-Rank game ever
Anyone else remember the salty faggots swearing Iceborne would have no more than 10 monsters in it back when it was announced?
As if that'll stop me.
You already could. Just only select items.
Actually, on further inspection 含む is also used as "to hold in mouth", so Fatty might be called "all devouring" instead.
Do we have any more info on actual transmog or all layered armors in Iceborne?
Seriously, what is the point of having these cool looking sets if players are never going to use those.
It's fucking pathetic. Can't Capcom understand this or what?
Sure. I only posted that one because as soon as I finished it the dev diary uploaded so I watched that instead of posting it in the last thread.
Can someone explain Fatalis’ appeal to me? He’s literally just a normal ass Yurop dragon and not even a cool one like the one in Dragon’s Dogma.
They mentioned, in the dev diary, that you can now craft layered armor at the smithy. So I'm assuming that all armor sets can now be layered.
Well, if you exclude subspecies...
Ok so if an attack did 100 aerial attack damage and increases to 110 with Airborne
even if they reduced the 100 to 75 it would still do 98 damage with 30% Aerial boost
Anyways, wont know till we get raw values considering Elemental scaling on aerial was buffed
What’s the count currently at? Are there any insects?
As a monster that debuted in 3 Ultimate, Brachydios has come to the New World to teach the Second Fleet how to craft a weapon that looks good. I don't believe CAPCOM would have the gall to redesign its weapons to fit that horrible metal slap-on Walmart style.
he's actually a hunter that got contaminated and became a dragon
user, I...
>So I'm assuming that all armor sets can now be layered.
then why didn't they directly confirm it?
I saw some videos, he just fills the screen with energy balls. I dont really get the monhun oldfags
Can you transmog weapons too?
The Brachydios Hammer is the best looking hammer in the series don't you even TRY to argue
Leave Velkhana to me.
There's no "appeal", but there is some canon fluff lore that supposedly makes him the strongest ED or something. It's all really vague and nobody cares about it, except one guy on Yea Forums.
Please be joking. I only got to fight it once in an event arena and even the setting was a broken down castle which made it look very fitting. I really can’t imagine Fatalis in another setting
guys...I'm worried that zinogre isn't in
I...can't handle this
When will they bring my boy Hermitaur back?
gaijin you no rike end game weapon design?
Moving from world to gu
Why does gunlance have to be so shit
>each temporal usage cuts 20 seconds
>in practice, you can only dodge 5 attacks
17, but if you take into account shit that we know will be in but isn’t confirmed yet (Metal Raths, final boss, Savage Jho etc.) it’s over 20 and they’ve said there’s still more to show. IIRC 4U added 23 monsters so Iceborne is probably gonna surpass it and have the biggest monster count of any G-Rank. No insects though, they said they wouldn’t return until the next game at the earliest because their skeletons are very complicated to rig and weren’t cost effective for their first HD game. Now that the groundwork is laid with World they’ve said they’ll bring back some of the different skeletons like Leviathans and shit in the next game because it’ll finally be cost effective to implement.
>brahcy slime has the same stupid stumble bullshit as barroths mud
why do they have to ruin best monster?
It's just a legend
He is. There's no possible other explanation for his icon getting a new design, if it wasn't going to be used in the new game.
no it's true. Fatalis' healing factor is so broken that when you make his armor the scales are still alive and eventually envelope your body and turns you into a Fatalis.
Very nice
GL has pretty much always gotten the short end of the stick, if you want to play a game where it's good, try 3U or P3rd
What did they mean by this
You missed a detail. You can craft them at the Smithy instead of the Delivery center. It's the same system only at a different location and you now have the option to preview it.
We've only seen it in one of his new attacks that left behind brown slimes
Imagine Raging Brachydios
Still sounds incredibly useful.
That's what temporal was always supposed to be - a safety net in case you fuck up, but you should still be dodging normally, instead of just mashing the attack buttons mindlessly. It's gonna hit the shitters hard, but not the people who were using it correctly in World.
Why did this take so long to implement?
that's the appeal, he's a normal looking evil dragon
that's literally it
He's THE elder dragon. Stereotypical evil old dragon that lays ruins to castles and steals maidens, except he probably eats them instead. His premise is that he's a destructive asshole and the big bad dragon in a world of shitty dragon bootlegs like wyverns and dinosaurs.
Since he is first gen he is janky as fuck and nowadays is pretty much mewtwo status on the power rankings.
There is no people that were using it correctly, if you were using the temporal mantle you were just a shitter who couldn't be fucked to learn how to avoid attacks
Velkhana and Namielle variants for post-launch content
shut the fuck up and wait you soiboi
does anyone know if the physical 'master' edition of Iceborne has the expansion on the disc or is just a repress of the MHW disc with a code? can't find a confirmation anywhere
Yakiudon Namielle when
>use a Jho hammer against Teo in multiplayer hunt
>land a KO once
>get a "status master" accolade for inflicting 2 status ailments/traps
So, is Elderseal literally a status ailment effect, like para, which you build up with every hit? Does that mean that fast weapons benefit from Elderseal much more than the slow ones?
>All those nerfs
Did they nerf gunlance?
