What do you guys wanna see in the next GTA? Where do you think it'll be placed? Do you guys think Rockstar North can make us feel like it's the early 2000s again with a decent plot this time around?
GTAVI expectations/desires
>single protagonist
>a reason to drive through the country side
>Vice City
>fuck ton of gay characters
>Dade Country reference
>legit drug selling missions
>better gun physics
I hope for the best because Rockstar never dissapointed me
Qatar. Make the villains rich oil sheiks and muslims, but also white supremacists and jews. Realy, the setting lends itself to expose how when you get down to it everyone is a greedy cunt who's only looking out for number 1.
>Interesting take on Vice City & South America that isn't just a copy of Miami Vice, Scarface or similar things
>Fun, sophisticated system of managing drug empire
>More interiors than in V (IV and EFLC did this much better)
Don't care for Online, and SP will be hopefully at least as good as it was in RDR2. Hoping to see Project Americas, there is a good chance that it's real, though many people jumped on the bandwagon and there have been shitton of fake leaks based on the original leak from 2018.
>Rockstar never dissapointed me
I almost dont want to admit it, but you're kinda right. Earthworm jim 3D and the Austin Powers games were pretty bad, but it's not like I way anticipating them. Midnight Club, Max Payne, Manhunt, the old Read Dead, Bully, all classics.
I didnt really like RDR2 or LA Noire, but that's just my opinion.
I'd personally like a new take on VC, too. I doubt that will happen, doing the same setting and era would be kind of lazy. It would be cool if they did something in the past again, though. Maybe something in the 70s. I doubt they will, the target demo is all zoomers obsessed with nigger culture.
As far as online goes, I didn't care for it either, but you just know that it's going to be a focal point of the next GTA. With all the microtransactions, Rockstar must have made millions.
I hope it never releases and that the failure of rdr2 online and gambling laws limiting the monetisation of gtav forces rockstar to file for bankruptcy
>what to probably expect
A “create your own character” type protagonist with non interesting background choices to appease the zoomer masses or a very very simple main story to get people to online mode quicker.
>what I hope
They go back on what made the game great in the first place like more to things to do and fuck around with without having to go online.
>city prediction
Chicago, Honolulu, or Anchorage if they’re that daring.
Welp guess I'm going to be the outlier on this but I hope it's entirely online.
They're more than likely just gonna go back to NY. That's where their studios are and that's the city they love recreating the most.
I'm predicting a big, empty map with LC and the surrounding rural areas. Instead of the map being 60% featureless desert its gonna be 60% featureless mountain ranges or something. Maybe they'll do 3 characters again, maybe they'll go back to one. I didn't really like the switch mechanic because it just made each individual character arc lame and unfocused. Unlike some other posters I really enjoyed IV's dark, cynical feeling and dramatic writing, so I hope that comes back, but I know it probably won't. If you play as Niko again I'm gonna buy it but otherwise probably not. I'm expecting some aspects of RDR2's simulation mechanics are gonna make it in, like weight gain/loss and that other shit. I hope it's single-player only, but Rockstar would never do that. They're completely out of touch with what made their older games good, but I guess they dont care as long as they're making money off 12 year olds. The final nail in the coffin was when they made a game set on the west coast a mainline title in the series. Traditionally, the main games in the series have been set in Liberty City, and the wacky gimmick-packed spinoffs were set in different cities.
Rant: GTA 4 was and is an amazing game, and only non-fans of the series think otherwise. GTA 4 took the fundamental mechanics of GTA as defined in GTA 3 and polished them, and anyone who compares GTA 4 to San Andreas (a spinoff title!) is a moron. Setting GTA 5 on the west coast was a subtle message to GTA fans who have been with the series since its beginnings: "GTA as you know it is dead."
why do u write such big comment
Because I give a shit.
Comfy setting like Boise Idaho
No online unless they want an army of whales against them.
Maybe they'll do a single player only game to prove they haven't completely given up their integrity. Even a mixed single-player/multiplayer thing like GTA 4 was would be cool as long as they actually put thought into the story and didnt add any microtransactions. I don't realistically see GTAO shutting down anytime soon. Maybe they'll put the piles of money they made from that into actually making good games again.
Game needs to go back to multiple cities.
Maybe the rating should be changed to A18+ instead.
vegas, 70s/80s, mob backed casinos, flashy clothes, classic cars
>thinking a modern GTA game will ever take place anywhere outside of the US
No microtransactions, good singleplayer with DLC, no Saints Row 3 bullshit in the multiplayer.
And that's unironically a good thing. Giving up the US setting would mean giving up one of the few underpinnings tying modern GTA to classic GTA. Posters in these threads always suggest inane shit that would basically turn it into Saints Row.
