Yea Forums....home

Yea Forums....home

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/r9k/... home

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You do realize that word means nothing to the people you say it to.

>enter designating shitposting thread
>see shitposts

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shitposting should be banned

SNEEDING is the best part of this image

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my 8 yr old son likes watching weird shit like a few minutes ago he was watching how some town got carbon monoxide poisoning becausr of an abandoned mine. how can i get him to play vidya with me

This is from r/Yea Forums isn't it?

At least it was until TORtanic fucked everything up

>every thread on the fucking board is a designated shitposting thread
>hurr designated shitposting board

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it could be worse.

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Yea Forums... home

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double dilate

When was this? I thought it was all legit tranny porn now

you afraid of intellectual discussion OP?

at least it was until 2016 fucked everything up

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that webm is from back when /r9k/ was good
now all the robots have left and it's just trannies, yes.

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have sex

there's something natural and comfy in using the word nigger. tranny seems unnatural to me but is best used in Yea Forums than other boards.

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At least it was before ResetEra/NeoGaf destroyed Yea Forums as of like five years ago. Even if they finally fuck off, Reddit's been invading since 2011 or so

It's painstakingly obvious that Yea Forums is being raided. Look at the number of posters compared to posts in any of these Ion Fury threads, the sole reason for the existence of which is a developer stating that deciding on your child's behalf that they're transsexual and beginning their "transition" is child abuse and mutilation.

Even their Discord endorsed the sentiment, it's just these mentally ill no-lifes skittering out of the woodwork to champion their "victory" on Yea Forums.

This shit is exactly why support for LGBTOMGWTFBBQ has plummeted 20% among gen Z in two years.

God damn it, I want to go back to when supporting fags was enough. Fuck this tranny bullshit, I'm never buying into it and these Frankenstein's Monster dysphoric cunts should book lodgings in their nearest asylum.

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Wew transphobe much?

I don't fear them, I genuinely and wholeheartedly pity them and loathe the people who peer pressure them into believing the silver bullet to their social anxiety is transitioning. It's another online cult of thousands of the goddamn things when you're talking about *Chan, Discord, Reddit, Tumblr, and Twitter and it exhibits all the same symptoms; up to and including reprisal for groupthink, and the encouragement of severing preexisting social ties if people you knew before the cult express any degree of concern.

The robots transitioning do so because they think life is easier for a girl and just want their daily struggles with depression, anxiety, and hopeless circling down the drain to end. This tranny shit gives a false sense of camaraderie, which normally among microcults may not be the worst thing in the world, but they encourage extremely anti-social shit and further isolating oneself until all you have left is "woke" cunts.

There's a reason being trans has such a high comorbidity with autism, as well as depression/suicidality/anxiety. This whole trend is in bad faith and can't end soon enough.

This. I don't care about gays. The trannies piss me off more than anything. These parents should be out in prison for what they do to their kids, permantly altering their biological development because they can't comprehend that children don't always align perfectly with their assigned sex, nor do they understand that children change their minds constantly. They have no idea what the child psyche is like. The fact that speaking out against it has become "transphobic" is sickening and makes me not want to support anything transgender.

trannyEra BTFO


He's 100 percent right and there is nothing "transphobic" about it. Fuck outta here.

more like homo

daily reminder that Yea Forums is a containment board for newfags.

I miss lurk more.

Name a more representative image of Yea Forums. Must contain at least one Pepe and Wojak.


People sure are talking about you and considering your points at-length, user. If this is what you consider a victory, congratulations.

Now get back to sliding this thread.

"T" should've never become a part of LGB.

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I blame surgeons for enabling it, they make a lot of money from these surgeries. "Trans" people are being played big time.

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It's like India. You say one area is designated for shitting, but in the end, is there even a difference?