Himawari Namielle when
Shut the fuck up whore
I will now beat my meat to this lunastra
Tempura Namielle when
the world mud mechanic are such ass
how did they play it and think it was fun?
No, it got buffed
>Monsters no longer sleep in their nest if hunters are present
As it should be but this is gonna suck with those who aren't familiar with this.
Did they change handler's face? She didn't look this cute before.
No that's dumb.
buffed it a considerable amount
they had to give at least some buffs to monsters after giving players insane ones
>More monsters to show
>Game releases in 2 weeks
They arent gonna show the final boss and i doubt they'd make a big deal out of the Metal Raths, so what's it gonna be?
>Tfw Velkhana is actually immune to fire
Nope, lances are fine.
Almost definitely, she doesn't look like she has a terminal illness now at least
no but your brain got used to her face and is starting to accept it as attractive
Hopefully G rank players won't be anti fun niggers and join low rank quests and shit on monsters with G rank gear.
I'm really excited! To play the game in 2020 cus I play on PC!
In all honesty, though, I'm still hoping for a unique model of a Pukei GS to some description to finish the look I've got going on.
Do you have any weapon design aspirations, Anonymous?
Is he the Everywrm?
elder variants
what? everyone knows ice is weak to fire
you know its going to happen because they're encouraging it, there's even a cheevo for it
No, it's actually White Lao shan lung
what the fuck is an everwyrm?
Namielle's hammer should have his whiskers that whip around whenever you swing it, it should also glow with bioluminescence with each charge
I want them to bring Lucent Nargacuga back.
W E W that was fast
No, the Everwyrm is part of the Godzilla collab
now post the RGB jellyfish it's based on
Bring him back
Apparently in other localizations it's called stuff like "immortal wyvern"
shit artstyle
The trophy list had one for hunting 30 variants, and the only officially revealed on thus far is Shrieking Legiana (with Ruiner Nerg peaking from those trophies). The base game had a trophy for hunting 50 Elder Dragons and there were 7 of them at launch so I’d expect maybe three more variants to take it up to 5 of them and justify the 30 count.
Is this the fucking Glavenus SnS? Please tell me no.
I can't speak for anyone else but I keep rank appropriate sets for such occasions.
Bunch of incompetent hacks at Capcom.
Who ever came up with this retarded idea? What is the point of even creating these sets?!
Do these devs even play their own damn game or what? Do they expect us to equip trashy armors and get one shoted or do 0 dmg by most monsters in master rank?! Seriously, WHO THINKS THAT'S GOOD GAME DESIGN?
It'll be the same as the regular game, everyone will wear one best fucking best armor i.e drachen set or xeno gamma... fucking crap.
The only wat to FIX THIS was to let us WEAR LAYERED. ALL LAYERED, dumb japs.
pretty dumb name for the monster you know you will end up farming for 40 hours
No fatalis was only in the 15th anniversary image to promote the statue model thing. He's not gonna be in IB. We're probably gonna get a retextured ice snorah that we fight ruiner nigger on top of.
>summon ice as a armor
Gee nice generic gimmick you had there Capcom .
People have been pointing out that Namielle’s back legs are oriented similar to his, so it’s possible he’s back too.
Yes, it is
Doesn't look like it, maybe a master rank basic bone sword.
Sony hates fun so they made sure the weapons look like shit
So is the Yukumo armor set just completely unobtainable if I don't pre-order, or what? Because I'm pretty sure you can't get the pre-order set from the initial release either.
Velkhana gameplay
Ever is referring to the farm
Huh, guess I should make some low rank sets. That's a good point.
I mean the system seems to be promoting you to do that, join a hr quest, stomp the fuck out a monster with your end game g-rank while a newbie watches in astonishment, get wyverian print for you troubles
shut up gaijin now you buy preoder AND deruxe rayered armor arigato
So wait Velkhana isn’t the final boss? Is it the elden ring thing you guys keep talking about? Also didn’t they say the monster count would be raised up close to 4u’s Didn’t it have around 70?
That actually sounds fucking awesome.
If he’s first Gen then I get what they were trying to do. There’s was also that Chinese dragon that was a walking calamity because of its size.
Hunter Helper
Based fucking ryozo
>big grey dragon that lives in snow area and summons storms
I mean it's obviously not the real name of the monster. It's obviously something to do with Fatalis.
>dual blades still the same
feels good to be a dual blade chad
>he's so bad that he has to rely on crutch skills instead of just slapping whatever armor he likes on and using decos and charms to fill in the gaps
I'm glad the lack of full trannymog is filtering you shitters back to clownville
Brachy looks so good, bros...
>So wait Velkhana isn’t the final boss?
since when are flagships the final monsters? Xeno'jiva was a secret until release
>lack of full trannymog
You craft the part.
You slap it on.
Which set? The samurai? The one from Eb games is gone forever I think.
>It's just a really cool design, it looks fantastic
Opinion discarded
>nerf to heroics
TAustists on suicide watch.
What does Sony have to do with it?
We already know about Coral Pukei-Pukei, Nightshade Paolumu and Viper Tobi-Kadachi, and then you have Acidic Glavenus for 6 variants. Have you not looked at anything recently?