I'd like better gun physics, gore, npc reactions to getting shot and a hardcore mode where the player is just as vulnerable as the NPCs, can only carry a couple of concealed weapons, overhauled police with an arrest warrant system like in mafia 2 and minimal hud.
couldnt agree more with you fren
Three characters but they all play radically differently
1 is a hobo, has survival aspects from RDR2, always scrounging around, low ammo, low money, petty crimes
2 is a typical gta character with typical gameplay
3 can be a cop or something
Three main characters was a cool idea, but it was done shittily. Each character should have a completely different playstyle. One character could be like a hobo. While playing as him, you need to eat, rest, and feed your various addictions, like cores in RDR2. Ammo is harder to find, so you end up scrounging around more and being careful about getting into shootouts. You hardly have money, since you need to keep spending it to survive. You're always poor. Second character can be like a typical Gta character. They have a car, plenty of ammo, no cores. Just normal GTA. Third character could be something cool, like a corrupt police officer, so you can stop criminals but still do some bad stuff.
Redesign the city so there's more options to get around on foot. Running through alleyways, climbing ladders, places to hide, like GTA4 liberty city.
Make it so all the guns don't kill people in two shots. Make the guns actually have inaccuracy so you can miss. Make the cops like GTA4 cops.
Ditch all the retarded minigames. Who wants to do fucking yoga? Replace them with criminal activities. Fraud, drug dealing, robberies, stuff like that.
Also, the conversation system from RDR2, but with more stuff like asking someone to follow you, (to lure them into an alleyway, an option to beg for money (success depends on your outfit), sell them drugs, (haggling and drug stock market) an option to mug them, or bribe, or gang recruit like in SA. Maybe a metagame where you run a gang or drug empire.
based and blessed
Put drugs back in. I love making mad dashes from dealer to dealer in Chinatown and making bank. Supplying them with whatever they could want as long as they have the money. It was pretty much the only thing I did in that game.
lol it's going to be a progressive shitshow
>I'd personally like a new take on VC, too. I doubt that will happen, doing the same setting and era would be kind of lazy.
The problem is that the 80s were integral part of the original Vice City and vast majority of people like the game only for that. And there is a reason why people like media that inspired VC, like original Miami Vice tv show and that is precisely the time period. Without the time period and aesthetics it would have been just an alright run-of-the-mill cop drama which is like the most overused genre in the mainstream tv series. I absolutely adore VC but I am not sure if there is potential for something else other than 80s setting which has been done twice already - in VC and VCS. At this point I am not even sure if people would find the Project Americas thing appealing. I certainly would but it's hard to deny that there can be more unique settings for a GTA game.
I'm not american so I speak in ignorance, but I believe a modern Vice City would be too generic for its own game, the Miami beauty was in the 80s, it would be too similar to Los Santos only that instead of deserts and hills we would get swamps.
I think Carcer City, the city in Manhunt and based on Detroit would be ideal this time, a more urban and crime ridden post-industrial city filled with gang violence, robery, corrupt authorities and debauchery struggling from an economic recession. It would also be a golden opportunity to expand the GTA universe, Carcer City was mentioned on previous games so it's canon, but it would be great if they expand muh lore even more and see more of the city beyond the linear levels from Manhunt.
Your ideas are too cool for modern game industry.
Good thing we play games for fun and not for a political echo-chamber. Anyways, the leftie-slant you're bitching about goes back to San Andreas turning Catalina into a feminist.
>alright single player, shit online with tons of grinding or spending real life money on it
>tripple dipping again
good single player not with decades old mission structures
Any characters from V you think could reappear in 6?
This is one of the few good posts itt
Carcer City is actually viable and, being totally unexplored in the GTA universe aside from a few allusions, theres a lot of room for innovation.
I hope the main cast canonically die in a bank heist gone horribly wrong
They already confirmed in the Casino update for GTAO that Ending C was the canon choice.
Too depressing.
Online integrated with the current GTA Online.
Duuuuuuh! Nobody seriously thought A or B could be canon. Still though, those guys were all assholes and it made the game less relatable.
After seeing how on-rails the missions in RDR2 are i don't want them to make a GTA6. Maybe let CDPR make it lmao.
I really really hope they incorporate multiple locations - San Fierro, Vice City and Las Venturas.
Alternatively, make it a neo-noir 80's Carcer City.
>Las Venturas
>90% of the world cant enter because GAMBLING BAD
What's the point of alternative endings if you're going to discredit all but one?
I don't think they were originally planning to move the setting of GTAO to after V
Less arcadey, level of "immersion" of RDR would be ideal but I dunno, I think GTA is their big flashy colorful cash cow so I doubt it'll be good
Yeah a cop mode would be sick I don't know why they haven't included it yet. Hopefully seeing the mods gave them some ideas
Bro they just opened a casino in GTA online I don't know how that shit is legal
I'd say it'd be cool to see them do one in an eastern european or rural southern setting, but anything that's not pseudo Cali/New York/Miami probably won't sell well.
>vigilante mode
All they have to do is bring it back and add more depth