Explain this Yea Forums

explain this Yea Forums

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hes one of those so casual coders who goes to the office in his shorts and sandals bruh

is that recent? looks like he lost weight, good for gaben if true

"i'm so rich i dont give a single fuck" mode


he does this at every international, as if his opening speeches didn't make it apparent enough that he doesn't give a shit

Sandals/flip flops are obscenely uncomfortable.

he wants everyone in the arena to smell his feet.

edema caused by CHF

half-life 3 teaser

feet fags are disgusting

He wants everyone to know how he gives zero fucks.

>stepping on the cross

i dont know why he left foot toe is that far out compared to his big toe, which should be the toe that sticks out the most

what is there to explain? You're a retard?

feet exist at the end of legs. they have toes which allows the user to maintain balance easier.

He knows the dota community needs its annual gaben memes.

>source engine 2.0
>still no other game utilizes it besides a card game

So that steam trannie shills can suck his toes

You're suprised a person has feet?

I've been wearing thongs everywhere but I recently disovered another type of shoe that's superior.

Its the cheap $3.50 slip on shoe you get from Big W that looks kind of like a chinaman kung fu shoe. They're perfect and comfortable and people won't look at you weird and you can wear them in the gym or in a science lab. The ONLY problem is that the insoles barely have any glue sticking them on and that means they'll come lose evenetually BUT just get some super glue and cement those babies in.

Boom. The perfect shoe for less than $3.70 AUD.

>diagonal lines
its an X, autist user

Cute feet

no joke, this is it. I think he enjoys exposure. I think he's going for the "eccentric rich guy" reputation.

Well penises should be visible but then there's you. Different people have different sizes and shapes. My wife's second toe is longer than the big one.

Do you suck your wives toes?

You're not supposed to walk with them.

user don't call them thongs outside of conversation with your Aussie buddies, you sound like a freak.

what the fuck do you use them for

I legit fuck in nothing but flip flops, bitches love it

I thought it was Richard Stallman for a second.

that's called a 'mark' and he has to walk to it to get the best camera angle/shot

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

Yep He’s a chad get over it


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It's a fat guy tactic. Normal clothes make you quite sweaty. Sandals act in a way that keeps you cool.

but sandals make your feet sweat as fuck

Holy fuck, that middle toe.

you are so fucking retarded holy fuck

I can understand him being a fat fuck, but why can't he spend some money getting his pants hemmed so they're not too long. It's not even comfortable to step on your pants like that.

he does not give a shit

smelly sweaty fungus feet, sandalfags are so disgusting

His pants need like 5 inches cut off them. He's probably unconformable, and somehow too retarded to realize he can ask his assistant to call the best tailor in the city to come to his office and fix his shit while he eats a sandwich.

When you have so much fucking money you simply no longer have to give a fuck about anything ever.

Dad has important things to do and stuff to take care of and nobody really cares.
Something neets or tranny freaks wouldn't understand.

When you are so frustrated that you are eternally a fat slob, that you can't stop making money trying to feel better.

Blocks your path

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Yeah, real men don't hire tailors. You fat ass moron.

Patrician shoe coming in

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Holy shit this post is peak cringe. Mind if I save it?

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Did you expect him buying shoes or decent clothes?

Of course not, fat boy.

I didnt make that post but I asked my dad and he said yes.

Nobody cares millennial, do something with your life

>Gabe lost weight
>Feet aren't covered in diabetes sores
>Casual t-shirt as usual
I love this man and am glad he's still healthy.

Lol. You implied that being a responsible man means not caring if your pants are five inches too long. I can tell you never had a father, and are projecting hard.

Wow. Yikes.



My wife's daughter toes are normal. Your wife is just weird.

The man is a multi millionaire who is the sole owner of one of the largest game companies in the world

He doesn't give a fuck

He probably got married looking like that

What if he was a multi-billionaire, and three times as fat, and walked around with shit-stained sweat pants? Would he still be based?

too bad he doesn't code anything

Did they announce anything at TI yet?
A new character or maybe a new game lul.

no but only because hes stealing my look

>My wife's daughter
you better be fucking them both user

I throw gel-inserts with the $3 flats.
Real trouble is the soles only last about a month, but 3x12 is still better than spending $40 on a pair that'll last 6 months.

My feet are fucking retarded, though, so anything that isn't flats causes my feet to slip inwards as I'm walking and soon the shoe is all out of whack and sucks.

i only use them when im to lazy to put my shoes when im throwing away the garbages and even if i have them on for a min my feets smell like if i was wearing old sweaty work boots for 12h

If you've fallen arches, sure

I like it because it's comfortable. Reminds of soviet era galoshes though. People here even joke that it's "galoshes with holes".

>being a pedophile

hes a multi billionaire he gives no fucks

I want to god damn work with it.

Gabe hasn't written a line of code in decades, he's just a lazy, fat old man.

>Working with an old ass broken engine
Use unreal even respawn jumped ship

Intel dude is pretty hot

I will never not be mad

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You amateur, you haven't even achieved the apprentice level.

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Big dick energy

I don't know about that. I used to do maps in source and probably don't have the time to switch here. That's why I need them to release the kraken already.

Sorry Mr burger, "open-top, halal uncertified foot chair"

tfw gaben became a fucking chinese shill

You lose weight when you have cancer.

There is literally nothing wrong with wearing sandals you stupid insecure autists.

International 9 is literally a chink propaganda event.

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Why do people not care that their girlfriend has had other men inside them?

Do they just not think about how she's had other guys cum on and inside her?

Do they just say to themselves "why yes, my girlfriend has had other men inside her and I'm okay with that"?

he just wants that sweet chink money

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The crew put it there
It's so he knows where to stand to be centre stage

how many billions does he have. a more important question aswell is how many years he has left

Why is Jim Keller hanging out with trash like Raja and Tom?

Wiggle your toes
Pop them off and rest feet at different angles
Scratch with toenail curl
Feel the breeze

fuck that image always makes me laugh

X is meant to be at that position to get better camera angle.
Most time this X is same color as floor, so it's hard to see one.

"I'm a billionaire and don't care anymore"

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Tim is literally the goat of pc gaming development, cope

He's a billionaire, he doesn't give a fuck about what some faggot in his mother's basement thinks. He doesn't have to prove his value anymore.
I wouldn't either in his position.

He's old
He's fat
He's fucking rich
He doesn't give that much of a fuck anymore.

Tim looks like the kid no one willingly hangs out with in that photo.

He's more of an ass than a goat.

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No he’s right, I was taken aback for a second. How does language even develop in Australia? It’s like hearing differences in Mexican and Tagalog but with English words

The "X" is generally the mark where you're suppose to stand during a presentation


hes the turtleman

You take a bunch of Brits with heavy accents and dialects and put them in an island where those mingle and evolve even further.

maybe he has foot fungus

>prove his value
>what is self respect

what did he announce?

and give him something good to eat?

He has tons.
And more respect from other people.

he doesn't give a fuck

Nothing to explain, you are a flaming faggot that cares about fashion and feels the need to enforce arbitrary norms because you are an insecure pussy.

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>looks like he lost weight
Nah, he's just wearing black clothes. It's a trick fatties use.

shut up mutant feet, this is comfy as fuck, nothing like walking around in shorts and sandals like a boomer.

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only after you trick or treat

Looks like someone tried to throw a ninja star at his foot.

These things were crafted by satan and feel like walking on Lego.

Why do you know fatty secrets fatty?

I used to be fat but then started running and lost 25kg in a few months.