True I guess. Which one was 4U’s? Shagaru or the big ass anaconda? Didn’t they both have credit scenes or did snek only appear in one credit scene
Shut up with the headcanon
Those are subspecies
Flagship monsters are never the final boss, just a mascot for the game who gets a semi important role in the story. Elden Ring is a completely unrelated game being developed by From Software. They said that Iceborne would be at least on par with the amount of new content in 4U, only 23 of those monsters were added in 4U the rest were already in 4.
Subspecies =/= Variants
heroics are banned in TA ruleset...
heroics was banned anyways
Variants and Subspecies are different things.
i dont want to be faster i just want double notes
>TA ruleset
>implying any TA player worth their salt cares about jap TA wiki ARBITRARY rules
Why is he so fucking shit at comboing with CB?
I thought arrekz was good?
looking at it in action the aoe doesn't seem bad. could be fun
Is there a different achievement for hunting n subspecies?
I think I was trying to type Everwyrm. But I don’t know anything about it so eh
Feels not good to be a dual blade chad in Iceborne. They fucked completely with the only redeeming quality of dual blades which were the elemental damage. Now they're reduced.
Great isn't it. When playing DB you needed to pretty much TOUCH the monster to actually land hits while your own stamina is getting eaten. Now the dmg is reduced and won't be that good. It's fucking amazing, I tell you.
Then you're not a HH patriot, user.
Origin Armor was the pre-order. You can buy the Samurai set with the deluxe upgrade but to my knowledge you can't get Origin any other way.
Then again that's armor that only existed in low rank, was pretty weak and then got Layered everyone could use.
I'd rather that layered armor be actually "layered" as in some of the monsters stylization is swapped but the overall aesthetic remains the same. E.g. layering xeno on top of drachen replaces some of the metal plating with xeno shell and spans xeno's veil webbing stuff between the metal spines, or layering anjanath over teostra swapped the red teo webbing mantle out for anjanath's furry cloak and changed the chainmail out for sexy pink spandex. But that'd be too much work.
When the JP feedback described the Nova equivalent I was expecting something more threatening. That attack has such a massive safezone it doesn't look like it will ever hit shit except really stupid gunners
Here’s your (You), idiot.
I trust in elemental skill buffs to buff the weapon enough
It's a nerf for people that use it for a minute of complete invulnerability to tank a bunch of attacks but it's a buff for people that only use it for the occasional attack.
>Now they're reduced.
Because elemental was buffed across the board. The only tweak was so DB didn't go overboard.
so they've just made it outright immune to flash bombs
they really need to balance those things better
Nah mate, this one. Pretty sure you can't get it now.
t. shitter that hasnt killed AT Kushala
Flash pods are a crutch. Get good you mhsperm
I was out of the loop. Did they say it'll be expansions from now on or will it be a new game next time
nope i really dont enjoy worlds horn and have become a funlance chad now
sorry to disappoint you
New game
Iceborne is the only large expansion for World. After it gets a few title updates that'll be it, new game afterwards.
they added it as a reward for AT zorah
You can only get it as a layered armor form AT Zorah
Feels pretty damn good, man.
maybe instead of making monsters outright immune to them they could not let you grab more from your box or re-introduce combine failures/needing more than one thing to make them, you know, things that previous games did fine but World screwed up
>HUD Off
i'd fucking love to but is it playable like this
I don't think you know what that word means.
jumped back into the game, never played any of the updates
whats to do?
already fought the big gold goat have no interest in that final fantasy shit
>mfw they """nerfed""" bow and DB but in reality are bringing mega dash juice back
>the original concept for SA was for players to switch between both axe and sword in battle
>so we decided to buff the sword mode
I can only hope it's a mistranslation.
what does this even mean?
>People joke about Ryozo having a fetish for Piscine Wyverns
>We get a Piscine Elder Dragon
Just get some layered armor sets from the event quests up right now, they've got all the events up for the rest of the month.
With monsters now building resistance to flash over time, at least in master rank, I think making some of them immune to flash is very much intentional.
Well damn, i like this. They look pretty.
When are they going to tell us which design won the contest they had?
Lunastra and Leshen (Witcher 3 collab monster) are the only non-variant monsters added since kulve taroth
you think they decided to simplify the weapons design for fun? it's called resource management, why the fuck do you think they got rid of Gunners armor variation? nindie babies got too used of constant asset reuse.
Is preordering the best course of action? I don’t wanna miss out on the Yukumo set like I did with the alternate colors in DMCV
If at least, IF AT LEAST we would get the best and cool looking armors as an option to put them as layered but NO. If you kill the Ach-tempered bosses you don't get their own armors as layered, you get some shitty looking clothes as a reward. FUCK YOU CAPCOM.
All of the present options for layered (except the super-difficult Drachen one to get locked behind a bullshit boss) are absolutely horrendous.
"looool do u want to puray as ciri, geralt, aloy or bayek?"
"do u want this disgusting halloween costume? loool"
Seriously, I will never forgive Capcom for doing this. Bad, bad, bad all around. Yes I'm mad.
