>hasn't made a good game since MGS3
>his every entrance on stage is celebrated as if jesus christ himself descended from the heavens
what gives
Hasn't made a good game since MGS3
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How is someone his age only able to grow 27 chin hairs?
Because MGSV was a good game
Agreed, 5 was good, 3 was tedious and retarded. Can’t take a step without opening up the menu to eat, take your vitamin, change camo, dig out a bullet, sew up the wound, apply ointment, burn off a leech, etc.
every game he's made aside from peacewalker is good
Shit bait try again
He’s so fucking full of himself.
Mgs 4 was great
Why does he need an interpreter if he's so obsessed with the West? Learning English would be the first thing to do.
a great turd
For real that second point. What the fuck. Why do they jerk him off every fucking chance they get these last 5 years. Like he alone makes the gift from god that was MGS1, nevermind any of the other games he's plastered his name all over. Fuck this hack and fuck the circle jerk over him. He ain't no Miyamoto or Carmack.
he also thinks video games are art lol
Asians are retarded.
Would you bother learning the language of a dying culture just because you're nostalgic about decades old mainstream media?
Because of how Konami handled MGSV and the very public shaming and dismissal of the man.
So because of how TPP was acclaimed, and despite Konami just acting like a typical Japanese company, his shaming and how vocal the west got about it overinflated him.
I'm kinda hoping Death's Stranding is a disaster so it brings him crashing back down to earth.
It's an easy language to learn. You can do that by simply watching movies.
carmack is a cuck, kojimers is a rock star
All that hack does is watch western movies, he sees the writing on the wall and decided to not bother.
>>hasn't made a good game since MGS3
Uhh, MGS4 was a great game.
Have sex, incel.
forgetting about Peace Walker and MGSV
I was depressed so hard to see what happens to the protagonist at the end of TPP (not to mention the symbolic with the player) that I hope Death Stranding will be that disaster you are talking about. But it won't be and normalfags will buy it, be minfucked, and talk about it so more fags will buy kojima's crap.
3 is a good game bogged down by shit mechanics, eat my nigger
So you are mad at Kojima because MGSV did what it set out to do? Truly the biggest pleb filter of our generation.
>I'm kinda hoping Death's Stranding is a disaster so it brings him crashing back down to earth.
Why do that when you can hope for a kino game instead?
Not bait. Just fact.
video games can be art, bing bing wahoo on the other hand isnt
>still crying
The install screen for MGS4 has niggas in the fetus position to this day still. You were able to control mini metal gear 10 years before every game has some retarded drone mechanic. Octocamo hasn't been recreated since. What game has the audacity to start with fucking live-action commercials and TV shows that you can scroll through.
All you morons who think MGS3 is the shit for what exactly.
Crying for "snake had a hard life" > crying for saluting The Boss.
dont blame kojima, it's a reflection on the gameindustrie making shit games, kojima is a last hope for a good game, altough mgs4 and mgsv are flawed. in terms of story, the gameplay is very decent.
and we all witnessed as Quiet became the best character ever created. a bikini girl that never speaks...a true thing of beauty.
Tell that to every german/french/spainard who begs for translations in every game instead of just fucking learning english.
Casuals have less stringent expectations than you.
This motherfucker talks happily about crunch and how his slaves are working while he has fun and everyone claps
He's the exact same as konami, the difference is that the fucking hypocrites think it's ok when guillermo del taco's boyfriend does it
Peace Walker was pretty good for what it was.
If you consider movies art then kojimbo's games are art
Dont trust Konami youtu.be
And don't you think some of them may ask for it because they don't want to bother reading/hearing another language and not because they do not know?
I like Kojima but that excessive ego stroking Geoff and his fanbase does every time he even exists is pretty cringe tbqh
like that whole video before he came up on stage was just bizarre and unnecessary
The best Metal Gear game isn’t even made by him.
>mgs4 5
nice bait
3 was made by him user
3 doesn’t have Senator Armstrong.
The memes, Jack.
>>hasn't made a good game since MGS3
Well that's just your opinion. He did win goty award for MGSV which he wasn't even allowed to go get the award and Konami forced him to stay in japan headquarters while some no name faggot went to accept the award for him.
I'll buy DS because I'm masochist and liked the depression. Fight me.
Just play minecraft if you want to be lonely
Wasn't MGS5 the first game Kojima ever made that had stealth mechanics surpassing Pac-Man?
Thanks for the link. Interresting theory, with a lot of refferences.
you are welcome, stay redpilled
Minecraft has no depressing story, i'ts just an endless sandbox.
It's a tactical game, it's written on the box since MGS1.
Are we not allowed to just like a game anymore
not if you're gonna be so fucking obnoxious about it
I like what I want, the way I like. And you can't do anything about it.
The baseless hate circlejerk over Kojima is one of the most obnoxious things I've seen on Yea Forums.
>man walks up on the stage to shill his game
>gets a standing ovation
and we're the obnoxious ones
You should know how it goes.
MGS3 is ass
death stranding is going to be mediocre, if you like or love his games this wont be any different, likewise if you hate or could care less about them.im definetly the latter. everything after silent hill 3 was forgetable.