Lolis are

Lolis are

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Other urls found in this thread:

underrepresented in western video games.

for protecting

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Not video games

For tricking into sex

cute, and might I add funny

Based and we should be allowed to freely rape them. It's evil feminists and trannies who made it illegal to rape lolis.
But it's the trannies who are pedos, not us tradition-loving folks.

hotter when crossdressing

for fug

I hope none of you ever have children.

I don't trust you either.

As a woman, this thread is disgusting
>tfw no loli gf

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finally a good thread

Not video games.

Report off-topic threads.

You give me more reasons to loathe you with every new thread you shit up. Drown yourself in the tub like the rat you are.

Dont worry
Kids can't make kids so it's no problem

>I hope none of you ever have children.
No thanks, fawning over cute little girls in a non-sexual way is good enough for me.

>Lolis are
That is a lie.

Tits or gtfo

for sniffing!

>wanting to see old hag tits.

As a black man I don't care

Perfection of the human form.

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For reporting

too early for such conclusion

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>tfw no loli tulpa waifu

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cute and funny

Oh no no this shit again

Why does Pokemon keep making their lolis sexy?

>want to make a little girl game
>art is shit


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They don't. You're just a sick fucking pedophile.

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Name one good thing about the recent pokemon games other than sexy lolis.

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I'm quite healthy at the moment.

Bullshit. You've been attention whoring for years, don't bother pretending.

At least keep it 2D only this time please.

That one isn't sexy

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theres been an increasing number of redditors and retardera on Yea Forums since the 4channel domain

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Best post


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This is my wife Ruby. Say something nice about her!

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Why would you fuck a kid? They are practically brainless until 16 and even then it's pretty iffy. I can understand pubescent women around 16 but below that seems more like a power dynamics thing. They're never going to enjoy it and you're going in knowing that you're fucking them up mentally.