>up contrast
>monsters now look like they used to
I specifically requested it because someone said Lavasioth Terrible in a webm
t. Ryozo's piscine ninja squad
it must be, axe buffed mode made it just as strong as the sword in the beta
One man should have all this power
So what do we think of the RGB watercooled dragon?
>We have skills that increase elemental damage with consecutive hits
DB is fine you troglodyte
Best new dragon.
I want to fight it!
>5 pages of events and doesn't say what reward you get
which give good shit?
Literally just use the mod you stupid homo.
They didn't say anything about GL in the dev diary? I can't find it mentioned in thr weapon changes.
Don't know where you got that from, user, but you're wrong. The power axe mode does not affect the axe damage at all. It increases the stagger values of the axe attacks, but the damage stays exactly the same.
I hope they meant they buffed the axe mode base MVs though. I'm watching the video without sound right now, so I can't verify myself which mode they're referring to when they're talking during this slide.
when are they are gonna make gauntlets a real weapon?
I think it looks really damn cool. Having proper EDs for Water and Ice element instead of big gimmick EDs who’ll never return again is cool, Namielle better return in future games as the resident Water element ED.
>Velkhana uses their tail to jab at you
That's kinda neat
Yes, I'm an autist for wanting some armor variety because the imbeciles from Capcom decided that transmog or layered armors needed to be freaking bad taste retarded goofy looking attires instead of the MASSIVE amount of GREAT LOOKING SETS that NO ONE WILL EVER WEAR.
Fucking hell.
Fatalis, Alatreon, etc...
They should make gauntlets AND mecha boots, just so you can play a real fighting game with monsters.
it's at the very end
velkhana is the final boss and NOW they will for sure not reveal anything anymore. we've seen everything and there wont be anything more. what a shit dlc, wow, i expected at least 40 new monsters and the return of khezu, my favorite monster of all time.
Mega autist.
Layered armor when? It's completely useless otherwise.
Velkhana uses some Alatreon animations and Namielle appears to share it’s rest pose with Chameleos, so it’s very much possible those two are back as well.
Saw bow got nerfed in attack and element but I wonder if it'll still be good at KO via Impact Mantle.
t. undercover bing
>Just play on PC brah
The exit door is this way, sir.
Gigginox is better.
But its for low ranks and high ranks. It doesnt even look fashionable compared to gala/dante/drachen mix i wear.
>It's completely useless otherwise.
It's meant for new players, user.
>butterlord two months after PC release
Unemployment here I come.
I imagine if Alatreon isn't in Iceborne on launch he'll show up in future updates.
Guild Cross, Origin, and Commission layered look pretty cool tho
It's not my fault you're dumb enough to play this on a console.
ala is in along with oroshi for sure, they were in the original leaked roster and held back for IB
>tfw hammer user
unga bunga feel good
unga bunga very strong
this nigger only hunts dying elders
kirin would make him his bitch
We shouldn't even have to PAY 5.000 research points for layered armors anyway. This is another retarded design by Capcom.
I don't fucking care if you're not a fashion hunter. We don't play the same game.
Good morning /mhg/
What news from gamescom?
Also post cute monsters!
A new Elder Dragon called Namielle and some weapon changes.
>Only just now going into detail on Barioth despite it being revealed a month and a half ago
>Acting as though Acidic Glavenus wasn't already announced
>Acting like the other subspecies weren't announced and shown off
I get the feeling this dev diary was supposed to release a lot sooner but got held back for Gamescom.
>hbg changes
hnng sounds like pierce is gonna be actually good outside of xeno
the ele changes make me wonder if they are usable too now or if its rapid lbg only again
>hear is some armor that makes you nearly unkillable
>now go catch up to all the other players at master rank
>attacks towns and villages for petty slights (like being called Icy Kush)
>likely to be involuntarily celibate, a common trait of town and village shooters.
>I get the feeling this dev diary was supposed to release a lot sooner but got held back for Gamescom.
So I just beat Luna
Next step would be Kulve Taroth, right? I know Behemoth and Leshen are more team oriented.
>tfw both of my all-time favorite monsters Barroth and Black Diablos were included in the base game
>tfw the only monster I still really want in is Nibelsnarf
I hope your favorite monsters make it too anons, personally the game has been very kind to me in terms of roster. I hope the sequel has water combat. After all as we all know 3U was the peak of the series.
>he wants the korean MMO shit like nergigante, vaal, teo and xenojiva over the actually cool stuff like Origin, LaoShen and Commission
too bad you weeb fuck, maybe play on PC and you'll get what you want
Damn the bow got a hard debuff treatment, as harsh as some street fighter 5 characters.
Was that because the bow suddenly was becoming too powerful end game in master rank or something?
I didn't feel the bow was that much powerful in the base game though. I mean, yeah but... nothing that could outcompete HBG, Hammer or GS.
>more team oriented
Doing ATKT solo is pretty fucking painful even if you know what you're doing.
You played your hand too quickly anonymous.
You guys think they'll make g rank versions of behemoth and leshen?
It could.
>korean MMO shit like nergigante, vaal, teo and xenojiva
I agree. It was fucking disgusting
It's no Jhen Mohran but it's not bad.
Health boost and protection is only overpowered for low rank, high rank it gets outclassed fairly quickly.
I've heard that they're not going to be present because of licensing issues but i haven't seen a source
Can perfectly hit weakspots basically all the time with relatively little risk, but also deals like 200 damage per Shot-Powershot, so like every second.
No. They already said they were not going to make G-rank versions of those. Unless they change their mind and do that in post-release updates. But I doubt their will. No other inter-franchise collaboration monsters are planned for Iceborne either. As of now.
You don't really "beat" Kulve. Instead she beats your mental state down to a point where you're searching for quality nooses on ebay in between runs since you can't get the one weapon you've been grinding for over the past 100 hours.
bow had no bad match ups, it was way too strong.
keep in mind that elemental skills like elemental crit got buffed and we dont know what kind of bows will be in the game.
bow will probably be fine, just not op anymore.
It probably has very high defense value on the armor which is why they say its good.
Nice site. Except for the huge font I guess.
He's a big guy
>Certain attacks of Teostra will now do slightly less stun damage.
I will be very impressed if characters actually die
imagine playing on console
I only really want armour parts, how much hell am I in for?
>Tweaked the effect length of monster roars and tremors on players
>Certain attacks of Teostra will now do slightly less stun damage.
>Certain attacks of Kirin will now do slightly less damage.
>Monster dung will be generated from a location between the monster's legs.
>Monsters that appear in a master rank expedition will now stay in the locale longer.
Pouring one out for the sensei
Zero, the problem is the weapon gacha.
He's chasing Teostras up in heaven now.
>Razor Sharp/Spare Shot
>Rate of ammo or coatings not being used has been reduced.
this is going under the radar and will hurt bowguns more than you would think
>>Monster dung will be generated from a location between the monster's legs.
Daz the good shit.
Its pretty fun-ish
bring a thunder weapon and go ham on her until she goes naked then use ice. or just use raw.
Absolutely none, she fucking shits them out both as rewards and in game drops.
Has there even been a time the player outright witnessed an NPC getting killed by a monster in the franchise?
oh Kuvle armor parts is easy, it's when you're trying to find that rank 8 weapons that you wish you could just suck RNGesus's dick and get it over with.
rip RNG cannon
cluster groups will still HAME the shit out of monsters one way or another
Gobul when devs?
He'll make it lads.
he doesn't work without water, so never unless they bring it back
>In order to perform Return Stroke, you must now hold the required button down longer.
Literally why?
>Dash Slam attack power slightly increased
>Jumping Slash (Jumping Morph Slash) attack power slightly increased
>Axe: Smash (Sword to Axe morph slash and draw attack) attack power slightly increased
>Element Discharge I attack power slightly increased
>Element Discharge II (first hit) attack power slightly increased
>Amped Element Discharge attack power slightly decreased
Yeah no. Kirin jobs to Rajang who Nerg would bash good.
Namielle is an adult Gobul
he'll be back wearing world armor and a scoutfly lamp+slinger
No, you do see Ace Lancer's guys get pwned by Apex Steve in a cutscene but they presumably get carted.
If I take off his helmet will he die?
>ocean god
>anything other than Ceadeus
fucking fifth fleet fags pretending their monsters are hot shit. where my third fleet bros at?
I can't believe Velkhana fucking killed the Huntsman in cold blood.
There’s a Switch game in development that is exclusively underwater hunts. They’re using it to gauge feedback on their rebuilt swimming mechanics so they perfect them in time for MH6. Gobul is indeed in it.
I soloed 99% of shit in og MH, Tri, world and 4U but I'm worried master rank shit will just be damage sponges like Extremoth
What return stroke?
He should've taken a hot drink then
tzitzi does the thing now
IB will be the only game with singleplayer scaling on G monsters so I doubt they'll have many damage sponge enemies unless they bring back monsters like behemoth and leshen that don't have scaled health
Shitteus is the god of music, if anything.
It would be extremely hot.
t. pulled fresh from user's cavernous ass
The uppercut attack you can do in Sword mode after rolling or charging phials.
>we want to make elemental builds more viable
>decrease elemental scaling for some weapon types
What did they mean by this?
Just woke up, did I miss something?
some new info added here that wasnt in the video
Asshurt trophywhores spent months whining about the crown trophies being too grindy.
>Monster Hunter meets Subnautica
Unironically based
how did you open up this thread and not see anything new in the thumbnail?
If the quest titles call Namielle a sea god then it must be true.
New Elder.
>Brachydios's slime now has the mud effect
That's pretty scary. Also yay for the official site finallly updating the monster page. Still missing Namielle and the Tobi/Paolumu/Pukei subspecies tho
We got the coolest looking elder dragon to date
Based retard
is there a source on this statement? I'm fucking stoked if that's true.
They massively buffed elemental skills and increased the elemental damage cap. Are you being retarded on purpose?
Less talking, more cuteposting!
They said something about monster difficulty scaling in multiplayer, does that mean if you disconnect from the server the monster isn't scaled for four players anymore?
Any Gunlance changes? Like, at all?
Alright, I was sceptical about dumb AoE from Vel but now I can see that the fight is pretty good. It leaves around cold fog that can turn into ice walls when it uses the breath attack, and you can use them as walls or jumping platforms. Good use of an environment-based hunt.
I also find it neat with how elegant Velkhana looks, its roar sounds so crude and attack patterns are brutal. Already loving how this fight looks especially with the tail use, might bump it up when I experience it myself
A new monster called Namielle (an ocean dwelling Elder Dragon) was revealed, alongside Brachydios gameplay and a lost of all the weapon changes.
the only hp sponges in world were behemoth, leshen, kulve. the ATs had higher hp, but still within reason in my opinion, even though nerg was an extreme case, but he has easy weakpoints.
all the other fights in the game are really short and i dont think master rank will be an extreme change.
killing a monster has never been faster than in world, so i wouldnt worry too much.
So dual blades are officially S+ tier now?
Holy shit, I wish I could have seen that live, thanks
They are keeping the same as base world, adding scaling for 2 players, so you now have 1, 2 and 4 player scaling.
She looks really gorgeous desu.
have you played any of the previous games in the series?
yes if you have 3 players and someone disconnects it scales down to two player difficulty
I got 600 hours in MHW on releases (PS4) and haven't played it after Kulve got released. I know I missed a few new crossovers like Witcher and Final Fantasy. Thinking about buying Iceborne and getting back into the game, but let's be real here: this DLC is gonna melt my stock PS4, right? I mean I saw it has persistant snow effects etc and the FPS wasn't the best beforehand.. I wish I could transfer my savefile to PC. I'd rebuy on PC asap, wouldn't even mind the extra wait until Iceborne drops on PC
I don't know what new thing they said but they already said in an earlier dev diary that everything will scale up and down even when people leave or join.
you forgot vaal
more news when?
>It finally makes sense with two sticks
3U had two sticks and it sucked worse than Tri.
I never used Fade Slash on SA anyways. It sucks compared to LS's
either in two hours or tomorrow
nice desu
Yeah, they fixed it so that if someone leaves it scales back down rather than leaving you with a monster with multiplayer health. There’s also a third level of scaling. Beforehand there was single player and multiplayer scaling but they’ve added a middle option for 2 player scaling, so people can coop with a friend and not have to deal with a HP pool balanced around having 4 players.
you cant transfer your savedata to pc but you can emulate it with the save editor, BUT, pc gets iceborne january 2020
did you watch the dev diary? no, they decreased the elemental dmg on DBs. Obviously. Hammer gets buffed though, lol. If it wasn't already powerful enough. (With a fucking insane clutchclaw attack)
I don't have the pic but you can google that the concept art of Velkhana shows at some point, they're planning to design it like a Griffin
yes it's official, even though the game isn't out, we don't know all the monsters it will contain, and endgame skill distribution on gear is still unclear
also we are all retards
too bad its name sounds like a ffxiv erp tranny
never ever
Will Namielle be fought at the lower levels of the Coral Highlands or what? Might be a good way to test underwater before the next game :^3
what teh fuck is an everwyrm?
t. playing MH since PSP days
The area it was in during the trailer tease was pitch black so I’m not sure. It might be fought in a unique area considering it seems really big.
should definitely get into top tier with buffed ele cap and their teased new skill that increases element damage the more you keep attacking
Where is this info from? Don't remember them mentioning it in the video.
Ace Lancer's guys maybe died to the Apex Seregios
>we get some shitty nintendo tier glowing dragon but not based Lagi
It's fucking Fatalis you dumb faggot
Being the low rank hunter here is no fun at all.
Read the reply chain you fucking goof
Oh don't worry, they'll fuck it up.
>DPS weapon
>increases elemental damage the more you attack
What crossover would you like to see in a future?
pretty much a Dragon's Dogma armor
in which game do we fight glavenus? is it the XX games that introduced hunting styles? I didn't play them
Thats exactly what the fuck is going to happen and you know it dude. It's what the system encourages which to be honest, pisses me off. They're encouraging G rank hunters to carry people. Fuck that, LEARN HOW TO HUNT OR STAY IN THE MUD WHERE YOU BELONG.
>Squid dragon
>wanting Lagiacrus back without underwater
No thanks. Bring him back whole or don't bring him back at all
Yeah in X, the non G Rank version of XX.
That's why I love it
have sex
Monster Hunter x Metroid
The cutscene played out in Legiana's nest, check out the corals the hunter is being dragged into by the water, the rocky background and maybe the air particles going up. Also the clear water surface-like sky.
Man talking about quest titles just makes me want to fight Alatreon again. "Where gods fear to tread" brings back a lot of memories for me.
Good thing Water is returning in MH6.
that happened with 4G already
Velkhana looks infinitely more dangerous than Nergigante has ever been
>skinning pokemon to wear as armor
You could threaten Japan with 2 more bombs and Nintendo/GF still wouldn't do it.
>sharpens its tail to be like a katana
what the fuck happened to this series
I'd actually love it tbqh. Loved underwater in 3U. Here's hoping Namiellle can also be fought underwater next title
Huh, so it is. I guess that’s just the environmental effect Namielle has when it’s present. Seems quite a bit more drastic than other EDs but there’s nothing wrong with that.
all those retards talking about fucked up balancing already.
we dont know what armor is in the game, what skills will be easy to run. we dont even know what kind of stats the weapons will have, how high the elemental stats will be.
all we can do right now is speculate and wait, but some people here act like its a fact that some weapons will be broken. thats just stupid.
so they got rid of the only reason to join multiplayer sessions then? My biggest complaint about MHW is that soloing is almost always faster than playing multiplayer since everything is scaled to village tier health.
>got Kulve Taroth's R8 sleep GL on the first try
>KT GLs are shit
Pre-World crossovers aren't really the same, they're just themed hunts with existing monsters.
>want to achieve true mastery of a weapon and be like one of those gigachads that have 5k missions with one weapon type and 0 with every other type
>enjoy multiple weapon styles and switch it all up most of the time
fuuuuuuuuuck me, why is the game so much fun?
Sorry they are no longer just shitting flying wyvern skeletons that only do tailspins, charges and a random elemental spit ball attack
That's because it was.
Whatever happened to the alatreon and oroshi Kirin leak? We got our treasure dragon
Won't disagree, Nergigante introduced as essentially a scavenger/seagull against zorah made me think he was gonna be a sub-boss.
He has a cool roar though.
Why dragon piercer though? I sometimes forget that the move even exists.
W-Wait what. I've been sleeping, did I miss something other than the dissapointing Velkhana trailer?
What happened?
Become the gigachad of gigachads and have 5k in all of them.
nergigante didn't have to use anime powers to beat hunters
oh look at me, i command ice, just like hitsugaya from bleach i'm so cool and powerful i can freeze your blood and everything that is dear to you hurr durr dfjkasjfjdbhfdjsbf
Maybe she sleeps down in the watery depths, or the cutscene drags you there. There's no guarantee if we'll fight her up there.
But that bottom area of the highlands is cramped as fuck.
Cluster damage has been nerfed. No more cheese for scrubs.
I'm tired of seeing generic dragons, can we have massive crustaceans?
They may have been pushed back to Iceborne. Doubt they are going to be shown beforehand tho
Stay mad Nergijobber
closet weeb, stop seeing everything with your anime eyes.
We got rused, underwater hunts are back, there's a new underwater ED, and Lagi is in
I'll pick a type of weapon that I'm not good at, but don't expect me to touch your h*gh rank garbage when I have been working on my latest-end gear to swing my dick around
I'm assuming (hoping/praying) they just got pushed back so they could be included in iceborne (which would be kind of jewish but fuck it as long as i get to fight alatreon i don't care)
>nergigante didn't have to use anime powers to beat hunters
He uses elderseal to beat down elder dragons though
>remembering how fucking shit was the Shen Gaoren fight
I'm good thanks
This. It's based God Eater now.
So Nergigante is the annoying kid from Black Clover?
smacking it's legs was fun as heck
So Nergigante is the best flagship monster from the best game of all time?
They showed a second trailer with Brachydios gameplay and a new Elder Dragon called Namielle who seeming makes the Coral Highlands go pitch black and floods the place.
I haven't touched world since i got burnt out like 100 hours in after i beat the main story and finished my Val Hazzak armor. I don't think Deviljho had even been added in yet. Am i going to be okay to jump into iceborne or is there some content i have to slog through before i can start the new stuff?
>can turn HUD off
It's the closest thing to not being aware of every monster in the room so I'll take it.
can I switch my game to "FPS" on a stock PS4? PS4 Pro can choose "Fidelity" and "FPS", I'm assuming it's similiar to Nioh where it can render at either 1080p for looks or 720p for frames.
Funnily this option is always at "fidelity" for stock PS4s. I don't have to play the game in 1080p, all I want is silky smooth 60fps so please just let me enable 720p mode
nami = wave
in japanese, and you can see it literally flooding an area in the coral highlands with a tidal wave
>A dragon breathing ice is weeb tier
Velkhana is literally a baseline D&D White dragon what the fuck is wrong with you.
Hunt Deviljho, Behemoth and AT Kirin a few times to get the feel for ass slappage. You'll be prepped.
You should get r6 King Gold Exploder for long shelling :^)
3 Augment slots and you heal 20hp with each charged lvl 4 shelling. Very effective at Behemoth tanking
No, Lagiacrus is the best flagship, even if he's not from the absolute best game.
You keep saying this but you keep being proven wrong every time. Elderseal is just inherent to ED weapons and has nothing to do with Nerg, he only beats up other Elders because of his extreme regeneration allowing him to punch with enough force to shatter his fists and have them heal near instantly.
>silky smooth 60fps
I'm in the same boat bro. Came back after a long ass while and there's a gorillion of new quests. It's all so tiresome
Modern dnd is unironically anime as shit
Nah the only requirement is to have beaten Xeno’jiiva and seen the credits. The post launch stuff gives you good armour and shit to start Iceborne with but none of it is strictly required.
You people would still bitch about that design
You're absolutely obcessed with skeletons and nothing more, so that design would be JUST as bad. Namielle has very unique feattures too but since it's a dragon skelly base nothing else matters.
Iceborne is already the best MH game just because it features Brachy in HD.
It's on the second best dragon skeleton so it's all good
>it's called Neromiell in Japanese
Could've called it Nero
good, i didn't give a shit about anything they patched in after i quit aside from Deviljho, but even he's hard to care about when he's not following his buddy 'peco around. I kept saying i'd come back when Alatreon was added from the datamine, but then they just never added him.
>dragons aren't anime
>sticky buffed
You know how
>monster is black
>call it Nero
Sounds like a deadweight name
But I like Namielle
how do her weapons even work? is it all random? when I get a lance, can it have 354539 variants or what? what are the "GODROLLS" to look out for?
He and Bazelgeuse show up constantly and fight each other but I agree I miss Peco. I hope he comes back in MH6 and he’ll be capable of calling for Jho AND Bagel.
>Missile barrage
>Hide in plain sight
>Epic level
>Talking their asses off during fights
>Dragons can do all that
Airborne went from 10% to 30%
Abnormal status useless in GS aerial damage cheese, critical element also mostly irrelevant and doesn't make up for the MV loss
Velkhana fight sounds good according to all the people trying it. I guess Seregios really is the most irrelevant flagship after all.
>you get 5 evades tops
>4 evades if it lasts for more than 20 seconds (which will be 90% of cases)
The beatings weren't enough Rathalos?
>Velkhana fight sounds good according to people who want to stay in Capcom's good books so they continue to get early access to content like this
guys this dlc is a CASH GRAB why cant you see that? all they did is add returning stupid monsters like brachydios, nargacuga, barioth and tigrex that NO ONE wanted.
and then they went the lazy route and just recolored some monsters like acidic glavenus, nightshade paolumu and coral pukei.
on top of that have you seen the SKELETONS on the new monsters? wow now we have icier kushala and water kushala that will just fly around and be the same fight with different element.
AND they broke the game even further by nerfing element on weapons that rely on it like DB and bow. this game will be a FLOP.
where tf is my khezu and red khezu? why do they not care about me?
>Nero = black, mieru = to see in jap
>Nami = wave in jap
Both are fine I guess? Considering what we've seen so far and how it changes the weather and floods things and shit. Guess they wanted to emphasize the water part more in the western version.
Japanese who played the beta said it was good too.
Ffs, we can just take a look at the full gameplay
S-Shen Gaoren was fun!
Get fucked, stupid khezunigger
Debating if I should buy this or not since I've been stuck on Nergigante for the past week or so.
Shelling is MASSIVELY buffed.
It was better than Lao, but that's not saying much
ez G zorah farming
After all this time how can you still be this retarded?
Yes it's his SnS, no it's not the final upgrade(s) model.
And all was good in the world because the good Lord said fuck Khezu.
Haha Khezuniggers BTFO it’s time for Gigginoxchads to rise.
You at least might want to beat the assignments and maybe cheese a few of the AT elders to get some of the armor sets for a head start on Iceborne but I'm sure they'll get outclassed in the meta real soon.
Is it worth sticking with any of the bow guns or should I ditch them for something better? Its the only thing I've been using outside of the sword and shield.
I will still play bow because bow is fun.
Get fucked everyone who used it because it is OP
Base ballistae/cannon damage probably unchanged, so the boost is mostly to compensate for Master Rank health values. Of course LR/HR sieges will be faster as a result.
Experiment but the ranged weapons are pretty great for the arch tempered bullshit.
i emulated monster hunter freedom on ppsspp and my god is it clunky compared to world. i'm quite impressed this game even took off the way it did with this barely functioning prototype of a game as its first entry. if i played it back then, i'd tossed it in the garbage where it belongs and wouldn't have given any MH game another chance
You can literally look through the options if you had a brain to switch the target cam to only look for large monsters instead of every monster in the room though?
Are you guys ready for Silverlos+Goldian arena quest?
what the fuck did i miss? link to first thread where this came from please
>yfw it’s a story assignment
It was just a new trailer.
Welp. My love of arena will be tested. I'm gonna love it.
Yet that's still showing the monsters in the room, isn't it smartass? I don't want to know the presence of ANYTHING. You know like how previous games were before World gave me the ability to know where all monsters were with no real way to turn that off until Iceborne.
>casualizing the most casual trash monster hunter game even further
Why aren't you guys playing GU again? It's actually a good, challenging game.
Personally I like discolights-chan.
Nah I have fun stomping low Raths and carrying low hunters
I've been trying to use them both solo on that nergigante with no luck. None of the other weapons interest me enough to try different tactics.
>Valor/Brave style
why do you lie user
yea you casuals, killing hyper monsters and deviants solo is way more fun. today i only took 46 minutes instead of the usual 47 minutes to kill hyper silver los with my gunlance. im so proud of myself, that was a REAL challenge.
Well I mean, becausen of them reusing the skeleton we dont stop getting boring designs, but just in this case the griffin design was fresh and original even when using the same skeleton and they dropped it for generic dragon number 4838. Its not only their lazyness now, its their bad design choices.
different times back then, it was pretty good for a handheld game. obviously it doesnt hold up today.
Are yes, the real challenge of constant sakura slash.
The challenge.
Obviously not you're not even near the end game of World yet let alone good enough to beat it.